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单词 成长
释义 〔psychotherapy〕The treatment of mental and emotional disorders through the use of psychological techniques designed to encourage communication of conflicts and insight into problems, with the goal being personality growth and behavior modification.精神疗法:通过用于鼓励冲突间的交流和对问题的了解的心理技巧来医治精神和情感失调,其目的是帮助患者的人格成长和对其行为的修正〔sprout〕Young plant growth, such as a bud or shoot.新芽,籽苗、嫩枝:象芽或嫩枝芽等幼小植物的成长〔formative〕Susceptible to transformation by growth and development.能随成长而变形的:对成长和发展的变化敏感的〔adult〕From Latin adultus [past participle of] adolēscere [to grow up] * see adolescent 源自 拉丁语 adultus adolēscere的过去分词 [成长] * 参见 adolescent〔mold〕To guide or determine the growth or development of; influence:影响:引导或决定…的成长或发展;影响:〔hometown〕The town or city of one's birth, rearing, or main residence.家乡:某人出生、成长和主要居住的城镇〔nutrition〕from Latin nūtrītus [past participle of] nūtrīre [to suckle] * see (s)nāu- 源自 拉丁语 nūtrītus nūtrīre的过去分词 [养育,使…成长] * 参见 (s)nāu- 〔euphuism〕phuein [to grow, bring forth] * see bheuə- phuein [成长,产生] * 参见 bheuə- 〔mature〕Having reached full natural growth or development:成熟的:已达到完全自然的成长或发展程度的:〔auxesis〕from auxanein auxē- [to grow] * see aug- 源自 auxanein auxē- [成长] * 参见 aug- 〔beef〕The flesh of a slaughtered full-grown steer, bull, ox, or cow.牛肉:宰杀了的完全成长的阉牛、未阉割的牛、公牛或母牛的肉〔promote〕To contribute to the progress or growth of; further.See Synonyms at advance 促进,推进:有助于…的进步或成长;更进一步 参见 advance〔heliotropism〕Growth or orientation of a sessile organism, especially a plant, toward or away from the light of the sun.向日性,向光性:无柄有机体,尤指植物的向日光或偏离日光而成长或定位〔hothouse〕Grown in a hothouse:温室的:成长于温室中的:〔adolescent〕The adolescent grows up to become the adult.The wordsadolescent and adult that refer to these two stages in the human life cycle ultimately come from forms of the same Latin word, adolēscere, meaning "to grow up.” The present participle ofadolēscere, adolēscēns, from which adolescent derives, means "growing up,” while the past participleadultus, the source of adult, means "grown up.” Appropriately enough,adolescent, first recorded in English in a work written perhaps in 1440, seems to have come into the language beforeadult, first recorded in a work published in 1531. 青少年成长为成年人。adolescent 及 adult 这两个词都表示人类生命循环中的两个阶段,并且始终都来自于同一个拉丁词 adolescere 的不同形式,意为“成长”。 现在分词形式的adolescere--adolescens 产生出 adolesent ,表示“正在成长的”, 而其过去分词adultus 则为 adult 的语源,意为“已经长大的”。 很恰当地是,adolescent 约于1440年首次用于英语作品中, 似乎比首次于1531年刊登在一作品中的adult 一词要早出现在英语语言中 〔grow〕To increase in size by a natural process.生长,成长:自然进程中体积的增加〔gather〕To grow or increase by degrees.渐增:循序渐近地成长或增加〔longhorn〕A variety of Cheddar cheese molded into a long cylinder.切德干酪:制成长圆柱状的切德奶酪〔auxin〕From Greek auxein [to grow] * see aug- 源自 希腊语 auxein [生长,成长] * 参见 aug- 〔nourish〕To provide with food or other substances necessary for life and growth; feed.养育:为生命和成长提供必须的食物或其它物质;喂养〔young〕These adjectives are compared as they mean of, relating to, characteristic of, or being in an early period of growth or development.把这些形容词进行比较是因为,它们表示处于成长或发展的早期的、或与此相关的或以此为特征。〔seedbed〕An area or source of growth or gradual manifestation:温床,发源地:成长或逐步显现的区域或源泉:〔speed〕Quicken and especiallyaccelerate refer to increase in rate of activity, growth, or progress: Quicken ,特别是accelerate 是指增加活动、成长或进步的速度: 〔ignorant〕an untutored genius.自学成长的天才。〔preformation〕A theory popular in the 18th century that all parts of an organism exist completely formed in the germ cell and develop only by increasing in size.预成说:流行于18世纪,认为生物体的所有部分在生殖细胞时已完全成形而成长时只是增加尺寸的理论〔ripe〕Fully developed; mature:成熟的:充分成长的;成熟的:〔little〕Being at an early stage of growth; young:幼小的:处于成长初级阶段的;年轻的:〔bloviate〕"the rural Babbitt who bloviates about 'progress’ and 'growth’”(George Rebeck)“巴比特式的农民滔滔不绝地大谈‘进步’和‘成长’”(乔治·吕贝克)〔Gesell〕American psychologist and pediatrician noted for his research on child development.格塞尔,阿诺德·卢西乌斯:(1880-1961) 美国心理学家和儿科专家,以其在儿童成长方面的研究而著称〔beef〕A full-grown steer, bull, ox, or cow, especially one intended for use as meat.牛:完全成长的阉牛、未阉割的牛、公牛或母牛,尤指因肉用而蓄养的牛〔phallus〕The sexually undifferentiated tissue in an embryo that becomes the penis or clitoris.交接器原基:胚胎中无差别的性组织,它会成长为阴茎或阴蒂〔run〕To extend, spread, or climb as a result of growing:蔓生:因成长而延伸、散开或爬:〔titi〕A New World shrub or small tree(Cyrilla racemiflora) of warm swampy areas, having leathery leaves, yellow fruit, and white flowers in clustered racemes that are borne at the tip of the preceding season's growth. Also called leatherwood 沼泽草木:一种美洲灌木或小乔木,生长于的沼泽地带,叶子坚韧,有黄色果实,花为白色成长状花序,这种花序从前一个季节的生长物的尖端生出,(总状花序西里拉) 也作 leatherwood〔germ〕Something that may serve as the basis of further growth or development:萌芽,雏形,原形:可作为进一步成长或发展的基础事物:〔spaghetti〕A pasta made into long solid strings and cooked by boiling.意大利面条:做成长而硬的条并用开水煮食的面糊〔cycle〕the cycle of birth, growth, and death; a cycle of reprisal and retaliation.出生,成长,死亡的循环;冤冤相报〔imply〕Life implies growth and death.生命必然有成长和死亡〔medium〕The substance in which a specific organism lives and thrives.培养基:某种有机体生活、成长于其中的物质〔spider〕Any of numerous arachnids of the order Araneae, having a body divided into a cephalothorax bearing eight legs, two poison fangs, and two feelers and an unsegmented abdomen bearing several spinnerets that produce the silk used to make nests, cocoons, or webs for trapping insects.蜘蛛:一种蜘蛛纲蛛形目动物,身体分成长有八足的头胸部、两只毒牙、两条触角以及一个不分节的腹部,腹部上有几个吐丝器,能产生丝来织网、结茧,或结网以捕捉其他昆虫〔thrift〕Vigorous growth of living things, such as plants.茁壮成长:如植物等有生命的东西茁壮地成长




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