单词 | 很清楚 |
释义 | 〔precise〕Clearly expressed or delineated; definite:清晰的,确切的:表达或描绘很清楚的;确定的:〔Gothic〕The combinationGothic romance represents a union of two of the major influences in the development of European culture, the Roman Empire and the Germanic tribes that invaded it.The Roman origins ofromance must be sought in the etymology of that word, but we can see clearly thatGothic is related to the name Goth used for one of the Germanic tribes that invaded the Roman Empire.The wordGothic, which is first recorded in 1611 in a reference to the language of the Goths, was extended in sense in several ways, meaning "Germanic,” "medieval, not classical,” "barbarous,”and also an architectural style that was not Greek or Roman.Gothic, originally in the sense "medieval, not classical,” was applied by Horace Walpole to his novelThe Castle of Otranto, a Gothic Story, published in 1765. From this novel,filled with scenes of terror and gloom in a medieval setting,have descended the Gothic romances of today.Gothic romance 的组合代表对欧洲文化发展起主要作用的两个事物的联合, 这两个事物就是罗马帝国和侵犯它的日耳曼部落。romance 的罗马语源必须从这个词的词源里去找, 但我们也很清楚Gothic 是跟 Goth 有关的, 这个词被侵犯罗马帝国的一个日耳曼人部落所使用。Gothic 1611年第一次出现在一本描绘哥特语的注释书里, 有几个意思:“日耳曼人的”,“中世纪的,非古典的,”“野蛮的,”和非希腊和罗马的建筑风格。Gothic 最初意思是“中世纪的,非古典的,” 在霍勒斯·沃波尔1765年出版的小说奥特朗托的城堡,哥特的故事 中出现。 这本小说里,在中世纪的背景衬托下,充满了恐怖、阴暗的画面,它开创了哥特式浪漫主义并流传至今〔Teflon〕"It would make of Gorbachev's stewardship a truly Teflon chairmanship, demonstrating that no Soviet actions, regardless of how egregious, will cling to him"(New Republic)"It's clear that because[he] doesn't aspire to saving the entire human race, he's not going to get what the other leaders get—a coating of moral and political Teflon" (Wall Street Journal)“这会明白戈尔巴乔夫的乘务员职位是真正特氟隆制的主席的职位,表明不管多么异乎寻常,任何苏维埃行动都不会依靠他”(新共和国)“很清楚因为[他] 不希望拯救整个人类,所以他将不会得到其他领导人所得到的——一个道德和政治的特氟隆涂层” (华尔街期刊)〔focus〕couldn't get the problem into focus.不能很清楚地理解这个问题〔Asian〕The termAsian is now preferred for persons of South and East Asian ancestry (Indians, Southeast Asians, Chinese, Koreans, Japanese, Indonesians, Filipinos, and others) in place of the term Oriental, an older usage that denotes some of these groups.Oriental has been objected to on two grounds: because it suggests racial, rather than cultural identity,and because it identifies the place of origin in terms of its location relative to the West (i.e., "from the East"), rather than in absolute terms.这个名称亚洲 现在用来称呼南亚和东亚人的后裔(包括印度人,东南亚人,中国人,朝鲜人,日本人,印尼人,菲律宾人和其他人),而不用 oriental, 这是一个老的用法,用来指这些亚洲人中的一些人。反对使用oriental 这个词有两个理由: 因为它暗示着种族的而非文化的特征,还因为它把人与相对于西方(如“来自东方”)的出生地混为一谈,而不以很清楚的名称指称。