单词 | 成为可能 |
释义 | 〔likely〕Possessing or displaying the qualities or characteristics that make something probable:可能的:具有或显示使某事成为可能的特征或品质:〔chivalry〕The Age of Chivalry was also the age of the horse.Bedecked in elaborate armor and other trappings,horses were certainly well dressedalthough they might have wished for lighter loads.That the horse should be featured so prominently during the Age of Chivalryis etymologically appropriate,becausechivalry goes back to the Latin word caballus, "horse, especially a riding horse or packhorse.”Borrowed from French, as were so many other important words having to do with medieval English culture,the English wordchivalry is first recorded in works composed around the beginning of the 14th century and is found in several senses,including "a body of armored mounted warriors serving a lord" and "knighthood as a ceremonially conferred rank in the social system.”Our modern sense,"the medieval system of knighthood,”could not exist until the passage of several centuries had allowed the perspective for such a conceptualization,with this sense being recorded first in 1765.骑士时代同时也是马的时代。马被用精美的铠甲和其它马饰打扮起来,它们显然穿戴得很好,虽然它们可能会喜欢稍轻一些的负担。在骑士时代马被放在如此显要的地位,这从词源学上来看是恰当的,因为chivalry 一词可追溯到拉丁语中 caballus 一词, 即“马,尤其是用来骑的马或驮马”的意思。象与中世纪英国文化有关的许多其它重要的词一样,英语中chivalry 一词也是从法语中借用来的,最初出现在大约写于14世纪初的书籍中, 当时有好几个含义,其中包括:“为一名贵族服务的一队穿着铠甲、骑着马的武士”和“作为一种被正式授予的社会制度中等级的骑士资格”。我们现代的意义,即“中世纪的骑士制度”,是在几个世纪以后对这样一个概念的视角成为可能之时才出现的,这个意义最早出现在文字记载中是1765年〔tendency〕"Man's capacity for justice makes democracy possible,but man's inclination to injustice makes democracy necessary" (Reinhold Niebuhr). “人类对公平的接受能力使民主成为可能,但人类对不公平的倾向却使民主变得必需” (赖因霍尔德·尼布尔)〔proud〕"On January 1, 1900, Americans and Europeans greeted the twentieth century in the proud and certain belief that the next hundred years would make all things possible"(W. Bruce Lincoln)"1900年1月1日,美国人和欧洲人以一种自豪而坚定的信念迎接20世纪的到来,他们认为下一个一百年将使一切事情都成为可能”(W.布鲁斯·林肯)〔likelihood〕The state of being probable; probability.成为可能的状态;可能性〔Gorgas〕American army surgeon who suppressed yellow fever in Havana (1898) and in the Panama Canal Zone (1904-1913), thereby making construction of the canal possible.戈加斯,威廉·克劳福德:(1854-1920) 美国随军外科医生,是他消除了1898年哈瓦那和1904-1913年巴拿马运河区的黄热病,因此使建造运河成为可能〔Steinmetz〕German-born American electrical engineer and inventor known for his theoretical studies of alternating current, which made possible advancements in electrical generators and motors.斯坦梅茨,查尔斯·普洛透斯:(1865-1923) 德国裔美国电气工程师和发明家,以其关于交流电的理论研究著称,这项研究使电动机和发电机的进步成为可能〔tamper〕A neutron reflector in an atomic bomb that also delays the expansion of the exploding material, making possible a longer-lasting, more energetic, and more efficient explosion.屏:原子弹中的一个中子反射镜,该镜能延缓爆炸材料的扩散,从而使持续时间更长、威力更大、效果更强的爆炸成为可能〔hope〕Often Hope The theological virtue defined as the desire and search for a future good, difficult but not impossible to attain with God's help. 常作 Hope 神学美德:神学美德,指对于来世幸福的渴望及寻求,虽然艰难,但是,上帝的帮助使它的获得成为可能〔possible〕"Only the initiated know and honor those [scientists] whose patient integrity and devotion to exact observation have made the last step possible" (Hans Zinsser).“只有受教者才知道并且称赞这些 他们的有耐性的诚恳及对精确观察的投入使最后一步成为可能” (汉斯·辛瑟)。 |
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