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单词 意图
释义 〔antidumping〕Intended to discourage importation and sale of foreign-made goods at prices substantially below domestic prices for the same items.反倾销的:由于进口的和外国制造的商品价格大大低于同类本国商品的价格而意图对其实行限制的〔confuse〕The central meaning shared by these verbs is "to cause to be unclear in mind or intent": 这些动词的中心意思都是“引起思想或意图的混乱”: 〔design〕Deliberate intention:企图,意图:精心的计划:〔accompany〕 However,by is quite commonly used in sentences of the second type, and the usage is grammatically defensible.The phrase introduced withby normally represents the subject of a related active sentence; thus, the sentenceThe salmon was accompanied by a delicious watercress salad is the unexceptional passive of the sentence A delicious watercress salad accompanied the salmon. By the same token,with can be used with persons when they are the instruments of an act of accompanying performed by someone else. We can sayThe Secret Service accompanied the candidate with six burly bodyguards, or we can use the passiveThe candidate was accompanied with six burly bodyguards (by the Secret Service). The choice between the two prepositions really depends on the intended sense.Although the traditional rule may serve as a guide to which sense is likely to feel the most natural,it should not be taken as a categorical stricture.但是by 在第二种形式的句子中也常用, 而且这种用法在语法上是可行的。由by 引导的短语一般表示一相关主动句中的主语; 因此句型伴有可口的水田芥菜色拉的鲑鱼 就是 用可口的水田芥菜色拉来搭配鲑鱼 这类句型的必然被动语态。 同样,当某些人是其他人所安排的陪同活动中的工具的时候,with 也可用于人。 我们可以说特工处派了六个强壮的保镖护随候选人, 或者我们可以用被动态用六个强壮的保镖护随候选人(是由秘密机关安排的)。 事实上是基于使用意图而在这两个介词之间进行选择的。虽然以传统的语法规则为导引可使人感到含义上极为自然,但不能就此认为这是绝对的限制〔clarify〕clarified her intentions.详细说明她的意图〔obstruction〕The act of causing a delay or an attempt to cause a delay in the conduct of business, especially in a legislative body.妨碍议事:在处理事务中造成延缓的行为或意图,尤指在立法机构〔purport〕To have the intention of doing; purpose.意图:企图;目的在于〔fit〕Suitable implies ability to meet a requirement, fill a need, or answer a purpose: Suitable 暗含符合某要求、完成某需要或实现某意图的能力: 〔admonish〕 Reprove usually suggests gentle criticism and constructive intent: Reprove 通常暗示温和的批评及有建设性的意图〔purpose〕To intend or resolve to perform or accomplish.意图或决定履行或完成〔signify〕signify one's intent.表明自己的意图〔plain〕make one's intention plain.See Synonyms at apparent 说明自己的意图 参见 apparent〔gesture〕An act or a remark made as a formality or as a sign of intention or attitude:姿态,表示:作为礼节或意图、态度的标志的动作或言语:〔fit〕 Fit refers to what is adapted for or suited to a purpose, occasion, or use: Fit 意思是对某一意图、场合或使用是合适的: 〔pensive〕Contemplative implies slow, directed consideration,often with conscious intent of achieving better understanding or spiritual or aesthetic enrichment: Contemplative 暗指一种缓慢而有指导的深思,常带有为了更好地理解或获得精神或美感上的富足的有意识的意图〔originalism〕The belief that the U.S. Constitution should be interpreted according to the intent of those who composed and adopted it.原信念:认为美国的宪法应该按照那些编写它和采纳它的人们的意图来进行解释和说明的一种观念〔intend〕To have a design or purpose in mind.怀有某种意图或目的〔academic〕Theoretical or speculative without a practical purpose or intention.See Synonyms at theoretical 纯粹理论的,学理上的:纯理论的或推理的,无实际目的或意图 参见 theoretical〔baleful〕Harmful or malignant in intent or effect.阴毒的,邪恶的:意指或意图上恶意或险恶的〔conspiracy〕 Conspiracy refers to such a plan by a group intent usually on a treacherous purpose: Conspiracy 指由群体意图产生的通常为了背叛目的这样一种计划: 〔purport〕To have or present the often false appearance of being or intending; profess:声称,假充:带有或提供与内容或意图相违背的外在表现;声称:〔reprisal〕Retaliation for an injury with the intent of inflicting at least as much injury in return.报复:对所受的伤害带有以牙还牙意图的回报〔intention〕from intentus [intent] [from past participle of] intendere [to direct attention] * see intend 源自 intentus [意图] 源自intendere的过去分词 [注意] * 参见 intend〔want〕To seek with intent to capture:通辑:以抓获为意图寻找:〔boomerang〕To have the opposite effect from the one intended; backfire.自食其果:产生了与意图相反的结果;产生意外的后果〔intention〕The executor tried to comply with the intent of the testator.执行人尽量遵照立遗嘱之人的意图〔pastiche〕A dramatic, literary, or musical piece openly imitating the previous works of other artists, often with satirical intent.模仿作品:公开地模仿其它艺术家以前的作品且常带有讽刺意图的戏剧、文学或音乐作品〔purpose〕from purposer [to intend] 源自 purposer [意图] 〔verbiage〕An excess of words for the purpose; wordiness.冗词,赘语;废话:为了某一意图过多使用词语;冗长〔nonaggression〕Lack of intention to show aggression against a foreign government or nation.不侵略,不侵犯:没有意图显示侵犯外国政府或国家〔threaten〕 Menace frequently stresses a frightening or hostile intention, effect, or result: Menace 经常强调吓唬人的敌意的意图、效果或结果: 〔intentionality〕The state of having or being formed by an intention.意向:由某些意图所形成的状态〔violent〕Tending to distort or injure meaning, phrasing, or intent.歪曲的,曲解的:倾向于对意思、解释或意图进行曲解或破坏的〔intention〕A course of action that one intends to follow.意向,意图:想要追随的行动方向〔intense〕from Latin intēnsus [stretched, intent] [from past participle of] intendere [to stretch, intend] * see intend 源自 拉丁语 intēnsus [拓展的;意图] 源自intendere的过去分词 [伸展,打算] * 参见 intend〔thought〕Intention; purpose.倾向:意图;目的:〔follow〕To carry an act, a project, or an intention to completion; pursue fully:坚持到底:贯彻一个行动、项目或完成某项意图;全力追求:〔explain〕"I take the official oath today . . . with no purpose to construe the Constitution or laws by any hypercritical rules" (Abraham Lincoln). “今天我正式宣誓…没有用伪善的原则去解释宪法或法律的意图” (亚伯拉罕·林肯)。 〔well〕I well understand your intentions.我完全理解你们的意图〔propose〕To make known as one's intention; purpose or intend:企图,意图:作为某人的意愿让人知道;意欲或打算:




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