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单词 当作
释义 〔house〕Something, such as a burrow or shell, that serves as a shelter or habitation for a wild animal.洞穴,壳:野生动物当作栖身之所的东西,例如洞穴或壳〔see〕Many saw her as a world leader.许多人把她当作世界领袖〔impact〕Each generation of critics seems to select one particular usage to stand as the emblem of what they view as linguistic crassness.Thirty years ago it was the use ofcontact as a verb, but opposition to that form has more or less disappeared,and attention now focuses on the verbal use ofimpact meaning "have an effect, affect.” Eighty-four percent of the Usage Panel disapproves of the constructionto impact on, as in the phrasesocial pathologies, common to the inner city, that impact heavily on such a community; and fully 95 percent disapproves of the use ofimpact as a transitive verb in the sentence Companies have used disposable techniques that have a potential for impacting our health. But even these figures do not reflect the degree of distaste with which critics view the usage:in their comments some Panelists labeled the usage as "bureaucratic,” "pretentious,” "vile,” and "a vulgarism.” ·It may be that the particular pretentiousness associated with the verbal use ofimpact is caused by its derivation from an already questionable metaphoric use of the noun impact, as in phrases such asthe political impact of the decision or the impact of the program on the community, in which no more is usually meant than might have been expressed by effects or consequences. But thoughimpact may have begun life a generation ago as an inflated substitute for "affect significantly,” it has by now become so common in corporate and institutional contexts that younger speakers appear to regard it as wholly standard and straightforward usage.Within a few years, accordingly,the usage is likely to be no more objectionable thancontact is now, since it will no longer betray any particular pretentiousness on the part of those who use it.See Usage Note at contact 每一代的批评家好象都挑了一个特别的用法作为他们认为的语言上的愚蠢行为的象征。三十年以前是contact 作为动词的用法, 但是对这种形式的反对或多或少已经消失了,注意力现在集中到了impact 意思为“有不好的影响、影响”的动词用法上。 用法专题小组成员中百分之八十四不同意to impact on 的结构, 如在短语对内城区来说很普通的社会病理学,对这样一个社区产生了很大影响的 当中; 百分之九十五的成员完全不同意impact 在句子 公司已经使用了可能会对我们的健康产生不良影响的易处理技术 中当作及物动词来使用。 但是即使是这些数字也没有反映出批评家们对这种用法厌恶的程度:在他们的评论当中有些成员把这种用法说成是“官僚主义的”、“装腔作势的”,“可耻的”,还说这是“粗鄙的语言。”也许和impact 的动词用法有关联的虚饰成份是由于它是从名词 impact 的一个早有争议的比喻用法衍变而来造成的。 如在短语这个决定在政治上的影响 或者 这个计划对公众的影响 中它的意思并没有比用 effects 或者 consequences 表达出来的意思要多。 尽管impact 作为“明显地影响”的夸大了的替代可能在一代人之前开始产生, 但是现在的年轻一代使用者看上去把它当成了完全标准的、直接的用法,这在共同的和惯例的文章中已经很普遍了。相应地在几年内,这种用法很有可能不比今天的contact 更引起反对, 因为对于那些使用它的人来说这不会再显得有点矫揉造作了 参见 contact〔buffer〕"A sense of humor . . . may have served as a buffer against the . . . shocks of disappointment"(James Russell Lowell)“幽默感或许可以当作受到失望打击时的缓冲物”(詹姆斯·罗素·洛厄尔)〔prolepsis〕The assignment of something, such as an event or a name, to a time that precedes it, as inIf you tell the cops, you're a dead man. 