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单词 往往
释义 〔image〕The character projected to the public, as by a person or an institution, especially as interpreted by the mass media.模范,典范:由某组织或某个人向大众推荐的人物,往往通过大众媒介作宣传〔illuminate〕"Cleverly made attacks can often serve to illuminate important differences between candidates, as well as entertain the voters"(New Republic)“灵活的攻击往往能突出竞选者之间的重大区别,同时又能取悦于选民”(新共和国)〔idol〕One that is adored, often blindly or excessively.被过度崇拜的人:往往是盲目或过分地被别人尊崇的人〔sole〕The underside of a shoe or boot, often excluding the heel.鞋底:鞋子或靴子的底面,往往不包括后跟〔equal〕In the first example, deleteequally; in the second, deleteas. The solution to this usage problem usually involvesusingas alone when a comparison is explicit andequally alone when it is not. See Usage Note at as 1center ,parallel ,perfect ,unique 在第一个例子中,可以删掉equally ; 在第二个例子中,删掉as 。 对这种错误用法的解决方法往往在于:当被比较的事物很明确时,单独使用as ; 当被比较的事物不明确时,单独使用equally 参见 as1center,parallel,perfect,unique〔Kurosawa〕Japanese filmmaker whose internationally acclaimed works, includingRashomon (1950), The Seven Samuri (1954), and Ran (1985), often concern traditional Japanese institutions. 黑泽,明:(生于 1910) 日本电影制片人,在国际上受到好评的作品包括《罗生门》 (1950年)、 《七个武士》 (1954年)和 《乱》 (1985年),他的作品往往对日本的传统体制比较关注 〔iguana〕Any of various large tropical American lizards of the family Iguanidae, often having spiny projections along the back.鬣鳞蜥:鬣鳞蜥科中的任意一种大型美国蜥蜴,背部往往有带刺状的突起〔error〕"Irrationally held truths may be more harmful than reasoned errors" (Thomas H. Huxley). “无理性地推崇真理往往比合理的错误更有害。” (托马斯·H·赫胥黎)。 〔retro〕"As is often the case in retro fashion, historical accuracy is somewhat beside the point"(New York Times)“常常就象回顾往事的方式一样,历史的精确性往往被忽略”(纽约时报)〔marasmus〕A progressive wasting of the body, occurring chiefly in young children and associated with insufficient intake or malabsorption of food.消瘦:身体逐渐变瘦,主要见于儿童,往往与食物摄入不足或消化不良有关〔dipsomania〕An insatiable, often periodic craving for alcoholic beverages.间发性酒狂,酗酒狂:难以控制、往往周期性的对酒精饮料的渴望〔majority〕When it refers to a group of persons or things that are in the majority,it may take either a singular or plural verb,depending on whether the group is considered as a whole or as a set of people considered individually.So we sayThe majority elects (not elect ) the candidate it wants (not they want ), since the election is accomplished by the group as a whole;butThe majority of the voters live (not lives ) in the city, since living in the city is something that each voter does individually. ·Majority is often preceded by great (but not by greater ) in expressing emphatically the sense of "most of": 当它是指处于多数地位的一组人或事物时,其动词既可以用单数也可以用复数,取决于把这个集体当作一个整体来看待还是当作个别的人的组合。所以我们说大多数人选举了 (不用 elect ) 他们所想要的候选人 (不用 they want ), 因为选举是由一个作为整体的群体所完成的;但是大多数投票者住在 (不用 lives ) 市区, 因为住在城市里是每个投票人作为个人所做的事情。Majority 的前面往往加一个 great (但是不加 greater ), 用来强调指出“大多数”的含义: 〔nonage〕"The bravest achievements were always accomplished in the nonage of a nation"(Thomas Paine)“最壮观的成就往往在一个国家的未成熟期取得”(托马斯·佩恩)〔rather〕In expressions of preferencerather is commonly preceded by would or in formal style should : 在表达选择的意思时rather 一词往往跟在 would 或更正式的形式 should 之后: 〔transient〕 "The moods were many and transient" (W.H. Hudson). “心绪纷繁但往往如过往烟云” (W·H·哈得孙)。