单词 | 旅游胜地 |
释义 | 〔Kelowna〕A city of southern British Columbia, Canada, on Okanagan Lake east-northeast of Vancouver. It is a tourist resort and trade center for a farming and lumbering area. Population, 59,196.基洛纳:加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省南部城市,位于温哥华东北偏东的奥卡诺根湖上。是旅游胜地和农林区的贸易中心。人口59,196〔Antibes〕A city of southeast France on the Riviera between Nice and Cannes. A seaport and fashionable resort, it is the center of one of Europe's largest flower-growing regions. Population, 62,859.安提比斯:法国东南部一城市,位于尼斯和坎纳之间的里维埃拉。这里是海港和旅游胜地,又是欧洲一个最大花卉种植区的中心。人口62,859〔Portofino〕A town of northwest Italy on the coast of the Ligurian Sea east of Genoa. It is a popular tourist resort. Population, 742.波多非诺:意大利的西北部城镇,位于热那亚以东利古里亚海海滨,该市是著名的旅游胜地。人口742〔popular〕a popular resort.受欢迎的旅游胜地〔Southport〕A borough of northwest England on Liverpool Bay north of Liverpool. It is a seaside resort with varied light industries. Population, 90,000.南波特:英国西北部一自治城市,位于利物浦湾市北部的利物浦河沿岸,是一个海边旅游胜地,有多种轻工业。人口90,000〔Interlaken〕A town of west-central Switzerland southeast of Bern. It is a popular resort in the Bernese Alps. Population, 4,852.因特拉肯:瑞士中西部一城镇,位于伯尔尼东南部。是伯尔尼阿尔卑斯山里一个很受欢迎的旅游胜地。人口4,852〔Redding〕A city of northern California on the Sacramento River south of Shasta Lake. It is a resort and has lumbering and food-processing industries. Population, 41,995.莱丁:美国加利福尼亚州北部城市,临沙斯塔湖以南萨克拉门托河。是旅游胜地,有木材工业和食品加工业。人口41,995〔Brattleboro〕A town of southeast Vermont on the Connecticut River and the New Hampshire border. It was chartered in 1753 and is now a winter resort center. Population, 11,886.布莱特尔博罗:美国佛蒙特州东南部城市,位于新罕布什尔州边界康涅狄格河上,于1753年获得特许权,现在是冬日旅游胜地。人口11,886〔Carcassonne〕A city of southern France southeast of Toulouse. Its medieval stronghold is a major tourist attraction. Population, 41,153.卡尔卡松尼:法国南部一城市,位于土鲁兹东南部。其中世纪的城堡是一个主要的旅游胜地。人口41,153〔Fichtelgebirge〕A mountain range of east-central Germany near the Czechoslovakian border. The region is a popular resort area.费希特尔山:德国中东部山区,邻近捷克斯洛伐克边界。该地区是受人欢迎的旅游胜地〔Bandung〕A city of Indonesia in western Java southeast of Jakarta. Founded by the Dutch in 1810, it is an industrial and cultural center and a resort known for its cool, healthful climate. Population, 1,462,637.万隆:印度尼西亚一城市,位于雅加达东南爪哇岛的西部。1810年为荷兰人建立,是一个工业和文化中心,并因其凉爽、益于健康的气候成为旅游胜地。人口1,462,637〔Sukhumi〕A city of southern European U.S.S.R. on the Black Sea west-northwest of Tbilisi. It is a popular resort. Population, 126,000.苏呼米:苏联欧洲部分南部一城市,位于第比斯西北偏西的黑海沿岸。是著名的旅游胜地。人口126,000〔Gaeta〕A city of west-central Italy northwest of Naples on theGulf of Gaeta, an inlet of the Tyrrhenian Sea. Gaeta was a favorite resort of the ancient Romans and a prosperous duchy from the 9th to the 12th century, when it was conquered by the Normans. Population, 22,605. 加埃塔:意大利中西部那不勒斯西北的一座濒埃塔湾 的城市,在第勒尼安海海湾处。在9世纪至12世纪期间,即诺曼人统治时期,加埃塔是最受罗马人喜爱的旅游胜地。人口22,605 〔Numazu〕A city of south-central Honshu, Japan, southwest of Yokohama. It is a popular resort. Population, 210,484.沼津:日本本州中南部位于横滨西南的一座城市。该市是一个旅游胜地。人口210,484〔Scituate〕A town of eastern Massachusetts on Massachusetts Bay southeast of Boston. It is a residential community and summer resort. Population, 16,786.