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单词 揭示
释义 〔incisive〕 Incisive andtrenchant suggest penetration to the heart of a subject and clear, sharp, and vigorous expression: Incisive 和trenchant 指揭示问题中心以及清晰、锐利而强有力的表达: 〔show〕To expose or reveal the true character or nature of:暴露或揭示…的真实特征或本质:〔telltale〕Something that indicates or reveals information; a sign.迹象:显示或揭示情报的东西;标志〔countertransference〕The surfacing of a psychotherapist's own repressed feelings through identification with the emotions, experiences, or problems of a person undergoing treatment.逆移情:通过与病人情感、经历或问题对照来揭示精神分析专家自己的压抑感情〔kitsch〕"a movie that sets out to expose the kitsch of Hollywood fantasy"(Vincent Canby)“打算揭示出好莱坞幻想的庸俗的电影”(文森特·坎比)〔Morrison〕American writer whose novels, such asSula (1973) and Beloved (1987), examine the experiences of Black American women. 莫里森,托尼:(生于 1931) 美国作家,其小说如《苏拉》 (1973年)和 《宠儿》 (1987年)揭示了美国黑人妇女的生活经历 〔blemish〕Experiments revealed a very basic flaw in the theory. 实验揭示了该理论中一个基本的缺陷 〔index〕Something that reveals or indicates; a sign:表示:具有暗示或揭示作用的东西;信号:〔unroll〕To unfold and present to view; reveal.揭露:把…解开并使之能被人看到;揭示〔center〕According to traditional canons of usage,the verbcenter may be freely used with the prepositions on, upon, in, or at; but its use witharound is excoriated as "ungrammatical,” "illogical,” "geometrically senseless,” and "physically impossible.” But the fact that writers persist in using this phrase in sentencessuch asThe discussion centered around the need for curriculum revision (where traditionalists would require revolved around ) suggests a widespread perception that center around, for all its apparent illogicality,may sometimes represent the true nature of experience.Center may denote a variety of relations involving having, finding, or turning about a center, and the choice of a preposition depends on what is intended.There is reputable precedent for usagessuch asOur hope centered in the young sovereign; 根据传统用法,动词center 可以和介词 on,upon,in 或 at 自由连用; 但它和around 连用却被严厉指责为“不合语法”,“不合逻辑”,“几何上无意义”,“物理上不可能”。 然而事实上作家们坚持在句子里使用这个短语,比如讨论围绕修订工作的需求展开 (这里传统人士将用 rovolve around )表明 center around 揭示了一个普遍的认识, 即尽管它明显不合逻辑,有时也会代表经验的真正特性。Center 可以指示包括拥有,发现或围绕中心转动在内的多种关系, 介词的选择取决于具体意向。用法上有著名的先例,如我们的希望集中于年轻的帝王身上; 〔investigative〕Characterized by or engaged in investigation; specializing in uncovering and reporting hidden information:好调查的:以调查为特征的或忙于做调查的;专于揭示或报告隐藏信息的:〔symbolism〕Revelation or suggestion of intangible conditions or truths by artistic invention.象征手法:通过艺术创造来揭示或暗示难以描述的情况或真理〔Bergman〕Swedish director whose critically acclaimed films, such asThe Silence (1963) and Fanny and Alexander (1983), are characterized by slow pace, laconic dialogue, and heavy use of symbolism to explore the psychological states of the characters. 伯格曼,英马尔:(生于 1918) 瑞典导演,其受到评论界赞扬的电影,如《沉默》 (1963年)和 《芬尼和亚历山大》 (1983年),其特点是慢节奏、对话简洁和大量运用象征手法以揭示人物的心理状态 〔parapraxis〕A minor error, such as a slip of the tongue, thought to reveal a subconscious motive.动作倒错,失误动作:一种如口误等被认为能揭示潜意识动机的小错误〔detect〕from Latin dētegere dētect- [to uncover] 源自 拉丁语 dētegere dētect- [揭示] 〔ulterior〕Lying beyond what is evident, revealed, or avowed, especially being concealed intentionally so as to deceive:隐秘不明的:处于明显的、揭示的或公开宣称之外,尤指故意隐瞒以欺骗的:〔communicate〕To reveal clearly; manifest:显示:清晰地揭示;表明:〔show〕To reveal (oneself) as in one's behavior or condition:表明:如通过某人行为或状况揭示(本身):〔care〕It is true that a close examination of the syntax of the phraseI could care less reveals that it ought by rights to mean something like "I care more than I might,” rather than "I don't care at all.” But while the illogicality of a phrase may be reason enough for excluding it from formal writing,this illogicality cannot be invoked as grounds for keeping it out of the colloquial language,particularly when the phrase is itself an expression of casual indifference.See Usage Note at cannot 对短语I could care less 的句法的仔细研究揭示,该短语按理应有类似“我极其在意,甚于我应该做的”的意思,而不表示“我一点儿也不介意”,这一点确凿无疑。 