单词 | 教导 |
释义 | 〔enlighten〕To give information to; inform or instruct.教导:提供信息;引导〔lesson〕The act or an instance of instructing; teaching.课程,教程,教导:教育的行动或家例;教导〔education〕A program of instruction of a specified kind or level:教育内容:特定种类或水平上的教导项目:〔parenting〕The rearing of a child or children, especially the care, love, and guidance given by a parent.See Usage Note at parent (父母)对孩子的养育:养育孩子,尤指父母对孩子的关心、爱护和教导 参见 parent〔erudite〕from Latin ērudītus [past participle of] ērudīre [to instruct] 源自 拉丁语 ērudītus ērudīre的过去分词 [教导] 〔teaching〕Of, involving, or used for teaching:教导的:属于、关于或用于教学的:〔risk〕Being endangered, as from exposure to disease or from a lack of parental or familial guidance and proper health care:处境危险,遭受危险:处于危险之中,如因疾病或缺少父母或家庭的教导及适当的医疗保健:〔Christian〕One who lives according to the teachings of Jesus.基督徒:按耶稣教导生活的人〔indoctrinate〕To instruct in a body of doctrine or principles.传授:以教条或信条的方式来教授、教导〔Mahayana〕One of the major schools of Buddhism, active in Japan, Korea, Nepal, Tibet, Mongolia, and China, which teaches social concern and universal salvation.大乘佛教:佛教的主要流派之一,流传于日本、朝鲜、尼泊尔、西藏、蒙古和中国,教导人们关心社会和普渡众生〔indoctrinate〕To initiate by means of doctrinal instruction:教导:以教条方式来传授:〔Mishnah〕The teaching of a rabbi or other noted authority on Jewish laws.犹太教律法宗师或其他权威的教导〔train〕To coach in or accustom to a mode of behavior or performance.训练:教导或使习惯一种行为或表现方式〔untaught〕Not acquired by instruction; natural.自然的:并非通过教导获得的;自然的〔teach〕To condition to a certain action or frame of mind:训练,教导:使适应特定的行为或精神状态:〔knack〕A specific talent for something, especially one difficult to explain or teach.See Synonyms at art 1技能:对某事,尤其是难以解释或教导的事的特殊才能 参见 art1〔teach〕teaching youngsters to be self-reliant.教导年轻人自立〔magisterium〕The authority to teach religious doctrine.教导宗教教义的权威〔moral〕The lesson or principle contained in or taught by a fable, a story, or an event.寓意:包含在寓言、故事或事件中的;或被寓言、故事或事件教导的〔unstudied〕Not gained by study or instruction:天赋的:不是通过学习或教导而获得的:〔Paul〕Apostle to the Gentiles whose life and teachings are set forth in his epistles and the Acts of the Apostles.保罗:基督徒的使徒,他的生活和教导记录在他的书信和《使徒行传》中〔unschooled〕Not educated or instructed; having little or no formal schooling.未受过教育的:未受过教育或教导的;只受过很少或未受过正规教育的〔untaught〕Not instructed; ignorant.See Synonyms at ignorant 无知的:未被教导过的;无知的 参见 ignorant〔apothegm〕A terse, witty, instructive saying; a maxim.格言,箴言,警句:简洁、机智、有教导性的话;警句〔tutelage〕The capacity or activity of a tutor; instruction or teaching.辅导,指导:辅导者或指导的能力或行为;指导或教导〔educate〕To provide with information; inform:教导:提供信息;通知:〔indoctrinate〕indoctrinate new members into the party.教导党内新成员〔untutored〕Having had no formal education or instruction.See Synonyms at ignorant 没有受过正规的教育或教导的 参见 ignorant〔educate〕To teach or instruct a person or group.教导:教育或指导一个人或一群人〔Torah〕Hebrew tôrâ [law, instruction] 希伯来语 tôrâ [法律,教导] 〔Bonaventure〕Italian theologian and philosopher who taught that the goal of all the arts and sciences is the direct contemplation of God.圣波拿文都拿:意大利神学家和哲学家,他教导说一切艺术和科学的目标都是对上帝的直接反思〔purity〕"Teach your children . . . the belief in purity of body, mind and soul"(Emmeline Pankhurst)“教导你的孩子们…信仰身体、思想和精神上的清白”(艾米林·潘克赫斯特)〔Zoroastrianism〕The religious system founded in Persia by Zoroaster and set forth in the Zend-Avesta, teaching the worship of Ormazd in the context of a universal struggle between the forces of light and of darkness.波斯教,琐罗亚斯德教,袄教:在波斯,由琐罗亚斯德创立的宗教派别,在阿维斯陀圣经中阐明其教义,在宇宙中光明与黑暗势力的斗争中,教导人们崇拜光明神奥尔穆兹德〔teach〕"We shouldn't teach great books;we should teach a love of reading" (B.F. Skinner). “我们不应该教授太多的书籍;我们应该教导热爱读书” (B.F.斯金纳)。〔catechist〕A person who catechizes, especially one who instructs catechumens in preparation for admission into a Christian church.问答式教学者:问答式教学者,尤指教导准备进入基督教会的新信徒〔Talmud〕Mishnaic Hebrew talmûd [learning, instruction] 密西拿的希伯来语 talmûd [学识,教导] 〔edify〕To instruct especially so as to encourage intellectual, moral, or spiritual improvement.教导:教育,尤指为促进智力、道德或精神上的提高而进行的教育〔alarum〕"This instrument called television can teach and illuminate, cautioned Edward R. Murrow, but only to the extent that its operators choose to use it. . . . an era later . . . Murrow's alarum remains as up to date as tonight's news"(Harry F. Waters)“这种叫做电视机的设备能够教导和启发人,但是爱德华·R·默罗告诫说,其只能到操作者选择使用的程度上。…一个时代以后…默罗的警告仍会和今晚的新闻一样萦绕”(哈里F.沃特斯) |
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