单词 | 废除 |
释义 | 〔extinct〕an extinct custom.See Synonyms at dead 废除了的习俗 参见 dead〔dismantle〕dismantling the cumbersome regulations for interstate trucking.废除州际间货车运输的繁琐规章〔set〕To declare invalid; annul or overrule:废除:声明无用、取消或否决:〔repeal〕The act or process of repealing.废除:撤销的行为或过程〔obliterate〕To do away with completely so as to leave no trace.See Synonyms at abolish 废除:完全废除,使毫无痕迹 参见 abolish〔rescissory〕Of, relating to, or having the power of rescission.废除的:属于、关于或有权废除的〔dismantle〕To put an end to in a gradual systematic way:终止,废除:以逐渐有系统的方式结束:〔desegregate〕To abolish or eliminate segregation in.取消隔离:废除或取消隔离〔recision〕The act of rescinding; annulment or cancellation.废除:撤消的行为;解除或取消〔reform〕To abolish abuse or malpractice in:改良:废除弊病和陋习:〔dispense〕a country that has dispensed with tariff barriers.已废除关税障碍的国家〔Foote〕American naval officer who abolished (1862) liquor rations in the navy and commanded Union vessels on the upper Mississippi River during the Civil War.富特,安德鲁·赫尔:(1806-1863) 美国海军军官。他废除了海军中酒的配给(1862年)。在美国内战期间,领导联军战舰在密西西比河上游作战〔impetuous〕"Some of the fickle populace began to doubt whether they had not been rather precipitate in deposing his brother" (Washington Irving).“一些多变的人开始怀疑他们把他的兄弟废除掉是不是太不考虑后果了” (华盛顿·欧文)。〔Lovejoy〕American cleric and journalist who was killed while attempting to protect his printing press from a mob opposed to his abolitionist writings.拉夫卓伊,以利亚·帕里什:(1802-1837) 美国牧师和新闻记者。因极力保护其印刷物,而被反对其关于废除死刑作品的暴民杀死〔defeasance〕The voiding of a contract or deed.废除:指合同或契约的作废〔Blackwell〕American social reformer. The first formally appointed (1852) woman pastor in America, she advocated abolition, temperance, and women's rights.布莱克威尔,安托瓦妮特·路易萨·布朗:(1825-1921) 美国社会改革家。第一位被正式任命(1852年)的女性牧师,她倡导废除黑奴制度、禁酒和妇女权利〔abrogate〕To abolish, do away with, or annul, especially by authority.撤消,废除:尤指官方的正式废除、中止或取消〔scratch〕To strike out or cancel (a word, for example) by or as if by drawing lines through.勾划掉:通过划线或类似方法去掉或者废除(例如一个字)〔Gordon〕British rebel who instigated anti-Catholic riots in London (1780) to demand the repeal of the Catholic Relief Act of 1778.戈登,乔治:(1751-1793) 英国造反者,他在伦敦煽动了反天主教暴乱(1780年),要求废除1778年的天主教徒解救法案〔undoing〕The act of reversing or annulling something accomplished; a cancellation.取消,废除:使完成的某事倒退或取消的行为;取消〔abolition〕from abolitus [past participle of] abolēre [to abolish] * see abolish 源自 abolitus abolēre的过去分词 [废除] * 参见 abolish〔desegregate〕To become open to members of all races or ethnic groups.开放,废除种族隔离:向所有种族开放〔cassation〕Abrogation or annulment by a higher authority.取消:被一个更高的权威取消或废除〔overthrow〕overturn existing institutions;废除了现存的制度;〔hopefully〕And though this use ofhopefully may have been a vogue word when it first gained currency 30 years ago, it has long since lost any taint of jargon or pretentiousness for the general reader.The well-attested acceptance of the usage reflects an implicit popular recognition of its usefulness;there is no precise substitute.Someone who saysHopefully, the treaty will be ratified makes a hopeful prediction about the fate of the treaty,whereas someone who saysI hope (or We hope or It is hoped ) the treaty will be ratified expresses a bald statement about what is desired. Only the latter could be continued with a clause such asbut it isn't likely. · It might have been expected, then, that the initial flurry of objections tohopefully would have subsided once the usage became well established. Instead, increased currency of the usage appears only to have made the critics more adamant.In the 1969 Usage Panel survey the usage was acceptable to 44 percent of the Panel;in the most recent survey it was acceptable to only 27 percent.(By contrast, 60 percent accepted the analogous use ofmercifully in the sentence Mercifully, the game ended before the opponents could add another touchdown to the lopsided score. ) Yet the Panel has not shown any signs of becoming generally more conservative:in the very same survey panelists were disposed to accept once-vilified usagessuch as the employment ofcontact and host as verbs. · It seems that this use ofhopefully has been made a litmus test, which distinguishes writers who take an active interest in questions of grammar or usage from the great mass of people who keep their own linguistic counsel.No one can be blamed