锡楚埃特:美国波士顿东南部一城镇,位于马萨诸塞湾东部。它是一个住宅区和夏日旅游胜地。人口16,786〔Winthrop〕A town of eastern Massachusetts, a resort and residential suburb of Boston. Population, 18,127.温恩罗普:美国马萨诸塞州东部一城镇,波士顿市的一个旅游胜地和居民郊区。人口18,127〔Newburyport〕A city of northeast Massachusetts at the mouth of the Merrimack River east-northeast of Lawrence. Settled in 1635, it was a shipbuilding and whaling port in early times and is now a resort community with varied light industries. Population, 16,317.纽伯里波特:美国马萨诸塞东北部城市,位于劳伦斯州东北偏东的梅里马克河口。1635年创建,早期是个造船业和捕鲸港口。现在是个拥有多种轻工业的旅游胜地社区。人口16,317〔Inari〕A lake of northern Finland with an outlet to the Arctic Ocean. The island-studded lake is a tourist attraction.伊纳里湖:芬兰北部湖泊,有一出口流入北冰洋。湖内散布众多岛屿,是旅游胜地〔Carmel〕[kär-mĕlʹ] or Also Car.mel-by-the-Sea [-bī-Yə-sēʹ] A city of western California onCarmel Bay at the southern end of the Monterey Peninsula. It is an artists' and writers' colony and a popular tourist spot. Population, 4,707. [kär-mĕlʹ] 或 也作 Car.mel-by-the-Sea [-bī-Yə-sēʹ] 卡梅尔:美国加利福尼亚西部一城市,临蒙特雷半岛南端的卡梅尔湾 。该市为艺术家和作家的聚居地,也是一广受欢迎的旅游胜地。人口4,707 〔Marrakesh〕A city of west-central Morocco in the foothills of the Atlas Mountains. Founded in 1062, it is a commercial center and a popular resort noted for its leatherwork. Population, 439,728.马拉喀什:摩洛哥中西部的一个城市,位于阿特拉斯山山麓。建于1062年,为商业中心和旅游胜地,因其皮革制品而出名。人口439,728〔Penzance〕A municipal borough of southwest England west-southwest of Plymouth. It is a port and summer resort and was frequently raided by pirates until the 18th century. Population, 19,521.彭冉:英格兰西南部一自治城市,位于普利茅斯西南偏西。这里是港口和夏季旅游胜地,18世纪前常被海盗掳掠。人口19,521〔Seaside〕A city of western California on Monterey Bay west-southwest of Salinas. It is a resort and commercial center for the nearby U.S. military installation Fort Ord. Population, 38,901.锡赛德:美国加利福尼亚西部的一个城市,位于萨利纳斯西南偏西的蒙特雷湾沿岸,它是一个旅游胜地,为附近美国福特奥德军事基地服务的商业中心。人口38,901〔Acapulco〕A city of southern Mexico on the Pacific Ocean. It is a popular resort with a fine natural harbor surrounded by cliffs and promontories. Population, 301,902.阿卡普尔科:濒临太平洋位于墨西哥南部的一个城市。是旅游胜地,有一悬崖和海岬围成的天然良港。人口301,902〔Tempe〕A city of south-central Arizona east of Phoenix. It is a resort and the seat of Arizona State University (established 1885). Population, 141,865.滕比:位于美国亚利桑那州中南部菲尼克斯东面的一城市,是旅游胜地和亚利桑那州大学(建于1885年)所在地。人口141,865〔Thomasville〕A city of southern Georgia south-southwest of Moultrie. It is a farm trade center and winter resort. Population, 17,457.托马斯威尔:美国乔治亚州一城市,位于莫尔特里西南偏南。是一个农贸中心和冬季旅游胜地。人口17,457〔Puebla〕A city of east-central Mexico east-southeast of Mexico City. Founded by the Spanish in 1532, it is an agricultural, commercial, and manufacturing center and a popular resort. Population, 835,759.柏布拉:墨西哥中东部一城市,位于墨西哥城东南以东。1532年由西班牙人始建,是一个农业、商业和制造业中心及旅游胜地。人口835,759〔Berchtesgaden〕A town of southeast Germany in the Bavarian Alps. It is a popular winter and summer resort. The site of Adolf Hitler's wartime villa is on a peak overlooking the town. Population, 8,126.贝希特斯加登:德国东南部一城镇,位于阿尔卑斯山脉的巴伐利亚州内。是冬夏旅游胜地。从阿道夫·希特勒在战争期间的别墅所处的山顶可俯视该城。