单词 | 早期 |
释义 | 〔tennis〕Surprisingly, the origin of the wordtennis is not precisely known, even though much is known about the history of this sport. The word in the formtenetz is first recorded in a work written around 1400. The game referred to is what is now calledcourt tennis, or real tennis, which is played on a large indoor court with a specially marked-out floorand high cement walls off which the ball may be played.It seems likely that the Middle English formtenetz is from tenetz, an Anglo-Norman variant of the Old French word tenez, the imperative oftenir, "to hold,” and meaning "receive,” said by the server to his opponent.As this evidence indicates, tennis originated in medieval France,but the French called the game, then as now,la paume. Bytennis we do not mean what tenetz or la paume meant but rather lawn tennis, a term first recorded around 1874, shortly after an early form of lawn tennis, descended from court tennis, was introduced. Unlike court tennis, which is traditionally associated with the rich and the royal, tennis is open to players from a wide spectrum of society,although it certainly is not unconnected with the rich and the royal.令人惊讶的是,尽管人们对这项运动的历史知之甚多,但tennis 一词的起源却不被人所详细了解。 在约1400年,此词以tenetz 的形式第一次出现在书面上。 其所指的运动就是现在所谓的court tennis 或 real tennis , 这是一种在有标记的地板的室内场地上进行的运动,场地四周有很高的泥灰墙。而中古英语的tenetz 有可能是从 tenetz 这个古法语中的盎格鲁-诺曼变体 tenez 得来的。 而该古法语词又是tenir 一词的祈使式, 意为“抓住,握住”,而发球人对其对手说时意义为“接住”。这一例子似乎说明网球运动起源于中世纪的法国,但是在法语中,这项运动从古至今一直被称为la paume 。 我们用tennis 这一词其实指代的不是 tenetz 或者 la paume 指代的事物,而是 lawn tennis 这一在1874年前后第一次被记录的词语所指代的事物,此时由庭院网球演变而来的草地网球的一种早期形式正在被介绍开来。 不象传统上与富人和贵族联系紧密的庭院网球,网球运动适合社会各阶层的人,当然这并不是说这一运动就与富人和贵族没有联系〔Mafia〕A secret terrorist organization in Sicily, operating since the early 19th century in opposition to legal authority:黑手党:意大利西西里的一个秘密恐怖组织,起源于19世纪早期对合法当局的反抗:〔Iona〕An island of western Scotland in the southern Inner Hebrides. An early center of Celtic Christianity, the island is a popular tourist site.爱奥那:苏格兰西部位于内赫布里底群岛的一个岛。凯尔特基督教文明的一个早期中心,现在是一个游人甚多的景点〔organum〕Any of several types of vocal polyphonic music, in two, three, or four parts, of the 9th to the early 13th century.风琴持续音部:指9世纪到13世纪早期的几种复合声乐中的一种,通学分为二部分、三部分或四部分〔box〕The legislature was boxed in by its earlier decisions.立法机关受它的早期决议限制〔period〕Picasso's early career is divided into his blue period and rose period.毕加索的早期生涯被分为忧郁期和得意时期〔Split〕A city of western Yugoslavia on the Dalmatian coast of the Adriatic Sea. Founded as a Roman colony, it later grew around a palace built by Diocletian in the early fourth centurya.d. Population, 193,600. 斯普里特:南斯拉夫西部城市,位于爱琴海的德莫森海岸。罗马殖民者建立,后在公元后 4世纪早期戴克里先(罗马皇帝)在其周围建成宫殿。人口193,600 〔barrelhouse〕A disreputable old-time saloon or bawdyhouse.低级酒馆,妓院:早期低级的沙龙或妓院〔contrast〕In contrast with (or less frequently, to ) his early works, the later plays are brittle and highly theatrical. 与其早期的作品相比(或不经常用的 to ) ,其晚期的戏剧敏感且极富戏剧性。 