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单词 授权
释义 〔release〕The document authorizing such relinquishment.弃权证书,让渡证书:授权此种权利放弃的文件〔warrant〕Authorization or certification; sanction, as given by a superior.准许:授权或批准;准许(如来自上司的)〔syndicate〕An association of people or firms authorized to undertake a duty or transact specific business.辛迪加:授权承担某项责任或进行特定的商业交易的人们或公司的联合体〔commission〕A document conferring such authorization.授权书:涉及这样授权的文件〔charter〕An authorization from a central organization to establish a local branch or chapter.授权,特许:中央机构对成立地方分会或支部的特许权〔moratorium〕An authorization to a debtor, such as a bank or nation, permitting temporary suspension of payments.延缓偿付:对于借款人,例如一个银行或国家,允许暂时延缓偿还借款的授权〔collegial〕Characterized by or having power and authority vested equally among colleagues:共同掌权的:具有同僚间平等授权的特点:〔licentiate〕from licentia [authorization] * see license 源自 licentia [授权] * 参见 license〔commissioner〕A person authorized by a commission to perform certain duties.委任的成员:委任授权实施某任务的人〔security〕The level to which a program or device is safe from unauthorized use.安全性:程序或设备不受非授权使用威胁的程度〔passport〕An official document issued by an allied foreign government to a ship, especially a neutral merchant ship in time of war, authorizing it to enter and travel through certain waters freely.中立船证:由联盟的外国政府颁发给船只的一种官方文件,尤指战时授权中立商船在特定水城内自由进出和航行的文件〔principal〕A person who empowers another to act as his or her representative.委托人:授权另一人代表他或她行事的人〔patrol〕The act of moving about an area especially by an authorized and trained person or group, for purposes of observation, inspection, or security.巡逻,巡视:为了观察、视察或安全,在某一地区来回走动,尤指由授权或受训的人或队伍四处巡视〔vest〕To place (authority, property, or rights, for example) in the control of a person or group, especially to give someone an immediate right to present or future possession or enjoyment of (an estate, for example). Used within : 授权:给某人或者群体权威、财产或者权利,特别是给某人对当前或者将来财产或者享乐(如地产)的权利。与in 一起用: 〔bother〕To intrude on without invitation or warrant; disturb.干扰:没有被邀请或授权而闯入;打扰〔facultative〕Granting permission or authority.许可的或授权〔intranet〕A privately maintained computer network that can be accessed only by authorized persons, especially members or employees of the organization that owns it.内部网络:私人建置的计算机网络只能让授权过的人士使用,特别是组织内部的人员或员工等〔accredit〕To supply with credentials or authority; authorize.See Synonyms at authorize 授权,委托:提供证明或权威;授权 参见 authorize〔clear〕To give clearance or authorization to:许可:给…航行许可证或授权〔security〕Prevention of unauthorized use of a program or device.加密软件,保护设备:阻止非授权使用的程序或装置〔trusteeship〕Administration of a territory by a country or countries so commissioned by the United Nations.托管:被联合国授权的国家对托管领土的管理〔authorization〕Something that authorizes; sanction.See Synonyms at permission 认可:经过官方认可、授权的东西;批准 参见 permission〔dispensation〕An exemption from a church law, a vow, or another similar obligation granted in a particular case by an ecclesiastical authority.特许,赦免:在特定情况下,由教会当权者授权赦免的教会法律、誓约或其他类似的义务的免除〔authorize〕authorized her partner to negotiate in her behalf;授权其同伴为她的利益谈判;〔depute〕To appoint or authorize as an agent or a representative.委任:任命或授权作为工作人员或代表〔devolution〕A passing down or descent through successive stages of time or a process.移交,授权:通过逐次的时间顺序或程序移交或世袭〔delegate〕To authorize and send (another person) as one's representative.授权并派遣(他人)作某人的代表〔collegiality〕Shared power and authority vested among colleagues.共同掌权:同僚间分授权〔vest〕vested his estate in his daughter.把他的地产授权于他的女儿〔collegium〕An executive council or committee of equally empowered members, especially one supervising an industry, a commissariat, or another organization in the Soviet Union.执行管理委员会:由平等授权的成员组成的行政会议或委员会,尤指苏联用以监督某一产业、政府部门或其它组织的委员会〔seigneur〕In Canada, a man who owned a large estate originally held by a feudal grant from the king of France.领主,庄园主:加拿大拥有大片曾由封建领主控制的法国国王授权的庄园的人〔resell〕To sell (a product or service) to the public or to an end user, especially as an authorized dealer.转售:贩卖(产品或服务)给大众或直接用户,尤指以授权商人的身份〔legitimate〕To sanction formally or officially; authorize.正式批准,授权:正式地或以官方名义批准;授权〔mandate〕A command or an authorization given by a political electorate to its representative.授权:某政治代表机构给它的代表发出的命令或委任〔official〕Authorized by or contained in the U.S. Pharmacopoeia or National Formulary. Used of drugs.(药)法定的:美国的药书或药典授权的或含有的。用于药物〔sanction〕To give official authorization or approval to:批准:给予官方的授权或批准:〔sunset〕Providing for the automatic termination of a government program or agency unless deliberately reauthorized by law:定期废止的:除非由法律特地重新授权,一个政府计划或机构自行废止的:〔intrude〕 Intrude implies thrusting or coming in without permission, warrant, or welcome;it often suggests violation of another's privacy: Intrude 暗指未经允许、授权、或欢迎用力推入或进入;通常暗示对他人隐私的侵犯: 〔finding〕a presidential finding that authorized the covert operation.授权进行秘密行动计划的总统文件〔warrant〕To grant authorization or sanction to (someone); authorize or empower.授权:给予(某人)授权或批准;授权或给予权力




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