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单词 战场
释义 〔taste〕"Thousands entered the war, got just a taste of it, and then stepped out"(Mark Twain)“数以千计的人投入战场,在仅仅初识战争的残酷之后,马上抽身而出”(马克·吐温)〔Kansas〕A state of the central United States. It was admitted as the 34th state in 1861. Organized as a territory by the Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854, which provided it would be classified as a free or slave state on the basis of popular sovereignty, it became a virtual battleground, known as Bleeding Kansas, for free and slave factions (1854-1859). Kansas was finally admitted as a free state. Topeka is the capital and Wichita the largest city. Population, 2,485,600.堪萨斯州:美国中部一州。1861年被批准为第34个州。通过1854年的堪萨斯内布拉斯加法案,堪萨斯被组织成为一个地区。该法案规定,遵照人民主权论的原则该地区可以成为自由州或蓄奴州。1854年至1859年间该州实质上成为自由派和蓄奴派的战场,被称为血腥的堪萨斯。堪萨斯最终被批准成为自由州。其首府为托皮卡,最大城市为威奇托。人口2,485,600〔airmobile〕Capable of being transported and deployed, usually by helicopter, to a combat zone or from one site to another within a theater of operations:空中机动部队的:通常能够用直升飞机空运和部署到作战地区的或在同一战场内可从一地到另一地的:〔Kilmer〕American poet whose best known work is "Trees" (1913). He was killed on a French battlefield in World War I.基尔默,(艾尔弗雷德)乔伊斯:(1886-1918) 美国诗人,第一次世界大战中阵亡于法国战场。他的最有名的作品是《树林》(1913年)〔Gascony〕A historical region and former province of southwest France. Settled originally by Basque peoples, it was conquered by the Romans and later by the Visigoths and Franks. A new wave of Basque invaders from south of the Pyrenees established the duchy of Vasconia in the sixth centurya.d. In 1052 Gascony passed to the duchy of Aquitaine, and after serving as a major battlefield during the Hundred Years' War, it finally became part of the French royal domain in 1607. 格斯肯尼:一历史地区,昔时法国西南部一省。最早巴斯克人在此定居,被罗马人征服,后来又被西哥特人和法兰克人征服。来自比利牛斯山南部的一支新的巴斯克人侵略者在公元后 6世纪建立了维斯可尼亚公国。在1502年,格斯肯尼被转给亚奎丹公国,在百年战争中以一个主要战场出现,最后于1607年成为法国领土的一部分 〔Marne〕A river, about 523 km (325 mi) long, of northeast France flowing in an arc generally northwest to the Seine River near Paris. It was the scene of heavy fighting in World War I (1914 and 1918) and World War II (1944).马恩河:法国东北部一河流,流程约523公里(325英里),大致呈弧形向西北方向流,注入巴黎附近的塞纳河。这里是第一次世界大战(1914和1918年)和第二次世界大战(1944年)的主要战场〔classic〕classic battlefields of the Civil War.美国内战的战场古迹〔Crimea〕A region and peninsula of southern European U.S.S.R. on the Black Sea and Sea of Azov. In ancient times it was colonized by Greeks and Romans and later overrun by Ostrogoths, Huns, and Mongols. Conquered by the Ottoman Turks in 1475, the area was annexed by Russia in 1783. The peninsula was the scene of the Crimean War (1853-1856), in which a coalition of English, French, and Turkish troops defeated the Russians, although Crimea itself did not change hands.克里米亚:前苏联欧洲部分南部的一个行政区和半岛,位于黑海和亚述海沿岸。在古代它曾被希腊人和罗马人统治,后来又被东哥特人、匈奴人和蒙古人侵占。它在1475年被奥斯曼土耳其人所征服,在1783年这一地区被俄国吞并。该半岛是克里米亚战争(1853-1856年)的战场,在这场战争中英国、法国和土耳其的联合军队击败了俄国军队,但克里米亚本身却没有易手〔Marathon〕A village and plain of ancient Greece northeast of Athens. It was the site of a major victory over the Persians in 490b.c. 马拉松:古希腊雅典东北方的一个小镇和平原。它是公元前 490年希腊战胜波斯的战场 〔theater〕A large geographic area in which military operations are coordinated:战场:协调军事行动的大范围地理区域:〔Lovelace〕English Cavalier poet who is noted especially for the lyrics "To Althea, from Prison" and "To Lucasta, Going to the Wars.”拉夫罗斯,理查德:(1618-1657?) 英国骑士派诗人,尤以其抒情诗“《从监狱奔向阿血娅》”和“《奔赴战场卢卡斯塔》”而被人瞩目〔battlefront〕a struggle on the economic battlefront.经济领域的战场〔campaign〕from Late Latin campānia [open country, battlefield] 源自 后期拉丁语 campānia [野外,战场] 〔theater〕the European theater during World War II.