单词 | 攻陷 |
释义 | 〔Trapani〕A city of northwest Sicily, Italy, on the Mediterranean Sea west-southwest of Palermo. An important Carthaginian naval base, it fell to Rome in 241b.c. Population, 61,900. 特拉帕凡:意大利西西里岛西北部一城市,位于地中海沿岸,帕勒莫西南偏西方向。在古代它是迦太基人一个重要的海军基地,公元前 241年被罗马攻陷。人口61,900 〔Edessa〕An ancient city of Mesopotamia on the site of present-day Urfa in southeast Turkey. A major Christian center after the third centurya.d. , it fell to the Arabs in 639 and was captured by Crusaders in 1097. 伊德沙:美索不达米亚的一座古代城市,位于今天土耳其东南部乌尔发一带。它是公元前 3世纪之后的一个重要基督教圣地,639年被阿拉伯人攻陷,1097年又被十字军占领 〔Titus〕Emperor of Rome (79-81) whose reign was marked by the capture of Jerusalem (70) and by the construction of the Roman Colosseum.提图斯:罗马皇帝(79-81年),在他统治期间著名的事件有攻陷耶路撒冷(70年)和建造罗马圆形剧场〔Schuyler〕American Revolutionary general of American forces in New York State who was relieved of his command after the British capture of Fort Ticonderoga (1777). He later served as a U.S. senator from New York (1789-1791 and 1797-1798).斯凯勒,菲利普·约翰:(1733-1804) 美国独立战争时纽约州军队的将领,在英军攻陷泰孔德罗加要塞后被解除职务(1777年)。他后来成为纽约州选出的美国参议员(1789-1791年及1797-1798年)〔Veracruz〕A city of east-central Mexico on the Gulf of Mexico east of Puebla. Founded in 1599 on a site visited earlier (1519) by Hernando Cortés, it was frequently sacked by buccaneers in the 17th and 18th centuries. U.S. troops led by Gen. Winfield Scott captured the city in 1847 during the Spanish-American War. Population, 284,822.维拉克鲁斯:墨西哥中东部的一个城市,位于普韦布拉以东的墨西哥湾沿岸,1599年创建于一个赫南多·科尔特斯早先到过(1519年)的地方,在17和18 世纪期间通常被西印度海盗劫掠。在美西战争期间该城于1847年被温菲尔德·斯科特将军率领的美国军队攻陷。人口284,822〔Matamoros〕A city of northeast Mexico near the mouth of the Rio Grande opposite Brownsville, Texas. It was captured by Zachary Taylor's forces in 1846 during the Mexican War. Population, 188,745.马塔莫罗斯:墨西哥东北部城市,位于格兰德河的入海口,与美国得克萨斯州的布朗斯维隔河相望。1846年墨西哥战争期间,被凡卡里·泰勒的军队攻陷。人口188,745〔Granada〕A city of southern Spain southeast of Córdoba. Founded by the Moors in the eighth century, it became the center of an independent kingdom in 1238. The city was captured by Castilian troops in 1492, ending Moorish control in Spain. Population, 256,191.格拉纳达:西班牙南部一座城市,位于科尔多瓦东南,由摩尔人于8世纪创建,在1238年成为一个独立王国的中心。该城于1492年为卡斯蒂利亚人攻陷, 从而结束了摩尔人对西班牙的统治。人口256,191〔Crete〕An island of southeast Greece in the eastern Mediterranean Sea. Its Minoan civilization was one of the earliest in the world and reached the height of its wealth and power c. 1600b.c. Crete subsequently fell to the Greeks, Romans, Byzantines, Arabs, Venetians, and Ottoman Turks. The islanders proclaimed their union with modern Greece in 1908. 克里特岛:希腊东南沿海的一个岛屿,位于地中海东部。它的迈诺斯文明是世界是最早的文明之一,并在公元前 17世纪纪达到其财富和权势的顶峰。克里特岛先后被希腊人、罗马人、拜占廷人、阿拉伯人、威尼斯人和奥托曼土耳其人攻陷。岛上居民在1908年宣布与现代的希腊结成联盟 〔Cush〕An ancient kingdom of Nubia in northern Sudan. It flourished from the 11th centuryb.c. to the 4th century a.d. , when its capital fell to the Ethiopians. 库施:努比亚的一个古王国,位于苏丹的北部地区。它从公元前 11世纪开始繁荣,直至 公元 4世纪时其首都被埃塞俄比亚人攻陷 〔reduce〕To subject to destruction:攻陷,毁坏:遭到毁坏:〔Ctesiphon〕An ancient city of central Iraq on the Tigris River southeast of Baghdad. As the residence of Parthian kings it was renowned for its splendor. The Arabs captured and plundered the city in 637.泰西封:伊拉克中部的一个古城,位于底格里斯河沿岸,巴格达东南部。作为帕提亚国王们的王宫,它以其辉煌灿烂而闻名。阿拉伯人于637年攻陷并劫掠了该城〔Perugia〕A city of central Italy on a hill overlooking the Tiber River north of Rome. An important Etruscan settlement, it fell to the Romans c. 310b.c. and became a Lombard duchy in a.d. 592 and a free city in the 12th century. Population, 142,522. 佩鲁贾:意大利中部一城市,位于罗马北部、俯瞰台伯河的丘陵地带。埃特鲁斯坎人的一个重要的定居点,约于公元前 310年被罗马人攻陷。 公元 592年成为伦巴第公国,12世纪成为一个自由的城市。人口142,522 〔sack〕The looting or pillaging of a captured city or town.洗劫:对攻陷的城镇进行的掠夺和抢劫〔Venice〕A city of northeast Italy on islets within a lagoon in theGulf of Venice, a wide inlet of the northern Adriatic Sea. Founded in the 5th century a.d. by refugees fleeing the Lombard invaders who had gained control of the mainland, it became a major maritime power by the 13th century and spread its influence over northern Italy by the 15th century. Its territories were gradually lost to the Turks, and in 1797 it passed to Austria. Venice was ceded to Italy in 1866. Population, 332,775. 威尼斯:意大利东北部的一个城市,位于亚得里亚海北部的一个宽阔的海湾威尼斯湾 里的一个泻湖内的众多小岛上。它在 公元 5世纪由逃离伦巴族侵略者的难民创建,这些侵略者已获得对大陆的控制权,到13世纪它已成为一个主要的海上强国并于15世纪把其影响扩及意大利的北部。它的领土后来逐渐为土耳其人所攻陷,并于1797年转让给了奥地利。威尼斯在1866年并入了意大利。人口332,775 〔Priam〕The father of Paris, Hector, and Cassandra and king of Troy, who was killed when his city fell to the Greeks.普里阿摩斯:是帕里斯,赫克托耳和卡珊德拉的父亲,特洛伊的国王,在特洛里城被希腊人攻陷时被杀 |
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