单词 | 敏感性 |
释义 | 〔delicacy〕Sensitivity to very small changes; precision:灵敏度:对非常微小变化的敏感性;精确:〔desensitize〕To make (a photographic film or substance) less sensitive to light.减低感光性:降低(照相底片)对光的敏感性〔sensibility〕The quality of being affected by changes in the environment.敏感性:受环境变化影响的性质〔delicacy〕Sensitivity to what is proper; propriety.合宜:对适宜的东西的敏感性;适当〔desensitize〕To render insensitive or less sensitive.使降低敏感性:使不敏感或降低敏感性〔aestheticism〕Devotion to and pursuit of the beautiful; sensitivity to artistic beauty and refined taste.爱美性:对美好事物的热爱与追求;对艺术美及优雅品味的敏感性〔susceptibility〕The capacity to be affected by deep emotions or strong feelings; sensitivity.敏感:受深切情绪或强烈感情感动的能力;敏感性〔thermesthesia〕Ability to feel hot or cold; sensitivity to variations in temperature.温度感觉:感觉冷热的能力;对温度变化的敏感性〔thoughtful〕These adjectives mean having or showing concern for the well-being of others.Althoughthoughtful and considerate are often used interchangeably, thoughtful implies a tendency to anticipate needs or wishes, whereasconsiderate stresses sensitivity to another's feelings: 这些形容词的意思是对别人的幸福表现出关切。尽管thoughtful 和 considerate 经常通用, 但thoughtful 指过早考虑需求和希望的倾向, 而considerate 强调对他人情感的敏感性: 〔hyposensitize〕To make less sensitive, as to an allergen; desensitize.减敏:使(对抗菌素的)敏感度降低;减退敏感性〔diplomatic〕Using or marked by tact and sensitivity in dealing with others.See Synonyms at suave 老练的:同其它人打交道时使用或以技能和敏感性为特征的 参见 suave〔crass〕So crude and unrefined as to be lacking in discrimination and sensibility.愚钝的:极度粗糙和拙劣的以致于缺乏辨别力和敏感性的〔atmospherics〕"Soviet sensitivities are not so tender; their calculations are based on an assessment of their interests, not on atmospherics"(Henry A. Kissinger)“苏联政府的敏感性并非如此纤弱;他们的决定是以对自身利益的估量为基础,并非靠直觉”(亨利A.基辛格)〔sensibility〕the sensibility of a painter to color.画家对色彩的敏感性〔consciousness〕A sense of one's personal or collective identity, especially the complex of attitudes, beliefs, and sensitivities held by or considered characteristic of an individual or a group:意识:个人或集体认同的感觉,尤指个人或群体所具有或被作为特征的态度、信仰和敏感性的综合:〔susceptibility〕susceptibilities Sensibilities; feelings. susceptibilities 敏感性;感情〔aesthesia〕The ability to feel or perceive.敏感性:感觉或感知的能力〔subtle〕"a journalist whose subtle views on the hard issues of our time are rooted in a tough mind and a demanding ethical sensibility"(New Republic)“一位就我们时代的一些难题有敏锐见解的新闻记者,他的敏锐的见解根植于不屈不挠的精神和苛求的道德的敏感性”(新共和国)〔hyperesthesia〕An abnormal or pathological increase in sensitivity to sensory stimuli, as of the skin to touch or the ear to sound.感官过敏症:对感官刺激的不正常或病理的敏感性的提高,比如皮肤之对触摸或耳朵之对声音〔predisposition〕The state of being predisposed; tendency, inclination, or susceptibility.倾向:倾向于…的状态;趋势;倾向或敏感性〔erethism〕Abnormal irritability or sensitivity of an organ or a body part to stimulation.兴奋增盛:某一器官和身体某一部分对刺激的不正常的应激性、激动性或敏感性〔brute〕 Brute, the least derogatory,stresses a lack of the understanding or sensibility regarded as distinguishing people from animals: Brute 最具褒义,强调缺乏理解力和敏感性,而这两点使人与动物区分开来: 〔musicality〕Musical sensitivity or talent.音乐的敏感性或音乐才能〔feeling〕feelings Susceptibility to emotional response; sensibilities: feelings 感情:情感反应的敏感性;感觉能力:〔aesthetic〕A guiding principle in matters of artistic beauty and taste; artistic sensibility:美学标准,美感:艺术观及艺术品味方面的指导性原则;艺术敏感性:〔insensitive〕Lacking in sensitivity to the feelings or circumstances of others; unfeeling.不敏感的,麻木不仁的:对他人的感情或情况缺乏敏感性;缺乏感觉的〔convict〕His remarks convicted him of a lack of sensitivity.他的言辞显示了他缺乏敏感性〔hypoesthesia〕Partial loss of sensation; diminished sensibility.局部麻醉:部分地失去感觉;缩小的敏感性〔inform〕"It is this brash, backroom sensibility that informs his work as a novelist"(Jeff Shear)“正是这种直率而又隐避的敏感性使其作品成为大手笔”(杰夫·希尔) |
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