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释义 | 〔vicinity〕The state of being near in space or relationship; proximity:附近,邻近:空间或者关系上相邻;邻近:〔victory〕 Victory, the most general term, refers especially to the final defeat of an enemy or opponent: Victory 特别是指敌人或者对手的最终失败的最常用的词语: 〔skeletal〕Of, relating to, forming, or of the nature of a skeleton:骨骼的:属于、有关或形成骨骼的或者具有骨骼性质的:〔magnificence〕Greatness or lavishness of surroundings; splendor.周围环境的宏大或者奢华;壮丽〔relic〕An object of religious veneration, especially a piece of the body or a personal item of a saint.圣徒遗物:在宗教上受到敬仰的物体,尤指圣人的身体或者其个人物品〔ctenidium〕A comblike structure, such as the respiratory apparatus of a mollusk or a row of spines in some insects.栉鳃,栉齿:一种梳子状的结构,如软体动物的呼吸器官或者某些昆虫的一排刺〔unending〕Being or seeming to be without an end or limit; boundless.无终止的,无止境的:是或者像是无止境的或不尽的;无限的〔relate〕To have connection, relation, or reference:有联系:有连结,关系或者关联:〔vicarage〕The duties or office of a vicar; a vicariate.牧师职位:牧师的职责或者职位;牧师职位〔multiplicity〕The state of being various or manifold:多种多样:多方面或者多种形式:〔remainder〕ate some of the candy and gave the remainder (or rest ) away; 吃了一些糖然后把剩下的给她(或者 rest ) ; 〔china〕Our termchina for porcelain or ceramic ware is a shortening of chinaware and probably china dishes. Although the wordchina is identical in spelling to the name of the country, there are 16th- and 17th-century spellings likechiney, cheny, and cheney that reflect the borrowing into English of the Persian term for this porcelain,chīnī. The Persian word and the Sanskrit wordcīnāḥ, "Chinese people,” which gave us the English name for the country, go back to the Chinese wordQin, the name of the dynasty that ruled China from 221 to 206b.c. 我们所说的表示瓷器或陶器的词china 是 chinaware 或者可能是 china dishes 的缩写形式。 虽然china 这个词拼写上与中国的国名是一样的, 但16和17世纪时也有chiney,cheny 和 cheney 等拼法, 表明英语借用了波斯语中表示这种瓷器的词,chini 。 这个波斯词,还有梵语中cinah 一词(“中国人”,英语中中国的名称即从这个词而来), 都来自汉语里的Qin 字, 这是从公元前 221至206年统治中国的王朝的名称 〔scuttle〕A shallow open basket for carrying vegetables, flowers, or grain.篮:用于装蔬菜、花朵或者粮食的一种浅浅的开口篮子〔ambiguous〕 Obscure implies that meaning is hidden, either from lack of clarity of expression or from inherent difficulty of comprehension: Obscure 表示意思隐含,或者是因为表达不清楚,或者因为话本身就难以理解: 〔childbearing〕The human act or process of giving birth; parturition.分娩:人类生育的行为或者过程;分娩〔stamp〕An official mark, design, or seal that indicates ownership, approval, completion, or the payment of a tax.官方戳记:一种官方标记,图案或者邮戳,表明主人,赞同,完成或付税〔risk〕A factor, thing, element, or course involving uncertain danger; a hazard:危险:与某种不定的危险有关的因素,事物,成份或者所经之路;危险:〔cast〕To cause to fall onto or over something or in a certain direction, as if by throwing:使落在…,投射:使掉到某物上面或上方或者朝某一方向掉落,似乎是通过抛掷:〔mydriasis〕Prolonged, abnormal dilatation of the pupil of the eye caused by disease or a drug.瞳孔扩散:由于疾病或者药物引起的眼睛瞳孔变长、不正常的扩大〔let〕Used as an auxiliary in the imperative to express a command, request, or proposal:作为助动词用于祈使句中,表示命令、请求或者建议:〔resistance〕The act or an instance of resisting or the capacity to resist.抵抗性:抵抗的行为或事例或者抵抗的能力〔dominant〕 Dominant applies to what exercises principal control or authority or is unmistakably ascendant: Dominant 指行使最高统治或权威或者具有无可置疑的优势的: 〔case〕The form or position of a word that indicates this relationship.格的字形或位置:表示这一关系的一个词的形式或者位置〔stand〕To remain valid, effective, or unaltered:保持有效、生效或者未改变:〔divest〕To sell off or otherwise dispose of (a subsidiary company or an investment).处置,出售:出售或处置(一个附属公司或者一项投资等)〔murderous〕Characteristic of or giving rise to murder or bloodshed:行凶用的:导致谋杀或者杀戮的或以之为特征的:〔coke〕To convert or be converted into coke.使成焦炭:转化或者被转化为焦炭〔myasthenia〕Abnormal muscular weakness or fatigue.肌无力:不正常的肌肉衰弱或者疲劳〔magnetohydrodynamics〕The study of the interaction of magnetic fields and electrically conducting liquids or gases, such as molten metal or plasma.磁流体动力学:对磁场和导电的液体或气体,诸如熔化的金属或者等离子区之间的相互作用的研究〔stand〕To remain without flowing or being disturbed; be or become stagnant.没有流动或者没有被扰乱;停滞不动〔impression〕An effect, a feeling, or an image retained as a consequence of experience.印象,感想:作为经历的结果留下来的效果、感觉或者形象〔multiservice〕Offering or involving a variety of services:多项服务的:提供或者涉及各种服务的:〔elephant〕Either of two very large herbivorous mammals,Elephas maximus of south-central Asia or Loxodonta africana of Africa, having thick, almost hairless skin, a long, flexible, prehensile trunk, upper incisors forming long, curved tusks of ivory, and, in the African species, large, fan-shaped ears. 象:两种巨大的食草哺乳动物,中南亚的象属 或者非洲的 非洲象属 中的一种,皮肤坚厚,无毛,长有一条长的柔韧的可以卷曲的鼻子,上颚二门齿发展为长而弯的象牙。非洲象属有巨大的扇形状的耳朵 〔genderlect〕A variety of speech or conversational style used by a particular gender.性别对话:为某一特定性别所使用的各种不同的演讲或者对话方式〔either〕Either the union will make a counteroffer or the original bid will be refused by the board or the deal will go ahead as scheduled. · 或者工会提出一个相反的建议,或者董事会拒绝原来的要价,或者这事按原计划进行。 〔corked〕Sealed with or as if with a cork.塞住的:用或者好象用塞子塞住的〔vertiginous〕Turning about an axis; revolving or whirling.旋转的:绕着轴转的;回旋的或者旋转的〔melt〕To change (a solid) to a liquid state by the application of heat or pressure or both.熔化:用热力或压力,或者两者的共同作用使固态变为液态〔conversion〕The changing of real property to personal property or vice versa.财产转换:从不动产转换为动产或者反之〔somatic〕Of or relating to a somatic cell or the somatoplasm.细胞体的:是或者与体细胞或体浆有关的 |
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