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单词 早于
释义 〔aggress〕Aggress has occasionally been unjustly maligned as an upstart back-formation, that is, as having been created by people who incorrectly thought thataggression was formed from the verb aggress. As used in the field of psychologyaggress may be a back-formation from aggression, butaggress has been in general use since the 16th century and in fact antedates aggression. Aggress 有时被错误地认为是新的逆构词, 也就是说是由那些错误地认为aggression 是从动词 aggress 变来的人创造的。 在心理学领域的用法中,aggress 可能由 aggression 逆构而成, 但是aggress 从16世纪起就已经通用,事实上早于 aggression 的使用 〔Carboniferous〕Of, belonging to, or denoting a geologic division of the Paleozoic Era following the Devonian and preceding the Permian, including the Mississippian Period and the Pennsylvanian Period and characterized, especially in the Pennsylvanian, by swamp formation and deposition of plant remains later hardened into coal.石炭纪的,石炭系的:属于或表示地质上的一个分段,即紧跟着泥盆纪而早于二叠纪的古生代,包括密西西比纪和宾夕法尼亚纪。古生代的特征,尤其在宾夕法尼亚纪的特征为,沼泽的形成以及后来变硬而成为煤的植物遗骸沉积〔predate〕To mark or designate with a date earlier than the actual one:倒填…的日期:注明或指明一个早于实际日期的日期:〔premature〕Occurring, growing, or existing before the customary, correct, or assigned time; uncommonly or unexpectedly early:早熟的:发生、生长或存在早于通常的、正确的或指定的时间的;异常或出乎意料地早:〔retroactive〕Influencing or applying to a period prior to enactment:有追溯效力的:影响或适用于早于颁布的时期的:〔ragamuffin〕Perhapsragamuffin should be seen as an example of melioration, or improvement in the sense of a word, since it can now be used rather affectionately of children who are normally far from dirty or unkempt.In any event,even its use for an unkempt child or man represents something of an improvementover one of its earliest uses.Ragamuffin was a name given to a demon in Piers Plowman, an allegorical poem of the 14th century. This name was once thought to be the source of our word,but researches at theMiddle English Dictionary have shown that the word was used as the last name of a woman, Isabella Ragamuffyn, earlier in the 14th century (1344), before the poem was composed.The word even then had the sense "ragged lout, tattered oaf,”though it was found only in names.The elementraga- is probably from the Middle English adjective raggi, "ragged,” also used of the devil in the sense "shaggy" and as a name.The element-muffin is probably from Middle Dutch moffel or muffe, "mitten.” 也许ragamuffin 这个词应该看作词义变良或改善的例子, 因为它现在可以用来充满感情地指那些按常规来说远非肮脏或不整洁的孩子。不论如何,即使它被用来指那些不整洁的孩子或大人的时候,其用法较最初也有了很大提高。Ragamuffin 是14世纪的一部寓言诗 犁者码头 中一个魔鬼的名字。 这个名字一度被认为是本词的来源,但对中世纪英语词典 的研究表明这个词曾在14世纪早期(1344年)用作一位妇女的姓,伊莎贝拉·拉格姆芬, 这早于那首诗创作之前。这个词甚至还曾有衣裳破烂的粗人、褴褛的呆子的意思,尽管此词仅见于姓名。构词成分raga- 可能源自中古英语的形容词 raggi “破烂的”, 也曾以“毛长而参差不齐”这个意思用于魔鬼和人名。构词成分-muffin 可能来自中世纪荷兰语中 moffel 或意为“连指手套”的 muffe 〔sallow〕A broad-leaved European willow(Salix caprea) having large catkins that appear before the leaves and tough wood used as a source of charcoal. 柳树:欧洲阔叶柳树(柳属 黄花柳) ,具有柔荑花序,开花早于叶子出现,硬树木,可制木炭 〔antedate〕A date given to an event or a document that is earlier than the actual date.确定提前的日期:为事件或文书确定的早于实际发生的日期〔antedate〕To date as of a time before that of actual execution:使…提前:确定早于实际执行的日期:〔backdate〕To mark or supply with a date that is earlier than the actual date:将日期追溯到过去某时:签署或提供的日期早于实际发生的日期:〔Paleocene〕Of, belonging to, or designating the geologic time, rock series, and sedimentary deposits of the first epoch of the Tertiary Period, preceding the Eocene Epoch and characterized by the appearance of placental mammals. See table at geologic time 古新代的:属于或是地质时代、岩系的段和沉积矿床第三纪的第一时代的,早于始新世时代并且以胎生哺乳动物的出现为特征 参见 geologic time〔exorcise〕An oath is to be found at the etymological heart ofexorcise, a term going back to the Greek wordexorkizein, meaning "to swear in,” "to take an oath by,” "to conjure,” and "to exorcise.” Exorkizein in turn is formed from the prefixex-, "thoroughly,” and the verb horkizein, "to make one swear, administer an oath to,” derived from horkos, "oath.” Our wordexorcise is first recorded in English in a work composed possibly before the beginning of the 15th century, and in this useexorcise means "to call up or conjure spirits" rather than "to drive out spirits,” a sense first recorded in 1546.誓言在语源学中是exorcise 的基本意思, 而这个词又可以追溯到希腊语exorkizein, 后者意味着“宣誓”、“发誓”、“恳求”和“驱赶”。 Exorkizein 依次由含有“完全地”这个意思的前缀ex- 和含有“使发誓,在誓言约束下”这个意思的动词 horkizein 构成,后者源自 horkos “誓言”。 我们现在用的exorcise 最早在英文中的记录出自一本可能早于15世纪初写的一本著作中。 