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单词 早些时候
释义 〔past〕Having existed or occurred in an earlier time; bygone:往昔的:在早些时候存在或出现的;以往的:〔affinity〕In general usageaffinity should not be used as a simple synonym for liking. In an earlier survey, a majority of the Usage Panel rejected the example 在惯用法上affinity 不能简单地作为 liking 的同义词。 在早些时候的调查中,大多数用法使用小组的成员反对下面的例子: 〔before〕Earlier in time:在此之前:早些时候〔carryover〕Something that is transferred or extended from an earlier time or another place:遗留物:从早些时候或别的地方留传或沿袭下来的东西:〔naughty〕Words have changes in their fortunes over time just as people and institutions do.The wordnaughty at one time might have been high on one's list as an all-purpose word similar to bad or nice. During the 16th centuryone could usenaughty to mean "unhealthy, unpleasant, bad (with respect to weather), vicious (of an animal), inferior, or bad in quality" (one could say "very naughtie figes" or "naughty corrupt water"). All of these senses have disappeared, however,andnaughty is now used mainly in contexts involving mischief or indecency. This recalls its early days in Middle English (with the formnoughti ), when the word was restricted to the senses "evil, hostile, ineffectual, and needy.”Middle Englishnoughti, first recorded in works written in the last quarter of the 14th century, was derived fromnought, which as a noun had senses such as "evil,”as a pronoun meant "nothing,”and as an adjective could mean such things as "immoral, weak, useless.”Nought was descended from Old English nāwiht, with similar senses,a compound made up ofnā, "no,” and wiht, "thing, being.” Thusnaughty, in a sense, has risen from nothing,but its fortunes have been better than they are at present.正像人们和制度那样,词随着时间改变了意思。单词naughty 曾一度作为类似于 bad 或 nice 这种通用词语而列于某人的词汇表中。 在16世纪,人们可以用naughty 来指“不健康的,不舒服的,坏的(和天气相关的),邪恶的(动物),较劣的,或质量坏的”(人们可以说“非常坏的人” 或“不健康的被污染的水”)。 然而所有的这些词义都消失了,现在naughty 主要用于关系到顽皮或不妥的上下文中。 这使人回想起它在中世纪英语的早些时候形式为naughti , 当这个词被限定为用作“邪恶的,敌意的,无用的,和贫穷的”意思。中世纪英语的noughti 最先记录于写于14世纪后二十五年的著作中, 是由nought 派生而来的, 作为名词用有“邪恶”的意思,作为代词用是“没有”的意思,和作为形容词为“不道德的,虚弱的,无用的”。Nought 是从古英语 nawiht 中传下来的, 并且有相似的意思,由na “没有”和 wiht “事情,事物”组成的合成词。 这样naughty 从某种意义上来说, 从没有中生出,但是其意思却比现在的这些意思好得多〔buccaneer〕The Errol Flynn-like figure of the buccaneer pillaging the Spanish Main may seem less dashing if we realize that the termbuccaneer corresponds to the word barbecuer. The first recorded use of the French wordboucanier, which was borrowed into English, referred to a person on the islands of Hispaniola and Tortuga who hunted wild oxen and boars and smoked the meat in a barbecue frame known in French as aboucan. This French word came from an Arawakan or Tupinamba word meaning "a rack, sometimes used for roasting or for storing things, or a racklike platform supporting an Indian house.”The original barbecuers seem to have subsequently adapted a more remunerative way of life, piracy,which accounts for the new meaning given to the word.Buccaneer is recorded first in 1661 in its earlier sense in English; the sense we are familiar with is recorded in 1690.如果我们认识到buccaneer 一词与 barbecuer 一词词意相当,那么象艾洛尔·弗里恩这样掠夺西班牙船只的海盗也许看起来不算是勇敢了。 法语词boucanier 借用到英语中最早记录下来的意义, 是指生活在伊斯帕尼奥拉岛和托丢伽岛上的人,他们猎野牛和野猪,在boucan 这种烧烤架上烤肉。 这个法语词来自阿拉瓦克语或图皮南巴语,意为“一种架子,有时用来炙烤或贮藏食物,或指架状平台,用来支撑印第安人的房子”。专事炙烤的土著后来适应了海上掠夺这一更有利可图的生活方式。这就是boucan一词为什么被赋予了新的意义。Buccaneer 的早些时候的意义于1661年最早用英语记录下来, 而我们所熟悉的该词的含义是于1690年记录下来的




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