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单词 旁遮普
释义 〔Punjabi〕A native or inhabitant of the Punjab.旁遮普人:旁遮普本地人或居民〔Sutlej〕A river, about 1,448 km (900 mi) long, flowing from southwest Xizang (Tibet) through northern India and eastern Pakistan, where it is joined by the Chenab River. It is one of the five rivers of the Punjab.苏特莱杰河:一条长约1,448公里(900英里)的河,从西藏西南经印度北部和巴基斯坦东部汇入奇纳布河。是旁遮普五条河流之一〔Punjabi〕Of or relating to the Punjab or the Punjabi language.旁遮普的:属于或有关旁遮普或其语言的〔Ravi〕A river, about 764 km (475 mi) long, of northwest India and northeast Pakistan. Rising in the Himalaya Mountains, it is one of the five rivers of the Punjab.拉维河:位于印度西北部和巴基斯坦东北部的一河流,全长大约764公里(475英里),发源地在喜马拉雅山脉,是旁遮普五大河流之一〔Punjabi〕An Indic language spoken in the Punjab.旁遮普地区使用的印度语〔Hindustan〕A historical region of India considered at various times to include only the upper Ganges River plateau or all of northern India from the Himalaya Mountains to the Deccan Plateau and from the Punjab to Assam. The term has also been applied to the entire Indian subcontinent.印度斯坦:印度历史上的区域,在不同时期有不同内涵,有时只包括恒河高原的上部或包括从喜马拉雅山脉到德干高原,及从旁遮普到阿撒姆的整个印度北部,这个词也被用来表示整个印度次大陆〔Chenab〕A river, about 1,086 km (675 mi) long, of northern India and eastern Pakistan. It is one of the five rivers of the Punjab.杰纳布河:位于印度北部及巴基斯坦东部的河流,流程约1086公里(675英里)。它是旁遮普五条河流之一〔Jhelum〕A river, about 772 km (480 mi) long, of northern India and northeast Pakistan. It is the westernmost of the five rivers of the Punjab.杰赫勒:印度北部和巴基斯坦东北部河流,长约772公里(480英里)。是旁遮普五条河流中最西边的河〔Jat〕A member of a peasant caste residing in the Punjab and other areas of northern India and Pakistan, comprising Moslem, Hindu, and Sikh groups.贾特人:居住在旁遮普平原、印度和巴基斯坦北部地区的由穆斯林、印度教和锡克教徒组成的农民阶层〔bhangra〕A popular style of music combining traditional bhangra drumming with modern Western instruments and rhythms.旁遮普音乐风:融合旁遮普鼓乐和现代西方乐器、节奏的流行音乐风格〔Punjab〕A historical region of northwest India and northern Pakistan bounded by the Indus and Jumna rivers. It was a center of the prehistoric Indus Valley civilization and after c. 1500b.c. the site of early Aryan settlements. The Moguls brought the region to cultural eminence. The Punjab was controlled by Sikhs from 1799 to 1849, when it was annexed by Great Britain. It was partitioned between India and Pakistan in 1947. 旁遮普:印度西北部和巴基斯坦北部的一个邻接印度河与朱木拿河的历史地区,它是史前印度河谷文明的中心,于公元前 1500年后成为早期亚利安人的居住地,莫卧儿人使其成为著名的文化发祥地,公元1799年到1849年间被锡克教信徒控制,当时沦为大英帝国殖民地并于1947年被印度和巴基斯坦分据 〔bhangra〕A Punjabi dance music traditionally performed during harvest festivals and weddings, characterized by the beating of a large, two-headed drum.旁遮普舞曲:传统上在庆祝收获、举行婚礼时演奏的旁遮普舞曲,特征是击打双面大鼓〔Harappa〕A locality in the Indus River valley of the Punjab in Pakistan. Archaeological finds dating back to the third millenniumb.c. include the remains of a well-laid-out city and indicate a possible link between Indian and Sumerian cultures. 哈拉帕:巴基斯坦旁遮普印度河谷的一个地方,追溯到公元前 3000年的考古发现,包括一座设计不错的城市遗址,这表明在印度和苏美尔文化之间可能有联系纽带




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