单词 | 建筑风格 |
释义 | 〔colonial〕A house designed in an architectural style reminiscent of the one prevalent in the American colonies just before and during the Revolution.殖民时代建筑:一种房屋,设计类似于北美革命时期流行于北美殖民地的建筑风格〔Tudor〕Of, relating to, or characteristic of an architectural style derived from this period, having exposed beams as a typical feature.都铎式的:都铎王朝式建筑风格的,典型特征是外露的横梁〔harmonious〕a harmonious blend of architectural styles.各种建筑风格的完美的结合〔Byzantine〕Of or belonging to the style of architecture developed from the fifth centurya.d. in the Byzantine Empire, characterized by a central dome resting on a cube formed by four round arches and their pendentives and by the extensive use of surface decoration, especially veined marble panels, low relief carving, and colored glass mosaics. 具有拜占庭风格的:公元 5世纪在拜占庭帝国发展起来的建筑风格的,这种建筑风格的主要特征是在由四个圆拱及其三角穹隆形成的立方体结构上有一中心圆顶,且在建筑物表面上大量装饰,特别是在大理石方格上镂出纹理、塑出低度浮雕以及用彩色玻璃镶嵌 〔Moorish〕Of, relating to, or being a style of Spanish architecture of the 8th to the 16th century, characterized by the horseshoe arch and ornate decoration.摩尔式的:属于、关于或成为8世纪至16世纪西班牙一种建筑风格的,具有能上能下的蹄形拱和华丽装饰的特征〔perpendicular〕Often Perpendicular Of or relating to a style of English Gothic architecture of the 14th and 15th centuries, characterized by emphasis of the vertical element. 常作 Perpendicular 哥特式的:与14和15世纪英国哥特式建筑风格的,或与之有关的,以强调垂直部分为特点〔Gothic〕Of or relating to an architectural style derived from medieval Gothic.哥特式建筑的:源于中世纪哥特式建筑风格的〔order〕a cathedral of the Gothic order.哥特式建筑风格的教堂〔brutalism〕A style of architecture characterized by massive or monolithic forms typically unrelieved by exterior decoration.野兽派:一种建筑风格,特点是展示未经装饰的巨大构件〔Romanesque〕Of, relating to, or being a style of European architecture containing both Roman and Byzantine elements, prevalent especially in the 11th and 12th centuries and characterized by thick walls, barrel vaults, and relatively unrefined ornamentation.罗马式的:属于、有关或具有一种包含了古罗马和拜占庭特色的欧洲建筑风格的,该风格尤盛行于11世纪和12世纪,特点为包括厚实的墙、筒珙穹顶及相对不精细的装饰品〔imitate〕a building that evokes the neoclassic style of architecture without copying it. Tomimic is to make a close imitation, as of another's actions, speech, or mannerisms, often with an intent to ridicule: 一座再现新古典主义建筑风格但没有照搬的建筑物。 mimic 是对他人的动作,话语或特殊习惯等作相近的模仿, 经常是为了取笑: 〔Hellenistic〕Relating to or in the style of the Greek art or architecture of this period.古希腊建筑式的,古希腊艺术风格的:这段时期的古希腊艺术或建筑风格的或与其有关的〔Palladian〕Of or characteristic of an architectural style of the mid 18th century derived from that of Palladio, especially in Britain.帕拉迪奥式建筑的:18世纪中期的一种建筑风格的或有其特点的,起源于帕拉第奥的建筑风格,尤其是在英国〔federal〕Federal Relating to or characteristic of a style of architecture, furniture, and decoration produced in the United States especially in the late 18th and early 19th centuries and characterized by adaptations of classical forms combined with typically American motifs. Federal 美国建筑风格的:与美国生产的建筑,家具,和装饰品有关的或具有其特点的,尤指在18世纪晚期和19世纪早期的,其特点是古典形式与典型美国图案的联合采用〔multiplicity〕the multiplicity of architectural styles on that street.那条街上建筑风格多种多样〔Florentine〕Of or relating to the style of art and architecture that flourished in Florence, Italy, during the Renaissance.