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单词 推进
释义 〔projectile〕A fired, thrown, or otherwise propelled object, such as a bullet, having no capacity for self-propulsion.抛射体:被发射出去、扔出去或被推动的物体,比如子弹,它没有自我推进的能力〔Satyagraha〕The policy of nonviolent resistance initiated in India by Mahatma Gandhi as a means of pressing for political reform.不合作主义:印度圣雄甘地倡导的非暴力抵抗政策,是推进政治改革的手段〔shoehorn〕The usher shoehorned us into the back of the crowded theater.引座员把我们推进拥挤的剧院的后排〔propellant〕Serving to propel; propelling.推进的:用于推进的;有推进力的〔supergun〕An extremely large, cannonlike gun designed to shoot projectiles over long distances or to launch satellites and spacecraft into orbit without a propulsion or guidance system, as is needed with a missile.巨型炮:似火炮的超大型大炮,用来发射远程火箭,或者将卫星和宇宙飞船送入天体轨道,无需发射导弹所必需的推进或导航系统〔hustle〕hustled the prisoner into a van.把囚犯推进一辆货车〔Wilkins〕British biophysicist. He shared the 1962 Nobel Prize in physiology or medicine for advances in the study of DNA.威尔金斯,莫里斯·休·弗雷德里克:(生于 1916) 英国生物物理学家。他因推进了脱氧核糖核酸的研究而获1962年诺贝尔生理学或医学奖〔urgent〕from Latin urgēns urgent- [present participle of] urgēre [to urge] 源自 拉丁语 urgēns urgent- urgēre的现在分词 [推进,催促,竭力主张] 〔galley〕An ancient Mediterranean seagoing vessel propelled by oars.远洋轮船:一种古时在地中海内靠桨推进的远洋轮船〔movement〕The progression of events in the development of a literary plot.曲折:文学情节推进中事件的发展〔projectile〕Driving forward; impelling:向前开进的;推进的:〔drive〕To rush, dash, or advance violently against an obstruction:撞击:向障碍物猛烈地驱赶、冲击或推进〔ramjet〕A jet engine that propels aircraft by igniting fuel mixed with air taken and compressed by the engine in a fashion that produces greater exhaust than intake velocity.冲压式喷气发动机:一种喷气发动机,靠燃烧发动机吸入和压缩的空气与燃料的混合物推进飞机,其排出空气的速度比吸入快〔Pevsner〕Russian artist. With his brother Naum Gabo he set forth the principles of constructivism in theRealist Manifesto (1920). 佩夫斯纳,安托万:(1886-1962) 俄国艺术家。1920年与其弟纳乌姆·加博一起发表了《现实主义宣言》 ,从而推进了构成派的风格 〔launch〕To throw or propel with force; hurl:投掷:用力扔或推进;投掷:〔propellant〕Something, such as an explosive charge or a rocket fuel, that propels or provides thrust.发射药,火箭燃料:推进或提供爆炸的物体,比如爆炸炸药或火箭燃料〔urge〕To force or drive forward or onward; impel.推进,驱策:(使)向前或继续前进;驱策〔ride〕To move by way of an intangible force or impetus; move as if on water:航进,飘游:被无形的力量驱使或推进;就好象在水面上移动:〔launch〕To set or thrust (a self-propelled craft or projectile) in motion:发射:使或强行使(自助推进航空器或发射物)发动:〔furtherance〕The act of furthering, advancing, or helping forward:促进,推动:促进、推进或援助的行为:〔trundle〕To push or propel on wheels or rollers:使滚动:装在轮或滚筒上推进〔carry〕To take further; advance:推进一步;推进〔edge〕To advance or push slightly or gradually:使渐进:缓慢或逐渐地前进或推进〔steamship〕A large vessel propelled by one or more steam-driven screws, propellers, or paddles.汽船:靠一个或多个蒸汽螺旋浆推进的大船〔boron〕A soft, brown, amorphous or crystalline nonmetallic element, extracted chiefly from kernite and borax and used in flares, propellant mixtures, nuclear reactor control elements, abrasives, and hard metallic alloys. Atomic number 5; atomic weight 10.811; melting point 2,300°C; sublimation point 2,550°C; specific gravity (crystal) 2.34; valence 3. See table at element 硼:一种柔软、棕色、无定形或结晶的非金属元素,主要从四水硼砂和硼砂中提取,用于闪光剂、推进混合物、原子反应控制剂、磨砂和硬合金中。原子序数5;原子量10.811;熔点2,300°C;沸点2,550°C;比重(晶体)2.34;化合价3 参见 element〔single〕singled him to second.把他推进到二垒〔Revere〕American silversmith, engraver, and Revolutionary hero. On April 18, 1775, he made his famous ride, celebrated in a poem by Longfellow, to warn of the British advance on Lexington and Concord, Massachusetts.里维尔,保罗:(1735-1818) 美国银匠、雕刻师及美国革命英雄。在1775年4月18日,他做出了一次著名的骑马旅行以警告英军在马萨诸塞州来克星顿及康科德的推进,该行动被朗非罗称颂于一首诗中〔nose〕To move, push, or make with or as if with the nose.用鼻子推进:用鼻子或似乎用鼻子挪、推或做〔further〕To help the progress of; advance.See Synonyms at advance 促进;推进 参见 advance〔throw〕These verbs mean to propel something through the air with a motion of the hand or arm.这些动词的意思是用手部或臂部的移动(将某物)在空中推进〔make〕To help promote; further:帮助提升;推进〔Pericles〕Athenian leader noted for advancing democracy in Athens and for ordering the construction of the Parthenon.伯里克利:古雅典首领,因其推进了雅典民主制并下令建造巴台农神庙而著名〔posigrade〕Of, relating to, or being an auxiliary rocket on a multistage spacecraft that is fired in the direction of the spacecraft's motion to separate the sections.正加速度的火箭:多节航天器上的辅助火箭的,这种火箭点燃后沿航天器运行方向推进,并分为几部分〔galley〕A large, usually single-decked medieval ship of shallow draft, propelled by sails and oars and used as a merchant ship or warship in the Mediterranean.单层甲板大帆船:中世纪地中海巨型舰,通常是大且吃水浅并用帆和桨推进的单甲板船,用作商船或战舰〔Bismarck〕Creator and first chancellor of the German Empire (1871-1890). Instrumental in victory over Austria (1866) and the creation of the North German Confederation (1867), he instituted during his chancellorship sweeping social reforms by which he sought to stop the advance of German socialism.俾斯麦,奥托·爱德华·利奥波德·冯:(1815-1898) 日耳曼帝国(1871-1890年)的创建者和第一任元首。在战胜奥地利(1866年)和建立北日耳曼联邦(1867年)中起重要作用,在任元首期间,他大刀阔斧地实行改革,以求停止日耳曼社会主义的推进〔drawer〕also [drôr] A boxlike compartment in furniture that can be pulled out and pushed in. 也作 [drôr] 抽屉:家具中可被拉出和推进的盒状小间隔〔hurl〕To send with great vigor; thrust:推,迫使:用力送出;猛地推进〔pull〕To transport or propel by rowing.以划桨推进:通过划桨运输或推进〔revivalist〕One who promotes or leads religious revivals.振兴宗教家:推进或领导恢复宗教信仰的人〔Labov〕American linguist who greatly advanced the study of sociolinguistics with his textThe Social Stratification of English in New York City (1966). 威廉拉玻夫,威廉:美国语言学家,以其著作《纽约市英语的社会分层》 (1966年)极大地推进了社会语言学的研究




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