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单词 成为
释义 〔Smith〕American singer who became a leading jazz and blues singer in the 1920's and recorded with musicians such as Louis Armstrong and Benny Goodman.史密斯,贝西埃:(1894?-1937) 美国歌唱演员,二十年代成为第一流的爵士乐和布鲁斯音乐的歌唱家,曾与其他音乐家如路易斯·阿姆斯特朗和本尼·古德曼一起录制磁带〔Parma〕A city of north-central Italy southeast of Milan. Founded by Romans in 183b.c. , it became a free city in the 12th century and was the center of the duchy of Parma and Piacenza after 1545. It became part of the kingdom of Sardinia in 1860 and of Italy in 1861. Population, 176,750. 巴尔马:意大利中北部一城市,位于米兰东南。由罗马人在公元前 183年建成,于12世纪成为一个自由城,在1545年以后成为巴尔马公国和皮亚琴察公国的中心,该城于1860年成为撒丁尼亚王国的一部分并于1861年成了意大利的国土。人口176,750 〔Utica〕A city of central New York east-northeast of Syracuse. Settled in 1773 on the site of Fort Schuyler (established in 1758), it developed as an industrial center after the opening of the Erie Canal in 1825. Population, 68,637.尤蒂卡:纽约州中部一城市,位于锡拉丘兹的东北偏东方向。在1773年在原斯凯勒堡(建于1758年)旧址上有人开始定居,在1825年伊利运河开航之后发展成为工业中心。人口68,637〔Kalmar〕A city of southeast Sweden onKalmar Sound, an arm of the Baltic Sea between the Swedish mainland and Öland. An important trade center since the eighth century, the city was the site of the Union of Kalmar (1397), which joined Sweden, Denmark, and Norway into a single monarchy that lasted until 1523. Population, 30,300. 卡尔马:瑞典东南部一城市,位于瑞典大陆和厄兰岛之间波罗的海的卡尔马湾 。从8世纪开始,该市就成为一重要的贸易中心。该市为卡尔马联盟(1397年)的所在地。卡尔马联盟把瑞典,丹麦和挪威联合成一个君主国,一直延续到1523年。人口30,300 〔Chuvashia〕An autonomous republic of western Russia in the Volga River valley. Conquered by the Mongols in the 13th and 14th centuries, the area came under Russian rule in 1552. It became an autonomous region in 1920 and an autonomous republic in 1925. In 1992 Chuvashia was a signatory to the agreement that created the Russian Federation.楚瓦什共和国:俄罗斯西部的自治共和国,位于伏尔加河谷。13世纪和14世纪该地区被蒙古人征服,1552年划入俄罗斯的势力范围。1920年成为自治区并于1925年成为自治共和国。1992年楚瓦什签署了成立俄罗斯联邦的协议〔Chadwick〕British-born American sportswriter who helped organize professional baseball. In 1869 he began an annual baseball handbook, which later becameSpalding's Official Baseball Guide. 查德威克,亨利:(1824-1908) 英裔美籍体育作家,他协助组建了职业棒球队。1869年他开始编写后来成为《斯鲍尔丁正式棒球导刊》 的棒球手册年刊 〔around〕In such a way as to have a basis or center in:以为…中心:以某种方式使之(成为)…的基础或中心:〔dumortierite〕A glassy pink, green, violet, or blue aluminum borosilicate mineral, Al8BSi 3O 19OH, used in spark-plug ceramics and as imitation lapis lazuli. 蓝线石:一种玻璃状的粉,绿,紫或蓝色硼硅铝酸盐矿物,组成为Al8BSi 3O 19OH,用于火花塞制陶及用作仿天青石 〔Carboniferous〕Of, belonging to, or denoting a geologic division of the Paleozoic Era following the Devonian and preceding the Permian, including the Mississippian Period and the Pennsylvanian Period and characterized, especially in the Pennsylvanian, by swamp formation and deposition of plant remains later hardened into coal.石炭纪的,石炭系的:属于或表示地质上的一个分段,即紧跟着泥盆纪而早于二叠纪的古生代,包括密西西比纪和宾夕法尼亚纪。古生代的特征,尤其在宾夕法尼亚纪的特征为,沼泽的形成以及后来变硬而成为煤的植物遗骸沉积〔zygosity〕The genetic condition of a zygote, especially with respect to its being a homozygote or a heterozygote.接合性:合子的遗传条件,尤其与它成为纯合体或杂合体有关〔Kaluga〕A city of central European U.S.S.R. southwest of Moscow. Dating to the 14th century, it is an industrial center and a river port. Population, 297,000.卡卢加:苏联欧洲部分中部的一座城市,位于莫斯科西南部。该市的历史可上溯到14世纪,如今成为一座工业中心和河港。人口297,000〔stover〕est [third person sing. present tense of] esse [to be] * see essence est esse的第三人称单数现在时 [成为] * 参见 essence〔Taos〕A town of northern New Mexico north-northeast of Santa Fe. It developed as an art colony after 1898 and has attracted many artists and writers, including John Marin and D.H. Lawrence. Population, 4,065.