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单词 托马斯
释义 〔Monticello〕An estate of central Virginia southeast of Charlottesville. Designed by Thomas Jefferson, it was begun in 1770 and was his home for 56 years. Owned by other families from shortly after Jefferson's death until 1923, it is now a national shrine.蒙蒂塞洛:美国弗吉尼亚州中部夏洛茨维尔东南一个住宅区,由托马斯·杰斐逊设计,从1770年开始作为他的宅邸达56年之久。直到1923年杰斐逊去逝不久才为其他家族所有,现为国家圣地〔Betterton〕English actor of the Restoration theater who also wrote popular adaptations of dramas.贝特顿,托马斯:(1635?-1710) 英国王政复辟时期男演员,写过戏剧的通俗改编本〔Thomas〕American radio commentator who was a correspondent during both World Wars, broadcast a nightly news program (1930-1976), and wrote and lectured widely on his travel adventures.托马斯,洛威尔·杰克逊:(1892-1981) 美国广播评论员,在两次世界大战争期间曾是记者,播出过晚间新闻节目(1930-1976年)并广泛撰写和演讲了他的冒险旅行〔Cosgrave〕Irish Sinn Fein leader and first president of the executive council of the Irish Free State (1922-1932).科斯格雷夫,威廉·托马斯:(1880-1965) 爱尔兰新芬党领袖,爱尔兰自由邦最高行政会议第一任主席(1922-1932年)〔Ford〕English playwright whose works include'Tis Pity She's a Whore (1633) and collaborative efforts, notably with Thomas Dekker and John Webster. 福特,约翰:(1586-1639) 英国剧作家,作品包括《可惜她是妓女》 (1633年)和与他人的合著,其中尤以与托马斯·德克尔及约翰·韦伯斯特的合作而闻名 〔Gallaudet〕American educator who established the first free American school for the hearing-impaired (1817).加拉德特,托马斯·霍普金斯:(1787-1851) 美国教育家,建立了美国第一所免费的聋哑学校(1817年)〔Wolfe〕American writer. A leading exponent of New Journalism, he has written extensively on popular culture. His works includeThe Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test (1968) and The Right Stuff (1979). 沃尔夫,托马斯(肯尼尔):(生于 1931) 美国作家,新时代新闻学的代表人物,他写了很多关于流行文化的作品。他的著作包括《电子冷却酸度试验》 (1968年)和 《合金的材料》 (1979年) 〔hoya〕after Thomas Hoy (1750?-1822), British gardener 源自托马斯 霍伊 (1750?-1822年),英国园艺家 〔Hastings〕American architect who with John Merven Carrère formed an important architectural firm whose designs include that of the New York Public Library (1897-1911) and numerous mansions.黑斯廷斯,托马斯:(1860-1929) 美国建筑师,他和约翰·默文·卡雷尔一起建立了一个重要的建筑公司,他设计了纽约公共图书馆(1897-1911年)和不计其数的大厦〔vaporing〕"All his . . . dreams of fame were the vaporings of a shoddy aesthete without talent"(Thomas Wolfe)“他的关于名誉的所有的梦想只不过是没有审美品味的赝品的夸耀而已”(托马斯·沃尔夫)〔predicament〕"Werner finds himself suddenly in a most awkward predicament" (Thomas Carlyle).Aplight is a bad or unfortunate situation: “华纳突然发现自己处于一种最为尴尬的境地” (托马斯·卡莱尔)。Plight 是指糟糕或不幸的处境: 〔Chippendale〕British cabinetmaker noted for his graceful neoclassical furniture, particularly chairs, which had wide influence on his contemporary artisans.奇彭代尔,托马斯:(1718-1779) 英国木工,以其制作的新古典主义风格的精美家具,尤其是椅子而著称。