二战中的欧洲战场〔on〕Ontois more specific, however, in indicating that the motion was initiated from an outside point.He wandered onto the battlefield means that he began his wandering at some point off the battlefield. He wandered on the battlefield may mean that his wandering began on the battlefield. · In constructions whereon is an adverb attached to a verb, it should not be joined withto to form the single word onto: Onto更具体, 但表示的动作是从外面一点开始的。He wandered onto the battlefield 指他是从战场外面一点开始漫游的。 He wandered on the battlefield 可能意为是在战场上他开始漫游的。 当on 在结构上作为连接动词的副词时, 不应该和to 连接在一起形成一个单独的词 onto: 〔triage〕A process for sorting injured people into groups based on their need for or likely benefit from immediate medical treatment. Triage is used on the battlefield, at disaster sites, and in hospital emergency rooms when limited medical resources must be allocated.伤员鉴别分类:将受伤人员按轻重缓急或立即治疗的可能性进行分类的过程。伤员鉴别分类用于战场、灾难发生地和医院急救室,有限的医疗设施和人员不得不进行分配〔Virginia〕A state of the eastern United States on Chesapeake Bay and the Atlantic Ocean. It was admitted as one of the original Thirteen Colonies in 1788. Early colonizing attempts (1584-1587) by Sir Walter Raleigh failed, but in 1607 colonists dispatched by the London Company established the first permanent settlement at Jamestown (May 13). Virginia was a prime force in the move for independence and was the site of Lord Cornwallis's surrender in 1781. Virginia seceded in April 1861 and was the scene of many major battles during the Civil War, including the final campaigns that led to the surrender of Gen. Robert E. Lee. Richmond is the capital and Norfolk the largest city. Population, 6,216,568.弗吉尼亚:美国东部的一个州,临近切萨皮克湾和大西洋。1788年成为首批13个殖民地之一。早期(1584年-1587年)沃特尔·雷利的殖民企图以失败告终,但在1607年,由伦敦公司派遣的殖民者第一次在詹姆斯敦设立了永久据点(5月13日)。弗吉尼亚是独立运动中的主要力量,并是1781年康华里勋爵的投降地点。弗吉利亚在1861年从联邦中脱离,成为内战中许多主要战争的战场,其中包括导致罗伯特·E·李将军投降的最后战役。首府为里士满,诺福克为最大城市。人口6,216,568〔marshal〕Hard-riding marshals of the Wild West in pursuit of criminalsreemphasize the relationship of the wordmarshal with horses. The Germanic ancestor of our wordmarshal is a compound made up of .marhaz, "horse" (related to the source of our word mare ), and .skalkaz, "servant,” meaning as a whole literally "horse servant,”hence "groom.”The Frankish descendant of this Germanic word,.marahskalk, starting from these humble beginnings, came to designate a high royal official and also a high military commander, not surprisingly so, given the importance of the horse in medieval warfare.The word passed into the period (beginning in 800) in which we speak of Old French, after the Franks and their Germanic language had been fused with the surrounding culture descended from Roman Gaul.When the Normans established a French-speaking official class in England,the Old French word came with them.The Middle English source of our word is first recorded as a surname in 1218 (and the surname Marshal, now spelled Marshall, has been held by some famous people),but it is first recorded as a common noun with the sense "high officer of the royal court" in the first English language proclamation (1258) by an English king, Henry III, after the Norman Conquest.Marshal was applied to this high royal official's deputies, who were officers of courts of law,and the word continued to designate various officials involved with courts of law and law enforcement,including the horseback-riding marshals we are familiar with in the United States.西部荒野骑着马对罪犯紧追不舍的警长形象,再次强调了marshal 这个词与马之间的联系。 我们这个单词marshal 的日耳曼语原形是一个由 marhaz “马”(与 mare 的语源相关)和 skalkaz “仆人,佣人”组成的合成词, 字面意思是“马的仆人”,也就是后来的“马夫”。这个日耳曼词的法兰克语的演变marahskalk 从最初卑微的含义演变到特指高级王室官员及高级军事将领, 不仅如此,在中世纪的战场上马也被提升到了重要地位。在法兰克人和他们所说的日耳曼语一起融入周围的罗马高卢人文化之后,这个词进入了我们讲古法语的时代(开始于800年)。当诺曼底人在英格兰建立了一个讲法语的官员阶层之后,古法语里的这个词便随之而来。