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单词 无耻
释义 〔reprobate〕Morally unprincipled; shameless.堕落的:不讲道德的;无耻〔graft〕Money or an advantage gained or yielded by unscrupulous means.赃款;赃物:用无耻手段获得或产生的钱财或好处〔jackal〕An accomplice or a lackey who aids in the commission of base or disreputable acts.同谋,同伙:共犯或帮凶,其帮助实施无耻或下流的行为〔blatant〕 Certain contexts may admit either word depending on what is meant:a violation of international law might be eitherblatant or flagrant. But writers who refer tothe blatant torturing of animals or the flagrant liberal bias of the media have implied something other than what they presumably intended. In the first case, the writer is probably more troubled by the enormity of the mistreatment of animals than by the failure to conceal it,so thatflagrant would have been the better choice. In the second case, by contrast, the writer probably wants to draw attention to a moral failing in the media's unapologetic refusal to hide its bias,rather than to the iniquity of the bias itself,an implication that would have been conveyed more successfully byblatant. Blatant should not be used to mean simply "obvious,”as inthe blatant danger of such an approach. 某些语境下两个词都可以用,但意思不同:对国际法律的违反既可能是blatant(公然的) 也可能是 flagrant(无耻的)。 但是提到the blatant torturing of animals(肆无忌惮地虐待动物) 或者 the flagrant liberal bias of the media(媒体公然的、不严谨的偏见) 的作者已经暗示了他们本来意图以外的意思。 在第一种情况下,作者可能对大量虐待动物的行为所困扰而不是为隐藏这种行为的失败而困扰,因此flagrant 应该是更好的选择。 相反地,在第二种情况下,作者可能是要着重指出新闻媒介对其偏见一概否认的这种道德上弱点,而不是针对偏见本身的不公正性,这种含义若由blatant来表达的话会更加正确。 Blatant 不应仅仅表示“明显的”,就象在the blatant danger of such an approach(这种方法明显的危险性)中。 〔gutter〕Befitting the lowest class of human life; vulgar, sordid, or unprincipled:最低阶层的,下流的:属于最低级的人类生活的;粗俗的、肮脏的或无耻的:〔shyster〕An unethical, unscrupulous practitioner, especially of law.不择手段的律师:一个没有道德,无耻的从业者,尤指法律方面的〔blatant〕a blatant appeal to vanity;无耻的虚荣心的要求;〔temerity〕 Effrontery andnerve denote impudent, arrogant, or shameless boldness: Effrontery 和nerve 表示不谨慎的、狂妄自大的或无耻的大胆: 〔graft〕Unscrupulous use of one's position to derive profit or advantages; extortion.贪污,受贿:无耻地利用职位来取得利益或好处;勒索,敲诈〔trade〕To put to calculated and often unscrupulous advantage; exploit:利用:获得精心策划且通常无耻的利益;利用:〔temerity〕He had the effrontery to suggest that she enjoyed being unhappy.他无耻地大胆暗示,她喜欢不幸。〔infamous〕Causing or deserving infamy; heinous:无耻的:招致臭名的或使其声名狼籍的;不名誉的:〔shameless〕Feeling no shame; impervious to disgrace.无耻的:无羞耻感的;对耻辱无动于衷的〔impostor〕"What a humbug that woman is!” (Thackeray).Amountebank is a flamboyant, unscrupulous dealer or promoter: “那个女人是怎样一个骗子啊!” (萨克雷)。mountebank 是一个傲慢的、无耻的商人或者推销商: 〔wretch〕A person regarded as base, mean, or despicable:卑鄙的人:被认为卑劣、下贱或无耻的人:〔graft〕To gain by or practice unscrupulous use of one's position.以权谋私:无耻地利用职位来获得〔grafter〕One who gains profit or advantage by unscrupulous use of position:贪污者,受贿者,渎职的公务员:通过无耻地利用职位获得利益或好处的人:〔shameless〕an impudent misrepresentation.一篇无耻的不实报导。〔grab〕To obtain or appropriate unscrupulously or forcibly:霸占,强占:无耻地夺取,武力夺取:〔shameless〕a barefaced hypocrite;无耻的伪君子;〔improbity〕Middle English improbite [shameless persistence] 中古英语 improbite [无耻的坚持] 〔flagitious〕"That remorseless government persisted in its flagitious project"(Robert Southey)“残无人道的政府继续着它无耻的计划”(罗伯特·索锡)〔chutzpah〕Utter nerve; effrontery:十足的无耻;厚脸皮:〔rook〕Customers are afraid of being rooked by unscrupulous vendors.顾客们害怕被无耻的卖主敲诈〔flagitious〕from flāgitium [shameful act, protest] 源自 flāgitium [无耻的行为,抗议] 〔bounder〕An ill-bred, unscrupulous man; a cad.粗人:没有教养、无耻的人;下流人〔stinkhorn〕Any of several foul-smelling fungi of the order Phallales, such asPhallus impudicus or P. ravenelii, having a thick, cylindrical stalk and a narrow cap. 臭角菌:任一种鬼笔目的有臭味的真菌,如无耻鬼笔菌 或 鬼笔锈菌 ,生有厚圆柱形茎和窄菌帽 〔blatant〕a blatant attempt to whitewash his country's misdeeds.Flagrant, 掩盖他所在国家的罪行的无耻企图。Flagrant 〔joker〕An insolent person who seeks to make a show of cleverness.无耻的人:极力想显示其聪明的厚颜无耻的人〔inactive〕 Supine implies abject lack of will, as that resulting from indifference: Supine 指无耻地缺乏意志,如由于漠不关心而产生:




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