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单词 得克萨斯
释义 〔boughten〕American regional dialects allow freer adjectival use of certain past participles of verbs than does Standard English.Time-honored examples areboughten (Chiefly Northern U.S.) and bought (Chiefly Southern U.S.) to mean "purchased rather than homemade": boughten sugar,a boughten dress,bought bread. The Northern formboughten (as in store boughten ) features the participial ending -en, added to bought, the participial form, probably by analogy with more common participial adjectives such asfrozen. Another development, analogous withhomemade, is evident in bought-made, cited inDARE from a Texas informant. 美国地方方言较标准英语更自由地允许将一些动词过去分词用作形容词。历史较久的例子是boughten (主要在北美)和 bought (主要在南美), 意指“买来的而并非家里制的”: 买来的糖,买来的衣服,买来的面包。 北美形式boughten (如 商场里买的 )特征是有过去分词词尾 -en 加在过去分词形式 bought 的后面, 这可能是参照了一些更常见的过去分词形容词如frozen。 另一种发展,模拟homemade, 显见于 bought-made, 由美国区域英语词典 的得克萨斯资料提供人所引用 〔Travis〕American military leader who commanded the Texans who died in the defense of the Alamo (1836).特拉维斯,威廉·巴雷特:(1809-1836) 领导得克萨斯人的美国军事领袖,战死于阿拉莫保卫战(1836年)中〔Nacogdoches〕A city of eastern Texas east of Waco. Settled in 1779 on the site of a Spanish mission founded in 1716, it is today a processing and manufacturing center. Population, 30,872.纳科多奇斯:得克萨斯东部一城市,位于韦科的东面,在1716年建立的西班牙布道团的基础上于1779年正式确立,现在是一个加工业和制造业中心。人口30,872〔Austin〕The capital of Texas, in the south-central part of the state. Austin was selected as the capital of the Republic of Texas in 1839 and became the permanent capital of the state of Texas in 1870. The main campus of the University of Texas (established 1881) is here. Population, 465,622.奥斯汀:美国得克萨斯州首府,位于该州中南部。该城于1839年被选为得克萨斯共和国首都,并于1870年成为该州永久性首府。得克萨斯大学(建于1881年)的主要校址即在此。人口465,622〔Alvin〕A city of southeast Texas south of Houston. It is chiefly residential. Population, 19,220.阿尔文:美国得克萨斯东南休斯顿南部的一城市,主要是居住区。人口19,220〔Arlington〕A city of northern Texas midway between Dallas and Fort Worth. It has a huge industrial park and is the site of the Pecan Bowl. Population, 261,721.阿灵顿:得克萨斯北部一城市,位于达拉斯和沃思堡中间。有一个很大的工业区,是核桃碗的遗址。人口261,721〔Altus〕A city of southwest Oklahoma near the Texas border southwest of Oklahoma City. It is a trade center in a farming region. Population, 21,910.阿尔特斯:美国俄克拉荷马州西南部的城市,靠近俄克拉荷马市西南部的得克萨斯边界,是耕作区的贸易中心。人口21,910〔Shreveport〕A city of northwest Louisiana on the Red River near the Texas border. Founded in the 1830's, it grew rapidly after the discovery of oil in the region (1906). Population, 198,525.什里夫波特:美国路易斯安那州西北部的一个城市,位于得克萨斯边境附近的红河河畔。建立于19世纪30年代,1906年这里发现石油后该城迅速发展起来。