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单词 执政
释义 〔Zinoviev〕Soviet politician. A close colleague of Lenin, he shared power with Kamenev and Stalin after Lenin's death (1924). Joining Trotsky and Kamenev in opposition to Stalin, he was expelled from the party (1927) and was ultimately executed during a Stalinist purge.季诺维也夫,格里高利·伊夫塞耶维奇:(1883-1936) 苏联政治家,列宁亲密的战友,在列宁死后(1924年),与加米涅夫和斯大林共同执政,因加入反对斯大林的托洛茨基和加米涅夫一派,被开除出党(1927年),最后在斯大林清党中被处死〔London〕The capital and largest city of the United Kingdom, on the Thames River in southeast England. Greater London consists of 32 boroughs surrounding the City of London, built on the site of a Roman outpost named Londinium. Its growth as an important trade center dates from 886, under the rule of Alfred the Great. During the Elizabethan period (1558-1603) London achieved new heights of wealth, power, and influence and has continued to dominate its country's political, economic, and cultural life. The old city was devastated by the plague in 1665 and by the Great Fire of 1666; the modern city was damaged severely by bombs during World War II. Population, 6,851,400.伦敦:英邦联合王国的首都和最大城市,位于英格兰东南部泰晤士河沿岸。大伦敦由环绕伦敦市的三十二个自治城市组成,它建在一个名为伦迪尼厄姆的罗马前哨站上。自886年开始发展成为一个重要的贸易中心,当时由阿尔弗雷德一世执政。在伊丽莎白统治时期(1558-1603年),伦敦在财富、权力和影响力上达到新的高峰,并一直主宰着本国的政治、经济和文化生活。老城遭1665年瘟疫和1666年大火后摧毁;新城在第二次世界大战中被炸弹严重毁坏。人口6,851,400〔Sicyon〕An ancient city of southern Greece in the northeast Peloponnesus near the Gulf of Corinth. It reached the height of its power under the tyrant Cleisthenes in the sixth centuryb.c. 西锡安:希腊南部一古城,位于科林斯湾附近的伯罗奔尼撒半岛东北部。公元前 6世纪在克利斯提尼执政时期达到了权力顶峰 〔Monroe〕The fifth President of the United States (1817-1825), whose administration was marked by the acquisition of Florida (1819), the Missouri Compromise (1820), in which Missouri was declared a slave state, and the profession of the Monroe Doctrine (1823), which declared U.S. opposition to European interference in the Americas.门罗,詹姆斯:(1758-1831) 美国第五任总统(1817-1825年),其执政的标志有购得佛罗里达州(1819年)、规定密苏里为奴隶州的密苏里妥协方案(1820年)和倡导门罗主义(1823年),门罗主义宣布美国反对欧洲干涉美洲事务〔Thatcher〕British Conservative politician who served as prime minister (1979-1990). Her administration was marked by anti-inflationary measures, a brief war in the Falkland Islands (1982), and the passage of a poll tax.撒切尔,玛格丽特·希尔达:(生于 1925) 曾任英国首相的保守党政治家(1979-1990年)。她执政以反通货膨胀措施,福克兰岛短战(1982年)和通过人丁税为特征〔Catiline〕Roman politician and conspirator who led an unsuccessful revolt against the Roman Republic while Cicero was a consul.凯蒂林:罗马政治家和阴谋家,在西塞罗执政时期领导了颠覆罗马共和国的反叛运动,最后以失败告终〔Edwardian〕Of, relating to, or characteristic of the reign of Edward VII of England.爱德华七世的:英国爱德华七世执政的、与之有关的或有其统治特点的〔Sforza〕Italian diplomat who was a severe critic of Mussolini's rise to power.斯佛萨,卡罗:(1873-1952) 意大利外交官,墨索里尼执政时尖刻的评论家〔triumvirate〕Government by triumvirs.三头政治:由三人小组执政的状况〔pentarchy〕A body of five joint rulers.五头政体:五个人联合执政的政体〔Savoy〕A ruling house of Sardinia (1720-1861) and Italy (1861-1946).萨伏伊:撒丁尼亚尼亚王国(1720-1861年)和意大利王国(1861-1946年)的执政〔Ptolemy〕An Egyptian dynasty of Macedonian kings (323-30b.c. ). The Ptolemies included Ptolemy I (367?