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单词 斯普林菲尔德
释义 〔Chicopee〕A city of southwest Massachusetts on the Connecticut River near Springfield. It was founded c. 1641 and set off from Springfield in 1848. Population, 56,632.奇科皮:美国马萨诸塞州西南部城市,位于斯普林菲尔德附近康涅狄格河上。始建于约1641年并于1848年从斯普林菲尔德分离出来。人口56,632〔Peoria〕A city of northwest-central Illinois on the Illinois River north of Springfield. Founded on the site of a French fort established by La Salle in 1680, it is a transportation and industrial center. Population, 113,504.皮奥里亚市:美国伊利诺斯州中部偏西北的一城市,位于斯普林菲尔德北部伊利诺斯河畔。1680年由拉萨尔在法国军事要塞的基础上建立起来,是交通枢纽和工业中心。人口113,504〔Longmeadow〕A town of southwest Massachusetts, a residential suburb of Springfield on the Connecticut River. Population, 15,467.朗梅多:美国马萨诸塞州西南一城镇,是康涅狄格河沿岸斯普林菲尔德市的居住郊区。人口15,467〔Joplin〕A city of southwest Missouri near the Kansas border west of Springfield. It was founded in 1839. Population, 40,961.乔普林:密苏里州西南部城市,位于堪萨斯州边界附近,斯普林菲尔德以西。始建于1839年。人口40,961〔finalize〕"They have jointly agreed . . . to drop all litigation when the merger is finalized"(Springfield MA Union-News)“他们一致同意…合并之后所有诉讼一并撤回”(斯普林菲尔德MA联报—新闻)〔Northampton〕A city of west-central Massachusetts on the Connecticut River north of Springfield. It is the seat of Smith College (founded 1875). Population, 29,289.北安普敦:美国马萨诸塞州中西部斯普林菲尔德北部康涅狄格河上的城市,为史密斯学院(建于1875年)所在地。人口29,289〔bodacious〕Popularized in the comic stripSnuffy Smith, bodacious is probably a blend of the words bold and audacious, whose combined senses are evident in the following description of Sevier County, Tennessee,as"the most bodacious display of tourisma this side of Anaheim" (Los Angeles Times).A more traditional meaning is "remarkable, prodigious": "a bodacious amount of smoke" (Springfield MA Morning Union); "the most bodacious tale of hidden treasure" (Lawrence E. Will). Bodacious can also be an adverbial intensifier: "She's so bowdacious unreasonable when she's raised [irritated] ” (William T. Thompson).Black speech in New York City retains this Southernism asbardacious. Joseph Wright'sEnglish Dialect Dictionary cites the form boldacious, which, as the likely source forbodacious, strengthens the theory that some archaic British expressions are preserved in the speech of the American South.因胆大包天的斯纳费·史密斯 中的连载漫画而家喻户晓。其大概是 bold 和 audacious 两词的组合, 其组合意思在以下对田纳西州的塞费尔县的描述中很明显的:“阿纳海姆的大肆渲染的观光演出” (洛杉矶时报)。一个更传统的意思是“突出的,大量的”: “滚滚浓烟” (斯普林菲尔德·MA·联合晨报); “关于隐藏的宝藏的最迷人传说” (劳伦斯·E·威尔)。 Bodacious 也可用作加强语气的副词: “她被激[怒] 时变得如此不可理喻” (威廉·T·汤普逊)。纽约市的黑人语言还保留了这一南方音bardacious。 约瑟夫·莱特编的英语方言辞典 记录了 boldacious 的形式, 它可能是boadacious 的来源, 这证实了以下的看法:一些古时的英语表达方式仍保留在美国南部方言中〔plank〕"Boards specially made for planking food have grooves . . . to hold juices"(Springfield MA Daily News)“用于烘烤食物的特制木板上有盛放汤汁的槽”(斯普林菲尔德MA每日新闻)〔Jacksonville〕A city of west-central Illinois west of Springfield. Laid out in 1825, it has varied industries. Population, 19,324.杰克逊维尔:美国伊利诺斯州中西部一城市,位于斯普林菲尔德市西部。