陶斯:美国新墨西哥州北部一城镇,位于圣大菲东北偏北。在1898年后它逐渐发展成为一个艺术家们的聚居地,吸引了包括约翰·马林和D·H·劳伦斯在内的许多艺术家和作家。人口4,065〔develop〕With hard work, she developed into a great writer.See Synonyms at mature 经过艰苦地工作,她成为一位伟大的作家 参见 mature〔Vicenza〕A city of northeast Italy west of Venice. Founded by Ligurians c. first centuryb.c. , it became a free city in a.d. 1164 and passed to Austria in 1797. Vicenza joined the kingdom of Italy in 1866. Population, 113,931. 维琴察:意大利东北的一座城市,位于威尼斯以西,由利古里亚在公元前 1世纪建立,它在 公元 1164年成为自由城并在1797年传到奥地利手中,维琴察在1866年加入了意大利王国。人口113,931 〔Tokyo〕The capital and largest city of Japan, in east-central Honshu onTokyo Bay, an inlet of the Pacific Ocean. Founded in the 12th century as Edo, Tokyo became the imperial capital in 1868. Much of the city was destroyed by an earthquake in 1923 and by bombing raids during World War II. Population, 8,353,674. 东京,江户:日本首都和最大城市,位于本州岛中东部,临太平洋的一个海湾。东京湾 建立于12世纪,当时叫做江户,1868年东京成为帝国首都,1923年的地震和二次世界大战期间的空袭曾使该城的大部分被摧毁。人口8,353,674 〔Beauharnais〕French soldier and statesman. Son of Alexandre and Josephine de Beauharnais, he was later adopted by Napoleon I and became viceroy and then heir apparent to the throne of Italy (1806).博阿内,尤金·德:(1781-1824) 法国军人和政治家。他是亚历山大和约瑟芬·德·博阿内的儿子,后被拿破仑一世收养并成为总督,接着被任命为意大利王位继承人(1806年)〔gutter〕Certain household words have proved important as markers for major U.S. dialect boundaries.The channels along the edge of a roof for carrying away rainwater (normally referred to in the plural) are variously known aseaves spouts or eaves troughs in New England and the Great Lakes states, spouting or rainspouts in New Jersey, eastern Pennsylvania, and the Delmarva Peninsula, andgutters from Virginia southward. The transition points mark unusually clear boundaries for the three major dialect areas—Northern, Midland, and Southern—traditionally acknowledged by scholars of American dialects.Atypically, Southerngutters seems to have become the standard U.S. term. 某些常用词作为区分美国各主要方言的标志是非常重要的。在新英格兰和五大湖区,这种装在屋顶边缘用来排走雨水的沟槽(一般都是用作复数)被叫做eaves spouts 或 eaves troughs , 而在新泽西,宾夕法尼亚州东部和德马华群岛被叫做spouting 或 rainspouts , 弗吉尼亚以南人们把它称为gutters 。 这些转变表明了美国方言三大区域通常中比较清楚的边界,这三个地区是北部,中部和南部地区,这通常已为美国的方言学者所确认。而南方人使用的gutters 似乎已经成为美国英语中正规的名称,这种情况是不太常见的 〔Colmar〕A city of eastern France between the Vosges Mountains and the Rhine River. It became a free imperial city in 1226. Population, 62,483.科尔玛:法国东部城市,位于孚日山脉和莱茵河之间,1216年成为一个自由的帝国城市。人口62,483〔Langton〕English prelate who as archbishop of Canterbury (1207-1228) sided with the nobility in their struggle with King John and was a signer of the Magna Carta (1215).兰顿,斯蒂芬:(1150?-1228) 英国高级教士,担任坎特伯雷的大主教(1207-1228年)。他在与国王约翰的斗争中站在贵族阶层一边,并于1215上成为英国大宪章的签名者〔landscape〕It would seem that in the case of the wordlandscape we have an example of nature imitating art, in so far as sense development is concerned.Landscape, first recorded in 1598, was borrowed as a painters' term from Dutch during the 16th century,when Dutch artists were on the verge of becoming masters of the landscape genre.The Dutch wordlandschap had earlier meant simply "region, tract of land,” but had acquired the artistic sense, which it brought over into English, of "a picture depicting scenery on land.”The fascinating thing isthat 34 years pass after the first recorded use oflandscape in English before the word is used of a view or vista of natural scenery. This delay suggests that people were first introduced to landscapes in paintingsand then saw landscapes in real life.从landscape 这个词,我们似乎能看到一个模仿自然艺术的例子, 单就这个词的意思发展来说。