单词 | 敬畏 |
释义 | 〔venerate〕To regard with respect, reverence, or heartfelt deference.See Synonyms at revere 1尊敬,崇拜:带着敬重、敬畏或诚挚的崇敬对待 参见 revere1〔fearful〕Feeling reverence, dread, or awe.敬畏的:感到尊敬,害怕或崇拜的〔reverence〕To consider or treat with profound awe and respect; venerate.尊敬,崇敬,敬畏:带着深切的敬畏或尊重来考虑或对待;崇敬〔deify〕To worship or revere as a god:神拜,神敬:把…当作神来崇拜或敬畏:〔dread〕An object of fear, awe, or reverence.令人害怕、敬畏或恐惧的对象〔reverence〕A feeling of profound awe and respect and often love; veneration.See Synonyms at honor 尊敬,敬畏:深深的敬畏、尊敬及常为热爱的感情;崇敬 参见 honor〔wondering〕Feeling or expressing awe, admiration, amazement, or surprise.惊奇的,诧异的:感觉或表达敬畏、钦佩、吃惊或惊奇的〔overawe〕To control or subdue by inspiring awe.吓服,吓倒:通过激起敬畏而控制或吓服〔wonderment〕Astonishment, awe, or surprise.惊讶:惊讶、敬畏或惊奇〔honor〕 Veneration is both the feeling and the reverential expression of respect, love, and awe: Veneration 既为情感也是对尊敬、热爱或敬畏的虔诚表达方式: 〔revere〕 Revere suggests awe coupled with profound honor: Revere 暗指带有最深切敬重的敬畏: 〔rural〕"The keenest of bucolic minds felt a whispering awe at the sight of the gentry" (George Eliot).“乡下人,极为敏感的心灵使他们看到文雅的人便感到一种窃窃的敬畏” (乔·艾略特)。〔gaze〕 Gaze refers to prolonged looking that is often indicative of wonder, fascination, awe, or admiration: Gaze 通常指长时间充满迷恋、惊奇、敬畏或尊敬地看: 〔pious〕Having or exhibiting religious reverence; earnestly compliant in the observance of religion; devout.See Synonyms at religious 虔诚的,笃信的,敬神的:带有或表现出宗教的敬畏的;虔诚地尊神敬佛的;笃信的 参见 religious〔wonder〕The emotion aroused by something awe-inspiring, astounding, or marvelous:惊异,惊奇:由某些使人畏惧或敬畏的、令人惊骇的或不平常的事引起的情绪:〔awe〕A mixed emotion of reverence, respect, dread, and wonder inspired by authority, genius, great beauty, sublimity, or might:敬畏的:由权力、才华、美貌、卓越或能力而引起的包含尊敬、敬重、恐惧和惊异的复杂情绪:〔transfix〕To render motionless, as with terror, amazement, or awe.出神:使不能动弹,如由于恐惧、惊奇或敬畏〔gaze〕Gape suggests a prolonged open-mouthed look reflecting amazement, awe, or lack of intelligence: Gape 暗示一种长久的、张大嘴的表情,显示惊奇、敬畏或呆笨: 〔wonder〕To have a feeling of awe or admiration; marvel:吃惊,惊奇:有种敬畏或羡慕的感觉;吃惊:〔revere〕To regard with awe, deference, and devotion.尊敬,敬畏:带着敬畏、尊敬及热爱对待〔macabre〕The wordmacabre is an excellent example of a word formed with reference to a specific context that has long since disappeared for everyone but scholars. Macabre is first recorded in the phrase Macabrees daunce in a work written around 1430 by John Lydgate. Lydgate expressed it so because he thoughtMacabree was a French author, although he was actually dealing with the Old French phraseDanse Macabre, "the Dance of Death,” a subject of art and literature.In this dance,Death leads people of all classes and walks of life to the same final end.Themacabre element is thought by some to be an alteration of Macabe , "a Maccabee.” The Maccabees were Jewish martyrswho were honored by a feast throughout the Western Church,and reverence for them was linked to reverence for the dead.One of the biblical books of Maccabees also contains a passage (II Maccabees 12:43-45) mentioning sacrifices for the dead and their future resurrection,which has been used to defend the doctrine of Purgatory.Todaymacabre has no connection with the Maccabees and little connection with the Dance of Death,but it still has to do with death.单词macabre 是一个极好的例子,创造该词的来龙去脉除了学者之外早已被世人所遗忘。 Macabre 最早见于短语 Macabrees daunce 是在1430年前后约翰·利德盖特写的一本书中。 利德盖特这样表达是因为他认为Macabree 是源于法语的词, 实际上他指的是一个古老的法语短语Danse Macabre, “死神之舞,” 一个艺术与文学的主题。在这个舞蹈中,死神把各种各样的人带到了同一个终点。有人认为macabre 是 Macabe 的变体,“马加比人”。 马加比们就是那些犹太殉道者,在天主教会中通过节日表达对他们的敬意,对他们的尊敬和对死的敬畏是联系在一起的。基督教典籍中关于马加比人的书中有一段文字(Ⅱ马加比人12:43-45)提到对死者的祭祀和他们未来的复活,这段文字被用来捍卫关于炼狱的教义。今天macabre 与马加比人毫无联系, 与死神之舞相关甚少,但它仍与死亡有关〔yield〕To give over possession of, as in deference or defeat; surrender.放弃,投降:因敬畏或失败而放弃…的所有权;投降〔atheism〕Godlessness; immorality.不敬神:无神思想;不敬畏〔take〕To put into a state of awe or shock.令人窒息:使…进入一种敬畏或震惊的状态〔grand〕August describes what inspires solemn reverence or awe,as because of exalted rank or character: August 描绘激发严肃的尊敬或敬畏的事物,如因为崇高的地位或性格: 〔portentous〕Full of unspecifiable significance; exciting wonder and awe:怪异的;奇特的和敬畏的:〔worship〕The reverent love and devotion accorded a deity, an idol, or a sacred object.崇拜:对神、偶像或神圣物体带有敬畏或惊异的热爱与热诚〔wonder〕Often Wonder A monumental human creation regarded with awe, especially one of seven monuments of the ancient world that appeared on various lists of late antiquity. 常作 Wonder 奇观:以敬畏看待的不朽的人类创造,尤指列于近古各种表中的古代世界七大奇观之一〔fear〕Extreme reverence or awe, as toward a supreme power.敬畏,惧怕:对最高力量极端的尊敬与崇拜 |
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