〔anyone〕The one-word formanyone is used to mean "any person.” The two-word formany one is used to mean "whatever one (person or thing) of a group.” Anyone may join means that admission is open to everybody. Any one may join means that admission is open to one person only. When followed byof, only any one can be used: Any one (not anyone ) of the boys could carry it by himself. · Anyone is often used in place of everyone in sentences like She is the most thrifty person of anyone I know. In an earlier survey 64 percent of the Usage Panel found this sentence unacceptable in writing. ·Anyone and anybody are singular terms and always take a singular verb. See Usage Note at he 1单个词的形式anyone 用来表示“任何一人”。 两个词的形式any one 是指“一组里的任何一个(人或物)”。 Anyone may join 是指每个人都可进入。 Any one may join 意思是只有一个人可以进入。 当后面接of 时,只能用 any one : Any one (不用 anyone ) of the boys could carry it by himself(任何一个孩子都可以提得动它) 。 Anyone 在有些句子里常取代 everyone ,如: 她是我认识的人中最节俭的 。 在早期的一次调查中,用法使用小组64%的成员认为该句子在书面语中不能接受。Anyone 和 anybody 是单数形式的名词,总搭配单数动词。 参见 he1〔gutbucket〕An early type of jazz characterized by a strong beat and rollicking delivery, similar to barrelhouse.低级爵士乐:一种早期的爵士乐,节奏强劲,表演喧闹,与低级酒店爵士乐类似〔Java〕An island of Indonesia separated from Borneo by theJava Sea, an arm of the western Pacific Ocean. Center of an early Hindu-Javanese civilization, Java was converted to Islam before the arrival of the Europeans (mainly the Dutch) in the late 16th century. 爪哇:印度尼西亚的一个岛屿,被大西洋西部的爪哇海 从婆罗洲分开。它是早期印度-爪哇文化的中心,后来改信伊斯兰教,直到16世纪晚期欧洲人(主要是荷兰人)到来 〔Delta〕An area of the south-central United States extending on either side of the Mississippi River from Memphis, Tennessee, to Vicksburg, Mississippi. An important cotton-producing region, it is noted for its folk culture, especially as the home of the earliest blues music.密西西比三角洲:在密西西比河两岸延伸的美国中南部地区,从田纳西州的孟菲斯至密西西比州的维克斯堡。密西西比三角洲是重要的产棉区并以其民间文化闻名,尤指它是早期蓝调音乐的发源地〔Acheulian〕Of or relating to a stage of tool culture of the European Lower Paleolithic Age between the second and third interglacial periods, characterized by symmetrical stone hand axes.阿舍利文化的:阿舍利文化的,指有关欧洲旧石器时代早期, 第二次和第三次冰川期之间的工具文化,以对称的石手斧为特征〔hoyden〕From earlier hoyden [a rude youth] 源自较早期 hoyden [粗鲁的年轻人] 〔Owen〕British anatomist and paleontologist who was superintendent of the natural history department at the British Museum (1856-1884) and an early opponent of Darwin's theories of evolution.欧文,理查德:(1804-1892) 英国解剖学家和古生物学家,他是大英博物馆(1856-1884年)自然历史部的负责人,也是早期的达尔文的进化论的反对者〔inchoate〕In an initial or early stage; incipient.初始或早期的;开始的〔archaic〕Of, relating to, or characteristic of words and language that were once common but are now used chiefly to suggest an earlier style or period.古体的,已不通用的:曾经通用而现在不再使用主要指早期风格或时代的单词或语言的,与之有关的或具有其特征的〔agnostic〕An agnostic does not deny the existence of God and heaven, for example,but rather holds that one cannot know for certain if they exist or not.The termagnostic was fittingly coined by the 19th-century British scientist Thomas H. Huxley, who believed that only material phenomena were objects of exact knowledge.He made up the word from the prefixa-, meaning "without, not,” as in amoral, and the noun Gnostic. Gnostic is related to the Greek word