单词 | 措施 |
释义 | 〔apology〕"The consequence of those measures will be the best apology for my conduct"(Daniel Defoe)“这些措施的结果将是我行为的最好的解释”(丹尼尔·迪福)〔left〕The people and groups who advocate liberal, often radical measures to effect change in the established order, especially in politics, usually to achieve the equality, freedom, and well-being of the common citizens of a state. Also called left wing 左派人士,激进分子:拥护自由、经常采取激进的措施来影响现存秩序的变革的人或群体,尤指政治领域,经常是为了争取一个国家内广大国民的平等、自由及安康 也作 left wing〔avail〕Halfway measures will no longer avail.不彻底的措施将不再有用〔restive〕The government has done nothing to ease export restrictions, and domestic manufacturers are growing restive (not restless ). 政府未采取任何措施放松出口限制,因此国内制造商变得焦虑不安(不能用 restless )。 〔materialize〕It was thought the community would oppose the measure, but no new objections materialized. 据猜想社区可能会反对该措施,但是新的反对意见还没有出现。 〔discord〕a measure intended to end party strife.一项结束党派纷争的措施。〔Adams〕The sixth President of the United States (1825-1829). As secretary of state (1817-1825) he helped formulate the Monroe Doctrine. After his presidency he served in the House of Representatives (1831-1848), where he advocated antislavery measures.亚当斯,约翰·昆西:(1767-1848) 美国第六任总统(1825-1829年)。作为国务卿(1817-1825年),他帮助制定门罗主义,卸任后任众议员(1831-1848年),并提出反对奴隶制的措施〔nary〕"Frequently, measures of major import . . . glide through these chambers with nary a whisper of debate"(George B. Merry)“经常地,主要进口的措施…从这些办公室里毫无异议地滑过”(乔治B.梅里)〔ametropia〕Greek ametros [without measure] a- [without] * see a- 1 metron [measure] * see meter 1希腊语 ametros [没有办法] a- [没有] * 参见 a-1 metron [措施] * 参见 meter1〔initiative〕The power or right to introduce a new legislative measure.立法提案权:采取一种新的立法措施的能力或权利〔rejig〕"a series of measures to . . . rejig the monetary system"(Christian Science Monitor)“重新调整货币体系…的一系列的措施”(基督教科学箴言报)〔extremist〕One who advocates or resorts to measures beyond the norm, especially in politics.极端分子:过分地提倡或凭借某措施的人,尤指在政治上〔Carter〕The 39th President of the United States (1977-1981), who is credited with establishing energy-conservation measures, concluding the Panama Canal treaties (1978), and negotiating the Camp David accords between Egypt and Israel (1979).卡特,小詹姆斯·厄尔:(生于 1924) 美国第39任总统(1977-1981年),以采取能源保护措施、签署《巴拿马运河条约》(1978年)及商议签订埃及和以色列之间的《戴维营协议》(1979年)而知名〔moderate〕Opposed to radical or extreme views or measures, especially in politics or religion.稳健的,不激进的:反对激进的或极端的观点或措施的,尤指在政治或宗教上〔consensus〕The voters' consensus was that the measure should be adopted.大多数选民的意见是采取这个措施〔right〕The opinion of those advocating such measures.右翼主张:支持右翼措施的人的主张〔antitakeover〕Of, relating to, or constituting measures or statutes intended to prevent acquisition of a target company by another company hostile to the target's management.反接收的:另一敌视本目标管理的团体,试图阻止对本目标团体之获得的措施或法令的,有关或构成该措施及法令的〔antiterrorist〕antiterrorist measures.