单词 | 效力 |
释义 | 〔materialize〕"Inequality has the natural and necessary effect . . . of materializing our upper class, vulgarizing our middle class, and brutalizing our lower class"(Matthew Arnold)“不平等具有一种自然的、必要的效力…使人们的上层阶级物质化,使我们的中层阶级世俗化,使我们的低层阶级残暴化”(马修·阿诺德)〔strength〕Degree of intensity, force, effectiveness, or potency in terms of a particular property, as:…的度:从某一特殊特点来说的强度、力量、有效性或效力,如:〔repudiate〕To reject the validity or authority of:拒绝接受:拒绝接受…的效力或权力:〔handle〕wields a persuasive pen. It also connotes effectiveness in the exercise of intangibles such as authority or influence: 运用具说服力的笔杆子。 它还意味着其中有诸如权威和影响等不可捉摸的东西的效力: 〔Terry〕American baseball player. During his career with the New York Giants (1924-1941), he batted .310 or better in 11 seasons, batting .401 in 1930.泰瑞,威廉:美国棒球选手。在效力于纽约巨人队期间(1924年-1941年),他的平均打击率为.310并有11个赛季成绩更好,1930年平均打击率为.401〔booster〕A device for increasing power or effectiveness.起推动作用的辅助装置:用来增加动力或效力的装置〔erase〕Cancel refers to invalidating by or as if by drawing lines through something written or by indicating that the force or effect of something has been terminated: Cancel 是通过或如同通过在某物上划线表示删除、消去或者通过说明某物的力量或效力已经结束而消除: 〔take〕The antibiotics at last began to take effect.抗菌素最后终于发生效力了〔Cabrillo〕Portuguese-born explorer who discovered California (1542) while in the service of Spain.卡布里,胡安·罗德里格斯:(卒于 1543) 葡萄牙裔探险家,1542年为西班牙效力时发现了加利福尼亚州〔Sosa〕Dominican baseball player. A player for the Chicago Cubs (since 1992), in 1998 he broke Roger Maris's single-season record for home runs, hitting 66 to Mark McGwire's 70, and won the National League's most valuable player award.索塞,塞缪尔:多米尼加棒球选手。他自1992年一直效力于芝加哥俱乐部队,1998年打破罗杰·马里斯的单赛季全垒打记录,以66支全垒打屈居70支全垒打的马克·麦格威之后,索塞于同年成为国家棒球联盟的最有价值球员〔efficacy〕Power or capacity to produce a desired effect; effectiveness.效验:产生预期效果的力量或能力;效力〔Berra〕American baseball player and manager. Considered among the best catchers in baseball history, he played for the New York Yankees from 1946 to 1963.贝拉,劳伦斯·彼得:(生于 1925) 美国棒球运动员和经纪人。被认为是棒球史上最好的棒球接手之一,1946年至1963效力于纽约扬基队〔agency〕The condition of being in action; operation.力量;作用:发生作用的状况;作用,效力〔Eugene〕Austrian general in service to the Holy Roman Empire during the War of the Spanish Succession (1701-1714).尤金亲王:奥地利将军,在西班牙王位继承战争中(1701-1714年)效力于神圣罗马帝国〔toady〕A toady is not a pleasant individual,and the origin of the word makes being a toady even less pleasant.Toady is obviously derived from the word toad. The-y suffix can have diminutive force, and the earliest recorded sense (around 1690) oftoady (now obsolete), "a little or young toad,” illustrates this force. The sense we know has nothing to do with baby toadsbut rather with the practice of certain quacks or charlatans who claimed that they could cast out poison.Toads were thought to be poisonous,so these charlatans would have an attendant eat a toad or pretend to eat oneand then remove the poison from the attendant.Such an attendant is obviously a type of person who would do anything,and thustoadeater (first recorded 1629) was the perfect name for a flattering, fawning parasite. Toadeater and the verb derived from it, toadeat, influenced the sense of the noun and verb toad and the noun toady, so that both nouns could mean "sycophant"and the verbtoady could mean "to act like a toady to someone.” 拍马者并不是一个讨人喜欢的人,这个词的来源使做拍马者这种作法更加不令人喜欢。Toady 很显然是从 toad 这个词衍生而来。 后缀-y 可以有一种指小的效力, Toady 这个词最早有记载(1690年左右)的含义“一只小或幼年蟾蜍”(现已废弃)正说明了这种效力。 我们现在知道的含义与年幼的蟾蜍没有什么关系,而与某些宣称能够驱毒的冒牌医生或江湖郎中的某些做法有关。当时人们认为蟾蜍有毒,所以这些江湖朗中会叫一个手下人吃下一只蟾蜍或假装吃下一只蟾蜍,然后把毒物从他的手下人身体中驱除出去。很明显,这样一个帮手是一种什么事都会做的人,这样,用toadeater (最早记载于1629年)这个词来称呼奉承拍马的寄生者是再合适不过了。 