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单词 普遍地
释义 〔universal〕A general or widely held principle, concept, or notion.一般性:普遍地或广泛地保持的原则、概念或意图〔standard〕Commonly used or supplied:普遍的,一般的:普遍地使用或提供的:〔prude〕Being a prude has never been widely considered a good thing,but if we dig further into the history of the wordprude, we will find that it had a noble past.The change for the worse took place in French.Frenchprude first had a good sense, "wise woman,” but apparentlya woman could be too wise or, in the eyes of some,too observant of decorum and propriety,and soprude took on the sense in French that was brought into English along with the word, first recorded in 1704.The French word first meant "wise woman"becauseprude was a shortened form of prude femme (earlier in Old Frenchprode femme ), a word that was modeled on earlierpreudomme, "a man of experience and integrity.” The second part of this word is, of course,homme, "man.” Old Frenchprod, meaning "wise, prudent,” is from Vulgar Latin prōdis with the same sense. Prōdis in turn comes from Late Latin prōde, "advantageous,” derived from the verbprodesse, "to be good.” We can see that the history ofprude is filled with usefulness, profit, wisdom, and integrity, but in spite of all this,things did not turn out that well.人们从来没有普遍地认为做一个拘守礼仪的人是一件好事,但是如果我们深挖prude 这个词的历史, 我们会发现这个词有一个体面的过去。这个词变成贬义是在法语中发生的。法语词prude 开始时是褒义的,意为“明智或聪明的女人,” 但是很显然,女人可能会过于聪明或者在某些人的眼里,对仪表和行为的得体过分注重,这样法语词prude 就有了这个和词一起被引入英语的意思, 并最早记载于1704年。这个法语词开始时的意思之所以是“聪明的女人”,因为prude 是 prudefemme 的缩写形式 (更早的时候在古法语中为prodefemme ), 这个词模仿更早的一个词preudomme “一个富有经验而又正直的男人”而来。 这个词的第二部分当然是意为“男人”的homme。 意思是“聪明,谨慎”的古法语prod 由一个相同意思的俗拉丁词 prodis 而来。 Prodis 从后期拉丁语 prode 演变而来,意为“有利的”, 该词又从意思为“从善”的动词prudesse 衍生而来。 我们现在明白prude 的历史充满了有利、利益、智慧或忠诚的意思, 但尽管如此,事情并没有变得那么好〔epicene〕from Greek epikoinos [in common] 源自 希腊语 epikoinos [普遍地] 〔vernacular〕Native to or commonly spoken by the members of a particular country or region.本国的;本地的,乡土的:属于或被某一具体的国家或地区的成员普遍地说的〔generally〕Popularly; widely:广泛地;普遍地〔mostly〕Generally; usually.普遍地;通常地〔part〕To the greater extent; generally or mostly.多半,通常:很大程度地;普遍地或大部分地〔burgeon〕Burgeon has gained greater acceptance in recent years in its use to mean not just "to put forth buds" but more generally "to grow and flourish.” In 1969 only 49 percent of the Usage Panel accepted the phrasethe burgeoning population of Queens ; in our most recent survey 74 percent accepted the same phrase.However, it should be noted that in this useburgeon is more acceptable when it takes the form of the present participle. Only 29 percent of the current Panel accepts the sentence News programs are less expensive to produce than entertainment series, and the public's appetite for them has burgeoned. Burgeon 一词近年来有了更广泛地使用,它不仅用来表示“生长发芽”更普遍地用作“生长并繁茂”。 1969年只有百分之四十九的用法专题使用小组成员承认短语the burgeoning population of Queens(女王时代的人口膨胀) ; 在最近的调查中对同一短语有百分之七十四的人接受。然而,值得注意的是,当burgean 一词在以现在分词形式被使用时,其更能被接受。 仅有百分之二十九的现有小组成员接受如下句子 新闻节目的制造要比一系列的娱乐活动经济实惠,并且公众对此的口味也已急速发展起来 〔passim〕Throughout or frequently; here and there. Used in textual annotation to indicate that something, such as a word or passage, occurs frequently in the work cited.各种;到处:普遍地或经常地;用于正文的注释,表示一些事物,如一个单词或段落在所提到的书中经常出现〔large〕As a whole; in general:全体;普遍地〔Jewess〕Like the feminine forms of other ethnic terms, such asNegress, the wordJewess has come to be widely regarded as offensive, since it seems to imply that the conjunction of Jewishness and female sex is sufficient to establish a distinct racial or social category.Where reference to gender is relevant,the phraseJewish woman can be used: 象其它种族名词的阴性形式一样,如Negess , 单词Jewess 已被普遍地当作一种无礼的用法, 因为它看来似乎是犹太人和女性的结合就足以形成一个独特的种族和社会类别。为了表达与性别相关时,词组Jewish woman 可以这样用: 〔junk〕The wordjunk is an example of the change in meaning known as generalization, and very aptly too, since the amount of junk in the world seems to be generalizing and proliferating rapidly. The Middle English wordjonk, ancestor of junk, originally had a very specific meaning restricted to nautical terminology.First recorded in 1353,the word meant "an old cable or rope.”On a sailing ship it made little sense to throw away useful materialsince considerable time might pass before one could get new supplies.Old cable was used in a variety of ways,for example, to make fenders,that is, material hung over the side of the ship to protect it from scraping other ships or wharves.Junk came to refer to this old cable as well. The big leap in meaning taken by the word seems to have occurred whenjunk was applied to discarded but useful material in general. This extension may also have taken place in a nautical context,for the earliest, more generalized use ofjunk is found in the compound junk shop, referring to a store where old materials from ships were sold.Junk has gone on to mean useless waste as well. Junk 一词是被称为词义扩大化的例子;由于世界上垃圾的数量正在迅速扩散和激增,该词词义的扩大也是很适宜的。 junk 一词源自古英语单词 jonk , 其最初的意思只限于航海术语当中。1353年首次记载下来时,该词义为“旧缆绳或旧绳子”。在帆船上,扔掉有用的东西是不明智的,因为也许要过去好长一段时间才有可能得到新的供应品。旧缆绳可用在很多不同的方面,例如用来做防撞物,即悬在船舷上保护船舷不受其它船只或码头刮擦的材料。Junk 同样也用来指旧缆绳。 当junk 普遍地被用来指丢弃了的然而有用的材料时,该词的词义发生了巨大的变化。 该词的词义延伸也可能已经出现在与航海有关的背景中,因为junk 一词最早的、更为概括性的使用是在 junk shop 这一复合词中发现的。 该词指出售船上旧材料的商店。Junk 仍继续用来指没用的废旧物品




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