〔funky〕When asked which words in the English language are the most difficult to define precisely,a lexicographer would surely mentionfunky. The meaning offunky seems well captured by Geneva Smitherman in Talkin and Testifyin: The Language of Black America, where she states that funky means “[related to] the blue notes or blue mood created in jazz, blues, and soul music generally, down-to-earth soulfully expressed sounds; by extension [related to] the real nitty-gritty or fundamental essence of life, soul to the max.”Be that as it may,funky is first recorded in 1784 in a reference to musty, old, moldy cheese. Funky then developed the sense "smelling strong or bad,” which could be used to describe body odor.Butfunky was applied to jazz, too—a usage explained in 1959 by one F. Newton inJazz Scene : "Critics are on the search for something a little more like the old, original, passion-laden blues: the trade-name which has been suggested for it is ‘funky’(literally: ‘smelly,’ i.e. symbolizing the return from the upper atmosphere to the physical, down-to-earth reality).” Funky comes from the earlier nounfunk, which meant "a strong smell or stink.” This noun can probably be traced back to the Latin wordfūmus, "smoke.” 当被问及英语中最难准确定义的是哪些词时,词典编纂者肯定会提到funky 这个词。 Funky 的含义似乎被热纳瓦·史密斯曼在 语言和证明: 美国黑人语言一节中解释得很清楚,她认为 funky 指“主要在爵士乐、布鲁斯歌曲、灵乐这些发自灵魂深处的音乐中创造出的音符式的忧郁; 由此延伸为与生命本质精髓有关的,表现美国黑人及其文化特点到极致的。”Funky 最早可能被记录于1784年,用于指发霉的、过期的奶酪。 后来,funky 引申到这层意思“闻起来强烈或有异味的,” 可以用来形容身体的气味。但funky 也用于指爵士乐方面, 这种用法于1959年在一位名叫F·牛顿的人的书爵士舞台 中有所解释: “批评家们正在找一种有些更象原始的、激情洋溢的老布鲁斯歌曲一样的东西:用来表现后的词就是‘有气息的’(字面意义:‘有气味的,’也就是说,从高高在上的格调降回到自然而率直的风格)。” Funky 一词来自较早出现的名词funk, 意为“一种刺鼻的气味或臭味”。 这个词可能可追溯到拉丁词fumus, “烟” 〔scarce〕The phrasescarce excerpt, if it ever should occur to one, is an excellent example of how two intimately related words can diverge from one another in form while passing from one language to another over the centuries.Both words can be traced back to the Latin wordexcerpo (past participle stem excerpt- ), meaning "to pick out,” "to pick out mentally,” and "to select a passage for quotation.”This is clearly the ultimate source of our nounexcerpt (first recorded before 1638) and verb (first recorded around 1536), a past participle usage already being recorded in the 15th century. A more tangled path leads to our wordscarce. It is assumed that side by side with Latinexcerpere existed the Vulgar Latin form .excarpere. .Excarpsus, an adjective formed with the past participle of .excarpere in Vulgar Latin, meant "narrow, cramped,” and from this Vulgar Latin form came the Old French wordéchars, "insufficient, cramped,” and "stingy.” The Old French word, which existed in a variety of forms in Old French,includingscars and the chiefly Old North French form escarse, was borrowed into Middle English asscarse, being first recorded in a manuscript written around 1300.如果人们能够想到scarce excerpt 这个词语, 是一个说明两个关系密切的词语如何历经几个世纪,在一种语言转化到另一种语言的同时从一种形式转化到另一种形式的极佳例子。两个词可追溯到拉丁词excerpo (过去分词词根为 excerpt- ), 意为“选出”、“在思想上进行选择”和“为了引用而选择一个段落”。很清楚,名词excerpt (第一次记录于1638年前)和动词(首次记录于约1536年)及过去分词用法的最终词源,在15世纪时就已经被记录下来。 词语scarce 的变化更为复杂。 据猜测与拉丁文中excerpere 同时存在的有拉丁俗语形式 excarpere。 Excarpsus在拉丁俗语中是由 excarpere 的过去分词形成的,意为“狭窄的、受限制的”, 从这一拉丁俗语形式形成了古法语词echars ,意为“不足的、受限制的”及“吝啬的”。 这些在古法语中以多种形式存在的古法语词,包括scars 和北部古法语的主要形式 escarse , 被引入中世纪英语中成为scarse , 在1300年左右第一次被记载在一手稿本中〔see〕We saw through his superficial charm.我们很清楚他的表面功夫 |
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