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单词 斯坦利
释义 〔Musial〕American baseball player who as an outfielder and first baseman for the St. Louis Cardinals (1941-1963) accrued a lifetime batting average of .331 and hit 475 home runs and 3,630 base hits.穆夏尔,斯坦利·弗兰克:(生于 1920) 美国棒球运动员,作为圣路易斯红衣队(1941-1963年)的外野手和一垒手,累计击球率为331、本垒打475、安全打为3,630〔Jevons〕British economist and logician who codeveloped the marginal utility theory (published 1886), which explains the value of goods and services in terms of the subjective valuation of consumers.杰方兹,威廉·斯坦利:(1835-1882) 英国经济学家和逻辑学家。他与人合作发展了边际效益理论(1886年发表),该理论解释了根据消费者主观估价所产生的商品及服务的价值〔Stanley〕American inventor who with his twin brotherFreelan (1849-1940) developed a steam-powered automobile, the Stanley Steamer (1897). 斯坦利,弗朗西斯·埃德加:(1849-1918) 美国发明家,与其孪生兄弟弗雷兰 (1849-1940年)一起发明了蒸汽机车,即斯坦利蒸汽机(1897年) 〔imagination〕"which . . . claims to be founded not on fancy . . . but on Fact" (Arthur P. Stanley). “自称是以事实而不是以幻想为基础的” (阿瑟P·斯坦利)。 〔Ruwenzori〕A mountain range of east-central Africa on the Uganda-Zaire border. The range was explored in 1889 by Henry M. Stanley and has traditionally been associated with the geographer Ptolemy's Mountains of the Moon, the supposed source of the Nile River.鲁文佐里山:非洲中东部沿乌干达-扎伊尔边界的一座山脉。1889年亨利·M·斯坦利探险时发现这座山,传统上与地理学家托勒密的月亮山-尼罗河的假设源头有联系〔Kramer〕American filmmaker whose dramatic, emotionally charged works, includingThe Defiant Ones (1958) and Inherit the Wind (1960), often concern social conflicts, such as racism and religious prejudice. 克雷默,斯坦利E.:(生于 1913) 美国电影制片人,他的作品充满戏剧性和激情,包括《反抗者》 (1958年)和 《风的遗产》 (1960年),经常关注一些社会矛盾,比如种族主义和宗教偏见 〔Kubrick〕American filmmaker whose works includeLolita (1962), Dr. Strangelove (1963), 2001: A Space Odyssey (1969), and A Clockwork Orange (1971). 库勃利克,斯坦利:(生于 1928) 美国电影制片人,他的作品包括《洛莉塔》 (1962年)、 《核战狂人》 (1963年)、 《2001年:星际旅行》 (1969年)和 《一个装了发条的桔子》 (1971年) 〔Hall〕American psychologist who established an experimental psychology laboratory at Johns Hopkins University (1882), founded child psychology, and profoundly influenced educational psychology.霍尔,格朗维尔·斯坦利:(1844-1924) 美国心理学家,1882年他在约翰斯·霍普金斯大学建立了一座实验性的心理实验室,创建儿童心理学,对教育心理学影响极大〔Matthews〕American jurist who served as an associate justice of the U.S. Supreme Court (1881-1889).马修斯,斯坦利:(1824-1889) 美国法官,曾为美国最高法院的陪审法官(1881-1889年)〔Stanley〕American biochemist. He shared a 1946 Nobel Prize for discovering methods of producing pure enzymes and virus proteins.斯坦利,温德尔·梅雷迪斯:(1904-1971) 美国生化学家,因发现并制得纯酶和病毒蛋白质的方法,获得1946年诺贝尔奖〔Kisangani〕A city of northern Zaire on the Congo River northeast of Kinshasa. It was founded in 1883 by the explorer Henry M. Stanley. Population, 282,650.基桑加尼,斯坦雷维尔:扎伊尔北部一城市,位于刚果河边金沙萨东北。1883年由探险家亨利·M·斯坦利建立。人口282,650〔Quay〕American politician. A U.S. senator from Pennsylvania (1887-1899 and 1901-1904), he wielded great political power on the state and national levels.基,马修·斯坦利:(1833-1904) 美国政治家。宾夕法尼亚州参议员(1887-1899年和1901-1904年),在州和国家中他都有过很大的政治实力〔Stanley〕A town of the eastern Falkland Islands on the Atlantic Ocean. It is the administrative capital of the British dependency. Population, 1,050.斯坦利:福克兰群岛东部的一个城镇,位于大西洋上。是英国属地的行政中心。人口1,050〔Bruce〕Australian politician who was prime minister (1923-1929) and a delegate (1933-1936) to the League of Nations.布鲁斯,斯坦利·墨尔本:(1883-1967) 澳大利亚政治家,曾任总理(1923-1929年)和国际联盟的代表(1933-1936年)〔Edward〕A lake in the Great Rift Valley of central Africa on the Zaire-Uganda border. It was discovered by Henry M. Stanley in 1889.爱德华湖:东非大裂谷中一湖泊,位于扎伊尔和乌干达交界处的中非地区。它在1889年由亨利.M.斯坦利发现〔Baldwin〕British prime minister (1923-1929 and 1935-1937) who responded to the General Strike of 1926 with the Trade Disputes Act of 1927, an antiunion bill, and facilitated the abdication of Edward VIII (1936).