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单词 意大利
释义 〔tarantella〕A lively, whirling southern Italian dance once thought to be a remedy for tarantism.塔兰台拉舞:一种起源于意大利南部的欢快绕圈舞蹈,曾被认为是一种治疗毒蜘蛛舞蹈症的方法〔Rapallo〕A city of northwest Italy on the Ligurian Sea. It is a resort on the Italian Riviera. The treaty proclaiming Fiume (now Rijeka) an independent city was signed here by Italy and Yugoslavia in November 1920. Population, 28,318.拉帕洛:意大利西北部的一城市,位于在利古里亚海上。是意大利海滨休养区和旅游景点。宣布成为现在的独立城市的条约,正是在这于1920年11月由意大利和南斯拉夫共同签订的。人口28,318〔grappa〕from Italian dialectal [grape stalk, brandy] 源自 意大利方言 [葡萄秆,白兰地] 〔lantana〕from Italian dialectal lantana [wayfaring tree, viburnum] 源自 意大利方言 lantana [旅行树,荚属植物] 〔Peruzzi〕Italian architect and painter. In 1520 he was appointed architect for Saint Peter's in Rome.佩鲁齐,巴尔达萨雷:(1481-1536) 意大利建筑师和画家。1520年被任命为罗马圣彼得大教堂的建筑师〔Bardolino〕An Italian red wine with a dry, light taste.巴多利诺红酒:一种不甜的、清淡的意大利红酒〔Crispi〕Italian statesman who served as premier of the restored kingdom of Italy (1887-1890 and 1894) and advocated a strong alliance with Germany.克里斯皮,弗朗切斯科:(1819-1901) 意大利政治家,在意大利的复辟王国中担任首相(1887-1890年和1894年),曾提议与德国建立巩固的联盟〔Venetia〕A historical region of northern Italy and northwest Yugoslavia. An ancient Roman territory including Istria and the lands between the Po River and the Alps, it was named after the Veneti, a people who settled the area in c. 1000b.c. Part of the region was ceded to Yugoslavia in 1947. 威尼西亚:历史上位于意大利北部和南斯拉夫西北部的一个地区。它是一个包括伊世特利亚半岛以及波河和阿尔卑斯山脉之间土地的古罗马领地,以威尼西亚民族命名,该民族于公元前 1000年定居于此。该地区的部分地区于1947年割让给了南斯拉夫 〔lazaretto〕Italian dialectal Nazareto [popular name for a hospital maintained in Venice by the Church of Santa Maria di Nazaret] 意大利方言 纳撒拉托 [一所由威尼斯纳撒拉特圣玛丽教堂主管的医院的通俗名字] 〔spaghetti〕A pasta made into long solid strings and cooked by boiling.意大利面条:做成长而硬的条并用开水煮食的面糊〔Latina〕A city of west-central Italy southeast of Rome. It is a commercial and industrial center. Population, 81,000.拉庭罗:意大利中西部一城市,位于罗马东南部。是一个商业和工业中心。人口81,000〔Lippi〕Italian painter who completed Masaccio's frescoes in the Brancacci Chapel, Florence.利皮,菲利皮诺:(1457?-1504?) 意大利画家,他完成了佛罗伦萨布郎卡奇教堂内马萨奇奥的壁画〔Avogadro〕Italian chemist and physicist who advanced the hypothesis that has come to be called Avogadro's law. From this hypothesis other physicists were able to calculate Avogadro's number.阿伏加德罗,阿梅代:(1776-1856) 意大利化学家及物理学家,他发展了后来被称为阿伏加德罗定律的假说。以这个假说出发,其他物理学家计算出了阿伏加德罗常数〔Scarlatti〕Italian composer who influenced the development of modern opera. His sonDomenico (1685-1757), a harpsichordist, wrote numerous works for the instrument. 斯卡拉蒂,亚历山德罗:(1660-1725) 影响现代歌剧发展的意大利作曲家,他的儿子都美尼哥 (1685-1757年)是一名古钢琴家,并写了大量钢琴曲 〔Uccello〕Italian painter of the Florentine school known for his experimentation with perspective. His works includeThe Battle of San Romano (c. 1456). 