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单词 指责
释义 〔romantic〕His memoirs were criticized as offering a fascinating but thoroughly romantic view of the past.他的回忆录被指责为展示了过去美丽的向往但完全是虚构的〔cavil〕A carping or trivial objection.找碴:吹毛求疵或琐屑的指责〔severe〕"Praise or blame has but a momentary effect on the man whose love of beauty in the abstract makes him a severe critic on his own works" (John Keats).“赞扬或指责对这个人只有瞬间效应,对抽象美的热爱使他对自己的作品严加批判 (约翰·凯兹)。〔McCarthy〕American politician. A U.S. senator from Wisconsin (1947-1957), he presided over the permanent subcommittee on investigations and held public hearings in which he accused army officials, members of the media, and public figures of being Communists. His charges were never proved, and he was censured by the Senate in 1954.麦卡锡,约瑟夫·雷芒德:(1908-1957) 美国政治家,来自威斯康星州的美国参议员(1947-1957年)。他指责许多军队官员、新闻媒介内部工作人员和公众人物为共产党,并指挥一个永久委员会分会对他们进行调查和公开审判。他的指控从未成立,1954年他受到议会的谴责〔piece〕Frank and severe criticism; censure.指责:坦白而严厉的指责;严苛的批评〔condemnation〕Severe reproof; strong censure.谴责:强烈的谴责;严厉的指责〔ridicule〕 Taunt suggests mocking, insulting, or scornful reproach: Taunt 表示嘲笑,侮辱或蔑视的指责〔furnace〕endured the furnace of his friends' blame after the accident.事故发生之后遭朋友指责的考验〔score〕To criticize cuttingly; berate.责备:严厉批评;指责〔flea〕An annoying hint or a stinging rebuke.讽刺:令人恼怒的暗示或尖刻的指责〔snub〕Middle English snubben [to rebuke] ; akin to Old Norse snubba 中古英语 snubben [指责] ;类似于 古斯堪的纳维亚语 snubba 〔accusation〕An act of accusing or the state of being accused.责备,谴责:指责的行为或被指责的状态〔cheat〕accused of cheating at cards.被指责在玩牌中犯规〔damnation〕The act of damning or the condition of being damned.指责,谴责:指责的行为或被谴责的状态〔recriminate〕To accuse in return.反责:反过来指责〔bash〕"He bashed the . . . government unmercifully over the . . . spy affair"(Lally Weymouth)“他就间谍风波毫不留情地指责政府”(拉利·韦茅斯)〔right〕"When the laws undertake to . . . grant . . . exclusive privileges, to make the rich richer and the potent more powerful, the humble members of society . . . have a right to complain of the injustice of their government" (Andrew Jackson).“如果法律保证排他的特权,从而使富者更富有,有权有势者更有权势,那么生活于社会下层的人们就有权力指责他们政府的不公平” (安德鲁·杰克)。〔scolding〕A harsh or sharp reprimand.责骂:严厉或尖刻的指责〔rebuke〕To criticize or reprove sharply; reprimand.See Synonyms at admonish 指责:严厉地批评或训斥;谴责 参见 admonish〔stricture〕An adverse remark or criticism; censure.责难:指责或批评;责难〔he〕Beginning early in the 20th century, however,the traditional usage has come under increasing criticismfor reflecting and perpetuating gender discrimination. ·Defenders of the traditional usage have argued that the masculine pronounshe, his, and him can be used generically to refer to men and women. This analysis of the generic use ofhe is linguistically doubtful.Ifhe were truly a gender-neutral form, we would expect that it could be used to refer to the members of any group containing both men and women.But in fact the English masculine form is an odd choice when it refers to a female member of such a group.There is something plainly disconcerting about sentences such as 可是从20世纪早期起,传统用法不断受到指责,因为它反映并长久维持性别歧视。传统用法辩护者认为阳性代词he,his 和 him 可以用来指代男人和女人的总称。 有关he 的属性用法的分析, 从语言学角度上来说,是有疑问的。如果he 果真是一个中性形式, 我们猜想它可以用来指代任何包含有男人和女人的群体中的成员。但事实上,在英语中用阳性形式来指代上述一群体中的女性成员构成一种很奇特的选择。