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单词 强烈
释义 〔passionate〕Showing or expressing strong emotion; ardent:激昂的:显示或表达强烈感情的;热烈的:〔inflammatory〕Arousing passion or strong emotion, especially anger, belligerence, or desire.令人激动的,有煽动性的:激起热情或强烈感情的,尤指激起愤怒、敌意或欲望〔clamor〕A vehement expression of discontent or protest:大声疾呼:对异议和抗议的强烈表示:〔blast〕The violent effect of such an explosion, consisting of a wave of increased atmospheric pressure followed immediately by a wave of decreased pressure.震动:爆炸引起的强烈效果,包括一股被升高的气压,紧接一股低气压〔vivify〕To make more lively, intense, or striking; enliven:使生动:使更加有活力、强烈或引人注目;使栩栩如生:〔man〕Used as an expletive to indicate intense feeling:啊,呀:用作表示强烈感情的感叹词:〔anger〕A strong feeling of displeasure or hostility.怒,愤怒:一种强烈的不快或敌视的感觉〔tarweed〕Any of several strong-smelling, resinous western American and Chilean plants of the genusMadia, having yellow, rayed flower heads. 星草菊:任一种产于美国西部和智利的星草菊 属的有强烈气味并分泌树脂的植物,开有黄色的伞形花冠 〔nip〕A sharp, biting flavor; a tang:强烈辛辣的滋味;强烈的味道:〔exasperate〕ex- [intensive pref.] * see ex- ex- [强烈的前奏] * 参见 ex-〔passion〕 Fervor is great warmth and intensity of feeling: Fervor 指感情的极度热烈和强烈〔affect〕Strike implies keenness or force of mental response to a stimulus: Strike 暗含对刺激反应的强烈感情或心理力量: 〔vehement〕Characterized by forcefulness of expression or intensity of emotion or conviction; fervid:激烈的;热烈的:以表达的有力或感情、说服力的强烈为特征的;热情的,热诚的:〔tone〕To make less vivid, harsh, or violent; moderate.使…柔和:使变得不那么鲜明、生硬或强烈;调和〔overpowering〕an overpowering need for solitude.对孤独的强烈需求〔hot〕hot jazz.强烈而又即兴的爵士乐〔malign〕"One who belongs to the most vilified and persecuted minority in history is not likely to be insensible to the freedoms guaranteed by our Constitution" (Felix Frankfurter).Toasperse is to spread unfavorable charges or insinuations against: “那些历史上处于强烈被诋毁和被压迫的少数民族对我们宪章所保证的自由不可能无动于衷” (费里克斯·弗兰福特)。Asperse 是散布对某人不利的攻击或散布影射某人的话: 〔glare〕A hot sun glared down on the desert.火热的太阳强烈照射在沙漠上〔offer〕partisans who offered strong resistance to the invaders.对入侵者施以强烈抵抗的游击队〔loud〕The central meaning shared by these adjectives is "marked by or producing great volume and often disagreeable intensity of sound": 这些形容词共有的中心意思是“产生大音量和过分强烈的声音的,或有此特征的”: 〔amorous〕Strongly attracted or disposed to love, especially sexual love.色情的,好色的:被爱强烈吸引或耽于情欲的,特别是性爱的〔infatuation〕An object of extravagant, short-lived passion.令人痴迷之物:激起强烈而又短暂感情的物体〔fascination〕The state of being intensely interested or attracted:神魂颠倒:非常感兴趣或被强烈吸引住的状态:〔feeling〕"I have said that poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings: it takes its origin from emotion recollected in tranquillity" (William Wordsworth).“我曾经说过诗是强烈感情的自然流露:它源于情感,但在平静中回忆” (威廉·华兹华斯)。〔athirst〕Strongly desirous; eager:渴望的:强烈愿望的;热切的:〔communalism〕Strong devotion to the interests of one's own minority or ethnic group rather than those of society as a whole.集团主义:对自己的少数民族或种族群体而不是对整体社会的强烈热爱〔strike〕To affect or overcome with strong emotion:受强烈感情影响或控制:〔parsnip〕A strong-scented plant(Pastinaca sativa) cultivated for its long, white, edible, fleshy root. 欧洲萝卜,欧洲防风根:一种有强烈气味的植物(美国防风) 因长有长而白且可食用的肉根而栽培 〔eager〕Having or showing keen interest, intense desire, or impatient expectancy.See Usage Note at anxious 热切的:具有或显出浓厚的兴趣、强烈的愿望或迫不及待地期望 参见 anxious〔chromodynamics〕The physics of the relationship between color-carrying quarks, especially the nature of their strong interaction, which is characterized by the exchange of gluons.色动力学:带色夸克之间联系的物理学,尤指其强烈相互作用的本质,是以胶子的交换为特征的〔contrasty〕Having or producing sharp contrasts between light and dark areas in photography.强反差的:在摄影中具有强烈明暗反差或产生强烈明暗差异的〔foodie〕A person who has an ardent or refined interest in food; a gourmet:美食家:对食物有强烈或优雅的兴趣的人;美食家:〔smelly〕Having a noticeable, usually unpleasant or offensive odor.有气味的:有一种强烈,通常是令人不快或使人生厌的气味的〔fervor〕Great warmth and intensity of emotion.See Synonyms at passion 热诚,热烈:极大的热情或情感的强烈 参见 passion〔Gallomania〕A strong predilection for anything French.法国狂:偏爱一切法国事物的强烈偏见〔appetite〕an appetite for learning.学习的强烈愿望〔tension〕A balanced relation between strongly opposing elements:平衡:强烈对立的因素间的平衡关系:〔slatch〕In New Englandaslatch can be a lull between breaking waves or a lull in a high windstorm.Its use is recorded as far back as the 17th century: "Whan it hath beene a sett of foule weather and that there comes an Interim . . . of faire weather . . . they call it a little Slatch of faire weather" (Nomenclator Navalis).Occurrence of the word in both its senses,formerly in Britainand now in New England,attests continuous use down through the centuries of the Old English wordslæc, which is pronounced today as it was in Old English.Slæc is also the source of modern slack, the relationship ofslatch and slack being evidenced in the use of slatch in 17th-century nautical parlance to denote the slack part of a rope or cable on a ship. 在新英格兰,slatch 可能是中断的波浪之间的平静, 也可能是强烈风暴中的平静。它有记载的使用可以追溯到17世纪: “当一段坏天气中出现一阵…好天气时…他们把它叫做一小强烈风暴间的好天气” (诺曼克莱特·那瓦利斯)。这个词出现在这两个意思中,以前在英国使用,现在是在新英格兰,这证明了古英语中sloc 这个词经历几个世纪的不断的使用, 它现在的发音与它在古英语中的发音一样。Sloc 还是现代英语中 slack 这个词的词源, 17世纪航海用语中用slatch 这个词来表示船上绳索松散的部分,这清楚地表明了 slatch 与 slack 这两个词之间的联系 〔clash〕To strike together with a loud, harsh, metallic noise.撞击:击打并发出强烈刺耳的金属响声〔clash〕To collide with a loud, harsh, usually metallic noise:发出撞击声:碰撞,伴随着强烈刺耳的、通常为金属般的嘈杂声:




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