单词 | 放射性 |
释义 | 〔rutherford〕A unit expressing the rate of decay of radioactive material, equal to one million disintegrations per second.卢瑟福:反应放射性材料衰变率的单位,等于每秒一百万次衰变〔nobelium〕A radioactive transuranic element in the actinide series, artificially produced in trace amounts. Its longest-lived isotope is No 255 with a half-life of 3 minutes. Atomic number 102. See table at element 锘:在锕类元素中的一种放射性超铀元素,人工微量制造,其最长寿命的同位素是锘255,其半衰期为三分钟,原子序数102 参见 element〔activity〕The intensity of a radioactive source.放射性:放射原的强度〔radiotherapy〕Treatment of disease with radiation, especially by selective irradiation with x-rays or other ionizing radiation and by ingestion of radioisotopes.放射疗法:用放射进行的疾病治疗,尤指用X射线或其它电离辐射的有选择放射和吞下放射性同位素〔fermium〕A synthetic transuranic metallic element (atomic number 100) having 10 isotopes with mass numbers ranging from 248 to 257 and corresponding half-lives ranging from 0.6 minute to approximately 100 days. See table at element 镄:一种人工产生的放射性金属元素(原子序数为100),拥有10个在元素周期表中从248到257的同位素,半衰期从0.6分钟到约100天 参见 element〔radiotoxic〕the radiotoxic effects of radium on bone.镭对骨骼的放射性毒性作用〔spinthariscope〕A device for observing individual scintillations produced by ionizing radiation, as one consisting of a tube with a magnifying lens at one end and a phosphorescent screen and speck of radioactive salt at the other.闪烁镜:用来观察电离辐射产生的个体闪烁现象的装置,如由一头装有放大透镜,另一头装有磷光屏幕及放射性盐粒的装置〔tritium〕A rare radioactive hydrogen isotope with atomic mass 3 and half-life 12.5 years, prepared artificially for use as a tracer and as a constituent of hydrogen bombs.氘:氢的放射性稀有同位素,原子量为3,半衰期12.5年,人工配制可用作指示剂和氢弹的组成部分〔radiogenic〕Relating to or caused by radioactivity.放射产生的:关于放射性的或由放射性引起的〔radioactive〕Of or exhibiting radioactivity.放射性的:属于或表现出放射性的〔actinon〕A radioactive, inert, gaseous isotope of radon, with a half-life of 3.92 seconds.锕射气:氡的一种放射性的,惰性的和气态的同位素,其半衰期为3.92秒〔geochronometry〕Measurement of geologic time, as through isotopic radioactive decay.地质年代测定:通过放射性同位素衰变来测定地质年代〔series〕a radioactive decay series; the paraffin alkane series.放射性蜕变的系列;链烷烃系列〔radiobiology〕The use of radioactive tracers to study biological processes.放射生物学:用放射性追踪的使用来研究生物进程〔technetium〕A silvery-gray radioactive metal, the first synthetically produced element, having 14 isotopes with masses ranging from 92 to 105 and half-lives up to 2.6×106 years. It is used as a tracer and to eliminate corrosion in steel. Atomic number 43; melting point 2,200°C; specific gravity 11.50; valence 0, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7. See table at element 锝:一种银灰色放射性金属,是第一个人工合成的元素,有十四个原子量从92到105且半衰期高达2.6×106年的同位素。用作放射追踪剂并可消除钢铁腐蚀现象。原子序数43;熔点2,200°C;比重11.50;原子价0, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7 参见 element〔radiocarbon〕A radioactive isotope of carbon, especially carbon 14.放射性碳:碳的一种放射性同位素,尤指碳14〔radiomimetic〕a radiomimetic chemical.产生放射性的化学药品〔radionuclide〕A nuclide that exhibits radioactivity.放射性核素:表现出放射性的核素〔torbernite〕A green radioactive mineral that is a hydrous crystalline phosphate of uranium and copper.铜铀云母:一种绿色的放射性矿物,为铀和铜的氢化结晶云母〔dirty〕Producing a very great amount of long-lived radioactive fallout. Used of nuclear weapons.产生大量辐射微尘的:产生大量的长期放射性下降物的。用于核武器〔plutonium〕A naturally radioactive, silvery, metallic transuranic element, occurring in uranium ores and produced artificially by neutron bombardment of uranium. Its longest-lived isotope is Pu 244 with a half-life of 76 million years. It is a radiological poison, specifically absorbed by bone marrow, and is used, especially the highly fissionable isotope Pu 239, as a reactor fuel and in nuclear weapons. Atomic number 94; melting point 640°C; boiling point 3,235°C; specific gravity 19.84; valence 3, 4, 5, 6. See table at element 钚:一种天然地放射性银色超铀金属元素,存在于铀矿中,对铀元素进行中子轰击而人工制成。其存在周期最长的同位素是半衰期为七千六百万年的钸244,它是一种核辐射毒素,特别是能被骨髓吸收。尤其是其极具可裂变性的同位素钸239,被用作一种核反应燃料并用在核武器中。原子序数94;熔点640°C;沸点3,235°C;比重19.84;化合价3, 4, 5, 6 参见 element〔thoron〕A radioactive isotope of radon, Rn 220, having a half-life of 54.5 seconds and produced by the disintegration of thorium.钍射气:一种由钍的裂解产生的Rn220的放射性同位素,半衰期为54.5秒〔hot〕Radioactive, especially to a dangerous degree.高放射性的:放射性的,特别是达危险程度的〔lead〕Symbol Pb A soft, malleable, ductile, bluish-white, dense metallic element, extracted chiefly from galena and used in containers and pipes for corrosives, solder and type metal, bullets, radiation shielding, paints, and antiknock compounds. Atomic number 82; atomic weight 207.19; melting point 327.5°C; boiling point 1,744°C; specific gravity 11.35; valence 2, 4. See table at element 符号 Pb 铅:一种柔软、有延展性和可锻性的,蓝白色高密度金属元素,主要从方铅矿中提取,用于集装箱、耐腐蚀管道、焊料和字铅、子弹、放射性防护屏、涂料及抗爆化合物。