-283?), a general in Alexander the Great's army who succeeded him as ruler of Egypt (323-285), and Ptolemy XV (47-30), who ruled as coregent (44-30) with his mother, Cleopatra. 托勒密王朝:由马其顿国王统治的埃及王朝(公元前 323-30年),托勒密国王包括 托勒密一世 (公元前367?-283?年),他是亚历山大大帝军队中的一位将军,并继他之后成为埃及的统治者(公元前323-285年),最后一位国王是 托勒密 十五世(公元前47-30年),他和他的母亲克利奥帕特拉共同执政(公元前44-30年) 〔ruling〕the ruling junta; ruling circles of the government.执政的军人集团;政府的执政人员〔Hipparchus〕Athenian tyrant (527-514) who ruled with his brother Hippias and was assassinated.喜帕恰斯:雅典暴君(527年-514年),与其弟希庇亚斯共同执政,遇刺身亡〔Nixon〕The 37th President of the United States (1969-1974). Vice President (1953-1961) under Dwight D. Eisenhower, he lost the 1960 presidential election to John F. Kennedy. Elected President in 1968, he visited China (1972) and established détente with the U.S.S.R. Although he increased U.S. military involvement in Southeast Asia, he was also responsible for the eventual withdrawal of U.S. troops. When Congress recommended three articles of impeachment for Nixon's involvement in the Watergate scandal, he resigned from office (August 9, 1974).尼克松,理查德·米尔豪斯:(生于 1913) 美国第三十七任总统(1969-1974年),在艾森豪·威尔执政时任副总统(1953-1961年),他在1960的总统选举中输给了约翰·F·肯尼迪,1968年为总统候选人,他访问了中国(1972年)并缓和了与苏联的关系。尽管他增加了美国在东南亚的军事介入,但他也对最终在美军从该地区的撤回中起主要作用。当国会因尼克松卷入水门事件丑闻交付三篇弹劾文章时,他辞去了总统职务(1974年8月9日)〔Hendricks〕Vice President of the United States (1885) under Grover Cleveland. He died in office.亨德里克斯,托马斯·安德鲁斯:(1819-1885) 格罗弗·克利夫兰执政时的美国副总统(1885年),死于任内〔staff〕A group of assistants to a manager, an executive, or another person in authority.经理助理、执政官员或其它掌权者的工作班子〔caretaker〕a caretaker government; a caretaker administration.临时执政政府;临时管理〔Johnson〕The 17th President of the United States (1865-1869). Elected Vice President (1864), he succeeded the assassinated Abraham Lincoln as President. His administration was marked by reconstruction policies in the South and the purchase of Alaska (1867). An attempt to unseat Secretary of War Edwin Stanton led to Johnson's impeachment on purely political charges brought by Republican senators (1868). Johnson was acquitted by one vote.约翰逊,安德鲁:(1808-1875) 美国第17任总统(1865-1869年)。他于1864年当选副总统,在阿伯拉罕·林肯遇刺后继任总统。他执政时推行南部重建政策,并于1867年买下了阿拉斯加。因试图罢免国防部长埃德温·斯坦顿,约翰逊还受到共和国参议员们关于纯粹政治性原因的指控(1868年)。约翰逊在一次投票后被宣告无罪〔triumvir〕One of three men sharing public administration or civil authority in ancient Rome.三执政之一:在古罗马共同管理公共事务或分享民政权威的三个人中的一个〔new〕new neighbors; a new president.新邻;新执政的总统〔Mbeki〕South African economist and politician who served as deputy president under Nelson Mandela (1994-1999). Mbeki was elected to succeed Mandela as president of South Africa in 1999.姆贝基,萨伯:南非经济学家及政治家,也是纳尔逊·曼德拉执政时期(1994-1999年)的副总统。姆贝基于1999年大选中胜出,接替曼德拉成为南非总统〔nobility〕"The old English nobility of office made way for the Norman nobility of faith and landed wealth"(Winston S. Churchill)“执政的旧英国贵族让位给忠实而且富有的诺尔曼贵族”(温斯顿S.丘吉尔)〔Jacksonian〕Of or relating to Andrew Jackson, his concepts of popular government, or his presidency.杰克逊的:安德鲁·杰克逊的、其政府政策的或其执政期的,与其有关的〔in〕Holding office; having power:执政的;当权的:




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