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单词 德意志
释义 〔Hapsburg〕A royal German family that supplied rulers to a number of European states from the late Middle Ages until the 20th century. The Hapsburgs reached the height of their power under Charles V of Spain. When Charles abdicated (1558), the empire was divided between the Spanish and Austrian lines. The Spanish branch ceased to rule after 1700 and the Austrian branch after 1918.哈普斯堡皇室:一个德意志皇室家族,其成员曾于中世纪后期到20世纪这一段时期内分别在欧洲各国任统治者,在西班牙国王查理五世统治期间达到其鼎盛时期。查理于1558年退位之后,帝国被西班牙和奥地利瓜分,西班牙的统治结束于1700年,而奥地利于1918年以后停止了统治〔Miskolc〕A city of northeast Hungary northeast of Budapest. A major industrial center, it was invaded by Mongols in the 13th century, by Turks in the 16th and 17th centuries, and by German imperial forces in the 17th and 18th centuries. Population, 211,645.米什科尔茨:匈牙利东北部一城市,位于布达佩斯东北方。是主要的工业中心。13世纪遭蒙古人侵略,16世纪、17世纪为土耳其人所占,17世纪、18世纪又被德意志帝国军队侵占。人口211,645〔Germanize〕To have or adopt German customs or attitudes.德意志化:具有或接受德意志的习惯或态度〔Reich〕The territory or government of a German state, as the Holy Roman Empire, or First Reich, from the ninth century to 1806; the German Empire, or Second Reich, from 1871 to 1919; the Weimar Republic, from 1919 to 1933; or the Third Reich, from 1933 to 1945.帝国:德国领土或政府,如神圣罗马帝国或9世纪至1806年的第一帝国;德意志帝国或1871年至1919年的第二帝国;1919年至1933年的魏玛共和国;或1933年至1945年的第三共和国〔Saxony〕A historical region of northern Germany. The original home of the Saxons, it was conquered by Charlemagne in the 8th century and became a duchy after his death. Its borders were eventually extended southeastward as the region was subdivided and redivided. The dukes of Saxony became electors of the Holy Roman Empire in 1356, and in 1806 the elector was elevated to kingship but lost half his territory to Prussia in 1815. A later kingdom of Saxony was part of the German Empire (1871-1918).撒克逊:德国北部的一个历史地区,原来是撒克逊人的家园,8世纪被查理曼征服,并在他死后成为一公国。由于分裂和重新划分,这一地区的边界最终向东南方向拓展,1356年撒克森大公成为神圣罗马帝国的诸侯,1860年撒克森大公加冕称帝,但是将他的一半领地给予普鲁士(1815年),后来的撒克逊王国成为德意志帝国(1871-1918年)的一部分〔Saxon〕A member of a West Germanic tribal group that inhabited northern Germany and invaded Britain in the fifth and sixth centuriesa.d. with the Angles and Jutes. 撒克逊人:西部德意志民族中的一支,居住在德国北部,在公元 5和6世纪与盎格鲁人和朱特人一起入侵大不列颠 〔Kalb〕German general in the American Revolution who wintered with George Washington at Valley Forge (1777-1778) and was mortally wounded at the Battle of Camden (1780).卡尔布,约翰:(1721-1780) 美国独立战争时的德意志少将,在福吉谷与乔治·华盛顿共同度过一冬(1777-1778年),并在卡姆登战役(1780年)中负了致命伤〔Wenceslaus〕Holy Roman emperor and king of Germany (1378-1400) and Bohemia (1378-1419). He was deposed as emperor and king by the German electors.文西斯劳斯:神圣罗马帝国皇帝、德意志国王(1378-1400年)和波希米亚国王(1398-1419年)。他被德意志选民们赶下了皇帝与国王的宝座〔Mecklenburg〕A historical region of northeast Germany on the Baltic Sea. It was originally occupied c. sixth centurya.d. by Slavic peoples who were then displaced by Germanic settlements. After 1621 Mecklenburg was divided into two duchies, which joined the German Confederation in 1867. 梅克伦堡州:历史上德国东北部一地区,临近波罗的海。这儿最早在公元 6世纪就有斯拉夫人居住,后为定居于此的日耳曼人所占领。1621年以后,梅克伦堡州被分成两个公爵领地,并于1867年加入了德意志联邦 〔Hopkins〕British poet known for a number of works published posthumously, including "The Wreck of the Deutschland" and "The Windhover.”霍普金斯,杰勒德·曼利:(1844-1889) 英国诗人,因其死后出版的几本著作而闻名,包括《德意志号的沉没》和《风鹰》〔Lorelei〕A siren of Germanic legend whose singing lures sailors to shipwreck.洛勒赖:德意志传统中的女妖,其歌声使水手们受诱惑而船毁沉没〔Ebert〕German politician who as president of the German Republic (1919-1925) attempted to unite his country after its defeat in World War I and suppressed Hitler's attempt to establish a dictatorship in Bavaria (1923).艾伯特,弗雷德里希:(1871-1925) 德国政治家,任德意志共和国总统(1919-1925年)期间曾试图统一第一次世界大战中的国土,并遏制了希特勒在巴伐利亚建立独裁的企图(1923年)〔Germanize〕To give a German quality to.使…德意志化:赋以德意志民族的性格和品质




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