鲍德温,斯坦利:(1867-1947) 英国总理(1923-1929和1935-1937年),他响应1926年的总罢工,拥护1927年的反联盟法案《贸易抵制法案》,并促进了爱德华八世的退位(1936年)〔Halas〕American professional football player (1922-1929) and coach (intermittently between 1922 and 1967) who revolutionized the sport with his innovative backfield formations.哈拉斯,乔治·斯坦利:(1895-1983) 美国职业橄榄球选手(1922-1929年),并于1922年到1967年期间不时地出任教练,他以创新的守卫阵形使这项运动发生了巨大变革〔rebel〕"He is the perfect recruit for fascist movements: a rebel not a revolutionary, contemptuous yet envious of the rich and involved with them"(Stanley Hoffman)“他是法西斯运动不可多得的新成员;一个反叛者却不是一个革命者,蔑视而不羡慕富人并同他们搅在一起”(斯坦利·霍夫曼)〔Brando〕American actor widely known for his film appearances, most notably as Stanley Kowalski inA Streetcar Named Desire (1951). 白兰度,马伦:(生于 1924) 因其电影形象而广为人知的美国演员,最著名的是在《欲望号街车》 (1951年)中饰演的斯坦利·科瓦尔斯基 〔aware〕"an importance . . . of which even Americans are barely conscious" (William Stanley Jevons). “一种甚至连美国人也几乎没有认识到的重要性” (威廉姆·斯坦利·杰文斯)。〔Eddington〕British mathematician, astronomer, and physicist who was an early exponent of the theory of relativity and conducted research on the evolution, structure, and motion of stars.爱丁顿,阿瑟·斯坦利:(1882-1944) 英国数学家、天文学家和物理学家,相对论的早期拥护者,在星体演化、结构和运动方面有很深研究〔McGovern〕American politician. A U.S. senator from South Dakota (1963-1981), he opposed the Vietnam War and was defeated as the 1972 Democratic candidate for President.麦戈文,乔治·斯坦利:(生于 1922) 美国政治家,来自南达科他州的美国参议员(1963-1981年)。他反对越南战争,1972年作为民主党总统候选人被击败〔Laurel〕British-born American comedian who with Oliver Hardy formed the first great comedy team of talking films. Their works includeThe Music Box (1932) and A Chump at Oxford (1940). 劳莱,阿瑟·斯坦利·杰斐逊:(1890-1965) 英裔美国喜剧演员,他和奥利佛·哈代组成了有声电影中第一对杰出的喜剧搭档,他们的作品包括《八音盒》 (1932年)和 《牛津白痴》 (1940年) 〔Reed〕American jurist who served as an associate justice of the U.S. Supreme Court (1938-1957).里德,斯坦利·福尔曼:(1884-1980) 美国法官,曾任最高法院陪审法官(1938-1957年)〔Stanley〕British journalist and explorer known for his expedition into Africa in search of David Livingstone, whom he greeted with the words "Doctor Livingstone, I presume?” (1871).斯坦利,亨利·莫顿:(1841-1904) 英国记者和探险家,以其在非洲找寻大卫·李文斯顿的探险而闻名,见到李文斯顿时他说,‘我想,您是李文斯顿博士吧?’(1871年)〔Kinshasa〕The capital and largest city of Zaire, in the western part of the country on the Congo River. Founded in 1881 by the explorer Henry M. Stanley, who named it after his patron, Leopold II of Belgium, it became capital of the Belgian Congo in 1926 and was the scene of the revolt (June 1960) that led to Zaire's independence. In 1966 its name was changed to Kinshasa, after the name of an early village that occupied the site. Population, 2,653,558.金夏沙,利奥波德维尔:扎伊尔首都和最大城市,位于扎伊尔西端刚果河边。1881年由探险家亨利·M·斯坦利建立,他以他的赞助人-比利时的利奥波德二世的名字命名,1926年它成为比利时属刚果的首都和导致扎伊尔独立的起义(1960年6月)的发生地。1966年其名称改为金沙萨,依照一个早期占据此地的村庄的名称命名。人口2,653,558〔Gardner〕American lawyer and detective novelist known for creating the character of Perry Mason, a clever attorney.加纳德,埃尔勒·斯坦利:(1889-1970) 美国律师和侦探小说家。因其创造的一位聪明的法律代理人培理·梅森而闻名〔Cohen〕American biochemist. He shared a 1986 Nobel Prize for the discovery of epidermal growth factor.科汉,斯坦利:(生于 1922) 美国生物化学家。因发现表皮生长因素而获得1986年诺贝尔奖〔Stanley〕British politician who served as prime minister (1852, 1858-1859, and 1866-1868).斯坦利,爱德华·乔治·史密斯:(1799-1869) 英国政治家,他曾任首相(1852年,1858-1859和1866-1868年)〔Lualaba〕A headstream of the Congo River, rising in southeast Congo (formerly Zaire) and flowing about 1,800 km (1,100 mi) north to the Boyoma (formerly Stanley) Falls, a series of seven cataracts southeast of Kisangani.卢拉巴:刚果河的上流, 发源于刚果东南部,流程约1800公里(1100英里),向北流至博约马(原斯坦利)瀑布——基桑加尼东南的连续七个瀑布




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