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单词 授予
释义 〔privilege〕The principle of granting and maintaining a special right or immunity:特权原则:授予或维持某种特殊权利或豁免的原则:〔commission〕The rank and powers so conferred.如此授予的军衔和权力〔award〕To grant as merited or due:奖励,授予:因优点或善行而给予:〔patroness〕A woman who possesses the right to grant an ecclesiastical benefice to a member of the clergy.拥有授予教士教会圣职的女子〔faculty〕Authorization granted by authority; conferred power.(授予的)权威,权力:特权授予的权力;授予的权力〔heraldry〕The profession, study, or art of devising, granting, and blazoning arms, tracing genealogies, and determining and ruling on questions of rank or protocol, as exercised by an officer of arms.纹章术:设计、授予、用纹章装饰、描绘家谱图、决定或裁定地位或礼仪的职业、研究或艺术,由纹章官员来执行〔captain〕A commissioned rank in the U.S. Army, Air Force, or Marine Corps that is above first lieutenant and below major.上尉:美军陆军、空军、或海军陆战队的经过委任授予的军衔,位居中尉之上少校之下〔jointure〕An arrangement by which a man sets aside property to be used for the support of his wife after his death.寡妇授予产安排:一个男人指定财产用来在他死后维持妻子生活的一种安排〔commencement〕A ceremony at which academic degrees or diplomas are conferred.学位授予典礼:授予学术学位或学位证书的仪式〔Hatshepsut〕Queen of Egypt (1503-1482) who on the death of her husband, Thutmose II (c. 1504), became regent for her son Thutmose III. She bestowed the title of pharaoh on herself and adopted all the pharaonic customs, including the wearing of a false beard.哈特谢普苏特:埃及王后(公元前1503-1482年),她在丈夫图特摩斯二世死后(公元前1540年)成为儿子图特摩斯三世的摄政者,她授予自己法老的头衔并采用所有的法老的风俗,包括戴假胡子等〔ordinal〕A book of forms for ordination.圣职书:有关授予圣职的仪式的书〔patented〕Protected or conferred by a patent or letters patent:受专利权保护的:受专利权或专利证书保护的或根据专利证所授予的:〔consecrate〕To initiate (a priest) into the order of bishops.使就圣职:授予(一个牧师)主教的职位〔confer〕conferred a medal on the hero; conferred an honorary degree on her.授予英雄一枚勋章;授予她荣誉学位〔concede〕To yield or grant (a privilege or right, for example).See Synonyms at grant 给予:给予或授予(例如特权或权利) 参见 grant〔commission〕To grant a commission to.See Synonyms at authorize 授予一项任务 参见 authorize〔ordination〕The act of ordaining or the state of being ordained.授圣职:授予圣职的行动或正被授予圣职的状态〔bestow〕To present as a gift or an honor; confer:赠与:做为礼物或荣誉赠与;授予〔knight〕Abbr. Knt,kt.A medieval gentleman-soldier, usually high-born, raised by a sovereign to privileged military status after training as a page and squire.缩写 Knt,kt.骑士:中世纪的绅士士兵,通常出身高贵,在作为骑士的听差或扈从训练后被君主授予特权的军事地位〔ordain〕To invest with ministerial or priestly authority; confer holy orders on.授权:授予牧师或僧侣的权力;授神职〔copyright〕The legal right granted to an author, a composer, a playwright, a publisher, or a distributor to exclusive publication, production, sale, or distribution of a literary, musical, dramatic, or artistic work.版权:授予文学、音乐、戏剧或艺术作品的作者、作曲者、剧作者、出版商或独家经营出版、生产或销售的批发商的合法权利〔accordance〕The act of granting.授予,给予:授予,给予的行为〔Monsignor〕A title and an office conferred on a male cleric by a pope.阁下:由罗马主教授予男性神职人员的称谓和官职〔baron〕A feudal tenant holding his rights and title directly from a king or another feudal superior.贵族:封建土地所有者,其权力和头衔由国王或其他高层的封建权威者直接授予〔shower〕A party held to honor and present gifts to someone:送礼会:为授予某人荣誉或给某人颂发礼品而举行的聚会:〔Attlee〕British politician who as prime minister (1945-1951) formed the Labor government that established the National Health Service, expanded public ownership of industry, and granted independence to India (1947) and Burma (1948).艾德礼,克雷芒·理查德:(1883-1967) 英国政治家,任首相(1945-1951年)期间组成了建立国民医疗服务体系的工党政府,扩大了公众对工业的所有权,授予印度(1947年)和缅甸(1948年)独立权〔bonus〕A sum of money that is paid by a corporation in excess of interest or royalties charged for the granting of a privilege or a loan to that corporation.红包:由公司付给因授予特权或贷款给本公司的利息或版税以外的一笔钱〔research〕a research grant; research assistants.研究的授予;研究的助手〔trophy〕A prize or memento, such as a cup or plaque, received as a symbol of victory, especially in sports.奖品,奖杯(牌):尤指体育比赛中,作为胜利的象征而授予的奖品或纪念品,例如奖杯或奖牌〔Caesar〕Roman general, statesman, and historian who invaded Britain (55), crushed the army of his political enemy Pompey (48), pursued other enemies to Egypt, where he installed Cleopatra as queen (47), returned to Rome, and was given a mandate by the people to rule as dictator for life (45). On March 15 of the following year he was murdered by a group of republicans led by Cassius and Brutus, who feared he intended to establish a monarchy ruled by himself.凯撒,尤利乌斯:(100-44) 罗马将军、政治家、历史学家,他入侵了大不列颠王国(55年)并征服了他的政敌庞培的军队(48年),又追击其它敌人至埃及,他在此立克娄巴特拉为女王(47年),返回罗马后,被罗马人民授予终身一人统治的权力(45年)。次年3月15日,他被卡西乌和布鲁图斯领导的一群共和主义者谋杀身亡,这些人担心他图谋建立由他个人统治的君主制政权〔plate〕A contest, especially a horserace, offering such a prize.体育奖杯赛:授予这样一个奖杯的竞赛,尤指赛马〔agnomen〕An additional cognomen given to a Roman citizen, often in honor of military victories.附加名:为表彰夺取军事胜利而授予罗马人的附加名〔laurel〕A wreath of laurel conferred as a mark of honor in ancient times upon poets, heroes, and victors in athletic contests.桂冠:用月桂编成的花环,古时作为一种荣誉的标志授予诗人、英雄和体育竞赛中的优胜者〔creation〕The act of investing with a new office or title.授予职位或头衔〔floor〕The right to address an assembly, as granted under parliamentary procedure.发言权:议会程序中所授予的在会议上发言的力权〔give〕To bestow, especially officially; confer:给予(尤指官方的);授予〔confer〕To bestow (an honor, for example):授予授予(例如,荣誉):〔palm〕A small metallic representation of a palm leaf added to a military decoration that has been awarded more than one time.棕榈叶徽章:棕榈叶型小勋章,军事荣誉勋章的附加装饰,已不止一次地授予过此勋章〔dame〕A woman holding a nonhereditary title conferred by a sovereign in recognition of personal merit or service to the country.夫人,女士:出于对国家的个人功绩或贡献的承认,而由最高统治者授予非世袭头衔的妇女〔plate〕A dish, cup, or other article of silver or gold offered as a prize.奖杯:作为奖品授予的银的或金的盘,杯或其它物品




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