但是,尽管由于一个短语有不合逻辑性的含义,也许这一点足以使其不合逻辑的用法被排除在正式文体之外;这不合逻辑性却不能被援引作为把它排除在口语用法之外的根据,尤其是当该短语本身只是一个非正式的或随意的表达语时 参见 cannot〔casino〕The history of the wordcasino reveals a transformation from a cottage to a gambling palace. The source of our word, Italiancasino, is a diminutive ofcasa, "house,” itself from Latincāsa, "cottage, hut, hovel.” Central to the transformation is the development of the senses ofcasino in Italian. The word was first applied to a country houseand then came to be used for a social gathering place,a room or building where one could dance, listen to music, and gamble. This last pastime seems to have gained precedence over the others,at least as far as the development of the word is concerned, andcasino took on the meaning "gambling establishment.” These senses of the Italian word have all been borrowed into English,the sense "social gathering place" being recorded first in the 18th century,the sense "gambling establishment" first in 1851.单词casino 的历史揭示了一个从村舍到赌场的转化。 我们这个意大利词casino 的来源, 是casa 的小字尾“房屋”, 而其本身也来自于拉丁语casa ,意思是“村舍、小屋、茅屋。” 对这一转化起中心作用的是casino 一词在意大利语中的意思发展。 起初,这个词被用来指一所乡间房屋,然后逐渐用它来指一个社交聚会场所,一个人们可以在那里跳舞、听音乐和赌博的房间或建筑物。这最后一种娱乐的地位似乎已在其他娱乐之上,至少就casino 这个词的发展来说是这样的,于是它开始有了“赌场”的含义。 这个意大利词的这些意义都已被借用到英语中;“社交聚会场所”这层意思在18世纪首次被记录下来,“赌场”的含义在1851年被首次记录下来〔tell〕To give an account or a revelation:讲述:讲述或揭示〔unkennel〕To bring to light; uncover or disclose.揭露:揭示;揭露或泄露〔revelation〕Something revealed, especially a dramatic disclosure of something not previously known or realized.被揭示的真相:被显露的东西,尤指早先未知或未认识到的东西的戏剧性揭露〔demythologize〕To rid of mythological elements in order to discover the underlying meaning:去除神话:去除神话性的成份以揭示其中蕴含的意义:〔show〕To manifest (an emotion or a condition, for example); reveal:表示,表现:显露出(如感情或状态);揭示〔Clark〕Panamanian-born American psychologist and author who demonstrated the psychological effects of racial segregation and ghetto life, influencing the Supreme Court ruling inBrown v. Board of Education (1954). 克拉克,肯尼思·班克罗夫特:(生于 1914) 巴拿马裔美国心理学家和作家,揭示了种族隔离和少数民族聚集区生活的心理效应,影响了最高法院对布朗 , 教育局 案的裁定(1954年) 〔unfold〕To be revealed gradually to the understanding:渐渐显露:逐步被揭示到了解:〔motif〕A recurrent thematic element in an artistic or literary work.主题:艺术品或文学作品中反复体现的、揭示主题的部分〔physiognomy〕Facial features, especially when regarded as revealing character.See Synonyms at face 面相,相貌:面容特点,尤被认为揭示性格特征时 参见 face〔explain〕"Ordinary language philosophers tried to explicate the standards of usage underlying the linguistic behavior of those who do not abuse this freedom" (Jerrold J. Katz).Tointerpret is to reveal the underlying meaning of something by the application of special knowledge or insight: “普通语言学家试图解释用法的标准,这种标准潜藏在那些不滥用这种自由的人们的语言行为中” (杰罗尔德J·卡茨)。Interpret 意思是用特殊的知识或洞察力来揭示某事潜在的意思: 〔stamp〕To identify, characterize, or reveal:暴露:使显示出,表现出特征,揭示〔unfold〕To reveal gradually by written or spoken explanation; make known.展现,披露:通过书面或口头解释逐步揭示;使知道〔Cobbett〕British journalist and social reformer noted for hisRural Rides (1830), a collection of essays showing the deterioration of rural life brought about by the Industrial Revolution. 古伯特,威廉:(1763?-1835) 英国新闻工作者和社会改革家,因作品文集《乡村漫游》 (1830年)闻名,该文集揭示了工业革命引起农村生活的恶化 〔unmask〕To disclose the true character of; expose.揭示揭示…的真实品格;揭露〔declare〕To reveal or make manifest; show.揭示,表明;显示〔Faulkner〕American writer who set many of his works, such as the novelsThe Sound and the Fury (1929) and The Unvanquished (1938), in the imaginary Yoknapatawpha County, a microcosm of the postbellum South, in which he explored the decay of traditional Southern values. He won the 1949 Nobel Prize for literature. 福克纳,威廉:(1897-1962) 美国作家,他的许多作品,如小说《喧嚣与骚动》 (1929年)和 《不可战胜》 (1938年),都以战后南方的缩影虚构的约克波塔弗郡为背景,揭示了南方传统价值观的衰败。1949年他获诺贝尔文学奖




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