单词 | 戴维 |
释义 | 〔aftershock〕"The industry continued to reel from aftershocks of a disastrous[year] ” (David Lake)“工业依旧承受灾难年 的余悸而摇摆不前” (戴维·莱克)〔Kaunda〕President of Zambia (1964-1991). He led Northern Rhodesia to full independence as Zambia (1964) and has been influential in the Organization of African Unity.卡翁达,肯尼思·戴维:(生于 1924) 赞比亚总统(1964-1991年)。他领导北罗得西亚获得完全独立,建成赞比亚(1964年),并在非洲统一组织中影响深远〔O〕"O how I laugh when I think of my vague indefinite riches"(Henry David Thoreau)“哦,当我想起自己数不清的财产时,我怎么笑得出来啊!”(亨利·戴维·梭罗)〔elusive〕"an invisible cabal of conspirators, each more elusive than the archterrorist[himself] ” (David Kline)“一个看不见的小阴谋集团,每一个都比恐怖主义集团[本身] 更难于被发现” (戴维·克兰)〔brucella〕After Sir David Bruce 源自 爵士 戴维 Bruce〔Crockett〕American frontiersman and politician who was a U.S. representative from Tennessee (1827-1831 and 1833-1835) and joined the Texas revolutionaries fighting against Mexico. He died at the siege of the Alamo.克罗克特,戴维:(1786-1836) 美国边疆居民和政治家,他曾是来自田纳西州的美国众议院议员(1827-1831年以及1833-1835年),并加入了与墨西哥作战的得克萨斯革命军。他死于阿拉莫围攻战中〔Palmer〕Canadian-born American founder of chiropractic. In 1898 he established the Palmer School of Chiropractic in Iowa.帕尔默,丹尼尔·戴维:(1845-1913) 加拿大裔美国人,脊椎指压治疗法的奠基人。1898年他在衣阿华州创建了脊椎指压治疗法的帕尔默学校〔goofball〕"Underneath his goofball braggadocio lies a kind of purity"(David Ansen)“在他笨拙的自夸里蕴含着一丝纯洁”(戴维·安森)〔Chambers〕American journalist and onetime member of the Communist Party who testified before the House Un-American Activities Committee (1948), where he implicated Alger Hiss.钱伯斯,(杰·戴维)惠特克:(1901-1961) 美国新闻记者,曾为共产党员,1948年在众议院非美国活动委员会承认牵连到阿尔杰·希思〔wisdom〕"It is a characteristic of wisdom not to do desperate things"(Henry David Thoreau)“不做孤注一掷的事情是具有好的判断力的一个特点”(亨利·戴维·梭罗)〔Raeburn〕British portrait painter whose many subjects included Sir Walter Scott, David Hume, and James Boswell.雷伯恩,亨利:(1756-1823) 英国肖像画家,他众多的模特中有沃尔特·斯科特,戴维·休姆和詹姆斯·波斯威尔〔Balfour〕British prime minister (1902-1905) who later served as foreign secretary under David Lloyd George (1916-1919). In 1917 he promised British support for a national homeland for Jews in Palestine, provided that the rights of existing communities would be safeguarded.鲍尔弗,阿瑟·詹姆斯:(1848-1930) 英国总理(1902-1905年),后成为戴维·劳埃德·乔治的外务大臣(1916-1919年)。1917年他以社区的权利应得到保护为条件,同意并支持英国对巴勒斯坦犹太人拥有家园〔anomaly〕"Both men are anomalies: they have . . . likable personalities but each has made his reputation as a heavy"(David Pauly)“两个人都很特别:他们有…相似的个性但每个人都有他自己的性格”(戴维·保利)〔Eisenhower〕American general and the 34th President of the United States (1953-1961). As supreme commander of the Allied Expeditionary Force (1943-1945) he launched the invasion of Normandy (June 6, 1944) and oversaw the final defeat of Germany (1945). His presidency was marked by an end to the Korean War (1953), domestic racial problems, cold war with the Soviet Union, and a break in diplomatic relations with Cuba (1961).艾森豪威尔,德怀特·戴维:(1890-1969) 美国将领,第34任美国总统(1953-1961年)。