在当时,exorcise 通常意味着“召回灵魂”, 而不是1546年才最早记录到的“驱赶鬼魂”这个含义〔before〕Previous to in time; earlier than.…之前:在…时间之前;早于〔orange〕Oranges imported to China from the United States reflect a journey come full circle,for the orange had worked its way westward for centuries, originating in China,then being introduced to India,and traveling on to the Middle East, into Europe,and finally to the New World.The history of the wordorange keeps step with this journey only part of the way. The word is possibly ultimately of Dravidian origin, that is, it comes from a language or languages in a large non-Indo-European family of languages,including Tamil and Telugu, that are spoken in southern India and northern Sri Lanka.The Dravidian word or words were adopted into the Indo-European language Sanskritwith the formnāraṅgaḥ. As the fruit passed westward,so did the word,as evidenced by Persiannārang and Arabic nāranj. Arabs brought the first oranges to Spain,and the fruit rapidly spread throughout Europe.The important word for the development of our term is Old Italianmelarancio, derived from mela, "fruit,” and arancio, "orange tree,” from Arabicnāranj. Old Italianmelarancio was translated into Old French as pume orenge, theo replacing the a because of the influence of the name of the town of Orange, from which oranges reached the northern part of France.The final stage of the odyssey of the word was its borrowing into English from the Old French formorenge. Our word is first recorded in Middle English in a text probably composed around 1380,a time preceding the arrival of the orange in the New World.从美国进口到中国的桔子恰恰反映出兜圈子似的行进里程,因为原产于中国的桔子几个世纪以来不断向西行进,先是被引入印度,之后传播到中东国家、欧洲,最后引进了新大陆,orange 这个词的发展历史只与桔子的发展历程在一部分时段上是有其同步性的, 它最可能是来源于达罗毗荼,也就是说,它来源于非印一欧语系中的一种或多种语言,包括用于印度南部和斯里兰卡北部的泰米尔语和泰卢固语。达罗毗荼语是以梵文形式引入印欧语系的,形式如narangch。 当这种水果向西传播时,这个单词也同样西传,从以下可得到明证,如波斯语中的narang 和阿拉伯语中的 naranj。 阿拉伯人把第一批桔子带到西班牙后,这种水果又迅速传遍整个欧洲。我们现时所用的这个词的发展期中重要的一词便是古意大利语melarancio ,源于 mela, “水果”及 arancio, “桔树”, 来源于阿拉伯语naranj。 古意大利语melarancio 翻译成古法语为 pume orenge, o 变换为 a 是因为受奥伦奇城名的影响, 桔子即由此地进入法国北部。这一单词长途跋涉的最后一站是它由古法语orenge 进入英语词汇。 我们所用的这一词汇最初载入中世纪英语是在大约1380年左右的一份文本当中,早于桔子进入新大陆的时间〔trashed〕Expressions for intoxication are among those that best showcase the creativity of slang. The boundless inventiveness in expressing the ordinary in not-so-ordinary ways led Walt Whitman to describe slang as"an attempt of common humanity to escape from bald literalism, and express itself illimitably.” Colloquial and slang expressions meaning "intoxicated" can fill several pages in slang thesauruses. Most fall into a few general groups. Common are expressions that originally meant "damaged, badly affected by something,” such as trashed, smashed, crocked, blitzed, hammered, wasted, messed up, and blasted. Cooking terms are also common, such as baked, fried, and boiled (said to have been coined at Princeton University in the 1920s). Terms relating to liquids or being filled are a natural source of metaphors for filling oneself up with drink or drugs: sloshed, oiled, tanked, and loaded are but a few. Some terms are not easily classified or have origins that are not fully clear, such as tight (first appearing in the 1830s), plastered (first appearing around 1912), blotto (perhaps from blot, first appearing in 1917), and stoned (apparently taken from such expressions as stone-drunk, stone-cold, and first appearing as stone in 1945). Most current terms for "intoxicated" are not very old, as one expects of slang terms generally; of those in the lists above, blotto, crocked, fried, loaded, plastered, tanked, tight, and oiled are recorded in the first half of the 20th century, and of these only tight and oiled are known to have existed before then. 表示喝醉的词语充分体现了俚语的创造性。用非同寻常的方式创造极为寻常的俚语,其间蕴藏了无限创造空间,华尔特·惠特曼将俚语描述为“让平常心从文字束缚中逃离,并随性表达出来” 。表示“喝醉的,酒醉的”的口语以及俚语的表达方式,可以填满俚语同义词的数页空间。大多数俚语可归入几个分类。许多常见俚语的原意为“被破坏的,受某物负面影响”,如 trashed、smashed、crocked、blitzed、hammered、wasted、messed up 以及 blasted 。烹饪词汇也很普遍,如 baked、fried 和 boiled (据说由普林斯顿大学于20世纪20年代创造)。与液体或注入有关的词语是隐喻表示过多饮酒或吸毒而形成的自然来源: sloshed、oiled、tanked 和 loaded 只是其中少数例子。有些词语不易界定其类别或其原意较不清楚,如 tight (首次出现于19世纪30年代)、 plastered (首次出现于1912年)、 blotto (可能源自 blot ,首次出现于1917年)以及 stoned (显然来自词语 stone-drunk和stone-cold ,并于1945年首次以 stone 的形式出现)。正如大家对俚语的普遍看法,大多数表示“喝醉的,酒醉的”的现行词语都较新;在如上所列词汇中, blotto、crocked、fried、loaded、plastered、tanked、tight 和 oiled 首次见载于19世纪中叶,只有 tight 和 oiled 是所知早于那个时期




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