单词 | 悠久 |
释义 | 〔Bielefeld〕A city of northwest Germany east of Münster. It is an industrial center long known for its fine linens. Population, 301,460.比勒费尔德:德国西北部一城市,位于慕尼黑以东。是因精细的亚麻制品而悠久闻名的工业中心。人口301,460〔artichoke〕Those who have been warned to watch out for the sharp-tipped bracts toward the innermost part of an artichoke may have wondered whether the name of this vegetable has anything to do with choking.Originally it did not.Our word goes back to an Arabic word for the same plant,al-Caršūf. The Arabic word passed into Spanish,a not uncommon occurrence given the fact that Moslems ruled much of Spain for several centuries during the Middle Ages.The Old Spanish wordalcarchofa was variously modified as it passed through Italian, a Northern dialect form beingarticiocco, which looks more like artichoke than al-Caršūf. In English, where the word is first recorded in the early 16th century, a potpourri of spellings and explanations of it are found.For example, people who did not know the long history of the word explained it by the notion that the flower had a "choke,”that is, something that chokes, in its "heart.”那些被告知要当心这种朝鲜蓟的最内层部分的尖苞片的人,可能会猜想这种蔬菜与窒息有一些联系。最初并没有。这个词可以追溯到阿拉伯语言关于这种植物的名称,al-harsuf。 这个阿拉伯名称又传入了西班牙,这件极普通的事情指出,在中世纪时期穆斯林曾统治西班牙大部地区,长达几个世纪的事实。旧的西班牙词alcarchofa 又经历了不同的变化,如传入意大利, 北方方言的形式形成articicco, 这看起来更象 artichoke 而非 al-harsuf。 在英语中,这个词在16世纪初被记录下来时,有许多不同的拼法和解释。例如,不知道这个词的悠久历史的人解释这个词时依据的看法是花会令人“窒息”,也就是说,是一种在它“心中”窒息的东西。〔antiquity〕The quality of being old or ancient; considerable age:古旧的,古老的:古老的或远古的性质;悠久:〔literate〕For most of its long history in English,literate has meant only "familiar with literature,” or more generally, "well-educated, learned";it is only during the last hundred years that it has also come to refer to the basic ability to read and write.Its antonymilliterate has an equally broad range of meanings: anilliterate person may be incapable of reading a shopping list or perhaps may only be unable to grasp an allusion to Shakespeare or Keats.The termfunctional illiterate is often used to describe a person who can read or write to some degree, but below a minimum level required to function in even a limited social situation or job setting.More recently, the meanings of the wordsliteracy and illiteracy have been extended from their original connection with reading and literature to any body of knowledge. For example, "geographic illiterates" cannot identify the countries on a map,and "computer illiterates" are unable to use a word-processing system.None of these uses ofliteracy or illiteracy are incorrect, but it might be preferable to use another word in instances where the context does not make the meaning clear.在英语悠久的历史中,literate 大部分时期只表示“精通文学的”或更概括一些, 指“受过良好教育的,有学问的”;仅仅是在上个世纪它才开始表示读和写的基本能力。它的反义词illiterate 有着同样广泛的意义: 一个illereare 的人也许连张购物单都不会读, 或许只是不理解莎士比亚或济慈的典故。functional illiterate 一词用于描写一个具有一定程度的读写能力, 但还不到甚至在一个有限的社会环境或工作环境中运用语言所须的最低水平。最近,literacy 和 illiteracy 这两词的含义已经从它们原先与阅读和文学的联系扩展到与任何一种知识的联系。 例如,一个“地理盲”不会在地图上寻找国家,而一个“计算机盲”不会使用文字信息处理系统。literacy 和 illiteracy 的这些用法都是正确的, 但是当上下文可能导致意义混淆时还是用其它词更好一些〔prosciutto〕An aged, dry-cured, spiced Italian ham that is usually sliced thin and is served without cooking.意大利熏火腿:一种有悠久历史的,熏干的,加香料的意大利火腿,通常被切成薄片,不用烹调即可食 |
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