Toadeater 和从它衍生而来的动词 toadeat 影响了作为名词或动词的 toad 和作为名词 toady 的含义, 于是二个名词都可以理解为“拍马者”的意思,而动词toady 有“在某人面前象一个拍马者一样行动”的意思 〔Gretzky〕Canadian hockey player. A center mainly for the Edmonton Oilers (1978-1988) and Los Angeles Kings (1989-1995), he became the National Hockey League's all-time leading scorer in 1989 and the all-time leading scorer in North American professional hockey in 1999.格瑞斯基,威尼:加拿大曲棍球选手。大部分职业生涯都效力于埃得蒙特加油轮队(1978-1988年)和洛杉矶国王队(1989年-1995年)的中锋,他创下了1989年加拿大全国冰上曲棍球联盟,以及1999年北美职业曲棍球联赛的球员个人得分记录〔Tarkenton〕American football player. A quarterback mainly with the Minnesota Vikings (1961-1967 and 1972-1978), he passed for 342 career touchdowns and over 47,000 career passing yards.塔肯顿,弗朗西斯:美式足球运动员。作为四分卫,他大部分时间效力于明尼苏达海盗队(1961年-1967年,1972年-1978年),在其运动生涯中,共获342次触地得分和47,000个小禁区传球.〔reinforce〕To give more force or effectiveness to; strengthen:增强:给予更多的力量或效力;加强:〔potent〕Exerting or capable of exerting strong physiological or chemical effects:有效力的,有效能的:产生或能够产生强烈的生理或化学效力的:〔verification〕A formal assertion of validity.确定,鉴定:对效力的正式断言〔dispositive〕Relating to or having an effect on disposition or settlement, especially of a legal case or will.处置的:具有处置或决定效力的或与其有关的,尤其是法律案件或遗嘱〔data〕where the singularity ofdata is implicit in the use of the quantifier very little (contrast the oddness ofWe have very little facts on the efficacy of such programs ). 在这里,data 的单数无保留地用在量词 very little很少 中 (和特例我们对这一项目的效力上,几乎没有多少事实 用法相反) 〔hyoscyamine〕A poisonous white crystalline alkaloid, C17H 23NO 3, isometric with atropine and having similar uses but more potent effects. 茛菪素:一种有毒的白色结晶体的生物碱,化学分子式为C17H 23NO 3,与阿托品有等轴晶,有相似的用途,但效力更大 〔strength〕Effective or binding force; efficacy:功效:有效力或结合力;效力:〔cholinergic〕a cholinergic agent or drug.具有类似乙酰胆碱的生理效力的药剂或药物〔hamstring〕To destroy or hinder the efficiency of; frustrate.使不起作用:使无效或限制其效力的发挥;阻挠、挫败〔Santander〕Colombian politician who helped liberate Colombia from Spanish rule (1819) and later served as president of New Granada (1832-1837).桑坦德,弗朗西斯科·德·鲍拉:(1792-1840) 哥伦比亚政治家,曾为从西班牙统治者手中解放哥伦比亚(1819年)效力,后来成为新格林纳达(1832-1837年)的总统〔carry〕To involve as a condition, consequence, or effect:包含,伴随:含有某种条件、后果或效力:〔water〕To reduce the strength or effectiveness of:削弱:削减了…的力量或效力:〔steerage〕The effect of the helm on a ship.舵能:船舵的效力〔lethargy〕These nouns refer to a deficiency in mental and physical alertness and activity.这些名词都是指精神或者肉体警觉和活动效力的丧失。〔decretory〕Of, relating to, or having the force of a decree.法令的:有法令效力的,与法令效力有关的〔vigor〕Legal effectiveness or validity.效力:法律上的效力或者有效〔epistemology〕The branch of philosophy that studies the nature of knowledge, its presuppositions and foundations, and its extent and validity.认识论:哲学的一个分支,研究知识的本质,先决条件和基础及其程度和效力〔Columbus〕Italian explorer in the service of Spain who determined that the earth was round and attempted to reach Asia by sailing west from Europe, thereby discovering America (1492). He made three subsequent voyages to the Caribbean in his quest for a sea route to China.哥伦布,克里斯托夫:(1451-1506) 意大利探险家,效力西班牙,他认定地球是圆的,试图从欧洲向西航海至亚洲,因而发现了美洲(1492年)。在他寻找通往中国的海路时又接连三次航海至加勒比海〔gut〕A stipulation added at the last minute gutted the ordinance.最后增加的条款减损了该法令的效力〔bioelectric〕Of or relating to the effects of electricity on living tissue.生物电作用的:与生物电效力有关的〔Bench〕American baseball player considered among the greatest catchers in history. In 16 seasons with the Cincinnati Reds (1967-1983), he was the National League's most valuable player twice (1970 and 1972).班齐,钱宁·李:美国棒球选手,棒球史上最伟大的捕手。在效力于辛辛那提红袜队的16个赛季中(1967年-1983年),他两次成为国家棒球联盟的最有价值球员(1970年和1972年)〔feeble〕Lacking vigor, force, or effectiveness; inadequate.See Synonyms at weak 缺乏活力、力量或效力的;不充足的 参见 weak〔undercut〕To diminish or destroy the province or effectiveness of; undermine:削弱:减弱或毁灭…的范围或效力;削弱: |
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