单词 | 推崇 |
释义 | 〔flex〕“‘Resolution’ has none of that modern flex we favor, with generous, built-in amounts of ‘maybe’”(Melvin Maddocks)“‘果断’没有我们所推崇的现代弹性的意味,即说一大堆暗含‘也许’的话”(梅尔文·马多克斯)〔Tang〕A Chinese dynasty (618-907) that was known for its wealth and its encouragement of the arts and literature.唐朝:中国历史上的一个朝代(618-907年),以其富强和对文学艺术的推崇而闻名〔light〕A person who inspires or is adored by another:榜样,典范:激励别人或被别人推崇的人:〔Slavophile〕An admirer of Slavic peoples or their culture.崇拜斯拉夫人者:斯拉夫民族或斯拉夫文化的推崇者〔apotheosis〕An exalted or glorified example:尊崇:颂扬或推崇的典型:〔graduate〕This pattern, which no longer bears any taint of incorrectness,is acceptable to 89 percent of the Panel.It has the advantage of ascribing the accomplishment to the student, rather than to the institution,as is usually appropriate in discussions of individual cases.When the institution's responsibility is emphasized,however, the older pattern may still be recommended.A sentence such asThe university graduated more computer science majors in 1987 than in the entire previous decade stresses the university's accomplishment, say, of its computer science program. On the other hand, the sentenceMore computer science majors graduated in 1987 than in the entire previous decade implies that the class of 1987 was in some way a remarkable group. · The transitive use ofgraduate, as inShe graduated Yale in 1980, was unacceptable to 77 percent of the Usage Panel. 这种方式不再有不正确的问题,并为小组百分之八十九的成员所接受,其优点是将成就归功于学生而不是学院,通常在讨论单个事例时是合适的。当学院的责任被强调时,旧方式则可能得到推崇。句子:The university graduated more computer science majors in 1987 than in the entire previous decade。 强调了该大学计算机科学项目上的成就。 另一方面,句子:More computer science majors graduated in 1987 than in the entire previous decade。 指1987级从某种意义上来说是个出色的群体。 至于graduate 的及物用法, 如在她于1980年毕业于耶鲁大学 用法使用专题小组百分之七十七的成员表示不接受 〔splendid〕Admired by many; illustrious:为众人所推崇的,杰出的:〔Indianism〕Devotion to or preference for the people and culture of India.推崇印第安文化:致力于或是偏好于美国原住人民及文化〔very〕In general usagevery is not used alone to modify a past participle. Thus we may say of a book, for example, that it has beenvery much praised, very much criticized, very much applauded, or whatever, but not that it has beenvery praised, very criticized, or very applauded. However, many past participle forms do double duty as adjectives,in which case modification by a barevery, or by analogous adverbs such as quite, is acceptable: there can be no objection to phrases such asa very creased handkerchief, a very celebrated singer, or a very polished performance. In some cases there is disagreement as to whether a particular participle can be used properly as an adjective:over the years objections have been raised as to the use ofvery by itself with delighted, interested, annoyed, pleased, disappointed, and irritated. All these words are now well established as adjectives,as indicated by the fact that they can be used attributively ( 在一般用法中very 不是仅用来修辞过去分词。 因此我们可说,例如一本书是very much praised, very much criticized, very much applauded(深受推崇的,深受批评的,深受赞扬的) 或者任意什么, 但是不说它被very praised, very criticized(很推崇的,深受批评的) 或 very applauded(深受赞扬)。 然而,许多过去分词有形容词的双重功能,只用very 或者类似的副词比如 quite 来进行格的修饰是可以接受的: 对于一些词组例如a very creased handkerchief, a very celebrated singer(特别皱的手帕,很知名的歌手) 或者 a very polished performance(优美的演出) 不会有异议。 有时对于是否能用一个特定的分词来做形容词的问题有些分歧:许多年来对于把very 与 delighted, interested, annoyed, pleased, disappointed(高兴 的,有兴趣的,生气的,高兴的,失望的) 和 irritated(发怒的) 在一起连用有些异议。 现在这些词都已被确定下来当作形容词使用,这已被它们可以当作定语的事实证明( 〔error〕"Irrationally held truths may be more harmful than reasoned errors" (Thomas H. Huxley). “无理性地推崇真理往往比合理的错误更有害。” (托马斯·H·赫胥黎)。 〔Hepplewhite〕British cabinetmaker whose elegant designs, now greatly admired, were considered unfashionable in his day.赫波怀特,乔治:(卒于 1786) 英国家具制造家,其格调优雅的设计现在备受推崇,而在当时不流行〔regard〕"Greatness is a spiritual condition worthy to excite love, interest, and admiration" (Matthew Arnold).“伟大是一种值得深深热爱、推崇和钦佩的精神境界” (马修·阿诺德)。〔Diogenes〕Greek philosopher who founded the Cynic school of philosophy, stressing self-control and the pursuit of virtue. He is said to have once wandered through the streets of Athens with a lantern, searching for an honest man.第欧根尼:希腊哲学家,哲学犬儒学派奠基人,强调自我控制和推崇善行。说他曾提着灯在雅典大街漫步寻找诚实的人〔Raeder〕German admiral who commanded the German navy (1928-1943) and advocated submarine warfare during World War II.雷德,埃利切:(1876-1960) 德国海军上将,曾指挥德国海军(1928-1943年)在第二次世界大战中推崇潜艇战〔enthrone〕To raise to a lofty position; exalt.推举至高位;推崇 |
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