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单词 弗朗西斯科
释义 〔Quivira〕A legendary city of fabulous wealth sought by Francisco de Coronado and thought to be located near what is now the city of Great Bend in central Kansas.可薇拉:弗朗西斯科·德·科罗讷多寻求的传说中极富的城市,据说位于今天堪萨斯州中部大本德市附近〔Almeida〕Portuguese colonial administrator who was the first viceroy of the Portuguese possessions in India (1505-1509).阿尔梅达,弗朗西斯科·德:(1450?-1510) 葡萄牙殖民长官,首任葡属印度总督(1505-1509年)〔Bobadilla〕Spanish colonial administrator who succeeded Columbus as viceroy of the Indies (1499-1502).博瓦迪利亚,弗朗西斯科·德:(卒于 1502) 西班牙殖民统治者,曾继哥伦布任印第安总督(1499-1502年)〔redia〕after Francesco Redi (1626-1697), Italian naturalist 源自弗朗西斯科 雷迪 (1626-1697年),意大利博物学家 〔Chopin〕Polish-born French composer and pianist of the romantic era. His music, written chiefly for the piano, was based on traditional Polish dance themes.桥平,弗雷德里克·弗朗西斯科:(1810-1849) 浪漫主义时期波兰裔法国作曲家和钢琴家。他写的以钢琴曲为主的音乐以传统的波兰舞蹈主题为基础〔Stradivari〕Italian violinmaker who developed the proportions of the modern violin and created instruments of unsurpassed beauty and tone. His sonsFrancesco (1671-1743) and Omobono (1679-1742) carried on the family tradition of fine artistry. 斯特拉迪瓦里,安东尼奥:(1644?-1737) 意大利小提琴制作家,他发展了现代小提琴的各部分间的比例关系,制造出了具有不可超越的美观与音调的乐器。他的儿子弗朗西斯科 (1671-1743年)和 奥莫博诺 (1679-1742年)继承了其家族的高雅艺术传统 〔Sforza〕Family of Milanese political leaders, includingFrancesco (1401-1466), a captain of mercenaries who declared himself duke of Milan (1450). His son Ludovico (1451?-1508) was duke of Milan (1481-1499) and a patron of Leonardo da Vinci. 斯佛萨:米兰政治领袖家族,其中有弗朗西斯科 (1401-1466年),他是雇佣兵首领并声称自己是米兰公爵(1450年)。他的儿子 卢多维克 (1451?-1508年)是米兰公爵(1481-1499年)且是雷翁那多·达·芬奇的资助人 〔Franco〕Spanish soldier and political leader who directed the Nationalist government and rebel armed forces that defeated the Republicans in the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). He ruled as dictator (1939-1975) until his death, upon which the Bourbon monarchy was restored.佛朗哥,弗朗西斯科:(1892-1975) 西班牙军人和政治领袖,领导民族主义政府在反对西班牙内战中(1936-1939年)击退共和党员的武装力量。他在(1939-1975年)年期间以独裁者姿态统治直到死,其后波旁皇室君主政体复位〔Socinus〕Italian theologian who based his anti-Trinitarian teachings on the doctrine formulated by his uncleLaelius Socinus (1525-1562), originally Lelio Francesco Maria Sozzini. Their system of Socinianism greatly influenced the development of Unitarian theology. 索齐尼,福斯图斯:(1539-1604) 意大利神学家,他反对三位一体论,其教义以他的叔叔利力尔斯·索齐尼 (1525-1562年),原名莱利奥·弗朗西斯科·马利亚·索齐尼所构想的教义为基础。他们的索齐尼斯主义体系极大地影响了唯一神教派神学的发展 〔Madero〕Mexican revolutionary and politician who forced the resignation of Porfirio Díaz and assumed the presidency (1911). Unable to effect reform, he was overthrown and imprisoned by Victoriano Huerta (1913) and was killed while reportedly attempting to escape.