人口198,525〔bluebonnet〕Either of two annual lupines(Lupinus texensis and L. subcarnosus), native to Texas and having palmately compound leaves and light blue flowers. Also called Texas bluebonnet 羽扇豆:两种一年生羽扇豆植物之一,(得克萨斯羽扇豆 羽扇豆属 和 得克萨斯羽扇豆 羽扇豆属) ,原产于得克萨斯,有掌状复叶,花淡蓝色 也作 Texas bluebonnet〔Richardson〕A city of northeast Texas, a residential and agricultural suburb of Dallas. Population, 74,840.理查森:得克萨斯东北的一座城市,达拉斯的近郊住宅区及农业郊区。人口74,840〔pissant〕"Some pissant Texas court wants to make[the company] pay . . . more than $10 billion in reparations" (New Republic)“某个过于一丝不苟的得克萨斯法庭要求[公司] 支出超过100亿美元的赔偿” (新共和国)〔vaquero〕Used chiefly in southwest and central Texas to mean a ranch hand or cowboy,the wordvaquero is a direct loan from Spanish; that is, it is spelled and pronounced, even by English speakers, much as it would be in Spanish.In California, however, the same word was Anglicized tobuckaroo. Craig M. Carver, author ofAmerican Regional Dialects, points out that the two words also reflect cultural differences between cattlemen in Texas and California.The Texas vaquero was typically a bachelor who hired on with different outfits,while the California buckaroo usually stayed on the same ranch where he was born or had grown up and raised his own family there.主要用于得克萨斯西南部和中部,指经营牧场的人或牧童,vaquero 这个词是直接从西班牙语引借过来的; 就是说,即使是说英语的人,拼写和发音这个词也按照西班牙语的方式。然而在加利福尼亚同一个单词被英化成buckaroo。 克雷格·M·卡弗尔,美国区域性方言 的作者, 指出这两个词反应出得克萨斯和加利福尼亚两地牧民之间文化上的差异。得克萨斯的牧童特指在不同牧场上雇佣的单身汉,但是加利福尼亚的牧人通常指呆在他出生或长大并建立自己家园的同一牧场上〔olla〕The unglazed earthenwareolla, a large crock or jar, was used for generations in parts of the United States where Spanish language and culture predominate,particularly in South Texas and California.The olla was usually used to store water on a patioand was wrapped in burlap to keep the water cool.这种不上釉的陶制品olla, 一种大的罐或缸, 曾在美国一些西班牙语和文化占优势的地域被好几代人长期使用,特别是南得克萨斯和加利福尼亚州,大缸原来通常是放在屋内庭守天井中用以贮水,并裹以粗麻布以保持水的清凉〔candelilla〕A shrubby spurge(Euphorbia antisyphilitica) native to southwest Texas and Mexico, having densely clustered, erect, essentially leafless stems that yield a multipurpose wax. 蜡大戟:原产于得克萨斯西南和墨西哥的一种灌木状大戟植物(抗梅毒大戟 大戟属) ,具有紧密丛生的、直立的、基本无叶的茎干,从中可提取一种多用途的蜡 〔Wichita〕A Native American confederacy formerly inhabiting south-central Kansas and later moving southward into Oklahoma and Texas, with a present-day population in southwest Oklahoma.威奇托:美国土著人的一个部落,先是居住在堪萨斯州中南部,后向南移至俄克拉荷马和得克萨斯,现在南俄克拉荷马西仍有一部分居民〔Ardmore〕A city of southern Oklahoma near the Texas border south-southeast of Oklahoma City. It is a commercial and industrial center. Population, 23,079.阿德莫:美国俄克拉荷马州南部城市,位于俄克拉荷马城东南偏南得克萨斯边界附近。它是商业及工业中心。人口23,079〔Houston〕American general and politician who fought in the Texan struggle for independence from Mexico and became president of the Republic of Texas (1836-1838 and 1841-1844). When Texas was admitted to the Union, he served as U.S. senator (1845-1859) and governor (1859-1861).