〔dark〕 Murky implies darkness, often extreme, such as that produced by smoke or fog: Murky 意指黑暗,往往是极端的,如由烟或雾致成的: 〔lonely〕Henry Bradley, one of the four editors of theOxford English Dictionary, said "It is a truth often overlooked, but not unimportant, that every addition to the resources of a language must in the first instance have been due to an act (though not necessarily to a voluntary or conscious act) of some one person.”In many casesthis one person may have been an author,since the first recorded instance of a word is often found in an author's work.Of course, as Bradley warns,this is the firstrecorded instance; it is possible that a given author picked up the word or sense somewhere elseor that these reside undiscovered in an earlier work.In any caseit might be a minor relief of our condition the next time we feel lonely to know that the first recorded instance of the wordlonely occurs in the works of Shakespeare. The passage appears inCoriolanus (1607-1608) in a speech by Coriolanus to his mother Volumnia:"My mother, you wot [know] well/My hazards still have been your solace, and/Believe't not lightly—though I go alone,/Like to alonely dragon, that his fen/Makes fear'd and talk'd of more than seen—your son/Will or exceed the common or be caught/With cautelous [crafty] baits and practice.” Lonely here, of course, has the sense "solitary.” The dragon does not feel dejected,or if he does,he does not seem to know how to reach out to others effectively.牛津英语词典 的四位编纂者之一亨利·布莱德雷说: “人们经常忽视这样一个现实,但它并非不重要,那就是对某种语言词汇的每一次添加都首先是由于某一个人的行为(尽管不一定是自愿的或有意识的行为)”。许多时候,这一个人可能是个作者,因为一个词有记载的首次使用往往出自一位作者的作品。当然,正如布莱德雷所提醒人们的,这是首次有记载的 的例子; 某个作者可能是从别处学到这个词或这个意思,或是这个词或意思在更早的作品中已经出现,只是未被人们发现。不管怎样,当我们知道lonely 这个词的有记载的首次使用出现在莎士比亚的作品中时,这些都不大能减轻我们的沮丧心情。 在卡里奥拉纳斯 (1607-1608年)中, 卡里奥拉纳斯对他母亲弗罗姆尼娅讲的一段话中有这样的文字:“我的母亲,你清楚地知道/我的冒险一直是你的安慰,而且/不要轻信——尽管我要只身前往,/就象去面对一条孤单的 龙,他的沼泽/令人谈而色变,尽管并未亲见——你的儿子/决意或是胜过凡人或是被狡猾的圈套和手段擒捉”。 Lonely 在这里的意思当然是“孤单的”。 龙不会感到沮丧,即便它感到沮丧,他也不太可能知道如何让别人体会到它的感情〔pornography〕Pictures, writing, or other material that is sexually explicit and sometimes equates sex with power and violence.色情资料:直接了当描绘性行为的图片、书籍或其它资料,这些资料往往将性视同于权力和暴力〔single〕"It is the lone worker who makes the first advance in a subject: the details may be worked out by a team" (Alexander Fleming).“在一个课题中往往是一个孤独的工作者取得第一个突破:而细节可以让一群人去研究” (亚历山大·弗莱明)。〔shell〕A usually sleeveless and collarless, typically knit blouse.编织背心:通常无袖无领,且往往是编织的罩衫〔relate〕To react in response, especially favorably:发生共鸣:产生反应,往往是有利的:〔stage〕One of two or more successive propulsion units of a rocket vehicle that fires after the preceding one has been jettisoned.一节火箭:两级或多级火箭的推动器,往往前一个推动器被抛弃后下一个才点火发射〔flashback〕A literary or cinematic device in which an earlier event is inserted into the normal chronological order of a narrative.倒叙,闪回镜头:一种文学或电影的表现手法,往往在一段按正常时间顺序记叙的叙事中插入一件以前发生过的事情〔equal〕It has been argued thatequal is an absolute term— two quantities either are or are not equal—and hence cannot be qualified as to degree.Therefore one cannot logically speak ofa more equal allocation of resources among the departments. However, this usage was accepted by 71 percent of the Usage Panel in an earlier survey.What is more, objection to the usage betrays a widespread but questionable assumptionthat it is in mathematics and logic that we find the model of accuracy most appropriate to the everyday use of language,a supposition that also underlies traditional grammatical discussions of words such asunique, parallel, and center. According to this account,the "precise" or "literal" meaning ofequal is realized in the use of the equal sign in an arithmetic expression such as 5 + 2 = 7; and the ordinary-language uses of the term,though they may be permissible,represent "loose" or "imprecise" extensions of that sense.But in fact the mathematical concept of equality is a poor model for using the wordequal to describe relations between things in the world. As applied to such things,statements of equality are always relative to an implicit standard of tolerance.When someone saysThe two boards are of equal length, we assume that the equality is reckoned to some order of approximation determined by the context;if we did not,we would be required always to usenearly equal when speaking of the dimensions of physical