单词 | 掌握 |
释义 | 〔possess〕possess valuable data.掌握珍贵的数据资料〔watch〕To observe the course of mentally; keep up on or informed about:对…关注:对思想过程保持关注;维持或掌握…的情况:〔graduate〕After a summer of diving instruction, they had all graduated to back flips.经过一个夏天的跳水指导,他们都掌握了后空翻〔absolutism〕A form of government in which all power is vested in a single ruler or other authority.专制政权,专制体制:一种所有权力都掌握在一个统治者或其它权力机构的政府形式〔lawyering〕"Thousands of individual practitioners and small firms do most of the lawyering in this country"(Newsweek)“成千上万的个体律师和小公司已掌握了这个国家的大部分律师业”(新闻周刊)〔serious〕"The soldier . . . of today is . . . a quiet, grave man, busied in charts, exact in sums, master of the art of tactics" (Walter Bagehot).“今天的…这个士兵是…一个温和严肃、忙于图表、运算精确、掌握战术艺术的人” (沃尔特·巴杰特)。〔read〕To examine and grasp the meaning of (written or printed characters, words, or sentences).读,阅读:检查并掌握(书面或印刷体的文字、词语或句子的)意思〔preconception〕An opinion or a conception formed in advance of full or adequate knowledge or experience; a prejudice or bias:先入之见,事先构想:在掌握全部或充分知识或经验之前所形成的观点或概念;偏见或成见:〔seize〕To grasp with the mind; apprehend:掌握,理解:思想上掌握;领悟:〔fugitive〕Difficult to comprehend or retain; elusive:难掌握或保留的;难以捉摸的:〔manager〕One who controls resources and expenditures, as of a household.当家人:掌握资源和经费的人,如一个家庭的〔Tiepolo〕Italian painter. With his command of perspective, light, color, and composition, he produced a large body of secular and ecclesiastical works, includingThe Banquet of Cleopatra and The Martyrdom of Saint Agatha (both 1750). 泰波罗,乔瓦尼·巴蒂斯特:(1696-1770) 意大利画家,他对透视、光线、色彩和构图有杰出的掌握,创作了一大批世俗和宗教作品,其中有《克利奥帕特拉的宴会》 和 《圣阿加莎的殉道》 (同为1750年) 〔epilepsy〕from epilambanein [to lay hold of] 源自 epilambanein [掌握] 〔parastatal〕A company or an agency owned or controlled wholly or partly by the government.国营企业,半国营集团:全部或部分归政府所有或掌握的企业或集团〔encyclopedia〕The wordencyclopedia, which to us usually means a large set of books, descends from a phrase that involved coming to grips with the contents of such books.The Greek phrase isenkuklios paideia, made up of enkuklios, "cyclical, periodic, ordinary,” and paideia, "education,” and meaning "general education, literally the arts and sciences that a person should study to be liberally educated.”Copyists of Latin manuscripts took this phrase to be the Greek wordenkuklopaedia, with the same meaning, and this spurious Greek word became the New Latin wordencyclopaedia, coming into English with the sense "general course of instruction,” first recorded in 1531.In New Latin the word was chosen as the title of a reference work covering all knowledge.The first such use in English is recorded in 1644.单词encyclopedia 对我们而言通常是指一大套书, 来源于一个涉及掌握这类书内容的短语。希腊片语enkuklios paideia 是由下列两个词组成的 enkuklios “循环的,周期性,平常的”以及 paideia “教育”, 含义是“普通教育,从字面上说就是一个想接受通才教育的人所应该学习的艺术和科学知识”。拉丁文手稿的抄录者将此片语当成了带有相同词义的希腊词enkuklopaedia , 而该谬传的希腊词又构成为新拉丁语词encyclopaedia , 带着其“指导教育的普遍课程”之语意又进入英语,最先记载于1531年。在新拉丁语中该词被选中作为一本覆盖各科知识的参考著作的书名。在英国首次这样的用法记载于1644年〔preconceive〕To form (an opinion, for example) before possessing full or adequate knowledge or experience.预见:在掌握全部或充分知识或经验之前便形成(如,一个观点)〔angary〕The legal right of a belligerent to seize, use, or destroy the property of a neutral, provided that full compensation is made.非常征用权:指交战国可以掌握,征用或毁坏中立国的财产留待以后赔偿的法定权利〔unclasp〕To release or relax a clasp or grasp; let go.松开扣子或松开掌握放弃〔belt〕In one's possession or experience:获得,经历,掌握:在某人的占有物或经历中:〔slip〕To escape, as from a grasp, fastening, or restraint:逃脱:从掌握、束缚或限制中逃脱:〔ask〕The teacher quizzed the pupils on the multiplication tables. 老师测试了学生们对乘法表的掌握。 〔knowledgeable〕Possessing or showing knowledge or intelligence; perceptive and well-informed.有见识的,知识渊博的:掌握或显示出知识或智力的;有洞察力的而且见识广的〔unseen〕Recognized or grasped without previous study; understood or done as soon as seen.即席:不经学习就能识别或掌握的;一看到就会被理解或被做好的〔amerce〕from à merci [at the mercy of] 源自 à merci [在…的掌握中] 〔master〕a master of three languages.掌握三种语言的专家〔general〕a general grasp of the subject.一门学科的大略掌握〔snatch〕To grasp or seize illicitly.枪劫:非法地掌握或抢夺〔Beaverbrook〕Canadian-born British publisher, financier, and politician. He founded his press empire on theDaily Express (1916) and the Evening Standard (1923), held many cabinet positions during the 1940's, and was a confidant of Winston Churchill. 比弗布鲁克:加拿大裔英籍出版商、金融家和政治家。他在《每日快讯》 (1916年)和 《晚间旗报》 (1923年)上创立了他的报业帝国,在20世纪40年代他掌握了许多内阁席位,是温斯顿·丘吉尔的一个知己 〔archduchess〕A woman, especially an Austrian princess, holding an archduchy in her own right.女大公:自己掌握着一公国命脉的女子,尤指奥地利公主〔timing〕The art or operation of regulating occurrence, pace, or coordination to achieve the most desirable effects, as in music, the theater, athletics, or mechanics.时机掌握:掌握发生、步伐或协调以达到最理想效果的艺术或操作,如在音乐、戏剧、运动或机构中〔right〕"Certain rights can never be granted to the government, but must be kept in the hands of the people"(Eleanor Roosevelt)“某些权利永不能归属于政府,必须掌握在人民手中”(埃莉诺·罗斯福)〔sly〕Crafty suggests mastery of devious and underhanded methods or schemes: Crafty 暗示掌握迂回和阴谋的手段或方式: 〔keeping〕The act of holding, guarding, or supporting.掌握、保卫或支持的动作〔fateful〕Controlled by or as if by fate; predetermined.命中注定的:被(或像是被)命运掌握的;预先注定的〔know〕To perceive directly; grasp in the mind with clarity or certainty.通晓,领悟:直接地理解;在心中清晰或明确地掌握〔take〕To capture physically; seize:夺取:亲身获得;掌握:〔mistress〕A woman who has mastered a skill or a branch of learning:女能手:掌握一技之长或一门学问的女性:〔clinical〕"He spoke in the clipped, clinical monotones typical of police testimony in court"(Connie Paige)“他讲话简短而客观,如同在法庭陈述警方掌握的证据”(康妮·佩奇)〔know〕Possessing special or secret information.知道的,消息灵通的:掌握特别或秘密的信息的〔practice〕Repeated performance of an activity in order to learn or perfect a skill:苦练:为掌握或完善某种技能某活动的反复进行: |
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