预期:把未发生的事,比如事件或称呼,当作已发生来描绘,比如在如果你通知警察,你就变成了一个死人 中 〔Xmas〕Xmas has been used for hundreds of years in religious writing, where theX is understood to represent a Greek chi, the first letter of Χριστος, "Christ";in this use it is parallel to other forms likeXtian, "Christian.” But the letterX, or especially x, is nowadays more frequently interpreted as a mathematical variable than as a Greek letter, as indicated by the common pronunciation of the formXmas as (ĕksʹməs). Thus, while the word is etymologically innocent of the charge that it omits Christ from Christmas,it is now generally understood only as an informal shortening.In an earlier survey 88 percent of the Usage Panel rejected the use ofXmas in writing. Xmas 在宗教作品中已用了几百年, X 用来表示希腊字母chi, 是Χριστος的第一个字母,意为“耶稣”;在这种用法中,它与其他形式相似,如Xtian, “教会的”。 但是字母X, 尤其是 x, 现在更常见的是当作数学变量,而不是希腊字母, 因为该符号Xmas 发音已普遍为(ĕksʹməs)。 因此,当这个单词从词源学上把Christ从Christmas中省掉是合乎规则的,现在该词已被广泛看作一个非正式的缩写形式。在早期的调查问卷中,有百分之八十八的用法使用小组成员拒绝在作品中用Xmas 〔Rastafarianism〕A religious sect originating in Jamaica whose members worship Haile Selassie as savior and regard Africa, especially Ethiopia, as the Promised Land.拉斯特法里主义:起源于牙买加的一种宗教主义,其成员崇拜海尔·塞拉西,把他当作救世主并把非洲,特别是埃塞俄比亚作为圣地〔abracadabra〕"Abracadabra,” says the magician, unaware that at one time the thing to do with the word was wear it, not say it. Abracadabra was a magic word,the letters of which were arranged in an inverted pyramidand worn as an amulet around the neck to protect the wearer against disease or trouble.One fewer letter appeared in each line of the pyramid,until onlya remained to form the vertex of the triangle. As the letters disappeared, so supposedly did the disease or trouble.While magicians still useabracadabra in their performances, the word itself has acquired another sense, "foolish or unintelligible talk.”巫师没意识他所说的"Abracadabra"一词曾一度只是被用来佩带,而不是谈及。 Abracadabra 是一巫术用语,其字母可被排成倒金字塔形,当作护身符戴在脖子上可保护佩戴者免除疾病和灾难。金字塔形的每一行少一个字母,直到三角形顶端只剩a 一个字母。 当字母消失时,疾病和灾难也被认为是消失了。但现在的巫术师在表演时仍使用abracadabra , 于是这个词就带上了另一种意义,“愚蠢或无意义的话语”〔lade〕To place (something) as a load for or as if for shipment.装船:把(某物)当作货物装或好象装上船〔turboramjet〕A turbojet engine that can be operated as a ramjet.冲压式涡轮喷气发动机:一种可当作冲压式喷气发动机操作的涡轮喷气发动机〔none〕It is true thatnone is etymologically derived from the Old English word ān, "one,” but the word has been used as both a singular and a plural noun from Old English onward.The plural use can be found in reputable sources such as the King James Bible, Dryden, and Burke;and H.W. Fowler described the traditional rule as "a mistake.”Either a singular or a plural verb is acceptably used in a sentencesuch asNone of the conspirators has (or have ) been brought to trial. Whennone is modified by almost, however, it is difficult to avoid treating the word as a plural: 事实是这样的:none 根据词源学来自于古英语词汇 an “一,” 但是此词从古英语开始既被用作单数名词,又被用作复数名词形式。复数用法可以在规范的原始资料如詹姆士圣经、德莱顿以及伯克的作品中发现。H·W·福勒把传统的规则描述为“一个错误”。无论是单数还是复数动词均可以被接受用于句子中,如所有的同谋者都未 (或者 have ) 被送审。 