单词 | 很快地 |
释义 | 〔keek〕A look, especially a quick one; a peek.一瞥:尤指很快地一眼;偷看〔Scythia〕An ancient region of Eurasia extending from the mouth of the Danube River on the Black Sea to the territory east of the Aral Sea. The nomadic people of the region flourished from the eighth to the fourth centuryb.c. but were conquered by the Sarmatians in the second century and were soon subsumed into other cultures. 锡西厄:欧亚大陆的一地区,从黑海的多瑙河口一直到咸海的东部地区。这个地区的游牧民从公元前 8到4世纪很繁荣,但到了2世纪被萨尔马西亚人征服后,就很快地被融合入其它的文化中去了 〔spout〕To gush forth in a rapid stream or in spurts.喷出:很快地流出或射出〔peek〕A brief or furtive look.一瞥:很快地或偷偷地看〔bundle〕To dispatch or dispense of quickly and with little fuss; hustle:把…匆忙撵走:毫无困难很快地逐出或挤出;挤推:〔offensive〕The offensive troops gained ground quickly.这支进攻的军队很快地赢得了阵地〔dab〕To apply with short, poking strokes:轻拍,轻触:很快地涂抹,轻触:〔ruffle〕To flip through (the pages of a book).浏览,很快地翻(书页)〔bundle〕The children came bundling in from outside.孩子们很快地从外面进来了〔rather〕from Old English hrathor [comparative of] hræthe [quickly, soon] 源自 古英语 hrathor hræthe的比较级 [快地,很快地] 〔spritz〕To squirt or spray (something) quickly.喷:很快地喷或喷射(某物)〔pick〕picked up French very quickly.很快地学起法语来〔pick〕To take into the mind and understand, typically with speed:迅速理解:了解到或理解,尤指很快地理解:〔dispose〕disposed of the problem quickly.很快地解决了这个问题〔mobile〕Capable of moving or changing quickly from one state or condition to another:变化的:能从一种状态或条件很快地移动或转变为另一种状态或条件的:〔cop〕"copped a quick look at the gentleman in a caramel cashmere sport coat on the right"(Gail Sheehy)“很快地瞥了右边身穿浅褐色羊毛休闲外套的绅士一眼”(盖尔·希伊)〔peep〕A quick or furtive look or glance.瞥:很快地或偷偷地看〔carouse〕The origin of the wordcarouse can be found in a German interjection that meant "time to leave the bar.” Germangaraus, which is derived from the phrase gar ("all") aus ("out"), meaning "all out,” then came to mean "drink up, bottoms up,” and "a last drink before closing time.”The English borrowed this noun, with the meaning "the practice of sitting around drinking until closing time,”sometimes spelling the wordgaraus but usually spelling it closer to the way it is spelled today.Soon after the word is first recorded as a noun in 1559,we find the verbcarouse, in 1567. 单词carouse 的词源可以在意为“是离开酒吧的时候了”的日耳曼语感叹词中找到。 日耳曼语garaus 是从短语 gar (“所有的”) aus (“出去”),即“竭尽全力。全力以赴”的意思中衍生出来的; 接着又表示“喝光,干杯”和“打烊前的最后一杯”的意思。英语中借用这个名词,意为“坐着饮酒直至打烊的做法”;有时拼写成garaus , 但通常其拼写更接近于现今的拼法。该词于1559年首次做名词记录下来后,我们很快地在1567年发现了动词carouse 〔peek〕To glance quickly.瞥:很快地看一眼〔chromaffin〕Readily stained with chromium salts:嗜铬的:很快地镀上铬盐:〔pronto〕Without delay; quickly.马上:没有拖延地;很快地〔flip〕flipped the pages of the report.很快地翻动报告〔pick〕picked up on the new approach and applied it to the project.很快地了解了新方法并把它应用于这个项目中 |
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