乌且罗,保罗:(1397-1475) 意大利佛罗伦萨学派画家,因其对透视法的运用而著名。他的作品包括《圣罗马诺之战》 (约1456年) 〔Bayard〕French military hero known for his fearlessness and chivalry in the Italian campaigns of Charles VII, Louis XII, and Francis I. He was called"le chevalier sans peur et sans reproche.” 拜亚尔:法国的战斗英雄,以其大无畏和骑士精神而闻名于世,他在查尔斯七世、路易斯十二世、弗朗西斯一世的意大利战役中充分体现了他的无所畏惧。他被称作"le chevalier sans peur et sans reproche" 〔Verrazano〕Italian explorer of the Atlantic coast of North America.韦拉察诺,乔瓦尼·达:(1485?-1528?) 发现北美洲大西洋海岸的意大利探险家〔Metapontum〕An ancient city of southeast Italy on the Gulf of Taranto. It was settled by Greeks c. 700b.c. Pythagoras taught here in the sixth century. 麦特蓬托姆:意大利东南的一座古老城市,临塔兰托湾公元前 700年由希腊人建立,6世纪时毕达哥拉斯曾在此讲学 〔Cenci〕Italian noblewoman who was hanged for patricide. She was the subject of a number of poems and other works of art, including Shelley'sThe Cenci (1819). 钦契,贝雅特里齐:(1577-1599) 意大利贵族妇女,因杀父被处以绞刑。她是许多诗歌和其他艺术作品的主题, 包括雪莱的《钦契一家》 (1819年) 〔coin〕a pizza topped with coins of pepperoni.比萨上撒有钱币状的意大利香肠〔Neapolitan〕A native or resident of Naples, Italy.那不勒斯人:意大利那不勒斯的本地人或居民〔Lecce〕A city of extreme southeast Italy east of Taranto. A Greek and Roman town, Lecce was a semi-independent county from 1053 to 1463. Population, 91,625.拉察:意大利最东南部的一座城市,位于塔兰托东部。作为一个希腊和罗马的城镇,拉察在1053-1463年间是一个半独立的郡县。人口91,625〔there〕There is a great Italian deli across the street.穿过街道,有一家大的意大利熟食店。〔Benevento〕A city of southern Italy northeast of Naples. In ancient times it was an important trade center on the Appian Way. Population, 51,900.贝内文托:意大利南部城市,位于拿波里东北部。古时是阿庇安大道上的重要贸易中心。人口51,900〔Savona〕A city of northwest Italy on an arm of the Ligurian Sea west-southwest of Genoa. Known since early Roman times, it was an important commercial center in the Middle Ages. Population, 75,069.萨沃纳:意大利西北部一城市,位于热那亚西南偏西方,利古里亚海一海湾畔。它是中世纪重要的商业中心,自古罗马时代即为人知。人口75,069〔Ciano〕Italian fascist politician. Married (1930) to the daughter of Benito Mussolini, he urged Italy to join the Axis powers in World War II but later favored a separate peace with the Allies. Among those who called for Mussolini's resignation, he was tried for treason and executed on Mussolini's orders.齐亚诺,加利佐:(1903-1944) 意大利法西斯党的政治家。1930年同贝内托·墨索里尼的女儿结婚,在第二次世界大战中他极力主张意大利加入轴心国组织,但后来又赞成与同盟国单独讲和。 在那些呼吁墨索里尼退位的人中,他被判叛国罪由墨索里尼下令处决〔be〕Have you ever been to Italy? Have you been home recently?你曾经去过意大利吗?最近你回过家吗?〔Piazzi〕Italian astronomer who discovered (1801) the first asteroid, Ceres.皮亚齐,朱森皮:(1746-1826) 意大利天文学家,他于1801年发现了第一颗小行星——谷神星〔Carrara〕A city of northern Italy near the Ligurian Sea east of Genoa. It is famous for the white marble quarried nearby that was favored by Michelangelo. Population, 68,460.