单词 | 暂停 |
释义 | 〔break〕A solo jazz cadenza played during the pause between the regular phrases or choruses of a melody.独奏华彩段:在正常的乐句间或乐曲的合唱部分间的暂停时刻表演的爵士乐独奏华彩段〔suspensive〕Serving or tending to suspend or temporarily stop something.暂停的:用于或易于暂停或暂时中止某事的〔phrase〕To pace or mark off (something read aloud or spoken) by pauses.将文章断句:用暂停来为(朗读或讲的东西)定节奏或划出分隔〔moratorium〕A suspension of an ongoing or planned activity:活动中止:持续的或计划好的活动的暂停:〔diapause〕Greek diapausis [pause] 希腊语 diapausis [暂停] 〔Rugby〕A form of football in which players on two competing teams may kick, dribble, or run with the ball and in which forward passing, substitution of players, and time-outs are not permitted.英式橄榄球:一种橄榄球的形式,由两队踢,也可运球,带球跑,不允许向前传球、替换队员或暂停〔knock〕To take a break or rest from; stop:暂停或休息;停止:〔monorail〕A single rail serving as a track for wheeled vehicles traveling on it or suspended from it.单轨:使带轮交通工具在上面行进或暂停的单一轨道〔closedown〕A suspension or termination of operations:关店,歇业:暂停或终止经营:〔interrupt〕A signal to a computer that stops the execution of a running program so that another action can be performed.暂停:对计算机发出的中断当前运行程序而执行另一程序的信号〔Lurex〕"The videos range from loud, lurex pop nonsense . . . through acid house psychedelia"(Time Out)“这些录相有喧闹、华丽的荒诞流行音乐,也有刺激感官的室内迷幻品”(暂停)〔soak〕The speaker paused to let her words soak in.讲话者暂停了一下,以便她的话被人们理解〔lethargy〕 Torpor andtorpidity suggest the suspension of activity characteristic of an animal in hibernation; they imply lethargy or inertia: Torpor 和torpidity 都表示处于冬眠状态的动物的活力特征的暂停; 他们都含有无精打采或迟钝的意思: 〔pesade〕from posare [to pause] 源自 posare [暂停] 〔phrase〕A word or group of words read or spoken as a unit and separated by pauses or other junctures.片语:作为读和说的词或词组的单位,并通过暂停或其他连音隔开〔um〕Used to express doubt or uncertainty or to fill a pause when hesitating in speaking.用来表示怀疑或不确定或说话犹豫时插入一个暂停〔play〕After a time-out, play resumed. The golf tournament featured expert play.暂停之后,比赛继续进行高尔夫球比赛以专业选手比赛为特色〔recess〕To suspend for a recess:宣布…休会:暂停以休息:〔caesura〕In Latin and Greek prosody, a break in a line caused by the ending of a word within a foot, especially when this coincides with a sense division.暂停:在拉丁或希腊韵律学中,表示在一个音步中由于单词的收尾而引起的行间停顿,尤其是当这一中断与意义的划分相一致的时候〔diapause〕A period during which growth or development is suspended and physiological activity is diminished, as in certain insects in response to adverse environmental conditions.休眠:指某些昆虫在应付不利环境条件时,暂停生长或演变,减少生理活动的时期〔lift〕The rain lifted by morning.到清晨大雨暂停〔park〕pulled over and parked next to the curb.把车暂停在路旁〔moratorium〕a moratorium on the deployment of a new weapon.暂停一种新型武器的部署〔surcease〕To bring or come to an end; stop.使停止:(使)终止;(使)暂停〔intermit〕To suspend or cause to suspend activity temporarily or periodically.暂停:暂时地或阶段性地推迟或使活动推迟〔rhetorical〕a speech punctuated by rhetorical pauses.以具有说服力的暂停来停顿的讲演〔letup〕A temporary stop; a pause.停顿:暂时的停顿;暂停〔break〕A pause or an interval, as from work:暂停,休息:工作时的间歇:〔halt〕A suspension of movement or progress, especially a temporary one.停止:运动或前进的停止,尤其指暂停〔breathless〕Causing or capable of causing the suspension of regular breathing; tense or exciting:透不过气的:使或能使正常呼暂停的;紧张的或扣人心弦的:〔stop〕To cause to halt, cease, or desist:使停止不动:使…停止、暂停或结束:〔pull〕To bring a vehicle to a stop at a curb or at the side of a road:暂停在路边:将车辆在路边停住:〔pause〕To cease or suspend an action temporarily.暂停,中止:暂时性的停止或终止某一行动 |
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