然而当none 被 almost 修饰时, 很难避免将此词当作复数: 〔hall〕Thehalls of academe and city hall remind us that what we commonly mean by the wordhall, "a passageway, an entrance room,” represents a shrunken version of whathall once commonly designated. Going back to the Indo-European rootkel- 1, "to cover,” the Old English wordheall, ancestor of our hall, referred to "a large place covered by a roof, whether a royal residence, an official building, or a large private residence, or a large room in a residencewhere the public life of the household is carried on.”These senses and related ones are still in use,as is attested bytown hall and halls of academe. Our common use of the termhall for a vestibule or a corridor harks back to medieval times when the hall was the main public room of a residenceand people lived much less privately than now.As private rooms in houses took on the importance they have today,the hall lost its function.Hall also had come to mean any large room, and the vestibule was at one time one of the main sitting rooms in a house,but this sort of room has largely disappeared also,andhall has become the designation for the small vestibule of today as well as for an entrance passage or any passageway.halls of academe 以及 city hall 提醒我们注意: 我们通常把hall 这个词定义为“走廊,门厅”, 反映出hall 这词当初设定时的通常含义的种种痕迹。 追溯到该词的印欧语词根kel- 1, 意思是“去覆盖”, 我们hall 这个词的来源是古英语中 heall 这个词, 它指的是“一个有屋顶覆盖的大地方或者属于皇室住宅、政府建筑或是一座大的私人府第或者是一所住宅中的大房子,主人在其中进行社交活动”。这些概念或与之相关的意思直到今天还有,比如说town hall 和 halls of academe 。 我们现在一般所用的,把hall 当作门厅或走廊的用法可以追溯到中世纪, 那时大厅是居住者的最主要的起居室,人们生活还没有今天这么隐私化,于今日个人房间在生活中占主要地位,大厅失去了它当年的功用。Hall 还曾意味着大房间, 而门厅在过去一段时间内曾是房屋中主要的一处起居室,但这样的房子大部分也都消失了,而hall 的意思已经变成指那些当今小的走廊, 或者是进出口处的走廊,或者是随便哪个走廊〔prodigious〕No one would now say, as did a character in Fanny Burney'sEvelina (1778), "You are prodigiously kind!”But this utterance, exclamation point and all,illustrates two important points about intensives, linguistic elements,such asextremely or awfully, that provide force or emphasis.One point is that we press words that originally had other meanings into service as intensives.Prodigiously is an adverb formed on prodigious, which meant such things as "ominous, amazing, enormous,” going back to the Latinprōdigiōsus, "portentous, marvelous, unnatural.”Prodigiously, first recorded in 1595, meant "portentously, ominously,”and was later used to mean "wonderfully, astonishingly,”therefore making a perfect candidate for use as an intensive.The other point about intensives illustrated byprodigiously is that they go in and out of fashion. The character inEvelina used prodigiously in a way that was no doubt very stylish; no one would find it so today.Perhaps the main reason for such shifts in the use of these intensives is that once they have been used for a whilethey no longer intensify.现在没有人会象芬妮·伯尼的小说埃维莉娜 (1778年)中的人物那样说, “您真是太好了!”但这种说法,感叹号和全句,说明了关于加强语气的重要两点,如extremely 或 awfully 这样的语言要素, 具有加强语气或表示强调的作用。要点之一是我们把一些最初有其他意思的词当作了加强语气的词来使用。Prodigiously 是在意为“不祥的,惊人的,巨大的”的形容词 prodigious 基础上形成的副词, 可追溯到拉丁词prodigiosus, 意思是“不祥的,奇异的,不自然的。”Prodigiously 最早记录于1595年, 意为“预兆性地,不祥地,”后来意为“奇妙地,惊人地,”因此很适于用作强调词。Prodigiously 说明的关于强调词的另一个要点是这些词流行一时然后就过时了。 埃维莉娜 中的人物使用 prodigiously 的方式无疑是很时髦的; 但今天已没有人这样用了。或许这些强调词用法变换的主要原因是一旦这些词被使用了一段时间后,其加强语气或强调作用就不再明显了〔treat〕treated the matter as a joke.把这件事当作一个玩笑〔remember〕To keep (someone) in mind as worthy of consideration or recognition.牢记:把(某人)当作值得尊敬或表彰的名人记在心里〔decry〕These verbs mean to think, write, or speak of as being of little value or importance.这些动词都表示当作没有什么价值或重要性的东西想、写出或说出来。