佛罗伦萨式的:文艺复兴时期有关于在意大利佛罗伦萨兴起的艺术风格和建筑风格的〔ornate〕Flamboyant relates to a French Gothic architectural style marked by wavy flamelike forms;in a less technical sensethe term suggests excessively vivid color, overwrought design, or striking audacity or verve: Flamboyant 与一种法国哥德式建筑风格有关,该风格以类似跳动火焰的设计为特色;在非专业技术含义中,该词意味着过分活泼的色彩、过度夸张的设计或令人震惊的大胆或气魄: 〔Gothic〕The combinationGothic romance represents a union of two of the major influences in the development of European culture, the Roman Empire and the Germanic tribes that invaded it.The Roman origins ofromance must be sought in the etymology of that word, but we can see clearly thatGothic is related to the name Goth used for one of the Germanic tribes that invaded the Roman Empire.The wordGothic, which is first recorded in 1611 in a reference to the language of the Goths, was extended in sense in several ways, meaning "Germanic,” "medieval, not classical,” "barbarous,”and also an architectural style that was not Greek or Roman.Gothic, originally in the sense "medieval, not classical,” was applied by Horace Walpole to his novelThe Castle of Otranto, a Gothic Story, published in 1765. From this novel,filled with scenes of terror and gloom in a medieval setting,have descended the Gothic romances of today.Gothic romance 的组合代表对欧洲文化发展起主要作用的两个事物的联合, 这两个事物就是罗马帝国和侵犯它的日耳曼部落。romance 的罗马语源必须从这个词的词源里去找, 但我们也很清楚Gothic 是跟 Goth 有关的, 这个词被侵犯罗马帝国的一个日耳曼人部落所使用。Gothic 1611年第一次出现在一本描绘哥特语的注释书里, 有几个意思:“日耳曼人的”,“中世纪的,非古典的,”“野蛮的,”和非希腊和罗马的建筑风格。Gothic 最初意思是“中世纪的,非古典的,” 在霍勒斯·沃波尔1765年出版的小说奥特朗托的城堡,哥特的故事 中出现。 这本小说里,在中世纪的背景衬托下,充满了恐怖、阴暗的画面,它开创了哥特式浪漫主义并流传至今〔Gothic〕Of or relating to an architectural style prevalent in western Europe from the 12th through the 15th century and characterized by pointed arches, rib vaulting, and flying buttresses.哥特式的:流行于西欧的12世纪到15世纪的一种建筑风格的,特征是有尖角的拱门,肋形拱顶和飞拱〔Cram〕American architect and noted exponent of the Gothic revival. He designed part of the Cathedral of Saint John the Divine in New York City.克拉姆,拉尔夫·亚当斯:(1863-1942) 美国建筑师和著名的哥德复兴式建筑风格的倡导者。他设计了部分纽约城的圣约翰大教堂〔Moresque〕Characteristic of Moorish art or architecture.具有摩尔式艺术或建筑风格的〔baroque〕also Baroque Of, relating to, or characteristic of a style in art and architecture developed in Europe from about 1550 to 1700, emphasizing dramatic, often strained effect and typified by bold, curving forms, elaborate ornamentation, and overall balance of disparate parts. 也作 Baroque 巴洛克风格的:约1550到1700年间盛行于欧洲的一种艺术和建筑风格,属于、关于或有这种风格的特点的。这种风格强调戏剧效果,特征是有大胆的曲线结构、复杂的装饰和完全不同部分之间的整体协调〔keeping〕"A facade had been added, in perfect keeping with[the] original architecture" (Nancy Holmes)“人们给那座建筑加上了一个正面,与 原建筑风格十分协调” (南希·霍姆斯)〔Wright〕American architect whose distinctive style, based on natural forms, had a great influence on the modern movement in architecture. His designs include private homes, the Johnson Wax Company Building in Racine, Wisconsin (1939), and the Guggenheim Museum in New York City (1943-1959).莱特,弗兰克·劳埃德:(1869-1959) 美国建筑师,他基于自然形式的特殊建筑风格极大地影响了现代建筑业。他的设计包括私人住宅,在威斯康星州的拉辛市的约翰逊制腊公司办公大楼(1939年),和纽约的古根海姆博物馆(1943-1959年)〔Bramante〕Italian architect who evolved the style known as High Renaissance. He provided the original central plan for the new Saint Peter's Basilica (begun in 1506).布拉曼特,多纳托:(1444-1514) 意大利建筑设计师,他发展了文艺复兴时期的建筑风格。并提出了新圣彼得教堂(始建于1506年)的最初核心计划〔sedile〕One of a set of seats, usually three, provided in some Roman Catholic and Anglican churches for the use of the presiding clergy, traditionally placed on the epistle side of the choir near the altar, and in Gothic-style churches often built into the wall.祭祀席:一排坐席(通常是三个)中的一个,在罗马天主教和英国国教中为主祭祀供用,传统上置于靠近祭坛的合唱团的使徒书边,在哥特式建筑风格的教堂里经常被置于墙的里面 |
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