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单词 很久
释义 〔berserk〕When we say that we are going berserk,we may not realize how extreme a state this might be.Our adjective comes from the nounberserker, or berserk, which is from the Old Norse wordberserkr, "a wild warrior or champion.” Such warriors wore hides of bears,which explains the probable origins ofberserkr as a compound of .bera, "bear,” and serkr, "shirt, coat.” Theseberserkers became frenzied in battle, howling like animals, foaming at the mouth, and biting the edges of their iron shields.Berserker is first recorded in English in the early 19th century, long after these wild warriors ceased to exist. 当我们说我们正变得狂暴时,我们可能不知道这种状况会有多严重。形容词源自名词berserker 或 beserk , 这两个词都来自古老的斯堪的纳维亚语berserkr, 意思是“狂野的斗士”。 这些斗士身穿熊皮,也许这可以解释berserkr 这个词的来源是 bera “熊”和 serkr “衬衫,外套”这两个词的组合。 这些berserkers 在战斗中表现狂暴, 象动物一样吼叫,口吐白沫,口咬铁护甲。Berserker 于19世纪初首次出现于英语文字中,那已是狂暴斗士消失很久以后了 〔hesitate〕She vacillated so long about attending the concert that when she decided to go, the tickets were sold out.她为是否去听音乐会踌躇了很久,当她决定去时,票已售光了 。〔tuberculosis〕An infectious disease of human beings and animals caused by the tubercle bacillus and characterized by the formation of tubercles on the lungs and other tissues of the body, often developing long after the initial infection.结核病:由结核菌引起的人类和动物感染性疾病;特征是在肺上和身体其它组织上形成结核节,经常在初次感染很久后才发作〔wit〕"Sarcasm I now see to be, in general, the language of the Devil; for which reason I have, long since, as good as renounced it" (Thomas Carlyle). “现在我开始认识到讽剌在总体上是魔鬼的语言;因此很久已来我已不用它了” (托马斯·卡莱尔)。〔look〕a look of great age.看起来年头很久〔long〕That event took place long before we were born.这件事发生在我们出生以前很久〔popcorn〕Popcorn is very much an American institution.Particularly enjoyed by people in the United States,it is grown as a native product and denoted by a word that is an Americanism,a word or expression that was first used in English in the United States.Popcorn, from the verb pop and the noun corn, fits these criteriabecause the first recorded use of the word is found inMemorable Days in America, an account written by the British traveler William Faux and published in London in 1823: "I crossed the Big Wabash . . . at La Valette's ferry,where is beautiful land . . . and two lonely families of naked-legged French settlersfrom whom I received two curious ears of poss corn.”Notice that either Faux misunderstood the termor the French settlers mispronounced it.This type of corn, introduced to the settlers by Native Americans,was long grown by them,little knowing that their benefaction would one day be consumed by countless moviegoers while watching Westerns.爆玉米是美洲人非常熟知的事物。尤其为美国人喜欢,这种作物被他们作为本地作物而大量种植并以一个美国单词来命名,这个词首先在美国被用于英语中。Popcorn 源于动词 pop 和名词 corn, 并且它适应这些标准,因为有关这个词的最早记录见于由英国旅行者威廉·福克斯所著的、1823年在伦敦出版的游记在美国的难忘日子 中,福克斯在其中写道: “我在瓦莱特码头渡过大沃巴什河,那儿有美丽的田地…及两个孤零零的法国家庭,他们都是赤脚的法国拓荒者,从他们那儿我得到了两根奇怪的玉米棒。”请注意,要么也许是福克斯误解了该词,要么也许是法国拓荒者发错了音。这种类型的玉米是美洲印第安人介绍给这些拓荒者的,且已被这些印第安人种植很久了,但他们几乎无法料到他们的施惠有一天会被无数电影观众一边嚼着一边看西部片。〔Woollcott〕American drama critic and journalist whose collections of essays includeWhile Rome Burns (1934) and Long, Long Ago (1943). 