反恐怖主义措施〔percent〕Statistically speaking,a quantity can be increased by any percentage but cannot be decreased by more than 100 percent.Once pollution has been reduced by 100 percent, for example, it ceases to exist,and no further reduction is possible.In defiance of this logic, however, advertisers sometimes refer toa 150 percent decrease in lost luggage or a new dental rinse that reduces plaque on teeth by over 300 percent. On reflection,it is possible to infer the intended meaning in these examples—presumably the rinse is three times as effective as some other tooth-cleaning procedure—but the ostensible claim is logically nonsensical,and the phrasing serves mostly to obscure the fact that the standard of comparison has not been made explicit.The latter phrase was unacceptable to 66 percent of the Usage Panel.从统计学上说,数量可以按任意比例增长但不能按超过百分之一百的比例减少。例如,一旦污染减少百分之百,它就会消失,也就不再会有任何进一步减少的可能了。然而,广告商们时常忽视这种规律而提出行李丢失率下降了百分之一百五 或 一种新型爽口剂将牙病减少了百分之三百。 从观众的反应来说,不可能推断这些例句想表达的意思——假定这种爽口剂比其它洁齿措施有效三倍——但这种表面的说法却是不合逻辑的,并且短语的运用大大模糊了比较标准尚不清晰的事实。后一个短语是百分之六十六的用法小组成员不能接受的〔filibuster〕To use obstructionist tactics against (a legislative measure, for example).阻碍:通过用阻碍策略反对(如立法措施)〔protection〕A system of tariffs or other measures protecting domestic producers from foreign competition.贸易保护制度:关税系统或其它措施系统,用以保护国内生产者免受国外竞争〔hedge〕To take compensatory measures so as to counterbalance possible loss.以套期保值避免损失:采取补偿性措施以平衡可能的损失〔join〕The two factions joined to oppose the measure.两个派别联合起来抵制这项措施〔counterterror〕counterterror measures; counterterror weapons.反恐怖主义措施;反恐怖主义武器〔campaign〕An operation or series of operations energetically pursued to accomplish a purpose:运动计划:以期达到某一目的而采取的一项或一系列积极有力的措施:〔correct〕Nothing has been done to remedy the lack.还没有采取任何措施以弥补这种缺乏。〔annoy〕The city council's failure to take action on the legislation irked the community.市政局立法措施的失败引起了公众的不满。〔left〕The opinion of those advocating such measures.左派言论:拥护这种措施的人的观点〔overture〕An act, an offer, or a proposal that indicates readiness to undertake a course of action or open a relationship.主动表示:指出准备好了采取行动或揭示关系的一个措施、提议或建议〔confer〕a carefully worded statement that conferred an aura of credibility onto the administration's actions.这份措辞谨慎的声明确立这些行政措施的可信度〔control〕A restraining device, measure, or limit; a curb:管制:起抑制作用的手段、措施或限定;管制:〔protectionism〕The advocacy, system, or theory of protecting domestic producers by impeding or limiting, as by tariffs or quotas, the importation of foreign goods and services.贸易保护主义:通过关税或进口配额等措施阻碍或限制外国商品和服务性产业的进口从而保护国内生产者的主张、制度或理论〔write〕To underwrite, as an insurance policy.承保:承保,作为一项保险措施〔hedge〕a hedge against inflation.防止通货膨胀的措施〔cure〕Something that corrects or relieves a harmful or disturbing situation:对策,措施:消除或缓解某一有害或烦扰状态的东西:〔preventive〕Something that prevents or slows the course of an illness or disease.预防药,预防法,预防措施:预防或延缓病情发展的药品,方法或措施〔begin〕Those measures do not even begin to address the problem.那些措施根本不能触及问题所在〔amend〕To alter (a legislative measure, for example) formally by adding, deleting, or rephrasing.修正,修订:通过增加、删减或重新措词来正式修改(如一种立法措施)〔intended〕"The only option is whether these will be purposeful, intended policies or whether they will be . . . concealed ones"(Daniel Patrick Moynihan)“唯一的选择是是否这些是有目的,有意图的措施或是他们将会被…隐蔽的措施”(丹尼尔·帕特里克·莫伊尼汉)〔Thatcher〕British Conservative politician who served as prime minister (1979-1990). Her administration was marked by anti-inflationary measures, a brief war in the Falkland Islands (1982), and the passage of a poll tax.撒切尔,玛格丽特·希尔达:(生于 1925) 曾任英国首相的保守党政治家(1979-1990年)。她执政以反通货膨胀措施,福克兰岛短战(1982年)和通过人丁税为特征 |
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