gnōsis, "knowledge,” which was used by early Christian writers to mean "higher, esoteric knowledge of spiritual things";hence,Gnostic referred to those with such knowledge. In coining the termagnostic, Huxley was considering as "Gnostics" a group of his fellow intellectuals—"ists,” as he called them—who had eagerly embraced various doctrines or theories that explained the world to their satisfaction. Because he was a "man without a rag of a label to cover himself with,”Huxley coined the termagnostic for himself, its first published use being in 1870. 举例来说,不可知论者并不否认上帝和天堂的存在,但却认为无法确切知道他们的存在与否。术语agnostic 这个词是由19世纪的英国科学家托马斯·H·赫胥黎巧妙地创造出来的, 他认为只有物质现象才是确切意识的对象。他用意为“没有,无”的前缀a-, 如在 amoral 中和名词 Gnostic造词。 Gnostic与希腊词 gnosis 有关,指“意识”, 曾被早期的基督教作家用来表达“关于精神玄奥的、神秘的意识”。因此agnostic 就指那些有这类意识的人。 在创造agnostic 这个词时,赫胥黎把他的同伴知识分子──“学家”,认为是“可知论者”,就象他这样称呼他们一样── 他们急切地吸收各种信条或理论来随意地解释世界。因为赫胥黎“是个没有任何标签来掩饰自己的人”,他为自己创造了agnostic 这个词,1870年这个词首次用于出版物中 〔yellowhammer〕By folk etymology from earlier yelambre 源自 较早期 yelambre的民间词源 〔cladding〕Earlier [clothing] 较早期 [覆盖物] 〔clavichord〕An early keyboard instrument with a soft sound produced by small brass wedges striking horizontal strings.古钢琴:早期的键盘乐器,用小铜楔击打水平的弦发出柔和的声音〔early〕Of or belonging to an initial stage of development:初级阶段:处于发展阶段的早期部分:〔Albany〕The capital (since 1797) of New York, in the eastern part of the state on the west bank of the Hudson River at the head of deep-water navigation. The early 17th-century Dutch settlement Fort Orange was renamed Albany when the English took control in 1664. Population, 101,082.奥尔巴尼:美国纽约州首府(自1797年以来),位于纽约州东部哈得孙河西岸,是哈得孙深水航道的起点。1664年英国人控制了17世纪早期建立的荷兰定居地奥兰治要塞,并将其改名为奥尔巴尼。人口101,082〔virgate〕An early English measure of land area of varying value, often equal to about 30 acres (12 hectares).威尔格:英格兰早期对不同价值的土地面积的丈量法,常相当于30亩(12公倾)〔Annaba〕A city of northeast Algeria on the Mediterranean Sea near the Tunisian border. Founded by the Carthaginians, it was an early center of Christianity. Population, 222,607.安纳巴:阿尔及利亚东北部一城市,位于地中海沿岸靠近突尼斯边界。由迦太基人建立,是早期的基督教中心。人口222,607〔Pontiac〕A city of southeast Michigan northwest of Detroit. Its carriage-making industry of the 1880's was replaced by automobile manufacturing in the early 20th century. Population, 71,166.庞蒂亚克:美国密歇根州东南一城市,位于底特律西北。它在19世纪80年代的马车制造业被20世纪早期的汽车制造业所取代。人口71,166〔bad〕The adverbbadly is often used as the complement of verbs such as feel, as inI felt badly about the whole affair, where the choice ofbadly as opposed to bad may convey an implication that the distress is emotional, rather than physical.Although the origin of this usage is a matter of dispute,the usage is now widespread and is supported by analogy to the use of other adverbs withfeel (as inWe feel strongly about this issue ). In an earlier survey,a majority of the Usage Panel accepted this use ofbadly in speech, thoughbad is less likely to occasion objections. · Badly is also used in some regions to mean "unwell,” as inHe was looking badly after the accident (comparepoorly, which is also used in this way). In an earlier survey, however, the usage was found unacceptable in formal writing by 75 percent of the Usage Panel.