人口8,126〔Barnstable〕A town of southeast Massachusetts on central Cape Cod. It is a resort community with many fine beaches. Population, 30,898.巴恩斯特布:美国马萨诸塞州东南的一个城镇,位于科德角的中部。有许多优良海滩,是旅游胜地。人口30,898〔Srinagar〕A city of northern India on the Jhelum River north of Amritsar. Founded in the sixth centurya.d. , it has long been a noted resort. Population, 594,775. 斯利那加:印度北部一城市,位于阿木里查北部扎勒姆河畔。建于公元前 6世纪,长期以来一直是有名的旅游胜地。人口594,775 〔Oshkosh〕A city of eastern Wisconsin on Lake Winnebago north-northwest of Fond du Lac. It grew as a lumber town in the latter half of the 19th century and today is a resort center with varied industries. Population, 55,006.奥什科什:美国威斯康星州东部城市,位于丰迪拉克西北偏北,温内贝戈湖畔。19世纪下半叶发展为一个经营木材的城镇,今天它成为一个有多种产业的旅游胜地。人口55,006〔Indio〕A city of southeast California east of Santa Ana. It is a resort and processing center in a farming region. Population, 36,793.印第欧市:美国加利福尼亚州东南部一城市,位于圣安娜市东面,它是农业区的一个旅游胜地和工业中心。人口36,793〔Boulder〕A city of north-central Colorado northwest of Denver. It is a major Rocky Mountains resort and the seat of the University of Colorado (opened 1877). Population, 83,312.博尔德:美国科罗拉多州中南部一城市,位于丹佛市西北部。是落基山脉的一个主要旅游胜地和科罗拉多大学(1877年创立)的所在地。人口83,312〔Largo〕A city of western Florida on the Gulf of Mexico northwest of St. Petersburg. It is a resort and processing center in a citrus-growing area. Population, 65,674.拉哥:美国佛罗里达州西部一城市,位于墨西哥湾沿岸、圣彼得堡西北。是旅游胜地和该地区的柑橘果树加工业中心。人口65,674〔Lido〕An island reef of northeast Italy separating the lagoon of Venice from the Adriatic Sea. The town ofLido, at the northern end of the island, is a fashionable resort. 利多:意大利东北部的一个礁岛,把威尼斯泻湖与亚得里亚海隔开。位于该岛北端的小镇利多 是受欢迎的旅游胜地 〔Dartmouth〕A town of southeast Massachusetts on Buzzards Bay southwest of New Bedford. Formerly a shipbuilding center, it is now a tourist resort. Population, 27,244.达特默思:美国马萨诸塞东南一城镇,位于巴扎德海湾沿岸、新贝德福德西南。以前是造船中心,现在是旅游胜地。人口27,244〔Salzburg〕A city of west-central Austria near the German border southwest of Linz. Originally a Celtic settlement, it was later a Roman colony and is now a major music center and tourist resort. Population, 139,426.萨尔兹堡:奥地利中西部一城市,位于林茨西南的德国边界附近。原来是凯尔特人居住地,后成为罗马殖民地,现在是一个主要的音乐中心和旅游胜地。人口139,426〔Herculaneum〕An ancient city of south-central Italy on the Bay of Naples. A popular resort during Roman times, it was completely destroyed by the eruption of Mount Vesuvius (a.d. 79). Important ruins have been unearthed since the early 1700's. 赫库兰尼姆:意大利中南部的一座古城,位于那不勒斯湾畔。罗马时代为颇受欢迎的旅游胜地,公元 79年被维苏威火山喷发完全摧毁。从18世纪早期以来,该城重要遗迹被挖掘出来 〔Trouville〕A town of northwest France on the English Channel south of Le Havre. It is a popular resort. Population, 6,008.特鲁维尔:法国西北部一城镇,位于英吉利海峡沿岸、勒阿弗尔以南。是颇受欢迎的旅游胜地。人口6,008〔Wight〕An island in the English Channel off south-central England. It is a popular resort area and yachting center. Queen Victoria often stayed at the Osborne House near Cowes.怀特岛:英吉利海峡中的一个岛,与英格兰中南海岸相望。是著名旅游胜地和帆船运动中心。维多利亚女王常下榻于考斯附近的奥斯本大院〔Marbella〕A city of southern Spain on the Mediterranean Sea southwest of Málaga. It is a noted tourist resort. Population, 39,000.马贝拉:西班牙南部一城市,位于马拉加的西南方地中海沿岸。它是一个著名的旅游胜地。人口39,000 |
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