始建于1825年,它有多种工业。人口19,324〔Agawam〕A town of southwest Massachusetts on the Connecticut River near Springfield. It was settled in 1635. Population, 27,323.阿加万:美国马萨诸塞州西南部的城镇,位于斯普林菲尔德附近的康涅狄格河沿岸。1635年有人开始定居。人口27,323〔Pittsfield〕A city of western Massachusetts northwest of Springfield near the New York border. It is a center of the Berkshire Hills resort area. Population, 48,622.匹兹菲尔德市:美国马萨诸塞州西部的一座城市,位于靠近纽约州边界的斯普林菲尔德西北部。该市是波克夏山游览区的中心。人口48,622〔Shays〕American Revolutionary soldier and insurrectionist who with a band of armed men raided a government arsenal in Springfield, Massachusetts, to protest the state legislature's indifference to the economic plight of farmers (1787). The raid, known as Shays's Rebellion, was quashed by militia.谢伊斯,丹尼尔:(1747?-1825) 美国革命战士和起义者,他和一队武装群众袭击了马萨诸塞州的斯普林菲尔德市的一个政府军火库,以抗议政府立法对农民经济困境的漠视(1787年),这次被称作谢伊斯起义的袭击被民团镇压〔Holyoke〕A city of southwest Massachusetts on the Connecticut River north of Springfield. Settled in 1745, it is a manufacturing center specializing in paper products. Population, 43,704.霍利奥克:马萨诸塞州西南部城市,临近康涅狄格河,斯普林菲尔德的北边,建于1745年,制造业中心,尤其出产纸产品。人口43,704〔Easthampton〕A town of west-central Massachusetts north-northwest of Springfield. It was settled in 1664. Population, 15,537.东汉普顿:美国马萨诸塞州中西部一城镇,位于斯普林菲尔德的西北偏北方向。1664年开始有人定居。人口15,537〔Westfield〕A city of southwest Massachusetts, a residential and industrial suburb of Springfield. Population, 38,372.韦斯特菲尔德:美国马萨诸塞州西南部一的城市。为斯普林菲尔德住宅区与工业郊区。人口38,372〔Illinois〕A state of the north-central United States. It was admitted as the 21st state in 1818. The area was explored by the French in the late 1600's, ceded by France to the British in 1763, and ceded by them to the newly formed United States in 1783. Springfield is the capital and Chicago the largest city. Population, 11,466,682.伊利诺斯州:美国中北部的一个州。1818年作为第二十一个州加入美国。法国人在17世纪后期首先开发了此地,1763年法国又将其割让给英国,1783年英法两国共同将其割让给新建立的美利坚合众国。斯普林菲尔德是该州首府,芝加哥为最大城市。人口11,466,682〔bearish〕"Whether or not the[Coast Guard] cutter's presence made bearish the prospects of illicit trade in the outlying islands, there was a prompt mass migration of their inhabitants to the mainland" (Springfield MA Sunday Republican)“无论是否因为 的单桅船出现使得偏远岛屿非法交易的前景暗淡,那些岛上的居民都已立即开始大量地向大陆移民” (斯普林菲尔德MA星期日共和党)〔Ludlow〕A town of southwest Massachusetts, an industrial suburb of Springfield. It was set off from Springfield in 1774. Population, 18,820.拉德洛:马萨诸塞州西南部的一城镇,是斯普林菲尔德的工业郊区。它于1774年从斯普林菲尔德划分出去。人口18,820〔Decatur〕A city of central Illinois east of Springfield. Abraham Lincoln practiced law here. Population, 83,885.迪凯特:伊利诺斯州中部一城市,位于斯普林菲尔德以东,亚伯拉罕·林肯曾在此担任律师。人口83,885〔Lincoln〕A city of central Illinois north-northeast of Springfield. It was platted (1853) with the aid of Abraham Lincoln, who practiced law here from 1847 to 1859. Population, 15,418.林肯:美国伊利诺斯州中部一城市,位于斯普林菲尔德东北偏北,在1847-1859年期间亚伯拉罕·林肯在此地做律师,1853年他协力绘制此城市的地图。人口15,418




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