副词badly 常用作动词的补充,如 feel, 在句子我对整个事件感觉很糟 中, 选择badly 作为与 bad 的对立, 可能传达暗示这一压制的感觉是感情上的而不是身体上的。尽管对这一用法的起源有过争议,但现在已很普遍并被其他带动词feel 的类比词所支持, (如我们对这观点的感受很强烈 )。 在早期调查中,用法小组大多数接受在口语中使用badly , 尽管bad 相对不会引起异议。 Badly 也被有些地区用来表示“不好”,如在他在事故后看上去很糟 (和poorly 比较,也是同样用法)。 但在早期讨论中,75的用法专门小组成员不接受在正式书面语中使用这种形式〔logrolling〕[From the early American practice of neighbors gathering to help clear land by rolling off and burning felled timber] [源于早期的美国定居者邻居之间聚集起来把伐倒的树木滚走并烧掉以清整土地] 〔gopher〕Probably short for earlier megopher [gopher tortoise] 可能为较早期 megopher的变体 [穴居龟] 〔childhood〕The early stage in the existence or development of something:早期:某事物存在或发展的初级阶段:〔allosaur〕Any of various carnivorous dinosaurs of the late Jurassic and early Cretaceous Periods, similar to but smaller than the tyrannosaur.跃龙,异龙:侏罗纪晚期和白垩纪早期任一种食肉恐龙,形似霸王龙但体型较小〔homunculus〕A miniature, fully formed individual believed by adherents of the early biological theory of preformation to be present in the sperm cell.雏型人:一个微型的,充分成形的个体,早期生物理论预说的拥护者认为它存在于精子细胞中〔touchhole〕The opening in early firearms and cannons through which the powder was ignited.火门:早期火器和大炮中的开口,由此将火药点燃〔velocipede〕An early bicycle propelled by pushing the feet along the ground while straddling the vehicle.脚蹬车:一种骑车时用双脚踩踏推动车前进的早期自行车〔Adena〕An early Native American culture centered in the Ohio River valley from about the tenth centuryb.c. to about the second century a.d. , noted for its circular earthworks, elaborate burial mounds, and highly developed artistic style. 阿登那文化:从约公元前 10世纪至约 公元 2世纪,以俄亥俄河谷为中心的早期美国印第安人文化,以环形土垒、复杂的墓丘以及高度发展的艺术风格而闻名于世 〔Curitiba〕A city of southeast Brazil southwest of São Paulo. It was founded in 1654 but did not grow rapidly until the late l9th and early 20th centuries when German, Italian, and Slavic immigrants began to develop the surrounding area. Population, 1,024,975.古里提巴:巴西东南部的一个城市,位于圣保罗西南部。该城建于1654年,但直至19世纪晚期和20世纪早期才开始快速发展,当时德国、意大利和斯拉夫的移民们开始开发了周围地区。人口1,024,975〔mobcap〕A large, high, frilly cap with a full crown, worn indoors by women in the 18th and early 19th centuries.室内女帽:一种大而高的花边帽,有冠状帽顶,18世纪和19世纪早期妇女在室内所戴〔lag〕From earlier lag [last person] 源自较早期 lag [最后一个人] 〔Pennsylvania〕A state of the eastern United States. It was admitted as one of the original Thirteen Colonies in 1787. First explored in the early 1600's, the region was settled by Swedes in 1634 and granted by royal charter to William Penn in 1681. The Mason-Dixon Line (surveyed in 1763-1767) established the colony's southern boundary and was extended westward in 1784. Pennsylvania played a crucial role in the American Revolution and in the formation of the new republic. Harrisburg is the capital and Philadelphia the largest city. Population, 11,924,710.宾夕法尼亚州:美国东部的一个州,1787年成为东部十三州殖民地之一,16世纪早期首次被探险,瑞典人于1634年在此定居并于1681年经皇家宪章批准归属彭·威廉。梅森-狄克森线(1763-1767年间勘定)为这一殖民地建立了南界,并于1784年向西扩延。宾夕法尼亚州在美国独立战争及新共和国成立中起重要作用,首府为哈里斯堡,最大城市是费城。人口11,924,710 |
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