〔deify〕To worship or revere as a god:神拜,神敬:把…当作神来崇拜或敬畏:〔wit〕 Wit implies intellectual keenness and the ability to perceive and express in a diverting, often pointed way analogies between essentially dissimilar things;humor, on the other hand, suggests the faculty of recognizing what is amusing, comical, incongruous, or absurd and using it as the basis for expression: Wit 暗指学术上的敏锐,和能够发现基本上不相似的事物之间的对比且能用一种令人发笑且通常尖锐的方式表达的能力;另一方面humor 暗指能够发现令人发笑,喜剧化的、不协调的或荒谬的东西且能把它当作表达基础的能力: 〔caring〕Some critics have objected to the use ofcaring as an adjective, perhaps because it appears to treat compassion as a chronic condition.The acceptability of the usage may therefore vary according to the relation between the source and object of the caring.Thus 74 percent of the Usage Panel accepts the sentence A child has a right to certain things: a secure home, a healthful environment, and caring parents. A smaller majority, 58 percent,acceptsWe are looking for a few caring people to help with this program, where the adjective appears to ascribe an undiscriminating disposition to care about whatever object of concern may present itself.Finally, only 29 percent of the Panel accepts 一些评论家反对把caring 当作形容词用, 也许是因为该词看起来把同情作为一种长期的状态来对待。对该词形容词用法的可接受性也许会因此根据同情的缘由和对象的关系而变化。所以有74%的用法专题使用小组成员认为 儿童有权享受一定的事物:安定的家庭,健康的环境以及充满爱心的父母一句可接受。 比例少一些的多数人。即58%的成员,认为我们正在寻找一些有同情心的人帮助实施这项计划 一句可接受。 该句中的形容词似乎把一种不加区别的性情当作关心任何一个可能出现的需要关心注意的对象。最后,只有29%的小组成员接受 〔borrow〕To adopt or use as one's own:擅自借用:采纳或当作自己的来使用:〔immigrate〕To send or introduce as immigrants:当作移民派出或引入:〔need〕Depending on the sense,the verbneed behaves sometimes like an auxiliary verb (such as can or may ) and sometimes like a main verb (such aswant or try ). When used as a main verb,need agrees with its subject, takesto before the verb following it, and combines withdo in questions, negations, and certain other constructions: 根据语义,动词need 有时当作助动词来使用(如 can 或 may ), 有时象实义动词(如want 或 try )。 当用作实义动词时,need 和主语一致, 把to 放在其后面动词的前面, 在疑问句、否定句或某些特定的造句法上和do 连用: 〔flimsy〕The origin offlimsy, although uncertain, is not completely obscure.The word is first recorded in English in the 17th century in a dictionary of cant, the jargon of people such as thieves and beggars.Its early senses "frail" and "trivial"as well as its form may link it withflim-flam, recorded first around 1538.The nounflim-flam could mean "a piece of nonsense or idle talk,” and the adjective could mean "frivolous.” Flim-flam itself is a reduplication in which the patternfl—m occurs twice, the first time with the sound (ĭ);the second, with the sound (ă). Flim may be related to the Old Norse wordflim, meaning "a lampoon, libel.”Flimsy 的词源虽然不确定, 但并不是完全不清楚。这个单词在17世纪首次用英语记载于一本行话字典里,即记载如小偷和乞丐等人所使用的隐语的字典。它最初的意思是“脆弱的”和“轻微的”,其形式可能与flim-flam 有联系, 首次记载大约是在1538年。Flim-flam 作名词时意思为“一句无意义的或无聊的话,” 作形容词时可当作“琐屑的,无意义的”讲。 Flim-flam 本身是一个重叠词,fl-m 这样形式出现两次, 第一次是与语音(i)组合;第二次是与语音(a)组合。 Flim 可能与古斯堪的纳维亚语flim 有关, 其意思为“讽刺,诽谤”〔see〕To consider to be; regard:把…看作;当作〔sneeze〕To treat as unimportant:小看:当作不重要的东西对待:〔pawn〕Something given as security for a loan; a pledge or guaranty.抵押品,典当物:当作借贷保证的事物;保证物或抵押物〔mucilage〕A sticky substance used as an adhesive.