休斯顿,塞缪尔:(1793-1863) 美国将军及政治家,曾参与得克萨斯从墨西哥争取独立的斗争,后成为得克萨斯共和国总统(任期为1836-1838年和1841年-1844年)当得萨克斯加入联邦后,他于1845年-1859年当选为美国国会参议员,并于1859年-1861年当选为州长〔Caddoan〕A family of North American Indian languages formerly spoken in the Dakotas, Kansas, Nebraska, Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, and Louisiana, and presently in North Dakota and Oklahoma.喀多语系:北美印第安语的一支,以前在达科他斯、堪萨斯、内布拉斯加、得克萨斯、俄克拉何马、阿肯色州和路易斯安那这些地方使用,现今使用于达科他斯北部和俄克拉荷马地区〔Denison〕A city of northern Texas near the Oklahoma border north-northeast of Dallas. It was founded as a railroad junction on the site of a stagecoach station. Population, 21,505.丹尼森:美国得克萨斯北部的一座城市,位于达拉斯东北偏北俄克拉荷马州边界附近,最初作为一个机务段的铁路枢纽而建立。人口21,505〔Corsicana〕A city of northeast Texas south-southeast of Dallas. It is in an oil-producing region. Population, 22,911.科西卡纳城:德拉斯东南偏南,得克萨斯东北部一城,位于石油生产区。人口22,911〔sheepshead〕A freshwater drum(Aplodinotus grunniens) commonly found from the Great Lakes to Texas. 淡水石首鱼:从五大湖区到得克萨斯地区都很常见的一种淡水石首鱼(淡水石首鱼) 〔babesiosis〕A tick-borne protozoan infection of animals, such as Texas fever of cattle, that is caused by species ofBabesia. 巴倍斯焦虫病:一种虱子产生的动物寄生传染病,如得克萨斯牛热病,由巴倍虫 引起 〔Paris〕A city of northeast Texas northeast of Dallas. It is a trade and processing center in the Red River valley. Population, 24,699.帕里斯:得克萨斯东北一城市,位于达拉斯的东北。是红河谷的一个贸易和加工工业中心。人口24,699〔Bowie〕American-born Mexican colonist who joined the Texan forces during the struggle for independence from Mexico. He died during the defense of the Alamo.鲍威,詹姆斯:(1796-1836) 美裔墨西哥籍殖民者,在争取从墨西哥分离的独立战争中他加入得克萨斯军队,在阿拉莫保卫战中丧生〔Nederland〕A city of southeast Texas between Beaumont and Port Arthur. Founded by Dutch settlers, it is an industrial and residential community. Population, 16,192.尼德兰:位于得克萨斯东南部的一个城市,在博蒙特和阿瑟港之间。由荷兰定居者建成,现为一工业和居民区。人口16,192〔Denton〕A city of northeast Texas north-northwest of Dallas. It is a trade and agricultural center. Population, 66,270.登同城:位于美国得克萨斯东北部达拉斯西北偏北的一座城市,是贸易和农业中心。人口66,270〔Texas〕A state of the south-central United States. It was admitted as the 28th state in 1845. Explored by the Spanish in the 16th and 17th centuries, the region became a province of Mexico in the early 19th century. Texans won their independence in 1836 after a gallant but losing stand at the Alamo in February and a defeat of Santa Ana's forces at the Battle of San Jacinto (April 21). Denied admission as a state by antislavery forces in the U.S. Congress, the leaders of Texas formed an independent republic that lasted until 1845. Austin is the capital and Houston the largest city. Population, 17,059,805.得克萨斯:美国中南部一州,1845年它被接受为第二十八个州。西班牙人于16和17世纪探索此地,该地区于19世纪早期成为墨西哥的一个省,经过二月份在阿拉蒙虽失败但勇敢的奋力抵抗和在圣·杰西托战役(4月21日)中战胜桑塔·阿那军队后,得克萨斯于1836年赢得独立。美国国会反奴隶力量拒绝接受其为一州,得克萨斯的领袖们建立了独立的共和国直到1845年。奥斯汀是其首府,休顿是其最大的城市。