单词 | 断定 |
释义 | 〔constative〕Relating to or being an utterance that asserts or states something that can be judged as true or false, such as断定的:关于或属于一种说法,断定或陈述可以被评断是真或假的事物,如〔constative〕A constative utterance, such as an assertion.断言:一种断定的说法,例如断言〔vow〕"Well, I vow it is as fine a boy as ever was seen!”(Henry Fielding)“好吧,我断定他是我见过的一个最好的孩子!”(亨利·菲尔丁)〔predicate〕To state or affirm as an attribute or a quality of something:断定:断定或证实为某事的特质或属性:〔predicable〕Something, such as a general quality or attribute, that can be predicated.可以被断定的事物,如,共同属性或特质〔doubtful〕a painting of dubious value.价值没法断定的画。〔conclude〕The jury concluded that the defendant was innocent.陪审团断定被告无罪〔anesthesia〕The following passage, written on November 21, 1846, by Oliver Wendell Holmes,a physician-poet and the father of the Supreme Court justice of the same name,allows us to pinpoint the entry ofanesthesia and anesthetic into English: "Every body wants to have a hand in a great discovery. All I will do is to give you a hint or two as to names—or the name—to be applied to the state produced and the agent. The state should, I think, be called ‘Anaesthesia’ [from the Greek word anaisthēsia, "lack of sensation"]. This signifies insensibility . . . The adjective will be ‘Anaesthetic.’ Thus we might say the state of Anaesthesia, or the anaesthetic state.”This citation is taken from a letter to William Thomas Green Morton,who in October of that year had successfully demonstrated the use of ether at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston.Althoughanaesthesia is recorded in Nathan Bailey's Universal Etymological English Dictionary in 1721, it is clear that Holmes really was responsible for its entry into the language.TheOxford English Dictionary has several citations for anesthesia and anesthetic in 1847 and 1848, indicating that the words gained rapid acceptance.下面是奥立佛·万德·霍姆斯写于1846年11月21的一段话。作者是个诗人医生和与其同名的最高法庭法官的父亲。这段话能使我们断定anesthesia 和 anesthetic 进入英语的背景: “每个人都希望能够参与一次伟大的发现。我所要做的是告诉你一两个提示去命名,或能被应用于某种状态的名称。我认为这种状态应该被叫做Anaesthesia [从希腊词anaisthesia “感觉缺失”发展而来]。 这个词表示无感觉…其形容词应该是‘Anaesthetic’。这样我们可以说感觉缺失的状态或感觉缺失”。这段话是从寄给威廉·托马斯·格林·莫顿的一封信上摘录下的,莫顿同年十月在波士顿的马萨诸塞总医院曾成功使用了醚。尽管南森·巴利于1721年把anaethesia 选入了 通用英语词源词典 , 但是很显然是霍姆斯首先把这个词引入英语。牛津英语词典 上有几处引用了1847年和1848年有 anesthesia 和 anesthetic 的句子, 说明这两个词很快就被人们所接受〔posit〕To affirm or assume the existence of; postulate.See Synonyms at presume 假定,断定:证实或假定…的存在;假设 参见 presume〔predicable〕That can be stated or predicated:指定的,可断定的:可以被指定或断定的:〔affirmation〕Something declared to be true; a positive statement or judgment.证实:被断定是正确的事物;肯定的陈述或判断〔interferometer〕Any of several optical, acoustic, or radio frequency instruments that use interference phenomena between a reference wave and an experimental wave or between two parts of an experimental wave to determine wavelengths and wave velocities, measure very small distances and thicknesses, and measure indices of refraction.干涉仪:利用基准波和实验波或实验波的两部分之间的干涉现象来断定波长和波速,测量微小的距离和速度和测量折射率的几种光频,声频或无线电频仪器〔Manson〕British parasitologist noted for advances in tropical medicine, such as the assertion that mosquitoes transmit malaria (1877).梅森,帕特里克:(1844-1922) 英国寄生生物学家,以在热带医学研究上的领先而著称,如断定蚊子传播霍乱(1877年)〔predicate〕Stated or asserted; predicated.断定的:断定的或被断言的;被断定的〔conclude〕To arrive at (a logical conclusion or end) by the process of reasoning; infer on the basis of convincing evidence:断定:通过推理得出(逻辑性的结论或结果);以令人信服的证据推论出: |
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