任盟军远征军最高司令时(1943-1945年)发动了诺曼底登陆(1944年6月6日),最终打败了德国(1945年)。任总统期间突出的事件是,终止了朝鲜战争(1953年),国内种族问题,与前苏联的冷战,中断与古巴的外交关系(1961年)〔asocial〕"Bears are asocial, secretive animals"(David Graber)“熊是不合群、孤僻的动物”(戴维·格雷伯)〔perennial〕"that hardy perennial, the budget deficit"(David S. Broder)“长期存在的预算赤字”(戴维S.布罗德)〔indifferent〕“[His] maturity appears in the detached clear-sightedness with which he could observe his own character" (David Cecil). “[他的] 成熟表现在他客观公正而且敏锐的洞察力中,正是这种洞察力使他能省视自己的性格” (戴维·塞西尔)。〔fretful〕"Of all the fretful stages of human development, adolescence is the most infamous"(David Gelman)“在人类发展的所有这些烦人的阶段中,青春期是最声名狼籍的”(戴维·赫尔曼)〔interfere〕"It was his peculiar doctrine that a man has a perfect right to interfere by force with the slaveholder, in order to rescue the slave" (Henry David Thoreau).Totamper is to interfere by making unsought, unwelcome, often destructive changes or by trying to influence another in an improper way: “他有一个奇特的宗旨,即为了解救奴隶,一个人有绝对权利以武力来干涉奴隶主” (亨利·戴维·梭罗)。tamper 是通过造成未经请求的、不受欢迎、经常为毁坏性的变化或试图通过不恰当的方式影响他人来进行干涉: 〔buy〕"A moderate recovery thus buys time for Congress and the Administration to whittle the deficit"(G. David Wallace)“一项适中的补偿措施为国会和政府逐渐减少赤字赢得了时间”(G.戴维·华莱士)〔Goodman〕American clarinetist whose band, formed in 1934, introduced swing, a style of jazz that was greatly popular in the 1930's and 1940's.古德曼,本杰明·戴维:(1909-1986) 美国竖笛演奏家,他的乐队成立于1934年,创造了摇摆舞音乐(爵士乐的一种)。该音乐在20世纪30年代和40年代非常流行〔watchable〕"The fastest modem delivers jerky real-time video that is watchable but not for long periods of time"(David Colker)“最快调制解调器…传送的急动实时影像值得一看,但不能长时间传送”(戴维·考科)〔Baker〕American author and muckraking journalist who was the authorized biographer of Woodrow Wilson and wrote many books, includingOur New Prosperity (1900) and Native American (1941). He also wrote essays under the pen name David Grayson. 贝克,雷·斯坦纳德:(1870-1946) 美国作家和报道名人丑事的记者,他是伍德罗·威尔逊总统的法定传记作者,写过很多书,作品有《我们的新繁荣》 (1900年)和 《本土美国人》 (1941年),他也曾以笔名戴维·格雷森写小品文 〔Hubel〕American neurobiologist. He shared a 1981 Nobel Prize for studies on the organization and functioning of the brain.胡贝尔,戴维:(生于 1926) 美国神经生物学家。因在脑组织及脑功能方面的研究而获1981年诺贝尔奖〔Teniers〕Flemish painter of religious subjects. His sonDavid (1610-1690), known as "the Younger,” painted landscapes, religious subjects, and genre scenes, such as Company at Table (1634). 坦尼尔斯,戴维:(1582-1649) 法兰德斯宗教画家。其子大卫 (1610-1690年),即“小坦尼尔斯”,作品有风景画、宗教题材画和风俗画,如 《桌边的聚会》 (1634年) 〔Brewer〕American jurist who served as an associate justice of the U.S. Supreme Court (1889-1910).布鲁尔,戴维·约西亚:(1837-1910) 美国法官,曾任美国最高法院的陪审法官(1889-1910年)〔Brinkley〕American radio and television news broadcaster. During his career with the National Broadcasting Company (1943-1981), he served as co-anchor of their nightly newscast (1956-1970). In 1981, he joined the American Broadcasting Company as a political commentator.布尔克莱,戴维:美国广播及电视播报员。服务于国家广播公司期间(1943年-1981年),他担任晚间新闻的共同主持人(1956年-1970年)。