人口17,059,805〔Lipan〕An Apache tribe formerly inhabiting western Texas, with a present-day population in southern New Mexico.利帕:原居住在西得克萨斯的阿帕契族部落,今人口分布在新墨西哥南部〔Lamar〕American politician and diplomat. He was the second president (1838-1841) of the Republic of Texas and later served as U.S. minister to Nicaragua (1857-1859).拉马尔,米拉波·波拿巴:(1798-1859) 美国政治家和外交家。他是得克萨斯共和国的第二任总统(1838-1841年),后来担任美国驻尼加拉瓜公使(1857-1859年)〔Sherman〕A city of northeast Texas near the Oklahoma border north of Dallas. Settled as a way station on a stagecoach route, it is now a highway and rail junction with varied industries. Population, 31,601.谢尔曼:美国得克萨斯东北部一城市,临近俄克拉荷马边界,在达拉斯北方建立时,它是驿站马车路线的一个小站,现在是公路和铁路的会合点,有多种工业。人口31,601〔Austin〕American colonizer and political leader who worked to make Texas a state of Mexico but later helped Texas settlers gain their independence (1836).奥斯丁,斯蒂芬·富勒:(1793-1836) 美国殖民主义者及政治领导,曾臻力于使得克萨斯成为墨西哥一州的工作,但随后又帮助得克萨斯居民取得独立(于1836年)〔Seguin〕A city of south-central Texas east-northeast of San Antonio. It was founded by members of the Texas Rangers in 1831. Population, 18,853.塞金:美国得克萨斯州中南部的一个城市,位于圣安东尼奥东北偏东。该市由得克萨斯巡警的成员建于1831年。人口18,853〔Comanche〕A Native American people formerly ranging over the southern Great Plains from western Kansas to northern Texas and now located in Oklahoma. The Comanche became nomadic buffalo hunters after migrating south from Wyoming in the 18th century.科曼奇人:美国土著居民,先前居住在大平原南部从堪萨斯西到得克萨斯北部地区,现在居住在俄克拉荷马州。科曼奇人在18世纪从怀俄明州南移时,成为游牧的野牛捕猎者〔Palestine〕A city of eastern Texas southeast of Dallas. It is a market and processing center. Population, 18,042.巴勒斯坦城:美国得克萨斯东面的一个城市,位于达拉斯东南。是一市场和加工中心。人口18,042〔Irving〕A town of northeast Texas, an industrial suburb of Dallas. Population, 155,037.欧文:得克萨斯东北部一镇,达拉斯的一个工业郊区。人口155,037〔Nueces〕A river of southern Texas flowing about 507 km (315 mi) toNueces Bay, an inlet of the Gulf of Mexico near Corpus Christi. 纽埃西斯河:美国得克萨斯南部的一条河流,流程约507公里(315英里)至纽西斯湾 ,科珀斯里克蒂安附近墨西哥海湾的一个水湾 〔headquarter〕"Despite the derivation of its name, the former Texas Oil Company is headquartered in White Plains, New York"(New Republic)“尽管前得克萨斯石油公司得名于州名,但它的总部还是设在纽约的怀特普莱恩斯”(新共和国)〔Pampa〕A city of northwest Texas in the Panhandle east-northeast of Amarillo. It is an industrial and shipping center in a cattle and oil area. Population, 19,959.潘帕:美国得克萨斯西北的城市,在阿马里洛东北偏东的柄状狭长地带。是养牛和产油地区的工业和造船业中心。人口19,959〔Beaumont〕A city of southeast Texas north-northeast of Houston. A ship canal links the city with the Gulf of Mexico. Population, 114,323.博蒙特:美国得克萨斯东南部一城市,位于休斯敦东北偏北。一条(可通大船的)运河把这个城市与墨西哥湾连接起来。人口114,323〔Odessa〕A city of western Texas south-southwest of Lubbock. It was a small ranching town until the discovery of oil in the area. Population, 89,699.敖德萨:美国得克萨斯西部城市,位于拉伯克西南偏南。在该在区发现石油之前它原是一个经营牧场为主的小镇。人口89,699




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