这些家具对他同时代的工匠有广泛影响〔Thomson〕British-born American electrical engineer and inventor who with Thomas Edison formed the General Electric Company (1892). His inventions include the street arc lamp.汤姆逊,伊莱休:(1853-1937) 英国籍美国电机工程师及发明家,与托马斯·爱迪生组织了通用电气公司(1892年),其发明包括街道通弧形灯等〔Middleton〕English playwright whose comedies, written between 1604 and 1611, includeA Trick to Catch the Old One and A Chaste Maid in Cheapside. 米德尔顿,托马斯托马斯:(1570?-1627) 英国剧作家,在1604年至1611年间写就的喜剧包括《妙计捉鬼》 和 《切泊赛德的贞女》 〔Canterbury〕A borough of southeast England on the Stour River east-southeast of London. Canterbury Cathedral (11th-16th century) is the seat of the archbishop and primate of the Anglican Communion. Built on the site of an abbey founded by Saint Augustine c. 600, it was the scene of the murder of Thomas à Becket (1170). Population, 36,000.坎特伯雷:英格兰东南部一座自治市,位于伦敦东南偏东斯陶尔河畔。坎特伯雷大教堂(建于11-16世纪)是英国圣公会的大主教和首席主教的住地。建在由圣奥古斯丁在公元600年建立的一个修道院的遗址上,是托马斯·贝科特被谋杀的地点(1170年)。人口36,000〔mellow〕"The mellow air brought in the feel of imminent autumn"(Thomas Hardy)“甜美芳香的空气给人以秋天将至的感觉”(托马斯·哈迪)〔Kinkaid〕American admiral who commanded (1943-1945) the Allied naval forces in the South Pacific during World War II.金凯德,托马斯·卡森:(1888-1972) 美国海军上将。第二次世界大战期间在南太平洋指挥盟军海军部队(1943-1945年)〔Thomas〕Welsh poet known for his bardic voice experiments with syllabic verse. He wrote highly personal poems, such as "Fern Hill" (1946), as well as essays, short fiction, and works for radio, includingUnder Milk Wood (1954). 托马斯,迪伦·莫尔莱斯:(1914-1953) 以游唱的独音节诗而著名的威尔士诗人,主要创作“佛恩山”(1946年)等与人性有关的诗和《牛奶桶下》 (1954年)等散文、短篇小说及广播剧 〔wit〕"Sarcasm I now see to be, in general, the language of the Devil; for which reason I have, long since, as good as renounced it" (Thomas Carlyle). “现在我开始认识到讽剌在总体上是魔鬼的语言;因此很久已来我已不用它了” (托马斯·卡莱尔)。〔insubordinate〕Thomas Paine's pamphletCommon Sense must have seemed seditious to colonial Tories. 对于殖民主义的托利党人来说托马斯·潘恩的小册子《常识》 一定显得具有煽动性 〔extroverted〕"the hearty and extroverted types who dominated public life in Boston"(Thomas P. O'Neill, Jr.)“置身于波士顿公共生活的热心的和外向的类型”(小托马斯P.奥涅尔)〔Dorr〕American politician and reformer who led Dorr's Rebellion (1842), a campaign to change Rhode Island's antiquated suffrage laws.杜尔,托马斯·威尔逊:(1805-1854) 美国政治家和改革家,他领导了1842年的“杜尔反抗运动”,这是一场旨在改变罗得岛州过时的投票法的斗争〔chill〕"Chill penury repressed their noble rage"(Thomas Gray)“令人沮丧的贫穷迫使他们克制自己全然有理的愤怒”(托马斯·格雷)〔Carlyle〕British historian and essayist whose works, such asThe French Revolution (1837), are characterized by his trenchant social and political criticism and his complex literary style. 卡莱尔,托马斯:(1795-1881) 英国历史学家和散文作家,其著作,如《法国革命》 (1837年),以对社会和政治的犀利批评和复杂的文风为特色 〔belong〕"The earth belongs to the living"(Thomas Jefferson)“地球属于一切生物”(托马斯·杰斐逊)〔Crichton〕Scottish adventurer, linguist, and scholar whose intellectual achievements were lauded by Aldus Manutius and Thomas Urquhart. He was killed in a brawl.