伍尔科特,亚历山大:(1887-1943) 美国戏剧评论家和记者,其杂文全集包括《罗马激怒之时》 (1934年)和 《很久很久以前》 (1943年) 〔forgetful〕For a person who has known them so long you are strangely oblivious to their faults. 对于一个认识他们很久的人来说,你异乎寻常地没有意识到他们的缺点。 〔langsyne〕Time long past; times past.昔日:过去了很久的时间;过去的时代〔old〕Exhibiting the effects of time or long use; worn:陈旧的:表现出时间或用了很久的影响的;破旧的:〔peruse〕Peruse has long meant "to read thoroughly" and is often used loosely when one could use the wordread instead. The worst that can be said about the latter use is that it is excessively literary or precious.However, common misuse of the word in the sense "to glance over, skim,” as inI only had a moment to peruse the manual quickly, was unacceptable to 66 percent of the Usage Panel. Peruse 很久一直意指“详尽地阅读”, 经常在能用read 这个词时不严谨地用来取代它。 能够提及的后一种用法中最差的一种便是极端文学或过分矫揉造作的。然而,对于百分之六十六的惯用法研究小组成员来说,意为“浏览或略读”的该词的通常错误用法是不能接受的,如在句我只有一会儿时间来迅速浏览这本手册 中 〔Philistine〕It has never been good to be a Philistine.Samson, Saul, and David in the Bible helped bring the Philistines into prominence because they were such prominent opponents.Even though the Philistines have long since disappeared,their name has lived on in the Old Testament.The English name for them,Philistines, which goes back through Late Latin and Greek to Hebrew, is first found in Middle English,wherePhilistiens, the ancestor of our word, is recorded in a work composed before 1325. Beginning in the 17th centuryphilistine was used as a common noun usually in the plural to refer to various groups considered the enemy,such as literary critics.In Germany in the same centuryit is said that in a memorial at Jena for a student who had been killed in a town-gown quarrel,the minister preached a sermon from the text "Philister über dir Simson! [The Philistines be upon thee, Samson!],”the words of Delilah to Samson after she attempted to render him powerless before his Philistine enemies.From this usage it is said that German students came to usePhilister, the German equivalent of Philistine, to denote nonstudents and hence uncultured or materialistic people.Both usages were picked up in English in the early 19th century.做非利士人从来没有好处。《圣经》中的参孙、索尔和大卫使非利士人出名是因为他们是很优秀的对手。尽管非利士人已消失很久了,他们的名字却仍存在于《旧约》当中。他们的英文名称Philistines 可由晚期拉丁语和希腊语追溯到希伯来语, 是在中世纪英语中首先发现的,其中我们所用词的前身Philistines 记载在一部1325年前的著作中。 17世纪以来,Philistine 被用作普通名词并且常以复数形式出现, 意指被认为是敌人的各种团体,如文学批评家。在同一世纪的德国,据说在耶拿举行的纪念一名在市民和大学生争执中被杀的学生的纪念会上,牧师从“[非利士人比你强,参孙!]”中选取了一段做布道,就是迪莱勒在试图使参孙在他的非利士手面前变得软弱无力后说的那些话。这段话的用法中可见德国学生开始使用philister 作为 philistine 的德语替代语, 意指不是学生因此也就是没有文化以及不务实的人。这两种用法在19世纪早期的英语中均能找到〔olden〕Of, relating to, or belonging to time long past; old or ancient:古时的,往昔的:过去很长时间的,有关很久前的,或属于很久以前的:〔convince〕In an earlier survey, a majority of the Usage Panel held that this distinction should be maintained,but the use ofconvince with an infinitive has become increasingly common even among reputable writers, and it is unlikely that this stricture can be maintained for much longer.在更早的一次调查中,用法专题使用小组成员的大多数人认为这一区别应当保持,但是甚至在知名作家中convince 和不定式连用的用法也已变得日渐普遍起来, 这一限制不可能会保持很久




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