马德罗,弗朗西斯科·印达尔希奥:(1873-1913) 墨西哥革命家和政治家,在强迫普弗里雯·迪亚斯辞职后自己担任总统(1911年)。由于改革未能成功,他被维克多里亚诺·韦尔塔推翻并囚禁(1913年),据说他在企图逃跑时被杀〔Lima〕[lēʹmə] The capital and largest city of Peru, in the west-central part of the country near the Pacific Ocean. Founded by Francisco Pizarro in 1535, it was the capital of Spain's New World empire until the 19th century. The city was largely rebuilt after earthquakes in 1687 and 1746. Population, 371,122.[lēʹmə] 利马:秘鲁首都和最大城市,位于太平洋附近秘鲁中西部。在1535年由弗朗西斯科·皮扎罗建立,在19世纪前一直是西班牙在新大陆的帝国的首都。在1687年及1746年地震后被大规模地重建。人口371,122〔Monterey〕A city of western California south of San Francisco onMonterey Bay, an inlet of the Pacific Ocean. First settled in 1770 around a Franciscan mission, Monterey was a Spanish colonial capital for much of the time from 1774 to 1846, when it was taken by U.S. naval forces. The city and scenic Monterey Peninsula attract many tourists to the area. Population, 31,954. 蒙特里:美国加利福尼亚西部一城市,位于旧金山南部,太平洋的一个小入海口蒙特里海湾 沿岸。最早1770年建于弗朗西斯科教区附近,1774年到1846年的大部分时期中它是西班牙的殖民地首府,1846年被美国海军占领。该市和风景优美的 蒙特里半岛 成为游客向往的旅游胜地。人口31,954 〔Kino〕Italian-born Jesuit missionary who explored and mapped much of the American Southwest and Mexico.吉纳,优西比奥·弗朗西斯科:(1645?-1711) 生于意大利的耶稣会传教士,曾考察和绘制了美国西南部和墨西哥的大部分的地图〔Santander〕Colombian politician who helped liberate Colombia from Spanish rule (1819) and later served as president of New Granada (1832-1837).桑坦德,弗朗西斯科·德·鲍拉:(1792-1840) 哥伦比亚政治家,曾为从西班牙统治者手中解放哥伦比亚(1819年)效力,后来成为新格林纳达(1832-1837年)的总统〔Pizarro〕Spanish explorer and conqueror of the Inca Empire of Peru (1531-1533). He founded the city of Lima in 1535.皮萨罗,弗朗西斯科:(1475?-1541) 西班牙探险家和秘鲁印加帝国的征服者(1531-1533年)。1535年他建立了利马城〔Palou〕Spanish missionary in America. He set a boundary between Alta California and Baja California (1773) that was later used to set the boundary between the United States and Mexico.佩罗,弗朗西斯科:(1722-1789) 在美国的西班牙传教士。他划定了阿尔塔加利福尼亚和下加利福尼亚州(1773年)的疆界,即后来用于美国和墨西哥之间的疆界〔Serra〕Spanish missionary who founded nine Franciscan missions in California (1769-1782).塞拉,胡宁佩罗:(1713-1784) 在加利福尼亚建立了九个弗朗西斯科传教区的西班牙传道士(1769-1782年)〔Villa〕Mexican revolutionary leader who ran unsuccessfully for the presidency after the Mexican Revolution (1910) and later attempted to oust (1914-1915) President Venustiano Carranza.维亚,弗朗西斯科:(1877?-1923) 墨西哥革命领导人,墨西哥革命战争(1910年)后竞选总统未成,后来预谋推翻当权总统维纳斯特诺·卡兰萨(1914-1915年)〔Coronado〕Spanish explorer who in his quest for the fabled Seven Cities of Cibola was the first to explore Arizona and New Mexico.科罗纳多,弗朗西斯科·万克斯·德:(1510-1554) 西班牙探险者,在征服传说中的锡伯拉七城时,他是第一个到达亚利桑那和新墨西哥的人




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