卡拉拉:意大利北部一城市,位于热那亚东部利古里亚海沿岸,以附近出产米开朗琪罗所喜爱的白色大理石而闻名。人口68,460〔Vesuvius〕An active volcano, 1,281 m (4,200 ft) high, of southern Italy on the eastern shore of the Bay of Naples. A violent eruption ina.d. 79 destroyed the nearby city of Pompeii. 维苏威山:一个活火山,海拔1,281米(4,200英尺),位于那不勒斯湾东海岸的意大利南部。公元 79年的一次猛烈的喷发摧毁了附近的城市庞贝 〔Aretino〕Italian writer and satirist best known for his literary attacks on his wealthy and powerful contemporaries and for six volumes of letters.阿雷蒂诺,彼得罗:(1492-1556) 意大利作家和讽刺家,以对其同时代有财有势的人的文学攻击及六卷信件最为著称〔Palladio〕Italian architect who developed a style based on the classicism of ancient Rome, breaking with the ornate conventions of the Italian Renaissance. His works include the Villa Rotonda and the Palazzo Chiericati in Venice.帕拉第奥,安德烈亚:(1508-1580) 意大利建筑师,发展了一种基于古罗马的古典主义风格,打破了意大利文艺复兴时的华丽传统。他的作品包括罗通达别墅和威尼斯的基耶里凯蒂宫〔pastina〕Italian [diminutive of] pasta [pasta] * see pasta 意大利语 pasta的小后缀 [意大利面食] * 参见 pasta〔Signorelli〕Italian painter known for his mastery of the human figure. His works include the frescoesThe Preaching of the Anti-Christ and The Last Judgment (both 1500-1504). 西纽雷利,卢卡:(1445?-1523) 意大利画家,以其画人体的技巧而闻名,其作品有壁画《反基督者布道》 和 《末日审判》 (均作于1500-1504年) 〔Machiavelli〕Italian political theorist whose bookThe Prince (1513) describes the achievement and maintenance of power by a determined ruler indifferent to moral considerations. 马基雅维利,尼克尔:(1469-1527) 意大利政治理论家,他的著作《君主论》 (1513年)阐述了一个意志坚定的统治者不顾道德观念的约束如何获得并保持其权力 〔Domenichino〕Italian painter of the baroque eclectic school who is noted for his religious and mythological works, including several frescoes of Saint Cecilia.多米尼琪罗:以宗教神话作品著名的意大利巴洛克中庸派画家。著作有圣·西西里亚教堂的数幅壁画〔Medici〕Italian noble family that produced three popes (Leo X, Clement VII, and Leo XI) and two queens of France (Catherine de Médicis and Marie de Médicis).Cosimo "the Elder" (1389-1464) was the first of the family to rule Florence. Lorenzo "the Magnificent" (1449-1492) was an outstanding patron of learning and the arts, whose clients included Michelangelo and Botticelli. 美第奇家族:出了三个教皇(利奥十世,克莱蒙七世及利奥十一世及两个法国皇后凯瑟琳·美第奇和玛丽·美第奇)的意大利贵族家庭。“大”科西莫 (1389-1464年)是这个家庭中第一个统治佛罗伦萨的人。“高贵的” 洛伦索 (1449-1492年)是一位杰出的学者与艺术家的赞助人,受到其赞助的包括米开朗基罗和波提比利 〔Italianate〕Italian in character:意大利风格的,意大利特色的:〔Antonioni〕Italian filmmaker whose works, notablyL'Avventura (1959), are rich character studies. 安东尼奥尼,米开朗琪罗:(生于 1912) 意大利电影制片人,其作品之享誉的《冒险》 (1959年)中有丰富的人性刻画 〔Pula〕A city of northwest Yugoslavia on the Adriatic Sea. Captured by Rome in 178b.c. , it was a major naval station of the Hapsburg empire and passed to Italy in 1919 and to Yugoslavia in 1947. Population, 47,414. 普拉:南斯拉夫西北部一城市,濒临亚德里亚海。公元前 178年被罗马占领,是哈布斯堡帝国的重要军港,1919年划归意大利,1947年划归南斯拉夫。人口47,414




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