Landscape 首次记载于1598年, 它是在16世纪期间作为一个绘画术语从荷兰传过来的,当时的荷兰艺术家正在成为自然风景绘画的大师。荷兰语中landscape 这个词早期仅仅意味着“地区,一片地”, 但它后来传入英国时已经有了艺术上的含义“描绘陆上风景的绘画”。有趣的是,从landscape 这个词第一次见于英语文字到这个词表示自然景色的风光,经历了34年。 这一时间上的延迟暗示了人们首先是在绘画时接触自然,然后才是在现实生活中去欣赏风景〔Armenia〕Also Soviet Socialist Republic [-mēʹnē-ən, -mēnʹyən] A constituent republic of southeast European U.S.S.R. in the southern Caucasus. It was acquired by Russia from Persia in 1828 and became a Soviet republic in 1921 and a constituent republic in 1936. Yerevan is the capital. Population, 3,317,000. 也作 Soviet Socialist Republic [-mēʹnē-ən, -mēnʹyən] 亚美尼亚:苏联欧洲部分东南部高加索南部的一个加盟共和国。1828年俄国从波斯手中获得亚美尼亚,1921年亚美尼亚成为苏联的一个共和国,1936年成为加盟共和国。首都为埃里温。人口3,317,000〔Romanize〕To convert (a person) to Roman Catholicism.使(某人)相信天主教,使(某人)成为天主教教徒〔obstacle〕a sandbar that is an obstruction to navigation.成为航行的阻碍物的沙洲。〔weaken〕To make or become weak or weaker.使虚弱:使或成为虚弱或更弱〔Hull〕Also King.ston-up.on-Hull [kĭngʹstən-ə-pŏn-hŭlʹ, -pôn-] A borough of northeast-central England on the northern shore of the Humber estuary at the influx of theHull River. Chartered in 1299, the city has been a major seaport since the late 1700's. Population, 272,500. 也作 King.ston-up.on-Hull [kĭngʹstən-ə-pŏn-hŭlʹ, -pôn-] 赫尔:英格兰中部偏东北的自治城市,位于寺尔河 哈姆伯三角洲的北岸。1299年获自治权,18世纪末开始成为重要海港。人口272,500 〔cap〕To attempt to attract and win as a mate.女追男,挑逗男子:竭力吸引或赢得…使成为配偶〔beautify〕To make or become beautiful.美化:使变得或成为美丽〔subject〕They made him the subject of ridicule.他们使他成为嘲笑的对象〔Cyrenaica〕An ancient region of northeast Libya bordering on the Mediterranean Sea. It was colonized by the Greeks in the seventh centuryb.c. and became a Roman province in the first century b.c. 昔兰尼加:利比亚东北一古代地区,濒临地中海。公元前 7世纪时,受希腊人的殖民统治, 公元前 1世纪成为罗马的一个省 〔Bushman〕American actor whose classic profile and impressive physique made him a matinee idol of the silent-film era.布什曼,弗朗西斯·泽维尔:(1883-1966) 美国演员,古典的轮廓和给人留下深刻印象的体格使他成为无声电影时代的戏剧偶像〔convert〕a sleepy town transmogrified by the boom into a bustling city;经济的迅速发展使这个寂静的小镇成为闹市;〔episome〕A genetic particle of certain cells, especially bacterial cells, that can exist either autonomously in the cytoplasm or as part of a chromosome.附加体,游离体:某些细胞的遗传粒子,尤其是细菌细胞, 能够自动存在于胞质中或成为染色体的一部分〔Oppenheim〕Swiss artist whoseObject (Breakfast in Fur) (1936) has become emblematic of surrealist sculpture. 奥本海姆,梅雷特:(生于 1913) 瑞士艺术家。他的《静物》(弗隆早餐) (1936年)已经成为超现实主义雕像的象征 〔Bohemia〕A historical region and former kingdom of present-day western Czechoslovakia. The Czechs, a Slavic people, settled in the area between the 1st and 5th centuriesa.d. A later principality was independent until the 15th century, when it passed to Hungary and then to the Hapsburgs. Bohemia became the core of the new state of Czechoslovakia in 1918. 波希米亚:历史上的地区和王国,在今天的捷克斯洛伐克西部。在1世纪和5世纪之间,斯拉夫人的一支捷克人在此定居。在公元 15世纪,其中主要部分独立出来,成立匈牙利,后来又变成哈布斯堡王朝。1918年,波希亚地区成为新成立的捷克斯洛伐克共和国的核心 〔metrify〕Latin -ficāre [-fy] 拉丁语 -ficāre [后缀,表示“使成为,使…化”] 〔preagricultural〕Of, relating to, or being a society or population before the advent of agriculture as a means of subsistence.农业社会前的:农业开始成为生存方式之前的社会或群体的、与农业社会前相关的或属于农业社会前的〔Parousia〕einai [to be] * see es- einai [成为] * 参见 es- 〔Talladega〕A city of east-central Alabama east of Birmingham. Incorporated in 1835, it is an agricultural, quarrying, and mining center. Population, 18,175.塔拉德加:美国阿拉巴马州中东部一城市,位于伯明翰东部。它于1835年成为一个城市,现在是一个农业、采石业和采矿业中心。人口18,175〔Pollock〕American artist. Using his drip technique of painting, he became a leader of abstract expressionism in America.波洛克,杰克逊:(1912-1956) 美国艺术家。因运用他的“滴画法”而成为美国抽象主义的先驱




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