单词 | 怀特 |
释义 | 〔Cornell〕American businessman and philanthropist who helped develop and unify telegraph systems in the United States and founded Cornell University (1868) with Andrew D. White.康奈尔,以斯拉:(1807-1874) 美国商人,慈善家,帮助发展并统一了美国的电报系统,并与安德鲁·D·怀特一起建立了康奈尔大学(1868年)〔White〕American jurist who served as an associate justice (1894-1910) and the chief justice (1910-1921) of the U.S. Supreme Court.怀特,爱德华·道格拉斯:(1845-1921) 美国法官,他于1894年-1910年就任陪审法官,并于1910年-1921年间就任美国最高法院首席法官〔White〕Australian writer whose powerfully descriptive and original novels includeThe Tree of Man (1955) and Voss (1957). He won the 1973 Nobel Prize for literature. 怀特,帕特里克:(1912-1990) 澳大利亚作家,其强有力地具描述性及独创性的小说包括《人类之树》 (1955年)及 《沃斯》 (1957年)。他获得1973年诺贝尔文学奖 〔White〕English painter and cartographer who traveled to Roanoke Island as a member of Sir Walter Raleigh's colonizing expedition (1585-1586) and executed paintings of native inhabitants and local flora and fauna.怀特,约翰:(卒于 1593?) 英国画家及地图绘制员,他曾作为沃尔特·罗利爵士的殖民远征队一员(1585年-1586年)到过罗厄诺克诸岛,并绘制成当地土著居民及当地植物群和动物群的图画〔Washington〕A mountain, 1,917.8 m (6,288 ft) high, of eastern New Hampshire. It is the highest elevation in the White Mountains.华盛顿山:位于美国新罕布什尔州东部的山名,1,917.8米(6,288英尺)。是怀特山脉的最高峰〔Wrigley〕American manufacturer who founded (1891) William Wrigley, Jr., Company, one of the world's largest chewing gum manufacturers.里格利,小威廉:(1861-1932) 美国制造商,他于1891年创建了世界上最大的口香糖制造公司,小威廉·怀特公司〔Saco〕A river, about 169 km (105 mi) long, rising in the White Mountains of northeast-central New Hampshire and flowing southeast through Maine to the Atlantic Ocean.索科河:发源于美国新罕布什尔州中部偏东南的怀特山脉的一条河,流程约169公里(合105英里),向东南流经缅因州注入大西洋〔Black〕British pharmacologist. He shared a 1988 Nobel Prize for developing drugs to treat heart disease and stomach and duodenal ulcers.布莱克,詹姆斯·怀特:(生于 1924) 英国药物学家,因其开发治疗心脏病和胃溃疡及十二指肠溃疡的药物而获1988年诺贝尔奖〔White〕British writer best known for the novelThe Once and Future King (1958), a retelling of the Arthurian legend. 怀特,泰伦斯·汉堡:(1906-1964) 英国作家,以其小说《过去和将来的国王》 (1958年)最为著名,该小说是对亚瑟王传奇的复述 〔ferninst〕Ferninst, meaning "opposite, next to, against,” has been attributed to Irish English, brought over during the peak years of Irish immigration to the United States in the mid-19th century. However, other, earlier citations with various spellings date further back: "I walked with them to a room nearly fornent the old state-house" (Davy Crockett). These variant forms are traceable to the American colonial period, when the source of ferninst was probably Scotland or other parts of the British Isles. The term is now dying out; Craig M. Carver, in his book American Regional Dialects, reports that "only nine [ DARE ] informants, all well over sixty-five years of age, used this term.” A derived noun ferninster, meaning "someone who is deliberately contrary,” is also used: "The trouble with the Republican leaders in Congress . . . is that they are just ferninsters" (William Allen White). Ferninst 的意思是“在…对面、附近或旁边,”该词曾被认为属于爱尔兰英语,是19世纪中期爱尔兰人迁移到美国的高峰期带来的。然而,其它或更早的不同拼写的引证可追溯到更远: “我和他们走到几乎正对着那个旧客舱的一个屋子里” (戴维克·罗克特)。这些不同的形式可追溯到美国殖民时期, ferninst 的起源可能是苏格兰或英国小岛的其他部分。这个词条现在消失了;克瑞格·M·卡文,在他的书 美国地区方言 中记述了“仅九个[ 美国方言 资料提供者,年纪都已过了六十五岁,用这个词条”。派生的名词 ferninster, 意思是“故意相反的人,”也用于: 共和党领导在议会中的麻烦…是因为他们只是些自相矛盾的人 (威廉·艾伦·怀特) 〔boil〕 "They don't want a man to fret and stew about his work" (William H. Whyte, Jr.).“他们不想让别人为工作烦恼、担忧” (小威廉H·怀特)〔White〕American writer and humorist who contributed essays, editorials, and parodies to theNew Yorker. He also wrote children's books, including Charlotte's Web (1952), and revised a 1918 writing manual, The Elements of Style (1959). 