胶水:一种当作粘合剂使用的粘性的物质〔pass〕To offer, sell, or put into circulation (an imitation) as genuine:使用,贩卖:把(仿制品)当作真品提供、出售或流通:〔Jewess〕Like the feminine forms of other ethnic terms, such asNegress, the wordJewess has come to be widely regarded as offensive, since it seems to imply that the conjunction of Jewishness and female sex is sufficient to establish a distinct racial or social category.Where reference to gender is relevant,the phraseJewish woman can be used: 象其它种族名词的阴性形式一样,如Negess , 单词Jewess 已被普遍地当作一种无礼的用法, 因为它看来似乎是犹太人和女性的结合就足以形成一个独特的种族和社会类别。为了表达与性别相关时,词组Jewish woman 可以这样用: 〔pawn〕The condition of being held as a pledge against the payment of a loan:抵押:当作偿付贷款的保证的条件:〔what〕Whenwhat is the subject of a clause, it may be construed as singular or plural, depending on the sense.It is singular when taken as the equivalent ofthat which or the thing which, as inI see what seems to be a dead tree; and it is plural when it is taken as the equivalent ofthose which or the things which, as inHe sometimes makes what seem to be gestures of aloofness. ? When awhat clause is itself the subject of a sentence, it may be construed as singular or plural,but the conditions governing this choice are somewhat more complicated.In general, awhat clause will be taken as a plural when the clause contains an explicit indication of its own plurality. There are two principal cases.First, the clause is plural ifwhat is the subject of the clause and the verb of the clause is itself plural: What seem to be two dead trees are blocking the road. What most surprise me are the inflammatory remarks at the end of his article. If the verb in thewhat clause does not anticipate the plural sense of the predicate in this way, a singular verb is generally used in the main clause as well,though the plural is sometimes found:What truly commands respect is (sometimes are ) a large navy and a resolute foreign policy. Second, thewhat clause is treated as plural when its predicate contains a plural noun phrase that unambiguously establishes the plurality of the clause as a whole, as inWhat traditional grammarians called "predicates" are called "verb phrases" by modern linguists. What the Romans established as military outposts were later to become important trading centers. In the absence of explicit plural marking of either of these types in a subjectwhat clause, the clause is usually treated as singular for the purposes of agreement, regardless of the sense:What she held in her lap was four kittens. What the apparent diamonds turned out to be was paste. In some cases, however, a clause withwhat as the subject may be treated as singular or plural, depending on a subtle distinction of sense. InWhat excite him most are money and power, the implication is that money and power are distinct elements; inWhat excites him most is money and power, the implication is that money and power are taken as constituting a single entity.See Usage Note at which 当what 作为从句中的主语时, 它既可被当作单数也可以为复数,这取决于词义。当被看作是that which 或 the thing which 时它就是单数, 如在I see what seems to be a dead tree(我看到个象棵死树的物体)” 这句话中; 当它被用作those which 或 the things which 的对应词时它是复数, 如在He sometimes makes what seem to be gestures of aloofness(他有时做一些似乎很超然的手势) 中。 当what 从句本身是句子的主语时, 它可被当作单数或复数,但决定这种选择的条件略为复杂些。总体上说,what 从句的含有对其数性明确指示时,它就可以将当作复数。 