原子序数82;原子量207.19;熔点327.5°C;沸点1,744°C;比重11.35;化合价2或4 参见 element〔radiolabel〕To tag (a hormone, an enzyme, or other substance) with a radioactive tracer.放射性同位素追踪剂:同放射性追踪剂(荷尔蒙、酶或其它物质)〔valinomycin〕An antibiotic, C54H 90N 6O 18, produced by the actinomycete B Streptomyces fulvissimus, that increases the transport of potassium across cell membranes. 缬安霉素:一种抗生素,C54H 90N 6O 18,由 链球菌属 放射性菌类B产生,促进钾穿过细胞膜的传送 〔helium〕A colorless, odorless inert gaseous element occurring in natural gas and with radioactive ores. It is used as a component of artificial atmospheres and laser media, as a refrigerant, as a lifting gas for balloons, and as a superfluid in cryogenic research. Atomic number 2; atomic weight 4.0026; boiling point -268.9°C; density at 0°C 0.1785 gram per liter. See table at element 氦:自然界天然气体或放射性矿石中一种无色、无味的惰性气体状成分。用作人造大气层和镭射媒体的组成部分,和用作制冷剂及飞行气球的气体,还在低温学研究中用作超流体。原子序数2;原子量4.0026;沸点-268.9°C;浓度在0°C时为每升0.1785克 参见 element〔scintigram〕A two-dimensional record of the distribution of a radioactive tracer in a tissue or organ, obtained by means of a scanning scintillation counter. Also called scintigraph ,scintiscan 闪烁图:在组织或器官内放射性追踪物分布的平面记录,由扫描交烁计数器得到 也作 scintigraph,scintiscan〔radiotoxic〕Of, relating to, or being a radioactive substance that is toxic to living cells or tissues:放射性毒性的:属于、关于或作为对生命细胞或组织有毒性的放射性物质的:〔radioiodine〕A radioactive isotope of iodine widely used as a tracer in medical diagnosis.放射性碘:碘的一种放射性同位素,广泛地用于医学诊断作为追踪剂〔autoradiograph〕An image recorded on a photographic film or plate produced by the radiation emitted from a specimen, such as a section of tissue, that has been treated or injected with a radioactively labeled isotope or that has absorbed or ingested such an isotope. Also called autoradiogram 自动射线照相:通过一个标本发出辐射而产生于照相胶卷上或底片上的影象,比如组织的一部分,经过处理或用放射性标记的同位素注射或吸收或吞入这样一种同位素 也作 autoradiogram〔promethium〕A radioactive rare-earth element prepared by fission of uranium or by neutron bombardment of neodymium, having 14 isotopes with mass numbers ranging from 141 to 154 and used as a source of beta rays. Atomic number 61; melting point 1,168°C; boiling point 2,460°C; valence 3. See table at element 钜:放射性稀土元素,由铀分裂或钛的中子爆炸而成,有十四个拥有从141到154的质量数的同位素,用作β射线源。原子序数61;熔点1,168°C;沸点2,460°C;原子价为3 参见 element〔radioecology〕The study of the effects of radiation and radioisotopes on an ecological population or community.放射性生态学:对放射性和放射性同位素对生态群落的影响的研究〔emit〕isotopes that emit radioactive particles; a stove emitting heat.发射出放射性粒子的同位素;发出热量的炉子〔lawrencium〕A short-lived, radioactive synthetic transuranic element produced from californium and having isotopes with mass numbers 255 through 260 and half-lives of a few seconds to three minutes; atomic number 103. See table at element 铹:一种寿命期短的、人工合成的放射性超铀元素,从锎中生成,有质量从255到260的同位素,半衰期从几秒钟到三分钟;原子序数103 参见 element〔radioisotope〕A naturally or artificially produced radioactive isotope of an element.放射性同位素:天然存在或人工合成的某种元素的有放射性的同位素〔curie〕A unit of radioactivity, equal to the amount of a radioactive isotope that decays at the rate of 3.7 × 1010 disintegrations per second. 居里:放射性强度单位,相当于一秒钟内发生3.7×1010次裂变 〔mesothorium〕Either of two decay products of thorium, mesothorium I, an isotope of radium, or mesothorium II, an isotope of actinium.新钍:钍的两种放射性生成物之一,即新钍1号,它是镭的同位素,或新钍2号,它是锕的同位素〔scanner〕A device, such as a CAT scanner or PET scanner, for observing internal organs, tissues, and other parts of the body,放射性扫描仪:用来观察内部器官、组织或身体其它部位的扫描仪器,如计算机断层扫描仪或正电子发射层析扫描仪〔radium〕A rare, brilliant white, luminescent, highly radioactive metallic element found in very small amounts in uranium ores, having 13 isotopes with mass numbers between 213 and 230, of which radium 226 with a half-life of 1,622 years is the most common. It is used in cancer radiotherapy, as a neutron source for some research purposes, and as a constituent of luminescent paints. Atomic number 88; melting point 700°C; boiling point 1,737°C; valence 2. See table at element 镭:一种稀有的、有白色光泽、发光、高度放射性的金属元素,极少量地存在于沥青矿中,有13种同位素,质量数介于213和230之间,最常见的为镭226,半衰期为1,622年。镭可用于癌症的放射治疗,在其它一些研究中用作中子源,还可用作发光颜料的成分。原子序数88;熔点700°C;沸点1,737°C;原子价2 参见 element |
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