怀特,埃(尔温)·布(鲁克斯):(1899-1985) 美国作家及幽默家,他给《纽约人》 杂志撰写散文、社论及讽刺性诙谐模仿文,他同时也写儿童读物,其作品包括 《夏洛特的网》 (1952年),并修改了一份1918年的写作手册 《文体要素》 (1959年) 〔oppose〕"The idea is inconsistent with our constitutional theory and has been stubbornly opposed . . . since the early days of the Republic" (E.B. White).“这种想法与我们的宪法理论不相符,一直受到顽固抵制…自从共和国成立早期就开始了。” (E.B.怀特)。〔White〕American educator and diplomat who founded Cornell University with Ezra Cornell and was its first president (1868-1885). He also served as U.S. ambassador to Germany (1897-1902).怀特,安德鲁·迪克森:(1832-1918) 美国教育学家和外交官,他与埃兹拉·康奈尔一起创建了康奈尔大学并担任第一任校长(1868年-1885年)他也担任过驻德国的美国大使职务(1897年-1902年)〔Emporia〕A city of east-central Kansas southwest of Topeka. Founded in 1856, it was the home of the noted newspaper editor William Allen White from 1895 to 1944. Population, 25,512.恩波里亚城:美国堪萨斯州中东部一城市,位于托皮卡西南。建于1856年,从1895年到1944年著名报纸编辑威廉姆·亚伦·怀特的家乡。人口25,512〔Alamogordo〕A city of south-central New Mexico northeast of Las Cruces. The first atomic bomb was exploded in a test on July 16, 1945, at the White Sands Missile Range northwest of the city. Population, 24,024.阿拉莫戈多:美国新墨西哥州中部偏南的城市,位于斯克鲁塞斯东北部。第一枚原子弹于1945年7月16日在该城西北部的怀特桑德导弹试验场爆炸。人口24,024〔White〕American jurist who was appointed an associate justice of the U.S. Supreme Court in 1962.怀特,拜伦·雷蒙德:(生于 1917) 美国法官,他于1962年被任命为美国最高法院的陪审法官〔lack〕"In the terrible, beautiful age of my prime,/I lacked for sweet linen but never for time" (E.B. White).“在我可怕而又美丽的壮年岁月中,/我需要的是亚麻布而从来不是时间” (E.B.怀特)〔confidence〕"You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face" (Eleanor Roosevelt). “每当你经历一次真正的危险,你的力量、勇气和信心就会增加一次” (爱琳娜·罗斯怀特)。〔Whitefield〕British religious leader. A follower of John Wesley, he preached widely in the American colonies and was a central figure in the Great Awakening of Protestantism and the establishment of Methodism in America.怀特菲尔德,乔治:(1714-1770) 英国宗教领袖,是约翰·卫斯理的追随者。他曾在美国殖民地广泛传教,是在美国建立新教教义大觉醒及卫理公会派的中心人物〔White〕American newspaper editor and writer noted for his politically influential editorials and for his autobiography (1946).怀特,威廉·艾伦:(1868-1944) 美国报纸编辑及作家,以其具有政治影响力的社论和他和自传(1946年)而闻名〔White〕British naturalist known for his classic work of ornithology,Natural History and Antiquities of Selborne (1789). 怀特,吉尔伯特:(1720-1793) 英国博物学家,以其关于鸟类学的经典著作《塞尔伯恩博物志及古迹》 (1789年)而闻名于世 〔plank〕"Planks had been published by the subcommittees on farm policy, on education, on national defense"(Theodore H. White)“在农业政策、教育和国防方面的政纲条目已经由小组委员会发布了”(西奥多H.怀特)〔White〕American writer. The secretary of the NAACP (1931-1955), he wrote novels with racial themes, such asRising Wind (1945). 怀特,沃尔特·弗朗西斯:(1893-1955) 美国作家,是全国有色人种协进会书记(1931年-1955年),他撰写带有种族主题的小说,例如《风乍起》 (1945年) 〔Canfield〕American publisher and editor who encouraged and published several notable writers, including James Thurber and E.B. White.坎菲尔德,卡斯:(1897-1986) 美国出版商及编辑,曾鼓励包括詹姆斯·瑟伯和E·B·怀特等几位著名作家,并出版了他们的作品〔White〕American political journalist noted for his commentaries on presidential elections, includingThe Making of the President 1960 (1961). 怀特,提(奥多尔)·哈(罗德):(1915-1986) 美国政治新闻记者,以其关于总统竞选所作的评论而其评论包括《总统的产生-1960》 (1961年) 〔headquarter〕"Despite the derivation of its name, the former Texas Oil Company is headquartered in White Plains, New York"(New Republic)“尽管前得克萨斯石油公司得名于州名,但它的总部还是设在纽约的怀特普莱恩斯”(新共和国)〔apprehend〕"Intelligence is quickness to apprehend" (Alfred North Whitehead). Both “情报很快会捕获的” (阿尔弗雷德·诺思·怀特黑德)。〔Baker〕British explorer who founded a settlement at Ceylon (1848), explored the Blue Nile region (1861-1862), and discovered Lake Albert (1864).贝克,塞缪尔·怀特:(1821-1893) 英国探险家,他于1848年在锡兰建立了殖民地,探察了蓝尼罗河地区(1861-1862年),并发现了阿尔贝特湖(1864年) |
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