单词 | 强烈谴责 |
释义 | 〔fulminate〕fulminated against political chicanery.强烈谴责政治欺骗〔excoriate〕To censure strongly; denounce:非难:强烈谴责;公开指责:〔ironic〕Ironically, even as the government was fulminating against American policy, American jeans and videocassettes were the hottest items in the stalls of the market, 具有讽刺意味的是,甚至当政府正强烈谴责美国的政策时,美国牛仔裤和录像带却是市场的摊位上最抢手的商品, 〔anathematize〕To proclaim an anathema on; curse.强烈谴责;诅咒〔like〕Writers since Chaucer's time have usedlike as a conjunction, but 19th-century and 20th-century critics have been so vehement in their condemnations of this usage that a writer who uses the construction in formal style risks being accused of illiteracy or worse.Prudence requiresThe dogs howled as (not like ) we expected them to. Likeis more acceptably used as a conjunction in informal style with verbs such as feel, look, seem, sound, and taste, as inIt looks like we are in for a rough winter. But here tooas if is to be preferred in formal writing. There can be no objection to the use oflike as a conjunction when the following verb is not expressed, as inHe took to politics like a duck to water. See Usage Note at as 1together 自乔叟年代起,作家就把like 当作连接词用, 但19世纪和20世纪的批评家强烈谴责这种用法,在正式文体中使用这种结构的作家就有可能被指责为文盲或者更糟。为谨慎起见,就写狗不象 (而不是 like ) 我们想的那样叫。 Like在非正式文体中可作为连词和动词如 feel, look, seem, sound 及 taste 连用, 如在看起来我们将有一个难熬的冬天 中。 但这句如果出现于正式文体中人们更倾向于用as if 。 如果其后的动词无明确含义时,将like 作为连接词是不会有任何异议的, 如他对政治简直是如鱼得水 参见 as1together〔moot〕This usage may be originally the result of a misinterpretation of its legal sense in phrasessuch asa moot question. A number of critics have objected to this use,but it was accepted by 59 percent of the Usage Panelin the sentenceThe nominee himself chastised the White House for failing to do more to support him, but his concerns became moot when a number of Republicans announced that they, too, would oppose the nomination. 起初这种用法可能是它在法律意义误释的结果,如在短语一个不重要的问题 中, 许多评论家反对这一用法,可是它被用法小组59%的成员所接受,并出现于被提名者本人强烈谴责白宫没能更多地支持他, 但是当一些共和党人宣称他也将反对此次提名时,他就变得不那么重要了一句中 〔excoriate〕an editorial that excoriated the administration for its inaction.一篇强烈谴责政府无所事事的社论 |
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