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单词 思想的
释义 〔narcoanalysis〕Psychotherapy conducted while the patient is in a sleeplike state induced by barbiturates or other drugs, especially as a means of releasing repressed feelings or thoughts.麻醉心理分析:当病人通过巴比士酸盐或其它麻醉剂诱发的处于类似睡觉状态时进行的心理疗法,尤其是释放受抑制的感情或思想的方式〔understanding〕A disposition to appreciate or share the feelings and thoughts of others; sympathy.同情,了解:懂得或分享别人的感觉和思想的性情;同情〔orientation〕An adjustment or adaptation to a new environment, situation, custom, or set of ideas.适应:对新的环境、状况、习俗或一系列思想的适应或者接受〔confrontation〕Discord or a clash of opinions and ideas:不和:观点或思想的不和或冲撞:〔suppress〕"There is the world of ideas and the world of practice;the French are often for suppressing the one and the English the other;but neither is to be suppressed" (Matthew Arnold).Tostifle is to keep back something, such as an impulse or an emotion, as if by smothering it: “存在着一个思想的世界和一个行动的世界;法国人通常赞成压制前一个世界,而英国人则赞成压制后一个;但是两者都不会被压制住的” (马修·阿诺德)。Stifle 就是好像闷熄般抑制住某物,如冲动或情感: 〔sum〕A summary:概括:思想的总概:〔Steiner〕Austrian social philosopher who founded a Christianized school of theosophy, called anthroposophy, which recognizes the existence of pure thought that is independent of the senses.斯坦纳,鲁道夫:(1861-1925) 奥地利社会哲学家,创立了称作人智学的清教化神学派,承认独立于感觉的纯思想的存在〔midway〕A middle course of action or thought.折中办法,中间道路:行动或思想的折中办法〔revivalist〕One who revives practices or ideas of an earlier time.复古主义者:恢复早期时代的做法或思想的〔communication〕communications (used with a sing. or pl. verb)The art and technique of using words effectively and with grace in imparting one's ideas. communications (与单数或复数动词连用)说话的艺术:有效地使用词并优雅地传授某人思想的艺术和技巧〔partisan〕A fervent, sometimes militant supporter or proponent of a party, cause, faction, person, or idea.强硬支持者,党羽:某个党派、事业、派系、个人或思想的狂热,甚或激进的支持者或提倡者〔vein〕A particular turn of mind:心境的起伏:思想的某一特殊转变:〔pious〕Professing or exhibiting a strict, traditional sense of virtue and morality; high-minded.尽责的,孝敬的:带有或表现出严格的传统道德思想的;心性高的〔Baconian〕Of, relating to, or characteristic of the works or thought of the philosopher Francis Bacon.培根的:哲学家弗朗西斯·培根的思想的,与之相关的或有其特点的〔Grecism〕The style or spirit of Greek culture, art, or thought.希腊思想,希腊风格:希腊文化、艺术或思想的风格或精神〔Aristotelian〕A follower of Aristotle or his teachings.亚里士多德或其思想的追随者〔idealist〕An adherent of any system of philosophical idealism.唯心主义者:信奉任何一种唯心思想的〔inner〕Of or relating to the mind or spirit:内在的:思想的或精神的,或与其有关的:〔anthology〕"The Irish love their constitution for what it is: an anthology of the clerical-nationalist ideas of 1936, when it was drawn up"(Economist)“爱尔兰人热爱他们的宪法:当它在1936年被制定出来时就是宗教民族主义思想的杂集”(经济学家)〔culture〕The totality of socially transmitted behavior patterns, arts, beliefs, institutions, and all other products of human work and thought.人类文化:通过社会传导的行为方式、艺术、信仰、风俗以及人类工作和思想的所有其它产物的整体〔ambiguous〕 vague is unclear because it is expressed in indefinite form or because it reflects imprecision of thought: vague 的意思是不清楚,因为它是用不确定的形式表达的或者因为它反映出思想的不精确: 〔preoccupation〕Something that preoccupies or engrosses the mind:使人专注的东西:占据或吸引其思想的事物:〔Boston〕The capital and largest city of Massachusetts, in the eastern part of the state onBoston Bay, an arm of Massachusetts Bay. Founded in the 17th century, it was a leading center of agitation against England in the 18th century and a stronghold of abolitionist thought in the 19th century. Today it is a major commercial, financial, and educational hub. Population, 574,283. 波士顿:美国马萨诸塞州首府和最大城市,位于该州的东部,马萨诸塞湾的一个海湾波士顿湾 上。建于17世纪,是18世纪反对英国暴动的领导中心和19世纪废奴思想的强烈支持者。现在是一个主要的商业、金融和教育中心。人口574,283 〔agree〕Coincide stresses exact agreement in space, time, or thought: Coincide 强调地点、时间或思想的完全一致: 〔bodily〕Physical as opposed to mental or spiritual:物质的:实在的,区别于思想的或精神的:〔on〕Used to indicate the object of perception or thought:思考的事物:用于表示感觉和思想的对象:〔idea〕"Language is the dress of thought" (Samuel Johnson).“语言是思想的外衣” (萨缪尔·约翰逊)。〔series〕a natural sequence of ideas.思想的自然连续。〔minded〕Having a specified kind of mind. Often used in combination:具有…头脑的:具有某种特定的头脑或思想的。常用于复合词:〔Reid〕Scottish philosopher who founded a philosophy of common sense largely as a reaction to the ideas of David Hume.里德,托马斯:(1710-1796) 苏格兰哲学家,建立了共同意识的哲学,主要作为对大卫·休姆的思想的反应〔matter〕The substance of thought or expression as opposed to the manner in which it is stated or conveyed.思想的本质:与思维和表达的方式相悖的思想或表达的本质〔ideological〕Of or concerned with ideas.思想的或与思想有关的〔inward〕Of, relating to, or existing in the thoughts or mind:内心的:思想的或精神的;有关或存在于思想或精神的:〔Parrington〕American literary historian and philosopher known especially for his three-volume studyMain Currents in American Thought (1927-1930). 帕林顿,弗农·路易斯:(1871-1929) 美国文学史专家和哲学家,尤以他的三卷研究专著《美国思想的主要流派》 而闻名(1927-1930年) 〔personification〕A person or thing typifying a certain quality or idea; an embodiment or exemplification:化身,象征:象征某种特性或思想的人或事;化身或典范:〔brained〕Having a brain. Often used in combination:有头脑的,有思想的。常用于复合词:〔ideal〕Of, relating to, or consisting of ideas or mental images.思想的:思想或心理影象的,与思想或心理影象有关的,或包含思想或心理影象的〔righty〕An advocate or a member of the political right.右翼主义者:右翼政治思想的倡导者或成员〔crepuscular〕"the period's crepuscular charm and a waning of the intense francophilia that used to shape the art market"(Wall Street Journal)“这一时期的朦胧魅力和以前强烈影响艺术市场氛围的亲法思想的衰退”(华尔街期刊)〔train〕An orderly succession of related events or thoughts; a sequence.See Synonyms at series 一连串:有联系的事件或思想的有序连续;一系列 参见 series




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