克赖顿,詹姆斯:(1560-1582) 苏格兰冒险家、语言学家和学者,他的学术成就曾受到阿尔杜斯·马努蒂乌斯和托马斯·厄克特的称赞。他在一次街头动乱中被杀害〔Watson〕American businessman who was president (1914-1949) and chairman (1949-1956) of International Business Machines.沃森,托马斯·约翰:(1874-1956) 美国企业家,担任国际商用机器公司总经理(1914-1949年)和董事长(1949-1956年)〔Waller〕American jazz musician and composer whose many songs include "Honeysuckle Rose" and "Ain't Misbehaving" (both 1929).沃勒,托马斯·赖特:(1904-1943) 美国爵士乐家、作曲家,作有许多歌曲,包括《金银花》和《别胡闹》(都作于1929年)〔people〕"those who fear and distrust the people, and wish to draw all powers from them into the hands of the higher classes"(Thomas Jefferson)“那些害怕且不信任群众的人,想把所有的权力都集中到上层阶级手上”(托马斯·杰弗逊)〔multiplex〕"the whole complex and multiplex detail of the noble science of dinner"(Thomas Love Peacock)“高贵晚餐礼节所有的复杂的、多样的细节”(托马斯·洛夫·皮科克)〔Brattle〕American merchant known primarily for his strong denunciation of the Salem witch trials (1692) and his opposition to the rigid Puritanism of Cotton and Increase Mather.布拉托,托马斯:(1658-1713) 美国商人,因谴责塞勒姆的巫术试验和反对科顿和英克里斯·马太(1692年)的严酷的清教主义而闻名〔Parton〕American biographer. Among his works areAaron Burr (1857) and Thomas Jefferson (1874). 帕顿,詹姆斯:(1822-1891) 美国传记作家。他的作品有《艾伦·伯尔》 (1857年)和 《托马斯·杰斐逊》 (1874年) 〔madding〕"far from the madding crowd's ignoble strife"(Thomas Gray)“远离尘世间的鄙俗纷争”(托马斯·格雷)〔Farrell〕American writer best known for hisStuds Lonigan trilogy of novels (1932-1935), which concerns the hardships that faced Irish-American Catholics in the early 20th century. 法雷尔,詹姆斯·托马斯:(1904-1979) 美国作家,其最著名的是三部曲小说《斯塔兹·洛尼甘》 (1932-1935年),这部小说描写了20世纪初期美籍爱尔兰天主教徒遭受的苦难 〔More〕English politician, humanist scholar, and writer who refused to comply with the Act of Supremacy, by which English subjects were enjoined to recognize Henry VIII's authority over the pope, and was imprisoned in the Tower of London and beheaded for treason. His political essayUtopia (1516), speculates about life under an ideal government. More was canonized in 1935. 莫尔,托马斯:(1478-1535) 英国政治家、人文主义学者和作家,拒绝遵守行为至上的法令,这一法令强迫英国臣民承认亨利八世的权威在教皇之上,后来他被囚禁在伦敦塔内直至以叛国罪为名被斩首。他的政治论文《乌托邦》 (1516年)构想了一种理想政府之下的生活。莫尔在1935年被封为圣徒 〔Thomism〕The theological and philosophical system of Saint Thomas Aquinas, a system that dominated scholasticism.汤姆主义:圣·托马斯·阿奎那斯主导中世纪烦琐哲学的宗教和哲学体系〔bout〕"His tremendous bouts of drinking had wrecked his health"(Thomas Wolfe)“他猛烈的多次饮酒损害了他的健康”(托马斯·沃尔夫)〔Campbell〕British poet and editor best known for his ballad "Lord Ullin's Daughter" (1809).坎贝尔,托马斯:(1777-1844) 英国诗人和编辑,以其叙事诗《尤林地主的女儿》(1809年)而享有盛誉〔Sheraton〕After Thomas Sheraton 源自 托马斯 Sheraton〔track〕"When, like a running grave, time tracks you down"(Dylan Thomas)“时间象奔跑的坟墓,把你捕获”(迪伦·托马斯)




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