如下面这个句子中明显存在使人困窘之处: 〔like〕Writers since Chaucer's time have usedlike as a conjunction, but 19th-century and 20th-century critics have been so vehement in their condemnations of this usage that a writer who uses the construction in formal style risks being accused of illiteracy or worse.Prudence requiresThe dogs howled as (not like ) we expected them to. Likeis more acceptably used as a conjunction in informal style with verbs such as feel, look, seem, sound, and taste, as inIt looks like we are in for a rough winter. But here tooas if is to be preferred in formal writing. There can be no objection to the use oflike as a conjunction when the following verb is not expressed, as inHe took to politics like a duck to water. See Usage Note at as 1together 自乔叟年代起,作家就把like 当作连接词用, 但19世纪和20世纪的批评家强烈谴责这种用法,在正式文体中使用这种结构的作家就有可能被指责为文盲或者更糟。为谨慎起见,就写狗不象 (而不是 like ) 我们想的那样叫。 Like在非正式文体中可作为连词和动词如 feel, look, seem, sound 及 taste 连用, 如在看起来我们将有一个难熬的冬天 中。 但这句如果出现于正式文体中人们更倾向于用as if 。 如果其后的动词无明确含义时,将like 作为连接词是不会有任何异议的, 如他对政治简直是如鱼得水 参见 as1together〔indict〕To accuse of wrongdoing; charge:控告,谴责:指责…的过错;控告:〔censure〕To criticize severely; blame.See Synonyms at criticize 指责:严厉批评;责备 参见 criticize〔token〕One that represents a group, as an employee whose presence is used to deflect from the employer criticism or accusations of discrimination.代表:一群人的一个代表,如一个雇员的存在,被用来抵挡雇主的批评或歧视性的指责〔excuse〕causa [accusation] * see cause causa [指责] * 参见 cause〔mud〕Slanderous or defamatory charges or comments:诽谤:造谣中伤的、恶意的指责或评论:〔scold〕 Rail suggests bitter, harsh, or denunciatory language: Rail 指用尖刻、严厉或指责的语言: 〔imputable〕Possible to impute or ascribe; attributable:可归咎的,可归因的:有可能指责或归咎的;可归于的:〔Khrushchev〕Soviet politician. A Stalin loyalist in the 1930's, he was appointed first secretary of the Communist Party in 1953. As Soviet premier (1958-1964) he denounced Stalin (1956), thwarted the Hungarian Revolution of 1956, and improved his country's image abroad. He was deposed (1964) for his failure to establish missiles in Cuba (1962) and improve the Soviet economy.赫鲁晓夫,尼基塔·谢尔盖耶维奇:(1894-1971) 苏联政治家。三十年代斯大林的忠实追随者,1953年被任命为共产党第一书记。作为苏联领导人(1958-1964年),他指责斯大林(1956年),挫败了1956年匈牙利革命,提高了苏联的国际形象。因在古巴建导弹(1962年)和改善苏联经济(1962年)双双失败而被罢免(1964年)〔reproof〕The act, an instance, or an expression of reproving; a rebuke.指摘:指责的行为、事例或表现;训斥〔take〕To incur blame or censure, either willingly or unwillingly:招致批评:愿意或者不愿意地招致批评或指责〔charge〕The police charged him with car theft. Critics charged the writer with a lack of originality.警方以偷车罪指控他。评论家指责这位作家缺少独创性〔nitpicking〕Minute, trivial, unnecessary, and unjustified criticism or faultfinding.吹毛求疵:琐碎的微不足道的,不必要的且不公平的指责或挑剔〔dyslogistic〕Conveying censure.指责的:表达贬斥之意的〔blame〕To find fault with; censure.指责:找…的差错;指责,谴责〔proscribe〕To denounce or condemn.谴责:指责或痛斥〔rebut〕Middle English reboten, rebutte [to rebuke, repel] 中古英语 reboten, rebutte [指责,制止] 〔Mandelstam〕Russian poet, translator, and critic. Although his early works were highly regarded, he went unpublished in the Soviet Union after 1933, when he denounced Stalin and refused to comply with Soviet censors. He endured years of internal exile and eventually died in a concentration camp.曼德斯坦:俄罗斯诗人、翻译家和评论家。他的早期作品受到高度评价,但1933年后因其指责斯大林并拒绝遵守苏联出版品检查,在苏联未有作品问世。经历了国内的多年流放后最终死于集中营.〔challenge〕from Latin calumnia [trickery, false accusation] * see calumny 源自 拉丁语 calumnia [耍花招,虚假指责] * 参见 calumny




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