这有两种最主要的情况:首先,如果what 是从句的主语而该从句的谓语动词本身是复数,从句就是复数: What seem to be two dead trees are blocking the road.(象两棵死树的物体挡着路); What mostsurprise me are the inflammatory remarks at the end of his article.(最令我吃惊的是他文章结尾处的煽动性言词) 。 如果what 从句的谓语动词并不预示谓语是复数, 主句中通常也用单数动词,尽管有时也可以发现有复数:What truly commands respect is(有时 are ) a large navy and a resolute foreign policy(真正博得尊敬的是强大的海军和坚定的外交政策) ; 其次what 从句在其谓语含有复数名词短语,并且其明显可建立整个从句的复数性时是被当作复数的, 如在What traditional grammarians called "predicates" are called "verb phrases" by modern linguists.(那些传统语法家所称为“谓语”的则被现代语言学家称作“动词短语”) What the Romans established as military outpostswere later to become important trading centers.(那些罗马人设为军事前哨基地的地方后来成为了重要的贸易中心)。 当what 从句主语缺乏这两类明确表示复数性的标记时, 从句通常为了一致性而不顾及词义地被当作单数:What she held in her lap was four kittens.(她抱在膝盖上的是四只小猫)。 What the apparent diamonds turned out to bewas paste.(那些看上去象真的钻石结果却是人造宝石) 。 然而,在一些情况下,以what 作主语的从句可被当单数或复数,取决于语义上微妙的差异。 在What excite him most are money and power(最让他兴奋的是金钱和权力), 这句话中暗含着金钱和权力是不同的成分; 在What excites him most is money and power(最让他兴奋的是金钱和权力), 这句话中暗含着金钱和权力是作为构成一个单一整体的成分 参见 which〔dartboard〕A circular board, often of cork, used as the target in a game of darts.靶:圆形的板子,常常是软木作的,用来当作掷镖游戏的靶子〔mountaineer〕To climb mountains for sport.把爬山当作运动的人〔naturalize〕To adapt or acclimate (a plant or an animal) to a new environment; introduce and establish as if native.使(动、植物)顺化:使(植物或支物)适应或驯化在一个新的环境;当作土生的介绍和安置〔gay〕The wordgay is now standard in its use to refer to the American homosexual community and its members;in this use it is generally lowercased.Gay is distinguished from homosexual in emphasizing the cultural and social aspects of homosexuality.Many writers reservegay for male homosexuals, but the word is also used to refer to homosexuals of both sexes;when the intended meaning is not clear in the context,the phrasegay and lesbian should be used. Like the other names of social groups that are derived from adjectives (e.g.,Black ), gay may be regarded as offensive when used as a noun to refer to particular individuals, as inThere were two gays on the panel; here a phrase such asgay people should be used instead. But there is no objection to the use of the noun in the pluralto refer to the general gay community,as inGays have united in opposition to the policy. See Usage Note at homosexual 单词gay 其用法已被普遍接受, 指的是美国的同性恋团体及其成员;在这种用法中,它一般小写。Gay 区别于 homosexual, 前者强调同性恋者的文化和社会方面。许多作家把gay 限定于男性同性恋者, 但这个单词也可用于指两种性别的同性恋者,当上下文的言外之意不太明确时,词组同性恋男性和同性恋女性 可以被使用。 就象其他从形容词派生来的社会群体名词一样(如,黑人 ), gay 如果当作为一个名词使用,指一些特殊的个体时,可能会被认为带有攻击性, 如在There were two gays on the panel; 在此处应该用词组gay people 来代替。 但是并没有人反对其名词的复数形式,指一般的同性恋团体,如句子同性恋者们已经团结起来对抗政策 参见 homosexual〔serve〕To be of service or use; function:用于:用于;当作〔caviar〕The roe of a large fish, especially sturgeon, that is salted, seasoned, and eaten as a delicacy or relish.鱼子酱:大鱼、尤其是鲟鱼的被腌制、加味并当作美味或调整味品食用的卵〔platen〕The roller in a typewriter that serves as the backing for the paper against which the type bars strike.滚筒:打字机中当作纸的衬垫物由打字棒击纸的滚筒〔pork〕The flesh of a pig or hog used as food.猪肉:当作食品的猪肉〔liken〕To see, mention, or show as similar; compare.看作、当作或显示相似的;比较




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