该词在中世纪英语中最早于1218年作为一个姓氏被记录下来(一些著名人士的姓马歇尔,现在的拼写法为Marshall),但作为指“王室的高级官员”的普通名词,它最早出现于英国王亨利三世在诺曼征服之后做的一篇英文公告(1258年)。在此文中Marshal 用于指高级王室官员的代表, 也就是司法官员。该词涉及法律和法律实施的不同官员的含义延续了下来,其中就包括我们所熟悉的美国西部骑在马背上的警长〔Poitier〕American actor and director whose film credits includeThe Defiant Ones (1958) and Lilies of the Field (1963). 普瓦蒂耶,锡德尼:(生于 1927) 美国演员和导演,其电影作品包括《蔑视者》 (1958年)和 《战场百合》 (1963年) 〔retire〕To fall back or retreat, as from battle.退却,撤退:后退或撤退,如从战场上撤退〔casualty〕Battlefield casualties were high.战场上伤亡人数十分多〔operation〕operations The headquarters or center from which a military action, flights into and out of an airfield, or other activities are controlled. operations 作战部:为一场军事行动、进入或退出战场或指挥其他活动而设的总部或中心〔trophy〕The spoils of war, dedicated in classical antiquity with an inscription to a deity and set up as a temporary monument on or near a battlefield, hung or placed in an existing temple, or housed in a permanent, new structure.胜利纪念柱:古代被刻上文字而敬献给神的战利品,作为临时性纪念碑而被竖立于战场上或附近;悬挂或放置于一已建好的庙宇中,或存放于一永久性的新建筑物之中〔Camlan〕In Arthurian legend, the battlefield where King Arthur was mortally wounded.克穆伦:在亚瑟王传奇中,它是亚瑟王遭受致命创伤的战场〔battlefield〕An area where a battle is fought.战场:发生战争的区域〔cockpit〕A place where many battles have been fought.屡经战争的战场:已进行过许多战斗的地方〔Meuse〕A river of western Europe flowing about 901 km (560 mi) from northeast France through southern Belgium and the southeast Netherlands to the North Sea. Its valley was the scene of severe fighting during World Wars I and II.默兹河:西欧的一条河流,长901公里(560英里),源自法国东北部,流经比利时南部,在荷兰东南部注入北海,在两次世界大战期间此流域是激烈的战场〔McCrae〕Canadian poet noted for "In Flanders Fields" (1915), which he wrote while serving in France during World War I.麦克雷,约翰:(1872-1918) 加拿大诗人。其著名诗作“在佛兰德战场”(1915年)是他于第一次世界大战期间在法国服役时而作〔certainty〕"On the field of battle there are no certainties"(Tom Clancy)“战场没有肯定的事”(汤姆·克兰西)〔Verdun〕A city of northeast France on the Meuse River west of Metz. Dating to Roman times and an important Carolingian commercial center, it was the site of a prolonged World War I battle (February-December 1916) in which French forces repelled a massive German offensive. The total casualties have been estimated at more than 700,000. Population, 21,516.凡尔登:法国东北部的一个城市,位于梅斯以西的默兹河。其历史可溯及古罗马时代并是卡洛林王朝的一个重要的商业中心,它是第一次世界大战期间持续时间较长的一场战斗(1916年2月-12月)的战场,在此法国军队击退了德军的强大攻势。总伤亡人数估计有700,000多人。人口21,516〔Argonne〕A wooded and hilly region of northeast France between the Meuse and Aisne rivers. The area was a major battleground during World War I.阿尔贡:法国东北部的一丛林丘陵地区,位于默兹河和埃纳河之间。该地区在第一次世界大战期间是主要战场之一〔Flodden〕A hill of northern England near the Scottish border. It was the site of the Battle of Flodden Field (September 9, 1513) in which the English defeated the Scots under James IV, who was killed in the massive slaughter.弗洛登山:英格兰北部的一座山,临近苏格兰交界处。是弗洛登战场的遗址(1513年9月9日),在此次战役中英格兰军队击败了詹姆斯四世领导的苏格兰军队,詹姆斯四世在这次大屠杀中被杀死〔Namur〕A city of south-central Belgium on the Meuse River southeast of Brussels. Strategically located, it has been the scene of numerous sieges and battles, notably in the 17th century and in World Wars I and II. Population, 101,860.纳慕尔:比利时中南部一城市,位于默兹河畔、布鲁塞尔东南。位处具有重要的战略意义,成为多次围攻和战斗的战场,尤其在17世纪和第一次世界大战和第二次世界大战中。人口101,860〔Albacete〕A city of southeast Spain west-southwest of Valencia. It was the site of battles between Moors and Christians in 1145 and 1146. Population, 121,909.阿尔瓦塞特:西班牙东南部城市,位于巴伦西亚西南偏西。这里曾是摩尔人和基督徒于1145年和1146年作战的战场。人口121,909〔withdraw〕To retreat from a battlefield.撤退:从战场上退出〔pioneer〕A soldier who performs construction and demolition work in the field to facilitate troop movements.轻工兵:战场上,完成建造和破坏工作以便大部队行动的士兵〔foeman〕A foe in battle; an enemy.战场上的敌人;敌人〔foe〕An enemy in war.敌军:战场上的敌人




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