objects. What is more,we often want to predicate equality of things that do not admit of quantitative measurement,as when we sayThe college draft was introduced in an effort to make the teams in the National Football League as equal as possible, orThe candidates for the job should all be given equal consideration. In all such cases,equality is naturally a gradient notionand so is amenable to modification in degree.This much is evident from the existence of the wordunequal. The prefixun- attaches only to gradient adjectives: we sayunmanly but not unmale; and the worduneven can be applied to a surface (whose evenness may be a matter of degree) but not to a number (whose evenness is an either-or affair). ·The adverbequally is generally regarded as redundant when used in combination with as, and the following examples employingequally as were termed unacceptable by 63 percent of the Usage Panel in an earlier survey: 单词equal 一向被认为是一个很绝对的词语—— 两个数量要么相同要么不同——这样就不能有程度上的差别。所以,如果有人说在各部门间对资源更公平的分配 ,那么就不合逻辑了。 但是这种用法在早先的用法调查中被百分之七十一用法使用小组的人接受。而且,对这种用法的反对体现出了一种很流行但却值得怀疑的假设,那就是我们从数学和逻辑中得出适用于日常语言准确性的实例,而这种假设也可从我们对一些词,如unique,parallel 和 center 传统的语法讨论中体现出来。 根据这个解释,equal “准确”或“书面”的意思则是由在算术表达式,如5+2=7中所运用的相同的符号而表达清楚的; 而该词在日常语言中的用法,虽然被允许,但却代表了其含意“松散”或“不严谨”的引申。但是实际上用数学概念上的相等来运用equal 这个词描述世上各种事物之间的关系是一个很差劲的例子。 当该词应用于生活中的事物时,相等的观念往往与暗含的容忍相关联。当有人说两块木板同样长 时, 我们会认为由于上下文的关系,相等可以被看作大约近似;如果我们不这样想,那么当我们谈到物体的尺寸时,就要经常使用nearly equal 。 另外,我们常常会预测和数量无关的事物的相同性,比如我们会说,引入大学的要求是为了使全国足球联合会中的各队尽可能平等 , 或者应给予该项工作的应征者同等的考虑 。 在所有这些例子中,相等是个可变化的概念,所以可在程度有所不同。Unequal 这个词的存在就是很好的证明。 un- 这个前缀只附加于有程序变化的形容词, 我们说unmanly 但不说 unmale ; 而uneven 这个词只能用于某物的表面(其平坦可有程度上的差别), 而不能用于数目(数目只能说相等或不相等)。Equally 这一副词在与 as 连用时通常被认为是多余的, 在早先的用法调查中,以下这些使用equally as 的句子遭到百分之六十三使用小组的人反对: 〔Magritte〕Belgian painter whose surreal works, such asSteps of Summer (1938), depict ordinary objects in unexpected or implausible situations. 马格里特,莱恩:(1898-1967) 比利时画家,其超现实主义作品,如《夏天的脚步》 (1938年),往往从意想不到的或令人难以置信的角度来描述普通事物 〔ideal〕"Our fellow countryman is a model of a man" (Charles Dickens).Anexample is a model that is likely to be imitated; the term often refers to something that servesrather as a deterrent or warning than as something to be emulated: “我们的同胞是人类的典范” (查尔斯·狄更斯)。example 一词也是指为人们模仿的; 它往往不是供人们学习的,而是作为反面例子起防止或警告作用的: 〔filiopietistic〕Of or relating to an often immoderate reverence for forebears or tradition.保守的:属于或关于对祖先或传统往往过于虔诚的〔bigot〕A bigot may have more in common with God than one might think.Legend has it that Rollo, the first duke of Normandy, refused to kiss the foot of the French king Charles III,uttering the phrasebi got, his borrowing of the assumed Old English equivalent of our expressionby God. Although this story is almost certainly apocryphal,it is true thatbigot was used by the French as a term of abuse for the Normans, but not in a religious sense. Later, however, the word, or very possibly a homonym,was used abusively in French for the Beguines, members of a Roman Catholic lay sisterhood.From the 15th century on Old Frenchbigot meant "an excessively devoted or hypocritical person.” Bigot is first recorded in English in 1598 with the sense "a superstitious hypocrite.” 一个偏执的人往往比人们想象的更接近上帝。传说第一位诺曼底公爵罗洛拒绝亲吻法国皇帝查理三世的脚时,说了bi got 这个词, 他是借用了假设的古英语里的词。其相当于我们今天的by God (老天作证)这一用法。 尽管这个故事肯定不足为信,但bigot 一词是确实是法国人对诺曼底人的蔑称, 然而无宗教色彩。后来,这个词,很可能是同音异义词,在法语中用来蔑指女修道者──罗马天主教姐妹会成员。从15世纪起,在古法语中,bigot 一词意为“过分虔诚或伪善的人”。 Bigot 首次以英语记载是在1598年,其意为“迷信的伪君子。” 〔night〕"In a real dark night of the soul it is always three o'clock in the morning"(F. Scott Fitzgerald)“凌晨三点钟往往是灵魂最黑暗的时候”(F.斯科特·菲茨杰拉德)〔snitch〕To steal (something, usually something of little value); pilfer.See Synonyms at steal 偷,摸:偷窃(东西,往往是不值钱的东西);偷 参见 steal〔imprint〕A publisher's name, often with the date, address, and edition, printed at the bottom of a title page of a publication.