who useshopefully in blithe ignorance of the critics' disdain for it, since the rule could not be derived from any general concern for clarity or precision.But writers who are aware of the critical controversy face a more delicate decision.Some will simply flout the rule,seeing no reason that they should be deprived of a useful construction.Others may choose to avoid the usage,whether they are motivated by discretion or civility. ·Like other sentence adverbs such asbluntly and happily, hopefully may occasionally be ambiguous. In the sentenceHopefully, the company has launched a new venture, the word hopefully might be construed as describing the point of view of either the speaker or the subject. Such ambiguities can be resolved either by repositioning the adverb (as inThe company has launched the new venture hopefully ) or by choosing a paraphrase ( One may hope that the company has launched the new venture ). 尽管hopefully 的这一用法在30年前首次通用的时候曾是个时兴词, 但对于广大读者来说它早已失去了俚语或矫饰的色彩。屡经证实的对这一用法的接受反映了对其实用性的普遍默认;而且并不存在其他精确的代用词。有人如果说但愿条约能被批准 , 便是对条约的命运作了充满希望的预测,反之如果有人说我希望 (或 我们希望 或 希望 ) 条约将会被批准 则表达了对其期望之物的大胆声明。 只有后者可以接从句象但这不大可能 。 也许我们本可以期待当这一用法已变得根深蒂固之后, 对hopefully 的一片反对声可稍事平息。 然而,这一用法的流行似乎反而使批评家们更为坚定。在1969年用法调查使用小组的调查中44%的成员接受这一用法;在最近一次的调查中却只有27%的成员接受。(相比之下,60%的人接受mercifully 在句子 幸好,在对手能够给这一边倒的比分再加上一分之前,比赛就结束了 中的类似用法) 但是并没有任何迹象表明调查小组成员正在普遍变得更保守:在同一次调查中小组成员们倾向于接受被一度废除的某些用法,如把contact 和 host 用作动词看来。 似乎hopefully 的用法已经成了一块试金石, 它把对语法和用法怀有浓厚兴趣的作家和保留着他们自己的语言学顾问的广大民众区分开来。那些全然忽视批评家们的蔑视使用hopefully 的人不该受到指责, 因为规则并不来源于任何对清晰和精确的关注。但是意识到了批评界争议的作者们面对着一个更为微妙的决定。有些人干脆违反规则,他们认为没有理由要失去这么一个实用的结构。另外一些人则选择避免这一用法,无论其动机是出于谨慎还是出于礼貌。象许多其它句中副词如bluntly 和 happily一样,hopefully 经常出现歧义。 在下句 Hopefully, the company has launched a new venture 中, hopefully 一词可以解释为记述说话者的观点或者句中主语的观点。 这种歧义可以通过调换副词位置(如公司已经满怀希望地到办了一个新企业 )或选择另一种说法( 有人希望这个公司已经创办了一个新企业 )来消除 〔unmake〕To deprive of position, rank, or authority; depose.废除:剥夺…的职位,级别,或权力;废黜〔abolitionism〕Advocacy of the abolition of slavery.废奴主义:废除奴隶制的主张〔Cornish〕The Brythonic language of Cornwall, which has been extinct since the late 18th century.康沃尔语:18世纪后期废除的康沃尔郡的凯尔特语〔abolish〕The legislature passed a law to abolish the surtax.立法机关通过了一项废除附加税的法令。〔Jackson〕The seventh President of the United States (1829-1837), who as a general in the War of 1812 defeated the British at New Orleans (1815). As president he opposed the Bank of America, objected to the right of individual states to nullify disagreeable federal laws, and increased the presidential powers.杰克逊,安德鲁:(1767-1845) 美国第七任总统(1829-1837年),是1812年的战争中美军的将军,于1815年在新奥尔良打败英军。任总统期间他反对美洲银行,反对各州拥有把相抵触的联邦法律废除的权力,增大了总统的集权〔Wilberforce〕British politician. As a member of Parliament (1780-1825) he campaigned for the British abolition of slavery.威尔伯福斯,威廉:(1759-1833) 英国的政治家。曾于任英国下院议员(1780—1825年)时,致力于废除奴隶制的工作〔annul〕To make or declare void or invalid, as a marriage or a law; nullify.废除:制定,宣布免除或无效,如婚约或法律;废除〔prime〕The second of the seven canonical hours. No longer in ecclesiastical use.第二个时间:七段祈祷时间中的第二段。基督教会中已废除〔Birney〕American politician and abolitionist who sought to end slavery through political channels and moral argumentation.伯尼,詹姆斯·吉莱斯皮:(1792-1857) 美国政治家和废奴主义者,通过政治渠道和道德论教寻求废除奴隶制〔abolition〕The act of doing away with or the state of being done away with; annulment.废除,消灭:消除的动作或状态;取消〔decriminalize〕To reduce or abolish criminal penalties for:减小或废除…的刑事惩罚:〔lobotomy〕Surgical incision into the frontal lobe of the brain to sever one or more nerve tracts, a technique formerly used to treat certain mental disorders but now rarely performed.脑白质切除术:一种外科手术,即切入脑部额叶切除一个或几个神经束。以前经常用于治疗精神混乱症,但现已废除〔revocation〕The act or an instance of revoking.撤消:撤消或废除的行为或实例〔correct〕"Whenever [the people] shall grow weary of the existing government, they can exercise their constitutional right of amending it, or their revolutionary right to dismember or overthrow it" (Abraham Lincoln).See also Synonyms at punish “无论什么时候 对现存政府厌倦了, 他们都能行使他们改善政府的宪法权,或者废除、颠覆它的革命权利” (亚伯拉罕·林肯) 参见同义词 punish〔Grey〕British politician who as prime minister (1830-1834) implemented parliamentary and social reforms, notably the abolition of slavery throughout the British Empire.格雷,查尔斯:(1764-1845) 英国政治家,任首相(1830-1834年)时,他实行了议会和社会改革, 以其在英帝国范围内废除奴隶制而闻名 |
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