1981年他加入美国广播公司,担任政治评论员〔Ricardo〕British economist whose major work,Principles of Political Economy and Taxation (1817), supported the laws of supply and demand in a free market. 李嘉图,戴维:(1772-1823) 英国经济学家,其主要著作《政治经济与税收原理》 (1817年),证实供求在自由市场的定律 〔transform〕"A thick, fibrous fog had transformed the trees into ghosts and the streetlights into soft, haloed moons"(David Michael Kaplan)“浓密厚重的雾使树木看起来象鬼魂,街灯看起来象是带着柔和光晕的月亮”(戴维·迈克尔·卡普兰)〔Lean〕British filmmaker. His works includeThe Bridge on the River Kwai (1957) and Lawrence of Arabia (1962), both of which won Academy Awards. 里恩,戴维:(生于 1908) 英国电影制片人,他的作品包括《桂河大桥》 (1957年)和 《阿拉伯的劳伦斯》 (1962年),两片均获得学院奖 〔Farragut〕American admiral who commanded Union ships on daring Civil War missions, including the capture of New Orleans (1862) and the taking of Mobile Bay (1864), during which he uttered his famous rallying cry, "Damn the torpedoes—full speed ahead!”法拉格特,戴维·格拉斯哥:(1801-1870) 美国海军上将,在南北战争中受命指挥联合舰队,攻占了新奥尔良(1862年)和莫比尔海湾(1864年),战争期间他发出了振奋士气的著名口号,“去他妈的鱼雷--全速前进!”〔enough〕"The Gods above should give,/They have enough and we do poorly live"(Henry David Thoreau)“天上的神祉应该赐予/因他们富足而我们却贫苦度日”(亨利·戴维·梭罗)〔Dubinsky〕Russian-born American labor leader who was president of the International Ladies' Garment Workers Union (1932-1966).杜宾斯基,戴维:(1892-1982) 苏联裔美国劳工领袖,曾任国际女服工人联合会主席(1932-1966年)〔Souter〕American jurist who was appointed an associate justice of the U.S. Supreme Court in 1990.苏特,戴维·哈克特:(生于 1939) 美国法学家。他于1990年被任命为美国最高法院的陪审法官〔Porter〕American naval officer who was court-martialed for unauthorized military activities in Puerto Rico. He later commanded the Mexican navy (1826-1829). His sonDavid Dixon Porter (1813-1891) was a Union naval officer during the Civil War. 波特,戴维:(1780-1843) 美国海军军官,因在波多黎各擅自采取军事行动而受到军事法庭的审判。后来他成为墨西哥海军司令(1826-1829年),他的儿子大卫·迪克森·波特 (1813-1891年)在内战期间是联邦军海军军官 〔Hume〕Politician of Northern Ireland. Head of the Social Democratic and Labour Party since 1979, Hume shared the 1998 Nobel Peace Prize with David Trimble for working to establish peace in Northern Ireland.休姆,约翰:北爱尔兰政治家。自1979年起担任社会民主和劳动党领袖,由于休姆与戴维·川保在建立北爱尔兰和平中所做的努力,他们共同获得1998年诺贝尔和平奖〔Davy〕British chemist who was a pioneer of electrochemistry, using its methods to isolate sodium and potassium (1807) and barium, boron, calcium, and magnesium (1808).戴维,汉弗莱:(1778-1829) 英国化学家,电化学的创始人,用它的方法分解出了钠和钾(1807年),钡、硼、钙和镁(1808年)〔Scharnhorst〕Prussian general noted for his training tactics and command of the Prussian army during the Napoleonic Wars.沙恩霍斯特,格哈得·约翰·戴维·冯:(1755-1813) 普鲁士将军,在反拿破仑战争中以其对普鲁士军队的军事领导和训练策略而著名〔Peckinpah〕American film director best known for his morally complex Westerns, includingRide the High Country (1962) and The Wild Bunch (1969). 毕京柏,戴维·塞缪尔:美国电影导演,因其道义上复杂的西部片而著称,包括《午后枪声》 (1962)与 《日落黄沙》 (1969) 〔despair〕"The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation" (Henry David Thoreau).“男人们在沉静的绝望中生活” (亨利·戴维·梭罗)。 |
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