标记:出版者的名字,往往和出版日期、地址和版本及一起印在印刷品的扉页的底部〔easy〕"The diagnosis of disease is often easy, often difficult, and often impossible" (Peter M. Latham). “对疾病的诊断往往不严格、不容易且也不可能” (彼得·拉桑)。 〔scrofula〕A form of tuberculosis affecting the lymph nodes, especially of the neck, that is most common in children and is usually spread by unpasteurized milk from infected cows. Also called struma 淋巴结核,瘰疬:一种淋巴腺结核,尤指在颈部,在小孩中很常见,往往由患这种病的奶牛的没有经过消毒的牛奶传染 也作 struma〔blemish〕 Flaw refers to an often small but always fundamental weakness: Flaw 通常指小而往往是重要的不足之处: 〔stalactite〕The wordsstalagmite and stalactite have confused many a person. A look into the history of the Greek sources of these two words may help.Both words can be traced back to the wordstalassein, "to drip,” which is appropriatesince both words denote deposits in caves formed by the dripping of mineral-rich water.The Greek base from whichstalassein was formed was stalak- and to this base were added several endings that concern us,specifically-ma, a noun suffix most frequently denoting the result of an action, -mo-, a suffix denoting the action of a verb as well as a result, and -to-, an adjective suffix forming verbal adjectives. With these suffixes and the addition of the inflectional endings, as well as a sound change from (k) to (g) before (m),we getstalagma, "that which drops, a drop,” stalagmos, "dropping, dripping of stalactites,” and stalaktos, "dropping, dripping.” Using these Greek words,Olaus Wormius formed the Modern Latin wordstalactītēs, the stalac- part meaning "dripping" and the-ītēs part being commonly used to name fossils and minerals when preceded by a form expressing a physical characteristic, in this case "dripping.” Wormius also used the termstalagmītēs, the stalag- portion expressing the notion of what drops, taken either fromstalagma, "that which drops, a drop,” or stalagmos, "dropping of stalactites.” Stalactītēs and stalagmītēs, of course, are the sources of our English words stalactite (first recorded in 1677), the formation on the tops of caves, and stalagmite (first recorded in 1681), the formation on the bottoms of caves. They have been causing trouble ever since.单词stalagmite 和 stalactite 令许多人混淆。 对这两个词的希腊起源历史进行研究可能会帮助理解。这两个字都能追溯到单词stalassein (“滴下”), 这是很恰当的,因为两个字都表示洞里由富含矿物的水下滴而形成的沉积。形成stalassein 的希腊根源是 stalak- , 在这个根源上加上几个与我们有关的词尾,特别是-ma (往往用来表示动作结果的名词后缀), -mo- (用来表示动词的动作和结果的后缀)和 -to- (形成动词性形容词的形容词后缀)。 通过这些后缀和屈折变化词尾的添加以及在(m)前面由(k)到(g)的变音,我们得到了stalagma (“滴下的东西,一滴”)、 stalagmos “滴,滴下钟乳石”和 stalaktos (“落下,滴下的”)。 利用这些希腊字,奥罗斯·沃米斯组成了现代拉丁单词stalactites , stalac- 意指“滴”。 而-ites 当由一个表示物理特征的形式开头时,通常用来表示化石和矿物,指“滴下”。 沃米斯也使用stalagmites , stalag- 表示滴下的东西的概念, 源于stalagma (“滴下的东西,一滴”)或 stalagmos (“滴下的钟乳石”)。 stalacitites 和 stalagmites ,当然是我们的英语单词 stalactite (首次出现于1677年)即洞穴顶部的形成物和 stalagmite (最早记载于1681年)即洞穴底部的形成物的源头。 自那以后它们就常造成一些麻烦〔atomistic〕Consisting of many separate, often disparate elements:原子论式的:由独立的、往往是完全不同的元素组成的:〔atmospherics〕A consciously created mood or attitude, often without substantive basis:气氛:有意引起的情绪或态度,往往没有真实的基础:〔eruption〕A sudden, often violent outburst.爆发:突然、往往是猛烈的喷发〔eutrophic〕Having waters rich in mineral and organic nutrients that promote a proliferation of plant life, especially algae, which reduces the dissolved oxygen content and often causes the extinction of other organisms. Used of a lake or pond.(湖泊等)优氧化的:水中富有矿物有机物,有利于植物,特别是藻类的增殖,但藻类往往使分解的氧含量过低,从而使别的有机物灭绝。用于指湖泊或池塘〔Kosygin〕Soviet premier (1964-1980) who succeeded Nikita Khrushchev but was often overshadowed by party secretary Leonid Brezhnev.柯西金,阿列克塞·尼古拉耶维奇:(1904-1980) 在尼基塔·赫鲁晓夫后出任苏联总理(1964-1980年),但往往因党总书记列奥尼德·勃列日涅夫而显得无足轻重




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